• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 10th

A Hoof-ful of Dust

You can't see the forest...



Busted an axle in the downpour. Shoulda expected it. 'S what comes with having bad luck as a special talent.

Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #1.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Well told story, you got the character voice and melancholy tone down well. I like the uncredited cameo in the middle. That ending though... that's really rather dark. The other incidents were disasters, sure. That ending was something else again.

Teq #2 · May 6th, 2015 · · ·

That's a pretty hard core ending there. I like it. I like all of it. A writing style that fits the mood and character perfectly, and really good for filling a few minutes. I enjoyed this, thank you for writing it. Keep up the good work.

Edit: I put this in before I read the story, so I didn't notice you already linked the song


That poor family...

I liked the cameo halfway through, though. Makes sense that those two could have met.

I don't usually go for dark and depressing stories, but this one was really good. I liked how because it's coming from Trouble Shoe's perspective that the writing is as flat and unhappy as he is. The part where he laughs for in the first time in ages really drove that home too. And even when he was having a few moments of good luck, I still never saw the ending happening, and the fact that we don't actually know if the family survives is particularly great - and sadder than if it was actually revealed.

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