• Published 15th May 2012
  • 3,747 Views, 623 Comments

Sleeping in the Light - Wheller

DS Ana Kelso discovers a certain pink party pony asleep on her car 50 years after her supposed death

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Pinkie Pie’s breakfast had been nothing short of delicious, Kelso felt energised and ready to tackle not only today’s caseload, but tomorrow’s as well. Pinkie Pie was really something else.

By the time the car containing Viola, Kelso, and Pinkie Pie pulled into the parking lot of the PPS headquarters at the intersection of Twilight Sparkle Street and Parliamentary Drive in down town Ponyville at 0800, the time when normal detectives (not DC Hopely, who always came in to work far earlier than she needed to) got in. Hopefully, Hopely would have that information that Kelso had requested by now.

They stopped by the front desk to register Pinkie Pie as a visitor, filling out the necessary paperwork that was needed to clear her for entry. Kelso frowned as she filled it out, every time she heard someone say that they were moving towards a paperless society, it felt like they were handing her another stack of papers to fill out, arguing of course, that it didn’t really count as paper, because it was the synthetic holopaper. No one had actually said this to Kelso, of course, but they were all thinking it. The uniformed constable at the desk, a canary yellow pegasus mare wearing dark sunglasses took the forms and passed over a visitors badge for Pinkie Pie to wear.

Pinkie Pie threaded her head through the visitors badge necklace, and rejoined Kelso and Viola near the lift. Viola scanned her PIP through the security scanner at the lift and the trio rode it up to the fifth floor which housed the inner sanctum of the Serious and Organised Crime Group on one half of the floor, and the Criminal Investigations Department on the other half.

In these days, however, there really wasn’t much difference between the two. Organised crime in Ponyville had fallen to pieces four months ago, after the city’s major crime boss; an elderly earth pony stallion by the name of Kirsk Zazz had been killed in a shootout with the police. His criminal enterprise had fallen into chaos, allowing for the Serious and Organised Crime Group to stamp out the organisation completely. That was not to say that organised crime was a thing of the past in Ponyville, this was a major city after all. They were just in a lull period for now. It wouldn’t be long before someone else came along to try to forge the next great criminal empire. Until then, headquarters had tasked CID’s spill over workload, mostly traffic and the occasional murder cases, to SOCG.

Kelso looked up as they rounded the corner to the rows of desks that belonged to their department and smiled. DC Hopely was at her desk, punching away at the holographic control panel with her hooves. She bid Viola goodbye, and motioned for Pinkie Pie to follow her over.

DC Hopely looked up as she noticed Kelso approaching. She brushed a hoof at her two tone teal and emerald mane, pulling it back out of her soft orange eyes. ‘Sorry Kelso, don’t have anything for you just yet’, she said with a frown.

‘What? I called you to check two hours ago!’ Kelso cried out in disbelief.

‘It’s the Police Internationale records, those always take forever to come back’, Hopely said with a shrug. ‘If it makes you feel any better, I’m running a search of the name through the NHS records right now. Nothing under the name of Pinkie Pie... hold on, there a record here under a Pinkamena Pie... it’s a long shot I know...’

‘Oh! That’s me!’ Pinkie Pie interrupted cheerfully. ‘Pinkamena is my birth name! Pinkamena Diane Pie! That’s me!’

‘Right’, Hopely said with a nod as she opened up the NHS record and took a look at it. ‘Hold on...’ Hopely said as she took a closer look. ‘That can’t be right...’

Hopely took a look at the screen for a moment, before printing the record out and closing the window. Kelso raised an eyebrow at Hopely in confusion. ‘What’s going on Hopely?’

‘Detective Sergeant? Can I see you over at the printer for a moment? I’d like a word in private’, Hopely said as she rose from her seat and headed over to the printer, motioning for Kelso to follow.

Kelso frowned, and turned to Pinkie Pie and offered her an apologetic smile. ‘Sorry, can you wait here for a moment?’ she asked. Pinkie Pie nodded in affirmation, and Kelso trotted over towards Hopely, who was staring at the holopaper that she had just printed out. ‘What’s up Hopely?’ Kelso asked as she walked up next to her.

‘You’re not going to believe this one Sarge’, Hopely said with a frown. ‘But there is only one Pinkamena Diane Pie in the NHS system... and it lists date of birth in Year 20 before the Republic... and date of death in Year 55 of the Republic. Kelso, your friend has been dead for forty five years’.

Kelso looked at Hopely with shock, that couldn’t be right! She glanced over to Pinkie Pie; the obnoxious pink pony couldn’t have been any older than twenty two. Pinkie Pie noticed that Kelso was looking over at her, and waved at her excitedly. Kelso offered Pinkie Pie a nervous smile and waved back, and then turned to Hopely. ‘You’re wrong, you have to be’, Kelso said flatly.

Hopely shook her head. ‘It’s worse, look at the file photo. This was taken in Year 2 of the Republic, when the NHS was founded’, Hopely said as she pushed the file over towards Kelso. Kelso fumbled with it as she tried to bring it up to her face by folding her ankle around it. The image of Pinkie Pie was exactly identical to how she looked today. The image had been taken when Pinkie Pie was twenty two. Kelso set the file back down and turned to look at Pinkie Pie.

‘Hey Pinkie Pie!’ Kelso called out to her. ‘How old are you?’

‘Me?’ Pinkie Pie asked, looking up from Hopely’s computer terminal, which she had taken to looking at because of the pretty holographic lights. ‘I’m twenty two!’ Pinkie Pie said simply.

‘Thank you!’ Kelso said, forcing a smile.

‘You’re welcome!’ Pinkie Pie said brightly before looking back down at the holographic terminal.

Kelso looked back to Hopely with worry. ‘Hopely... if this record is accurate... and Pinkamena Diane Pie has been dead for the last fifty years... then who the hell is that!?’

‘I don’t know’, Hopely said with a frown. ‘What I do know is this... we are going to need to be very, very careful with what we do from here’.

Kelso nodded her head in agreement, and looked back over to Pinkie Pie. ‘How long until you get the information back from Apple Bloom?’ she asked.

‘It should have come in while we were talking’, Hopely said.

‘Okay... good, I’ve got a plan’, Kelso said as she tapped at her PIP from its place on her ear. ‘Viola, it’s Kelso, I don’t have a lot of time to explain, I just need you to trust me, I’m sending Pinkie Pie into your office, just keep her talking, doesn’t matter what it’s about. It shouldn’t be too hard’.

‘Oh I can’t wait to hear the explanation on this one Kelso’, Viola’s voice came back over the communications channel.

‘Oh it’s certainly a good one’, Kelso said with a frown as she and Hopely trotted back over to the desk. ‘Hey Pinkie Pie, Viola wants to talk to you in her office’, Kelso said as she pointed over to the door that belonged to the DCI’s room.

‘Oh! Okay! Well I’ll see you later then!’ Pinkie Pie said with a smile as she trotted off down the rows of desks and opened the door into Viola’s office, closing it behind her.

Hopely went right to work, logging back onto her computer terminal and pulling up the files. ‘Okay, let’s see what we’ve got here’, Hopely said as she scanned over the files. All of them came to the same conclusions. Pinkie Pie had not been alive in the last fifty years. Kelso and Hopely had to wonder now. Since the evidence was overwhelming, who could this possibly be? Was she a descendant of the original Pinkie Pie? Or maybe she was a chance look-a-like? Neither of those made sense, Pinkie Pie was just as much under the impression that she was Pinkie Pie as they were.

Unless, of course, she was lying; either that or maybe she was delusional. They really couldn’t tell for certain, they didn’t have enough information on her mindset. Hopely looked through the files, and noticed that there was a new one that had just come in.

‘Hold on, this is interesting... it’s an advisory from FutureTec!’ Hopely said as she opened it up.

‘What’s it say?’ Kelso asked.

‘Warning advisory... blah blah... basically, it’s saying that a psychiatric patient has escaped from a FutureTec research centre in the Ghastly Gorge Industrial Complex. “The patient, named Sugar Plum, is a sufferer of paranoid schizophrenia, and is delusional and extremely dangerous, PPS constables are advised not to approach without armed backup”... and there is an attached NHS file’, Hopely said as she pulled up the file. Pinkie Pie’s picture appeared before them.

Kelso looked at Hopely in shock, it seems that they had their answer. Pinkie Pie wasn’t Pinkie Pie, but a deranged psych patient from a FutureTec run treatment centre.

‘Kelso, this file is fake!’ Hopely proclaimed. ‘I ran facial recognition through the NHS database ten minutes ago with the picture that you gave me and this file didn’t show up’.

‘Are you sure?’ Kelso asked.

‘Positive’ Hopely said. ‘Something isn’t right here and FutureTec is at the middle of it. Why am I not surprised?’

Kelso nodded her head in agreement. ‘I need to make a call’.