• Published 5th May 2015
  • 862 Views, 13 Comments

Storm over Appleloosa - Blueninetails

An accidental storm created at the Cloud Factory force Rainbow, Billy, Hoops, and Score to work together before it floods Appleloosa.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Author's Note:

2 years after submitting it here, and 6 years since the first chapter was published online, on Deviantart, the REALLY long overdue chapter is finally here.

After so long, I finally finished typing it up, having it checked by my editor, arguing with my editor, and making last checks, it's finally up. Thank you everyone who has waited to see this story's update; and please accept my sincerest apologies to how long it took to get this updated. After what I assumed the lost of interest, I had given up. It was good to see some interest for one of my oldest written works in this fandom. I hope you enjoy the read, and I hope you like this chapter.

Until the story.
-Blueninetails (A.K.A Sky Feather)/Bluerobin46 (on DA)

The following morning, the storm was still ongoing, but it had died down to a few blustery winds and some light rain.

Billy woke up first with a light snort followed by an audible yawn. Without really moving his head, he took a quick glance around the cave. For the most part, it looked pretty much the same as he remembered it from last night, the only major differences were that the lanterns had burnt out and the puddle around Score and Hoops had gotten bigger, and yet, his two friends still slept as soundly as ever.

"Seriously? How do those two stand it?" Billy asked himself mentally has he shifted his head slightly as he tried getting comfortable on the pillow he had been resting his head on... wait. He didn't have a pillow. He looked down to see three of the six colors of Rainbow's mane below his chin. Apparently at some point during the night, Rainbow managed to snake her head underneath his, or he shifted slightly last night so his head was resting on-top of Rainbow's. Either way, he immediately woke up fully and jumped away from Rainbow, blushing fiercely.

Rainbow merely responded with a light grunt and shifted in her sleep.

He stood there for a brief moment just looking at her before shaking his head, wondering how in Equestria he had gotten his head to be resting on Rainbow Dash's head. Shrugging it off as a mere accident, he decided go outside and check on the condition of the storm since he was awake. By now the storm had calmed significantly, and was now just raining. That's good news at least, it meant they could clear up what was left without having to fight the weather.

Looking out towards Appleloosa, he could tell the storm had flooded the town, but to what degree he couldn't tell. Figuring it would only could only get worse, Billy got back to work and started clearing up what was left of the storm.

After almost an hour, Rainbow finally woke up and was already stretching her wings and ready get back to work. Not even considering to eat breakfast, she zoomed out of the cave and up into the sky.

"Morning, Rainbow." Billy simply greeted her as soon as she close enough to hear him.

"Yeah, yeah, morning, Billy." she replied back, "Just let me get started. What needs doing...?"

He rolled his eyes, "Same as yesterday, cut up the larger clouds so we don't have to work so hard to move 'em around. After that, start towing them out."

Another few minutes came and went as Rainbow and Billy went about their duties. Without the strong winds, they were able to clear up most of the cloud cover sooner than Billy had originally anticipated, and soon they'd be done. During this time Score and Hoops had also awakened and were now ready to help clear up what's left. When they got to them though, Billy asked them to do a quick errand before they do, he asked them to refresh some of the baskets from the cave with apples from Appleloosa so the others could get something to eat while they finished up.

"Okay this is the last cloud." Billy stated as the he and the other three pegasi surrounded it.

"Great! That means we're almost done." Rainbow excitedly remarked.

"Not entirely, we still need to assess the damages to report back to the Factory."

Rainbow groaned, "Do we have to...?"

"Standard procedure, if we don't, they'll just ask us to come back out here anyway." He explained, then turned to look at Score and Hoops, "Score, Hoops, you two went to Appleloosa earlier to get the others some food, how did the town look?"

"Ehm..." Hoops replied as he looked at Score, who merely looked back at him then shrugged, "It looked alright to me, a bit flooded, but okay."

