• Published 11th May 2015
  • 1,571 Views, 7 Comments

Dinky's Mother's Day Adventure - Spirit Shift

Derpy, having promised to spend all of Mother's Day with Dinky, accidentally overworks herself, leaving just one thing undone. Dinky, seeing how hard she's worked, vows to finish what her mother's started. Even if it means becoming her in the process

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Happy Mommy's Day!

A hushed silence fell over the crowd of onlookers as they waited outside the large grey castle of their newest and cutest princess. The cloud castle wasn’t always a slate grey shade, but their princess had a fondness for the color. The entire crowd continued to hold their breaths in anticipation as the muffin emblemed doors of the castle began to open. Immediately the silence died and the crowd went crazy. Frantic screams and cheers racked the entire area as the doors opened further.

And as the figure emerged, the cheers seemed to automatically organize themselves into a singular chant:

“All hail Princess Dinky. All hail the Muffin Filly!”

“All hail Princess Dinky. All hail the Muffin Filly!”

“All hail Princess Dinky. All hail the Muffin Filly!”

The crowd continued to chant and cheer as their filly princess proudly paraded through the doors, head held high. She strode by herself, her face adorned with the happiest smile in the world. She had everyone’s love, she had a big cloud castle, she had her favorite pale violet blanket wrapped around her neck as her royal cape thingie, and she had on a very modest flower crown. Dinky didn’t like those other big fancy crowns or tiaras, a flower crown made by her mother was, in her eyes, wayyyy better.

Speaking of her mother....

As the small unicorn strode down the walkway from the throne room's doors—careful not to trip on her cape and get an ouchie of course—she approached a large round raised stone platform. Remembering her self-taught princess lessons, Dinky daintily stepped a hoof upon the first step. Then, promptly forgetting all of it, she ran up the next two towards the center of the dais.

The dais lit up in a blinding golden glow. Everyone glanced up and immediately bowed at the sight of a certain silhouette descending from above the clouds. Only Dinky remained standing as her own sparking eyes gazed up at the breathtaking view.

Slowly a grey alicorn descended towards the dais, wings spread wide in all of their glory. After a second of hovering over, it she touched down. As soon as her hoof touched the stone, the crowed cheered for her as well.

“All hail Derpy! All hail the Muffin Queen!” the crowd bellowed. At once, half the crowd reached down and brought out the most golden brown muffins Derpy had ever seen. Each one appeared to be a different flavor. The other half of the crowd pulled out identical plush dolls of a certain brown stallion.

The Muffin Queen, her golden eyes perfectly aligned, stared out at the crowd with confusion. “Oh...oh my, what is all this?” she asked, her voice as perfect as always. With a slight blush she glanced down at the young princess.

Said princess was currently bouncing in a very un-royal, very hyperexcited fashion. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and pounced upon her mother, knocking them both off of the platform and onto the clouds below.

They tumbled and rolled and played in the cloudstuff as if it were snow. Finally, they came to a stop. All royal stuff forgotten, Dinky lay atop her mother’s stomach and stared into her eyes. Derpy giggled lightly. “What, what is it?” she asked.

Dinky took a deep breath and said...

*POV shift!*

“Happy Mother’s Day!” I yell, standing on the tippy ends of my back hooves. Oh no, I think I spoke too loud. I quickly drop back to the ground and try not to giggle. My room’s carpet always tickles my tum tum with a prickly feeling.

“Shhh!” I whisper. Of course, Mr. Bear just stares at me. He can’t talk since he’s just a brown stuffed toy, but I always imagine he does. He usually has very neat things to say. Except right now he’s saying that he didn’t say anything.

I can’t argue with him. Good fillies know when others are right and I want to be a good filly today…

Well, I want to be a good filly everyday, but today is special!

I whisper to Mr. Bear, “Sorry. But anyway, that’s how today will go when mommy gets up. I’m sure of it.”

Mr. Bear is giving me that look again. I don’t think I like it this time though.

“Well… no… I can’t walk on clouds,” I admit. “I’ve always wanted to though. Maybe mommy can take me up today and I can touch one again!” I remember last year on my birthday when mommy strapped me to her back and took me up into the sky to fly through the clouds. They were so soft and fluffy. I couldn’t hold them in my hoof for too long like mommy could, but I think they were amazing anyway!

“Hmm… I want to say that it’s my favorite birthday present ever, but then what about the other presents. I don’t want them to get jealous. I just...”

Mr. Bear’s giving me that look that mom gets when it’s time for me to get to sleep.

I nervously rub my hooves together. “I know I got up a little early… but I’m just so excited! Lately mommy’s been running around like crazy doing things outside of the house. I barely even see her before bedtime. But today, she said that she’d spend the day with me after her mail route in the morning! Oops, sorry,” I whisper. “I got excited again! I really wanted to fix her breakfast or something else nice for Mommy’s Day but she said I was too small to use the kitchen. It’s alright though because she said just spending the day with me is enough.”

Mr. Bear is still giving me the same look.

“I won’t fall asleep during our time together,” I say. “I got plenty of sleep last night. I am fully… re… rea...reaaaaahhhhshted…”I just stare at him. My face starts to feel warm. “That yawn meant nothing to me. Besides, it’s only…” I realize I have no idea what time it is after telling my story.

I stand up and trot over to the Cookie Clown clock The Doctor gave me. He doesn't like being called that but he just looks so much like a Doctor. He knows so much about clocks, and he wears a tie sometimes. It’s a fact: smart people who wear ties and white coats are called doctors. It makes sense. I already told mommy that I wanted to get him a white coat for his birthday. Anyway, Uncle Turner made me a special clock that has he says will always tell the correct time. It’s on my table so I need to climb up on my bed to see it.

My bed is really cozy. Mommy got these special cotton sheets for it. Apparently, other kinds ira… irri.. they rub my coat the bad way. But that’s alright, I always imagine that these covers are kind of like what solid clouds feel like. But I can’t get too comfy or I won’t be there to wake Mommy up and wish her a happy her day.

Right now the big hoof is on the 7 and the little hoof is a little past the 4, and that thin hoof is ticking past the big 12 up top. I’m a smart filly so I know how to read clocks even without the Doctor’s help. I turn back to Mr. Bear with my muzzle up high like Miss Rarity does when she’s being smug. I don’t know what smug means but that’s what mommy said it’s called.

“It’s clearly 7:26 and some seconds.” If Mr. Bear could clap his paws or talk I would be getting so many cheers right now. I yawn and look back at the clock. “Let’s see here. Mommy usually wakes me up at school time which is at 8 I think, and she leaves for her first job right after that. So um… Mr. Bear does the clock look… look fuzzy and wiggly to you?”

In fact, everything looks fuzzy. Then everything goes black for a few seconds. No wait… light again. I think my eyes closed for a few seconds. Did I mention that my bed is really…

*plomp*... *snore*

“Oh no!” I say, jumping up. I look back at the clock and see that the big hoof jumped from the 7 to the 6 and the little hoof went from the 4 to the 8. Wait… did I go back in time? I look around, and giggle, “No, that’s silly.“ Then I get a little sad. “But I did fall asleep though. Oh! Where’s mommy?” I hop off of my bed and run out of the room. “Maybe she’s not awake yet and I can still be the one to wake her up!” I cheer, smiling as I head into my mommy’s room.

She usually leaves her door open in case I get scared at night but I think she’s just being silly. I don’t think I’ve been scared of the dark since… at least a few weeks ago.

“Mommy!” I yell, working my way onto her bed. Her bed is bigger than mine so it takes all of my super filly strength to climb it. I’ll be honest, I did fall a few times. But I made it!

“Happy Mommy’s Day, mommy!” I cheer, standing up next to her. I wait for a few seconds. Normally, she’d hop up and give me a tickle hug while raspberrying my tummy. But this time she’s just laying there. She must be really sleepy. I pull out my second way of waking her up.

“Mommy, it’s time to wake up and greet the day with a smile and a muffin,” I say, poking her nose and saying the same thing she tells me. Still nothing. I’m starting to get worried now. But I keep calm. It’s time for my super special secret weapon.

I run into the kitchen and pull open the fridge with my teeth. It’s a good thing mommy always keeps a few muffins low to the ground in case I want a snack. I grab one and run back to her room. Tossing the muffin onto her bed I make the trip back up. I wave the muffin in front of her nose for a few seconds then open her mouth and stuff it in.

Not even the muffin worked? “Oh no…” My vision starts going blurry and I start getting choked up. “Mommy! Mommy wake up! Mommy wake up!” I start shaking her but still nothing. I think she’s hurt but I don’t see anything wrong. I act like a good filly and I wipe my tears away. Mommy always told me to keep calm and not to panic. We learned in school what to do when ponies are hurt and it hits me.

