• Published 23rd May 2015
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Parenthood and past stories - SolidFerret

If your daughter asks how you two met or why dad has a scar on his face, you sit down and tell her. If she wants to prank mom, make sure dad is the scapegoat.

  • ...

Sleeping on the couch tonight

Raine snickered as she thought out her plan. It was all to perfect for her mom to not fall for it. She looked over to see her dad give a salute to her before going back into his hiding spot. Getting her best casual look, she waited anxiously for the front door to open and reveal her latest victim.

Whirlwind walked through the door, showing off the style she got her mane done a few minutes ago.

"Family, I'm home." She called out. Her little filly ran to her and gave Whirlwind a hug.

"Hi mommy!" She squealed.

"Hey sweetie." Whirlwind kissed her daughters head. "How was your day?"

"Great!" Raine giggled. "Daddy was helping me with something in my room."

"Oh really?" Whirlwind asked as she patted her mane. "Like my new style, Raine?"

"You look very pretty mommy." Her daughter responded.

"Why thank you." Her mom told her. "I needed done for tonight since the Wonderbolt event required us to be formal."

"Mommy, you're not a formal mare." Raine giggled.

"Well sometimes I need to be for my job. But since I got it done early, I get to spend time with you and daddy before I go." She said before ruffling her daughters mane.

"Yay!" Raine squealed before hugging her moms hoof.

"Dubz, that you?" Prism's voice rang out from down the hall of their house.

"Yes dear!" She called out.

"Oh! Daddy said he was gonna need your help when you got home." Raine tugged on her moms hoof. "Come on!" She called to her as she ran back to her room.

"Sweetie, wait." Whirlwind called to her and walked after her.

It's been a few years since Prism Bolt and Whirlwind had their first child, and even longer since they had gotten back together. Sometime after the fire incident, Prism confessed his love for her and they've been happy together ever since. The two had married and moved into a house in Ponyville (Prism refused to discuss about moving to Cloudsdale) and one day agreed to have a foal. Raine was born just a few years ago, and the two were more than joyed to have her in their lives.

The little filly's hooves scuffed across the floor as she slid between the small space of a nearly closed door as Prism popped out of his hiding spot.

"It's all set." He whispered to his daughter, snickering through closed teeth.

"Okay!" Raine giggled as she waited.

Whirlwind got to the slightly ajar door that had "Raine" painted on it in purple letters. "Sweetie, I'm not as fast as I use to be. What is it you-"

As she peaked though, cold water rained down on her. Her once styled mane was now dripping wet as a bucket swung from the top of the door.

"Haha! We got her." Raine cheered as she hopped up in down in joy. Prism laughed, rolling on his back and holding his stomach.

"We sure did Raine." He laughed as he sat up and looked to his wife, who was steaming mad.

"Oh.... she doesn't look happy." He said.

"PRISM!" She screamed angrily, causing Raine to cover her ears.

"Whirlwind.... chill." Prism said.

"I got my mane done early so that I could spend time with you guys, but I see you have other plans." she scolded.

"I didn't know you had-"

"Zip it!" Whirlwind shot back.

As the argument continued, Raine looked back between the two. Tears welled in her eyes as she shrank back at her moms loud voice.

"So I guess I'll be seeing you later tonight. In fact, I don't want to." Raine's mom told her husband. That struck her hard. "You can sleep on the couch tonight."

"Come on Dubz..."

"Nope! I don't want to hear it. I gotta go get this redone before tonight." Whirlwind turned to leave. "You're cooking dinner tonight by the way."

"Yeah, I figured that." Prism talked back just as the front door was slammed.

"Well kiddo, looks like it's gonna be you and me tonight. Wanna get some pizza?" Prism turned to see his daughter running down the hall.


"It's all my fault..." Raine whispered to herself over and over again as she hid in the bathroom cabinet, which was her favorite hiding spot. The little filly had been hiding there for a little over an hour, holding her tail and weeping silently.

"She hates him now.... because of me." She wept. "Mommy hates daddy..." She buried her face into her hooves and cried more.

"Raine, where are you?" Prisms voice called out. Raine gasped and covered her mouth to try and not to make a lot of noise.

"Come on out kiddo, I brought home pizza. We can watch The Three Hoof-ges."

Raine sighed and wiped her face before crawling out. She went over to the sink and washed the tears out of her eyes before going out to face her father.

"How do I tell her.... that it was my idea..." The small filly whispered to herself as she walked out to the living room.

"Hey there sport." Prism greeted his daughter. "I got cheese, your favorite. Let me fix you up a plate." He said.

Sitting on the couch and watching TV, Raine was wondering when Prism would ask her why she let mom get mad at him or if she was gonna have to pour a bucket over her head now.

"So hey, Fraise is gonna be coming down here next weekend and we're gonna have a get together." Prism told his daughter as he set a plate with two slices of cheese pizza and napkins on the coffee table. "How does that sound kiddo?"

"Sounds... great... is Uncle Hot Head coming?" She asked, trying to change the conversation.

"Sorry, but he and his special somepony got news recently and they're.... occupied." Her dad told, a somber look on his face.

"What is it?"

"When you're older."

Giving an annoyed huff, Raine chewed on her pizza crust and watched tv, seeing the trio of dimwitted ponies on the screen get into mishaps. One instance stuck to her as one of them poured acid on the ground in a circle that caused him to fall through the ceiling. While Prism found it entertaining, she found it terrifying.

"Oh, what if that was in the bucket that got mom? She would have lost all of her mane." Raine shook as she looked over to her dad, who was sitting in the reclining chair.

"Hehe, you're not supposed to do that but he did it anyways." Prism chuckled to himself and took another bite of his pizza.