"That's probably not enough." Billy remarked in annoyance, "How about this, we'll split up for now: one team goes to Appleloosa, and I guess the Tribe's area, and throughly assess the damages, while another group will finish up the clouds and the do the fly-through to make sure we didn't make any mistakes with the clean up."

"I'll go with the first team, I'm the only one here who knows exactly where the Buffalo Tribe's area is." Rainbow declared immediately.

"Alright. So who's going with Rainbow to assess the damages?" He asked looking at the other two pegasi.

Hoops was about to volunteer since he was a tad hungry and going to Appleloosa gave him an excuse to get an apple to snack on, but a quick elbow from Score stopped him. Looking at the other stallion, he noticed a smirk that almost looked mischievous on his face.

Quickly understanding what the stout pegasus was getting at, Hoops grinned and said, "Well, how about you, dude?"

"Me!?" he asked in a surprised look, one that seemed to be shared by Rainbow.

"I mean, you are kinda the only one here who knows what to look for, and how to write it down in the report. Score and I probably wouldn't be thorough enough and we'd have to do it again."

Billy and Rainbow looked at each other for a moment, checking to see if either had any objections, before Rainbow looked away and Billy gave a sigh.

"Fine, but I expect you two to finish the job."

"Sure thing." Hoops remarked before he and Score started working on moving the cloud away.

Billy and Rainbow briefly hesitated for a moment, before both started flying towards Appleloosa. The duo didn't talk or make any suggestion they would try to look at the other as they flew, though Rainbow did seem to be trying to silently rush Billy by flying at a rather brisk speed.

As they arrived, Billy and Rainbow quickly noted that large areas around the desert settlement were flooded and most buildings were in the middle of giant puddles of water. There were some minor damages here and there, such as broken windows and roofs, but otherwise the settlement seemed to be in one piece.

"There doesn't seem to be too much damage." Billy remarked, earning a soft grunt from Rainbow in agreement, "Rainbow, let's split up. Check the northern half of town. I'll take the south.”

"Why do you I have to check the northern half of town?" Rainbow asked, crossing her forelimbs.

"Fine, do you wanna check the southern half then?"

"No! I'm fine doing the northern half, I just want to know why we're gonna be doing it this way. Appleloosa isn't that big."

"Because, it would speed up the process if we both didn't check the same area." Billy replied as he put a hoof on his face in annoyance, "Just remember what to check for, and report to me any damages you see.”

"Gotcha." she quickly replied and zipped away.

Billy sighed, and started his half of the work. It didn't take too long for the duo to check every building in the town, though it was still longer than Rainbow would've liked, they concluded that only two or three buildings needed serious repairs, including the town's clock tower. Fortunately, the orchard seemed to have been spared from the storm, so they had some food while awaiting further supplies. Still though, there was plenty of cleaning up to do as the storm did cause enough flooding for water to get into houses and now some objects could be floating around in the large puddles.

"Okay, so the Buffalo Herd's area is next?" Rainbow asked

Billy nodded, "Yeah."

"Alright follow me, and try to keep up."

Rainbow and Billy made it to the location in good time, granted that Rainbow had obviously gone faster than Billy would've liked of which she took pride in, and were quickly at the location. It didn't take long to assess the damage, given the herd's area was a lot smaller compared to Appleloosa, and it didn't seem too severe. Overall, all but one of the tribe's teepees had fallen over in the storm. With a quick check they found that the last standing teepee was where the buffaloes had stored their supplies, keeping them safe.

With their assessment finished, Billy and Rainbow started their way back to regroup with the others. During the flight back, Rainbow, being the one leading, grew a little bored of looking at the horizon and decided to look over her shoulder at Billy, who seemed to suddenly look towards the ground. She raised a brow in curiosity and took a quick glance at the ground, seeing nothing more than wet desert, some desert shrubs, and patches of puddles dotting the land below.

Finding nothing worth talking about, Rainbow rolled her eyes and turned her attention back towards their destination.

