• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 4,008 Views, 172 Comments

A Forsaken Transhuman - Brony Parasite

Sometimes, the people we think we lost a long time ago, are not as lost as we think. Buttercup seeks to find her brother no matter what, even if its been a thousand years since she last saw him.

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We're Sisters Too

{Third PoV}

The two girls walked through the forest.

“So, let me get this strait. After we were imprisoned, you got taken in by a demon known as Tirek, rose to be the most feared “Demons”, escaped and found you lost most of your powers, found the old castle, met Shadow Bonnie, he found me and set me free, and we have no clue where Bubbles is. Am I missing something?” Blossom asked.

Buttercup smiled, “I got a Timber Wolf gem!”

Blossom rolled her eyes, “Yes, so amazing… Did you get a squirrel's nuts while you were at it?”

“Hay! What’s that supposed to mean!?”

Blossom sighed, “It isn’t that big of a deal Amber. We have heat vision, so that isn’t impressive.”

Buttercup glared, “Don’t call me Amber! Our old names don’t fit us anymore!” Buttercup crossed her arms. Blossom gave her an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have said that. And you're right, they don’t.”

Buttercup grumbled, “Just see what powers you still have…”

Blossom sighed, knowing Buttercup was in a grumpy mood. She started experimenting with different things.

After an hour, she determined that her Strength, X-Ray Vision, Speed, Tornado, Multiply, and Ice Breath were in perfect order, and flying, durability, and Heat Vision were on the fritz… Good parallel to Buttercup, but less than desirable.

The two reached the end of the Forest, and saw Ponyville. Buttercup clenched her fists as her face turned red.

“I hate Celestia... She doesn't deserve any of this...” Buttercup growled. Blossom understood the green dressed girl. They had gone throw a lot, and Celestia misjudged them.

Blossom sighed. She was going to have to keep Buttercup away from Canterlot. She scratched the back of her head, thinking of what Buttercup had said about Bubbles. ‘Crystal’s…. Crystal’s…. CRYSTAL!!!’

“I know where Bubbles is!” Blossom declared.

Buttercup spun around to face Blossom, “Where!?”

Blossom froze. She knew where her sister was, oh yes. But that was the problem. where it was, was under Canterlot! And she didn’t think she could fight the Canterlot Guard and Buttercup. She didn’t know what to say, do, or think.

“Umm… Nevermind, it was nothing…” Blossom had to fight the urge to sigh in relief.

“Oh, come on! You're always right when it comes to assumptions!” Buttercup encouraged.

Blossom now fought sweet. What was she going to do!?

“Uh- Umm… I- uh, oh…” With a sigh of defeat, she said, “Under Canterlot in the mines…”


Blossom gave her friend a concerned look, “Buttercup?”

Buttercup sighed, “How about I find us a place to hide, and you try and find Bubbles there. We’ll meet up back here.” Blossom was stunned that Buttercup was so level headed about this. Blossom was about to ask, when she was cut off, “I understand. I’m a liability in Canterlot with Celestia and Luna there. Hurry up and get your sister back…” Buttercup walked away.

Blossom shook her head, “You're my sister too…” She sped away, not knowing Buttercup heard her.

Buttercup sighed, "We aren't family..."

[1000 Years Ago]

Star Swirling sighed. He needed to make warriors to fight Discord, for the Princesses. But what they gave him was less than what he needed. What kind of Golem ingredients are sugar, spice and all that crap!? He was also given a chemical… He rolled his eyes.

He put all the ingredients in a jar, and stirred. He felt humiliated, and stupid.

He did this for ten minutes, and then poured the chemical into the concoction of two ingredients, and random cutesy things…


Star Swirling was thrown back and hit his head. When he woke, he got up and ran over to the cauldron. What he saw broke his mind.

Three creature slept hugging each other and shaking. One had pink clothes and a bow, another had blue clothes with a purple toy octopus.

And the last one confused. She was wearing the same as the other two, with something like a backpack. This one was bleeding, and shaking more than the others.

‘What the hay!?’

Author's Note:

I'm going to be on the road, so no updates until I get to where I'm going.:raritycry:
