• Published 24th May 2012
  • 1,594 Views, 7 Comments

A Fighting Chance - Stunt Monkey

OC Pony fights in a Boxing tournement to win money and falls in love with Applejack.

  • ...

Chapter Five [Revised]

Boxing Glove sat next to Applejack who was nursing a mug of cider in her hoof, it had been a few hours since the qualifiers had finished. The referee and three judges had gone around and introduced themselves to every fighter that entered and gave them their results. Boxing was proud of his result as was Applejack, they had both passed the first round and were entered into the upcoming competition.

Applejack turned and tried to say something to Boxing, but the loud music was relentless and unforgiving. There was a lot of ponies enjoying the music on the dance floor, Rarity and Stryker were near the front of the stage, dancing away, the DJ playing music yelled to the crowd of dancers and they chanted back.

"Applejack? Do you want to dance?" Boxing shouted over the noise.

"Come again?" Applejack said, "I can't hear you!"

Boxing leaned in more closer to her ear and spoke again. "Would you like to dance with me?"'

"I'd love to, sugarcube." she shouted back.

Boxing and Applejack made their way towards the dance floor, before long, they were surrounded by other dancers. Applejack spotted Rarity on their left, dancing with Stryker and stepping to the beat. Applejack started to hop around, stomping her hooves in a square dance pattern as her hat bounced up and down on her head. Boxing swayed back and forth, shuffling his hooves a little. The music started to fade out and a blue unicorn in dark shades stepped up to the stage with his microphone raised.

"Manehatten! You ponies are crazy tonight, here's a special tune just for you!" The stallion in shades pointed to the mare with a white coat that was operating the turntable. "DJ, if you please." her horn flared and the needle hit the vinyl record with a scratch. The music started to play with a low thumping music building up, the stallion stepped up to the front and pumped his hoof to the crowd.

The music continued playing for sometime and the crowd loved every second. Boxing saw his older brother and Rarity had moved closer to the front, dancing and flailing about to the beat of the music. Out of the corner of his eye Boxing saw a pink pony had climbed up onto the stage and started to gallop towards the dancing crowd.

'Where have I seen her before? She looks so familiar.' Boxing thought to himself.

"Pinkie Pie?" Applejack stopped dancing, she had also spotted her pink friend.

'Pinkie Pie? Of course! Now I know who she is. The pony who sang a song and then soaked us in cake batter when we first moved into Ponyville. I remember now, Stryker had spent the whole night cleaning it out of his mane.'

At the exact time the song came to an end, Pinkie Pie launched herself and flew through the air towards the crowd.

'Is she crowd surfing? Oh shit.'

As fate would have it, nopony caught her and she crashed into Rarity, of all ponies. Boxing pushed his way passed the other cheering ponies on the dance floor, "Rarity?! Are you okay?" Stryker asked as he helped her stand.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rarity spoke.

"Rarity!" Pinkie Pie greeted her with a spine crushing hug. "What are you doing here? Did you come to dance? I LOVE dancing. And singing and cupcakes and apples an-" Pinkie Pie continued her list of the things she loved most while Rarity tried to escape from her grip.

"Please. Apologize to Rarity." Stryker demanded.

"No, no. It's okay Stryker, Pinkie Pie is a friend." Rarity said after Pinkie released her from the hug, "The more important question is, What is your business in Manehatten Pinkie?" Rarity asked.

"Business? No, I just LOVE TO PARTY!" Streamers and balloons dropped from the ceiling, other ponies cheered as she jumped in joy.

'How did she do that?' Boxing darted his eyes around.

"So you're okay then? Rarity?" Boxing asked with concern.

"Yes, but I do need a break from all this dancing. Let's get some libations, on me."


Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity sat across from Boxing and Stryker, each of them with a drink, and Pinkie with a plate of nachos that was almost as tall as her puffy mane. "So Pinkie, what are y'all doing in Manehatten anyhow? I thought you were helping Fluttershy out with her animal sanctuary this whole week?" Applejack eyes widened as Pinkie crammed a hoof full of cheesy nachos in her mouth.


"Well I was," Pinkie Pie paused and licked her lips, "but Fluttershy said she was sad and needed some alone time, something about Rainbow Dash, I don't really know, I wasn't really listening." Pinkie took a long drink of her margarita. "It's okay, Twilight said she and Cheerilee would look after her."

"You actually know Princess Twilight?" Boxing asked.

"Yep, we've been friends since she moved to Ponyville."

"You know she saved Equestria, right? Like a lot?" Boxing continued.

"Well she didn't do it alone." Pinkie laughed.

"Could you imagine, meeting somepony who saved Equestria?" Boxing said. "That would be so cool." Boxing paused and took a drink from his glass. "So why are you here in Manehatten Pinkie Pie?" Boxing asked.

Pinkie gave both Applejack and Rarity a strange glance that said: 'he doesn't know?'. "Well, actually Punch. I'll tel-"

"Ah, it's Boxing actually." he corrected. "Sorry, I interrupted you, you were saying?"

"Oh right, sorry." Pinkie smiled, "I was visiting a friend in Manehatten and she invited me here with her this evening. I'm staying with her, she has an apartment here in the city." she finished off her drink in a single gulp.

"Pinkie, dear. You shouldn't drink so fast, it's not good for you." Rarity advised.

"Psh. Chillax Rarity, have some fun. Another round!" Pinkie rose her hoof into the air, the bar colt standing at the bar across from them nodded. Pinkie's eyes fluttered, "And who is this handsome stallion?" she said as she looked at Stryker who blushed slightly.

"This 'handsome stallion' is Stryker Malt-House, and he is my partner, so hooves off missy." Rarity took a small swig of her drink and gave Pinkie a glare.

"Really?" Stryker squeaked in a high pitch tone. "Ahem." Stryker cleared his throat. "I mean, Really?" he spoke normally.

"Well of course dear. Do you not feel the same way?" Rarity enquired.

Time had paused for moment as Stryker tried to think if he really did have feelings for her, they had only just met a yesterday morning. In fact if Boxing had not found out about the tournament, then Applejack would never have gotten the idea to complete and he would have possibly never met Rarity.

"Yes. Yes I do feel the same way." He confessed.

"Awww, that's so sweet. Now smooch!" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, a lady does not 'smooch' it is uncouth." Rarity protested.

"Party pooper." Pinkie poked her tongue out. The bar colt approached and placed down a round of shot glasses filled with alcohol, and more nachos for Pinkie Pie, on their table. Pinkie dove into the mountain of corn chips head first.

'This is nice, I'm enjoying myself, so is everypony else.'

"Less eating' more drinking." Applejack downed a shot.

"Woo hoo!" Pinkie shouted and knocked back a shot. "Mmm, cherry."


All the ponies had enjoyed the night as they continued drinking shots and dancing, at some point in the evening Stryker and Rarity had split from the group with Pinkie Pie and the DJ tagging along, leaving Boxing and Applejack walking back to the hotel by themselves. Applejack stood in front of her apartment door only a few paces up the hall from Boxing's.

"I had a great time tonight, Box." Applejack said as she swiped her card, the door lock beeped and a clunk sounded.

'Shit, my key card is gone.' Boxing panicked.

"Shoot, Stryker must have my key. I can't get inside."

"You could stay in mah' room sugarcube."

She is so kind. Boxing smiled.

"Thanks Applejack, it's really sweet of you." Boxing followed Applejack into her room, the layout of this apartment was completely different from his and Stryker's. "Alright, I could just sleep on the couch?" Boxing asked.

"Or, you could sleep with me."

"What-oof!" Boxing stopped as Applejack tackled him, forcing him into a deep kiss. He backed up, shutting his eyes, bumping into several objects before finally feeling his way to the bedroom. After finding the bed, he laid down, bringing Applejack down on top of him while staying in her embrace.

Boxing's mind went blank as they kissed, lost in the complete euphoria. He ran his hoof through her smooth mane, while his tongue danced around with hers. He slid his hoof down her body, with each stroke he reached slightly further down her body. Applejack showed no signs of stopping, her lips were still locked with his. With a burn of desire, he slid his hoof over her flank, gripping it tightly. Applejack tore her lips away from his.

'Too much? Oh shit, she thinks I'm weird.'

"Hell, It's about time sugarcube.” she said in a low whisper before returning her lips to his, tasting the flavour of honey and a faint hint of salt. Boxing's hooves caressed her body that was pressed against his as the long night of passion continued.


"Applejack? Are you asleep?" Boxing asked softly.

"No." Applejack's head laid on Boxing's chest, her breathing was soft and slow.

"Can we talk for a second?" he said.

Applejack grunted and pulled herself up, and laid her head on the pillow next to his. Part of her mane had fallen across her face and Boxing lifted a hoof and brushed it away. "What's the matter Box?" she asked with half lidded eyes.

'Here goes nothing.' he thought.

"I wasn't, you know, bad? Was I?" Boxing asked nervously.

"No, you were fine. It was perfect." Applejack said. "What made you think otherwise?"

"Well I don't know how you're going to react to this but." Boxing paused and took a deep breath. "My last lover was a stallion, I just wanted to know that I was okay. I don't know why, call it stage fright I guess."

"That doesn't bother me, you can't exactly mess it up. You put it in, jiggle it around a bit, job done." Applejack chuckled. Boxing smiled and reached out to hold her, Applejack's fur was slick with sweat but Boxing didn't care.

"Thank you." he said, and kissed her forehead.

'I love you.'


Boxing's eyes shot open as he heard four loud knocks on the bedroom door. His first sight was Applejack, still resting in his embrace, her yellow mane dishevelled from the previous night of passion.

"Applejack? It’s eight in the morning dear. Time to wake up dear, you can't sleep in all day." Rarity's voice called from the other side of the bedroom door.

'Oh crap! Rarity!'

Boxing scrambled in place, quickly trying to find the best way to become instantly invisible.

"Ooof!" Boxing fell off the mattress landing upside down on his head.

'OUCH! How does that hurt so much?!'

"Applejack dear?" Rarity opened the door and stepped inside, an upside down Boxing greeted her, with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hehe. Uh, good morning Rarity. This is not what it looks like." Boxing smiled sheepishly.

"Good morning hon." Applejack woke from her slumber and stretched her hooves high as she let out a long yawn. Rarity stuck out her snout a took in a deep breath, she gave Boxing a devilish grin.

"Okay. Maybe this is exactly what it looks like." Boxing's face blushed bright red.


A short while later an embarrassed Boxing sat across from Applejack and a grumpy looking Rarity. Rarity took another sip of her tea, awkward silence took over the room.

'I should probably say something to break the ice.' Boxing thought.

"Rarity, I should apologize for what I did, I kno-" Boxing started

"Apologize? Whatever for dear?" Rarity interrupted.

"Uh, you mean you're not mad about me and Applejack?" Boxing rubbed the back of his neck nervously with a hoof.

"Of course not dear, why Applejack is a grown mare, she can do as she pleases." she replied.

"Oh, thank Celestia. It's just, you look mad." Boxing said.

"I'm not mad, I am however slightly worried about Stryker. Your brother disappeared last night and I haven't seen him since then." Rarity sipped at her tea again.


"Coming." Rarity sang.

Rarity got up and opened the door, in the doorway was standing Pinkie Pie, with an unconscious Stryker lying on her back. "Stryker?!" Rarity panicked and ran to his side, checking for signs of life.

"Rarity, you should have stayed last night! It was SO much fun! Anyway, I thought I'd bring Stryker back to you! He's served his purpose." Pinkie's voice was loud, and loaded with energy.

"Served his purpose? What happened to him?! He looks terrible!" Rarity lifted him to the nearby couch with her magic.

"He'll be fine, just a little too much to drink last night. BYE!" Pinkie bounced out of the apartment and down the hallway.

"How did she know where your room was?" Boxing asked Applejack.

"It's a Pinkie Pie thing." Applejack said.

"Stryker! Where have you been?! I have been so worried!" Rarity punched him in the shoulder and he jumped in place.

"Oh hey Rar-hic, I uh... I was... Just uh, give me 5 minuets." he closed his eyes and fell asleep, snoring gently.

'Well, today is a new day. Stryker might be out of action for now, but I'm sure the rest of us will manage without him. I'm going to make it to the finals and I'm going to win that money.'