It didn't take long for them to arrive back at the cave, where Hoops and Score were already done ridding of that last cloud and were now resting inside.

"Done with the assessment?" Hoops asked as soon as he noticed Billy and Rainbow walk into the cave.

"Yeah, both with Appleloosa and the Buffalo Tribe's area." Billy replied.

"Mind tellin' us how it looks?" they heard a voice ask, turning towards the voice's owner they saw Sheriff Silver Star and Chief Buffalo looking at them.

"We heard that Rainbow Dash and yourself had gone to take a look at how our homes had fared against the storm," Chief Buffalo explained, "and we're interested in hearing exactly that."

"Well, outside of pockets of severe flooding in areas, the damages weren't that serious. Appleloosa has at the most three buildings that'll need repairs. The Tribe kinda lost all your tents, with the exception of one with supplies in it." Billy stated.

Chief Buffalo grunted, "Unfortunate, but I am thankful to hear our supplies managed to survive the storm."

"Yer more than welcome ta ask any of us fer help if ya want it, Chief." Sheriff Silver Star stated.”

"Likewise, Sheriff Silver Star."

"We'll stick around for a little bit, and make sure none of the clouds we pushed away drift back into the area, otherwise, we'll be heading back as soon as we can."

"A' least stick around long enough to fer some lunch before ya go. Thinkin' it's gonna be some flight back ta where ya'll came from."

"Food sounds good." Rainbow remarked.

"We do have a bit of flying to do to get back to Cloudsdale." Hoops added.

Billy sighed, "Alright, we'll stick around for lunch, then we head back."

As time passed, the group of ponies and buffalo mainly stayed in the cave merely chatting away about their concerns about their homes, crops, and the effects of the storm. Though, a few select did occasionally leave the cave, standing just in front, to get a breathe of fresh air and let the sun's rays warm their coats.

As the group finished up their lunch, Billy, Hoops, Score, and Rainbow prepared themselves for their trip back. Rainbow said her farewells to Braeburn and Little Strong Heart, as well as promising to tell Applejack that she should write to her cousin more often once she got back to Ponyville. Billy merely promised to include request for supplies to be sent to Appleloosa to assist in the repairs. After goodbyes were exchanged, the four pegasi began their flight home.

It does go without say that they were going to fly the same path they took to reach Appleloosa, and as such the group was heading towards the rest stop station they stayed at during their first night out. With the sky mostly clear, it was now easier to navigate and follow the train tracks below them. Similar to last time, Rainbow as leading, pushing the other three to keep up their pace otherwise they will be left behind.

Upon hearing Score's panting, Billy turned around and saw his friend visibly struggling to keep up. "Rainbow, wait, I think we have to land for a moment."

"What...?! We're almost at the station."

"I know, but I think Score needs a moment to catch is breath."

"He can catch his breath at the station, we're not that far from it."

Billy then sped up to grab Rainbow's tail to once again force her to slow down.

"Hey!" she glared at him, as Billy positioned himself that he was flying side-by-side with her.

"Quit arguing, just look at him. He's panting like a dog and he's been lagging behind us for almost an hour."

Rainbow looked back, and took notice to Billy's concern.

"At least slow down, so he doesn't have to work so hard to keep up."

Rainbow groaned, "Fine. Let's land on that cloud." She stated before pointing out a cloud just big enough for all four of them to sit on and still have some space between them.

Agreeing, Billy signaled to Score and Hoops that they were gonna land on that sizable cloud, Rainbow already taking the lead and already flying towards it.

As the three guys landed, Rainbow choosing to just hover near the cloud, Score plopped himself the very instant he landed, and was already making good on the rest time to catch his breath.

Billy stared at his friend for a moment before shaking his head, "I swear, Score, if this has anything to-" he sighed loudly, "I told you, you shouldn't have eaten so much before we left. You always get lethargic after a big meal."

Score didn't reply, but offered a half-hearted grin at the statement.

"So how long until tubby over there is rested enough to continue?" Rainbow asked.

"Just be patient, Rainbow Dash. Let him have as long as he wants."

"Dash, why don't you rest up a bit?" Hoops asked, "We're all resting anyway, might as well since the clouds big enough."

"Nah, I'm good, I don't tire as easily you guys." She remarked with a proud grin, and as if to help emphasis her point, she did a quick lap around the cloud they were on.

Billy rolled his eyes, before turn his attention back towards Score, who was still panting, but seemed to be slowing down now.

"Well, I dunno about you three, but I'm also looking forward to getting to the station so I could use their shower. After last night, I feel like I'm trailing part of the cave on my feathers." Rainbow stated.

Neither of the stallions could really argue, being use to sleeping on clouds at night, sleeping on the floor of a cave was new to them. Plus, their wings are fairly sensitive, that even the smallest grain of sand caught inbetween their feathers may cause a slight sense of misbalance as they flew.

"Yeah, a shower doesn't sound half-bad right now. Starting to stink a little anyway." Hoops remarked with a slight chuckle.

"How do you stink?” Rainbow quickly asked. “ We were in a storm all day yesterday. How could you possibly have a scent other than 'rain water' right now?"

Hoops shrugged, not exactly sure himself, but with a quick sniff of his body under his right wing seemed to confirm his statement, "Yep, definitely doesn't smell like rain to me."

Billy gave an annoyed, yet curious, look at his friend. It quickly went to pure curiosity as he wondered about himself, and decided to do the same and sniff his side, finding it to have a slight smell that covered over a smell of rain. "Huh, I guess you're right, I do kinda smell something other than rain right now."

Rainbow shook her head in disgust. They were seriously checking if they stunk right now?

"It probably has something to do with staying in that cave last night. The damp air probably made it a little musty in there." He stated, before checking to see if his wing smelled the same, finding a third scent he couldn't identify, "That's weird, there's a different smell on my wing."

"Really...? Like what, dude? What's it smell like?" Hoops asked.

"I dunno. Why are you even asking me about that?"

By this time Score had recovered enough and pulled himself into a normal sitting position as he listened to his friends as the two started arguing over the legitimacy of Hoops inquiring about the smell.

Rainbow didn't say anything as she waited for Billy and Hoops to get off talking about smells, and for them to be ready to fly on again. Despite her earlier disgust about the topic they're talking about, she did start to personal wonder if she probably had the same smell. She didn't care as much, but considering she had been leading the entire time, she didn't want having whatever stick on her blowing back to these three featherbrains. She made it as quick as she could, when the other three weren't looking, she took a whiff of herself and immediately tried pretending she didn't.

In that quick sniff, Rainbow was quickly able to pick up two particular scents off of herself. There was a mild smell of moisture, typical of being out in the rain, but there was a second scent that was also rather light and earthy and one she didn't recognize. Her curiosity getting the best of her, she took another sniff at herself without worrying if the others would see her and noticed that the scent seemed to weak and strengthen with her wing beats. It would get more noticeable when her wing came closer to her muzzle then weaken, before repeating.

"What the...?" Rainbow muttered and chose to land so she could investigate a little closer. Upon closer inspection, she noticed the smell was only present on the outer part of her wing.

"Okay, I'm sorry, dude." Hoops apologized, "I was just curious."

"Just drop it." Billy fumed.

Rainbow was still puzzled by the smell, why it was only on one side of her wing, and why it seemed somewhat familiar, yet she couldn't quite identify it, which annoyed her. Well, at least it served a reason for her to take a shower later. Actually, now that she thinks about it, she can smell it a lot more clearly now, even after she stops sniffing her wing. Smelling the air, she can still smell it, and seems more obvious in Billy's direction.

"Uh, can I help you, Rainbow?" Billy in an irritated tone asked as he noticed she was sniffing the air in his direction.

"Gee, I dunno, how about quickly explaining to me why the outer part of my wing smells like you right now?" she asked in a suspicious tone.


"Yeah, after you featherbrains started talking about smells, I got curious and decided to check myself. There's a scent on my wings that's only on the outer part, the inner part still smells like rain water," Rainbow explained, "and that smell, smells like you right now."

Billy was lost for words. He wasn't sure how to explain it himself. Unless, it's from last night when he draped his wing over Rainbow.

Uh oh.

"Well...? I'm waiting." Rainbow remarked, once again taking to the air, her tone even more irritated.

"Well...um...last night-"

"You slept next to me didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did..." he admitted

"Seriously?! And why exactly did you sleep next to me for? Cause whatever the reason, I'm pretty sure a stallion isn't suppose to take a snooze next to a mare he's barely knows."


"Or maybe you missed having a cloud to cuddle with." Rainbow remarked with a smirk, "What's wrong? Couldn't sleep without your favorite cumulus to cuddle with?"

Now that struck a nerve, "For your information, I just wanted to keep you warm last night."

"I don't need anypony to help me at night, especially a some featherbrained stallion like you!"

"Maybe I should've just let you freeze last night, certainly would've been better than having to put up with you, Rainbow Crash." The hostility in his voice becoming quite obvious.

"Okay, I think I've heard enough." They heard a voice they didn't recognize, at least to three of them.

The suddenness of the unfamiliar voice was enough stop Rainbow and Billy's argument, and surprise Hoops as all three of them noticed who the voice belonged to: their portly friend, Score.

"Billy, Rainbow Dash, since the day I met both of you as foals, you've been at each other's tails arguing and trying to one-up the other with insults; but, now, we're adults. I think it's about time we grew up and let bygones be bygones." Score stated firmly, his voice carrying a sense of calm about it, "Rainbow, easy with the insults, you've already proven your point at the Best Young Flier's competition, that we were wrong about you, and that you really are a great flier. The same goes for you, Billy. You of all ponies should know that Rainbow is strong and independent."

Rainbow would've asked what he meant by that, but chose to remain silent as she continued to listen to the portly stallion.

"And, I think it's about time you come clean Billy. You know Rainbow's right about you sleeping next to her last night. We could've easily avoided this whole thing if you just ponied up and told her about your feelings for her.”

Score turn to Rainbow. “And Rainbow, cut him some slack. It was cold and rainy night last night. You can't deny you've must've been cold like the rest of us. I don't know about Hoops, but I know I was cold, and I wouldn't have slept in that puddle if it didn't remind me of sleeping on clouds." He continued, "I'm sure he was actually trying to be nice and keep you warm so you could sleep comfortably, don't you think you could at least give him a chance to explain himself?"

They remained silent a while longer, as Score ended his argument with a smirk before Hoops finally broke the silence.

"Duuuuude! That's what you sound like?" He asked in genuine amazement.

Rainbow hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "I-I still don't like that he did that, but...I guess you do have a point." She then turned her attention to Billy, "I guess I could've given you a chance to at least explain yourself. Sorry about that."

"Yeah, I guess he does have a point." Billy remarked as he scratched the back of his head, "Sorry."

"Is he right though? I mean, about you having feelings for me."

He hesitated, but a look towards the other two stallions, both gesturing him that he really should, before Score and Hoops decided to fly up above the two and out of hearing range so he and Rainbow could talk.

"Yeah, I do." He replied quietly with a nod, feeling a little pathetic that he had to admit it, even if it did lift the feeling of an invisible weight off of him.

"For how long? You've never shown it."

"I dunno, a month after meeting you." He replied with a shrug, "I tried not to, I didn't want to be teased as the one colt who had feelings for the most obnoxious filly at flight camp."

"You didn't have to put it like that." Rainbow remarked with an annoyed look.

"Yeah. Sorry."

The two didn't say anything further as they sat there in an awkward silence. Mostly just the two of them avoiding direct eye contact.

"Whatever, this mushy stuff is bugging me, come on, I think Score's good to go. Let's get to the station." Rainbow stated before taking off.

Billy sighed, and followed after Rainbow.

The rest of the trip to the station was spent mostly in silence, Hoops was the only one who was being noisy as he tried convincing Score to say something again, with no success.

By the time they reached the station, Hoops had completely given up, though he was still noticeably upbeat about earlier. Rainbow didn't say anything to them as they were once again shown to their rooms and prepared themselves for another night at the rest stop.

The next day, the group stayed for a light breakfast before continuing on their way to Cloudsdale, the silence from yesterday remaining in the group. For once, Rainbow wasn't leading the group, and it was instead Billy who was leading the flight. At one point he did look back towards Rainbow, who immediately looked away, turning her attention towards the ground below them.

Upon reaching the Weather Factory, they were quickly lead to the Weather Manager's office, the same one who had assigned them to the job.

"Good to see you four made it back." She remarked, "I hope the flight wasn't too bad."

"A little on the long side, but no problems to report." Billy responded.

"Good, now about the storm, was it cleared up? Or was I wrong to send you four to take care of it?"

"The storm's clear, we managed to work together enough the storm clear."

"Excellent." She replied with a nod, "Okay, so listen. This is how it's gonna go now. Score, Hoops, I know I just sent you clear up a rainstorm, but we need you two down on the rain cloud floor to help make some for Manehatten."

"But we just got back! Don't we get a little time off?" Hoops complained.

"Sorry, but we really need the extra hooves with this one. We're behind schedule as it is."

"Alright, got it boss." Hoops affirmed with half-hearted nod before he and Score were excused.

"Rainbow, you're also free to go. Since you don't work with the factory directly, and with the job done, you're free to go home to Ponyville now."

"Awesome!" She cheered

"Billy, I want you to start on that report now, and I want it done by tomorrow. The higher-ups in Canterlot are starting to get antsy, and I'd rather not have to put up with their constant bothering on the matter. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'd ask Rainbow to help you write it, but I doubt she'd get it done right."

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted.

"Last time I asked you to write an Assessment Report to me Rainbow, you barely described enough for it to be even considered a report, and it looked like you flew through some rain while getting it to me, so the ink was almost illegible."

Rainbow groaned in response.

"Alright, you're dismissed, Billy."

With that Billy and Rainbow took their leave from the Weather Manager's office. The duo continued for a while in silence until Rainbow broke it once they were in a part of the hallway where nopony would hear them.

"Hey, Billy, I wanna talk to you for a bit before I go back to Ponyville."

"What is it, Rainbow?"

"Look, I normally don't like talking about stuff like this, but considering I kinda left ya hanging yesterday about it, I'll put up with it. First though, tell me, why do you like me?"

"You seriously want to have this conversation here?"

"It's just us right now, and I'd rather not stay any longer than I have to, so go on, tell me."

Billy hesitated, looking at Rainbow, trying to determine if she was serious, "Fine. Well...I...I just find you attractive, okay."

Rainbow waited a moment, before gesturing with a hoof to go on.

He gave an audible sigh, "Look, you were different from all the other fillies back at camp, you were brave, kind, and you were a very good flier back then: very fast and agile."

"But, didn't you say, I was bad at it? Isn't that why you-" Rainbow was saying before Billy interrupted.

"I know what I said, but I never really meant it. I just wanted to feel better about the fact you were a fast flier back then. I mean at least you didn't crash in a cloud pillar during a race. To top it off, you had ambition. We all knew about your dream of becoming a Wonderbolt one day. I actually thought was actually, you know, kinda cool."

"And... do you still feel the same way now?"

"Yeah, I do..."

"So, why didn't you ever pony up and just say it? Why did you continue insulting and teasing me?"