"Like how I wasn't supposed to let mama get mad at him...."

"What's that kiddo?"

Raine gasped to see her dad looking at her. With nothing to lose, she let out a shriek and ran to her room.

Confused, Prism called to her. "They're props sweetheart. The actors are fine."

Raine held her Wonderbolts plushie close as she carried her favorite blanket on her back. The only light in the living room was from the tv, as Prism leaned back in the reclined chair and let out a yawn.

"Daddy..." Raine spoke up.

"Oh hey there Raine. You alright?" He asked.

Without saying anything, Raine hopped onto her dads lap and gave him a hug, which he returned with his wings.

"I'm sorry daddy... mommy is mad at you because of me..." She whispered.

"Ah kiddo... I knew something was up when you saw us fight." Prism cooed to his daughter softly. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"What are we gonna do? She's mad at you when it was my idea for the prank."

"Shh... me and mommy are gonna be fine. I promise." Prism patted his daughters back.

His daughter looked up at him, her eyes shimmered. "Really?"

"Yeah, she has been way more mad at me before than she is now." He chuckled.

"When was the most mad she had ever gotten at you?" Raine asked.

"Probably when she told me she didn't want to be my special somepony anymore."

Raine gasped. "That's impossible, you two are special somepony's."

"I know kiddo, and so does she." Prism grinned. "But this was before you were born, long ago. Me and her got in a big fight. See my scar on my nose? I was so mad that I crashed and got it."

Raine tapped her fathers nose, feeling the bare skin of his scar. "But you guys are special somepony's now. How?"

"Mommy.... got hurt.... and it scared me so bad that I told her in the hospital that I never wanted to see her in there again with the way she was."

Raine listened to her dad, knowing about the thing that happened to mom that she was told she would have to wait until she was older to hear.

"Funny enough, six years ago I did put her in the hospital."

"Six years.... hey that's how old I am." Raine told him.

"Yep... there was a baby in her tummy that the doctors had to get out." Prism poked Raine in her stomach, causing the filly to fall over and squeal. "And she was yelling at me the whole time about how she never wanted me to do this to her again."

"I guess you love making her mad, daddy." Raine giggled.

"Yep..." Prism gave a dreamy smile. "After a while and seeing how much it hurt to get the baby out, I did start to feel bad. But then somepony else was crying..." He looked down to her daughter, who was cuddled up on his chest. "And your mom stopped screaming, and held you in her hooves for so long... and they said she never looked more happy."

"How did you put the baby in her, daddy?"

Prism snickered, he had waited to be asked this. "That's what daddy's do. After getting married, the cake that they put into mommys mouth has the baby seed. Soon it sprouts and a baby grows in her until she needs to go to the hospital to get it out. And guess who the baby was?"

"That baby was me daddy!" Raine squeaked out.

"Yep, mommy named you."

"Why couldn't you?" Raine asked.

"I fainted after seeing the doctors getting you out of moms tummy." Prism chuckled, his daughter laughing loudly.

"Come on daddy, mommy had me taken out of her tummy and was able to hold me after." She taunted.

"Yeah, I'm the whimp." Prism told her. "I bet you'll be all tough when you get to be as big as me."

"I'm stronger than you." Raine cheered before yawning.

"Looks like my little champion needs to sleep."

"No I..." Hey eyelids sank as she laid her head down on her dads chest. "...don't..." was the last words Raine got out before falling asleep.

Draping her blanky over the sleepy filly and putting the wonderbolt plushie in her hooves, Prism snuggled his daughter close and fell asleep to the sound of late night television. It wasn't long until the front door opened and hoofsteps filled the room. Careful not to wake them, the tv was turned off before the mare went upstairs.

Whirlwind awoke earlier than expected. Her sleep patterns were odd when in bed alone. The mare leaned her head to the right side and expected to find a warm shoulder to rest her head on.

Nothing, even the pillow was gone.

Sighing, she got up, not bothering to even try to fix her mane. Whirlwind walked down the stairs and see the sun-filled living room. She went over and started the coffee pot when she looked over and saw something that made her heart flutter.

Prism slept soundly with a grin on his face as his daughter quietly snoozed on his chest. All cuddled in her blanket and clutching her plushie, the sight made Whirlwind let out a small gasp as she went over to peak at them.

"Oh... that is so cute." She whispered as she hovered over the chair.

For some reason, there was an open spot that looked like another pony could fit in next to her husband. The drowsy Pegasus decided to lay down next to them to rest her eyes, bust gasped when she felt a wing around her.

"I knew you couldn't stay away for long." Prism whispered, his eyes still closed.

"Oh stop, I just wanted to see my hubby and my little filly and thought why not join them." She told him, her voice soft.

"Well of course, we're both good looking." Prism said with his usually snark.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Whirlwind rested her eyes until the sound of Raine moaning alerted her.

"Oh, she's awake." Her mom commented.

The little filly opened her eyes and looked up and gasped.

"Mama! Daddy! You two aren't mad anymore." She exclaimed, her voice still soft from how early it was.

"That's right sweetheart, we're still happy with each other." Whirlwind told Raine.

"Last night daddy said you get mad at him a lot." Her daughter said.

"Did he now?" Whirlwind used her scolding voice before the three broke out into a fit of giggles.

"Were you two ever happy at each other?"

"Yeah, plenty of times kiddo." Prism said.

"Oh, tell me a story about one time!" Their filly begged. "Please!"

"Okay, I'll make coffee and then breakfast and I can already think of one for you Raine."

"Yay!" The filly rolled so that she was between her mom and dad.

"Hey, can I get up first." Whirlwind asked.

"No!" Her daughter told her sternly, causing Prism and her to laugh.

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