"You say that like it's the easiest thing in the world. Have you ever seen a stallion try admitting his feelings? I think you'd have better luck convincing someone to insult either of the Princesses right to their faces." He replied, "Plus, like I said, I didn't want to be the one guy that had a crush on the most annoying filly back at camp, and that was still kinda true. Until the Best Young Fliers competition, you still came off as all talk, so I didn't want to say anything."


"So there's your explaination. What do you want now?"

Rainbow sighed, "Listen, I wanted to know, because I was thinking about what you said yesterday, and..."

"And what...?"

"And, I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way."

"Oh." he replied, his eyes glaring at her, and trying not to show any emotions that could hint he was hurt or sad.

"After all these years of you and your goonies teasing me, especially my only friend at the time, Fluttershy, I can't just let it all go just cause."

"I get it. I get it. Just get going already." He continued on his way, before Rainbow quickly flew and landed in front of him.

"I wasn't done talking yet."

He shot her an angry look, but she ignored it, "I can't let it go, but, hay, you gave me a second shot, so I guess I could give you one as well."

"Y-You will?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"Yeah, let's just say I've learned a thing or two over the last couple of years of living in Ponyville, besides, like I just said, you gave it a shot to stop insulting me after the competition, so I'll give you one as well. One of these days, when you're free, just come down to Ponyville and we'll hang out. Maybe we can, I dunno, be buddies at least."


"Just none of this, 'you totally have a crush on me' stuff while you're down there. I still have a reputation to protect you know. Besides, I'd rather try becoming your friend first before trying to see myself having a mushy, romantic date with you. If we do become friends and goes past that, then whatever, we can try that and see where that goes."

Billy turned his attention to the ground as he thought about it. Honestly, he felt that at least part of that statement was an insult, but at the same time, he wasn't sure if he should respond back in kind when Rainbow as giving him a chance he wants.

"So take it, or leave it. Your pick."

"Alright, I'm game for that."

"Alright. See you whenever, Billy." Rainbow was about to leave before stopping, "Oh, and don't take too long with that offer, I'm not going to wait forever. Afterall, you never know when I'll get that invite to the Wonderbolts." She added with her signature smirk, and winked before leaving Billy to his thoughts.

Billy stood there for a moment, not saying anything, before hoof pumping once and proceeding on his way with a bright smile on his face.

Comments ( 5 )

Well that was cute. I certainly didn't expect to see this update anytime soon, so it makes one helluva Christmas present.

The suddenness of the unfamiliar voice was enough stop Rainbow and Billy's argument, and surprise Hoops as all three of them noticed who the voice belonged to: their portly friend, Score.

Wow even the quiet One basically had enough with this nonsense

"Duuuuude! That's what you sound like?" He asked in genuine amazement.

Lol yeah I figured he would say that got to love the classic of not hearing The Silent One

"After all these years of you and your goonies teasing me, especially my only friend at the time, Fluttershy, I can't just let it all go just cause."

Oh yeah there is still some Old Wounds that still not going to go away anytime soon

Well this was a pretty interesting story so it looks like their job is about to be done but before they go they check out the cities to make sure there is not that many damage which there is but nothing too major so good thing and they decided to head back to Ponyville but somebody asking about this whole smell which apparently it carries the rain damped smell and rainbow smell it and yeah it does but she also recognized that other scent and she questioned Billy about getting sleep with her which to kind of did and basically both of them got in the heated argument but then score they're very silent Pony starting to say something and which that's pretty surprising to everybody and he also made some good points and with that and Billy did admit it that he did like her after that little incident they arrived to the weather Factory unfortunately for the other two they had to do another job but rainbow took the day off and Billy has to make some reports so they got off pretty easy and Billy was asking if she's doing something or did she even felt anything she kind of did but she still is pretty sore at him for what he did when they were children rainbow still believes in second chance deciding if they can hang out and everything which that's cool and it's a start besides you don't want to rush in relationship again this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

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