“I need a Doctor!” I yell, stumbling off the bed and running out of the door.


“Well...?” I whisper, trying to keep my tears from blurrying up my eyes. “Wh-wh-what’s wrong with my mommy?”

I ran to get Uncle Time Turner from next door. He’s a Doctor, I think. I got him to look over mommy and find out what’s wrong. He’s turning around and… he’s smiling! Smiles are good right? Right?

“Dinky, love, your mother is fine,” he says softly.

I sniffle. “A-are you sure?”

He chuckles. Why is he chuckling? This isn’t funny! I’m really scared. “Well, aside from a day old cold muffin stuffed in her mouth, she’s perfectly alright,” he says. “She always was a quiet sleeper, even back in the day,” he mutters.

“She’s asleep? Why won’t she wake up?! Is she in one of those comb things I’ve heard about?”

He comes over and sits down in the corner next to me, gently bringing me into a hug, which makes me feel a little better. But I’m still scared. I guess he can tell because he’s speaking with the soft voice that big ponies use when they want to make little ponies feel better.

“Dinky, it’s called a coma,” he says, rubbing my back. It feels nice. “No, she’s not. I’m not a doctor, but my theory is exhaustion. It wouldn’t be the first time this has happened to her. She tends to overwork herself when it comes to ponies she loves.” He pulls away slightly and looks down at me with a nice looking smile. “Just a day’s bit of sleep and she’ll be up an’ blowin’ bubbles with you tomorrow.”

I make a shocked face and pull away from him completely. “But she has to do her mail thing. But if she’s asleep then she can’t do it, then she’ll get in trouble…” I mutter sadly. I don’t want mommy to get in trouble because of me.

Uncle Turner hums and walks over to one of mommy’s drawers. “Excuse me,” he says, opening it up.

I gasp, “I don’t think you’re supposed to be going through a mare's privates like that.”

I giggle as his face turns into a tomato. I like it when his face does that. I just don’t know why it does that.

He lifts out a bunch of paper and starts looking through it. “Ahh, I see. I thought it was odd she only had one thing scheduled today. Derpy has at least three jobs around Ponyville. She’s been taking extra shifts and night jobs just to get some extra bits and keep today free from interruption.”

I don’t know what any of that means so I just stare at him.

“It means your mommy loves you and wanted to spend as much time with you as possible today. However, she worked too hard and now she’s all tuckered out.” He’s smiling but that only makes me feel worse. My eyes get all watery again. I can’t control it this time so I fall to the ground and sniff quietly. Good fillies don’t cry out loud. Except… I don’t think I’m a good filly anymore.

Uncle Turner quickly rushes over and leans down to the ground with me. “Dinky, dearest, what’s wrong?! Derpy’s going to be alright.”

I shake my head. I can feel my ears pin to it. “No she won’t...”

“And why is that?”

He tries to bring me in for a another hug but I push him away because I don’t deserve it. “It’s my fault! She must have seen how excited I was for today.” I sniffle a few times “And now mommy’s going to get punished because I made her work too hard!” I cry. See? I’m a bad filly who can’t even cry quietly!

“Dinky!” he yells, turning my head to face him. “Don’t you ever think that. You’re a lovely child and your mother loves you more than anything. It’s not your fault. It was her choice to work hard and it was her wish to spend time with you. Now do you want her to regret her choice?”

I sniffle a little and wipe my tears away. I give him one more quick hug. Hugs are nice. Mommy says that hugs drive the sad away; she’s a great hugger but Uncle Turner isn’t bad either. “N-no. But what about her job? She’ll still get in trouble if she doesn't show up today.”

He gives me a nice smile and looks back towards my mom. “Well it seems that somepony with have to take her place then, doesn’t it?” he says, winking at me.

I just tilt my head. “I don’t get it.”

“Dinky, do you still have your little costume from Nightmare Night?”


Uncle Turner gently places my hat on my head and adjusts it. “There we are!”

I walk over to my tall mirror and look at myself. He wanted me to put on my little mail mare costume that Miss Rarity made me last year. I had on my nice blue hat with the cute little badge on it and my blue jacket thing with a tie. I also had a little brown bag around my neck. It’s all the same things that my mommy wears when she’s out delivering mail. The eyes on the mirror me go wide as she realizes the same thing I do.

“Oh! Oh! You mean I’m going to deliver the mail today?!” I squeal.

“Well you do look just like mother. You should make a rather suitable replacement, I’d say.”

“I… I look just like mommy...?” I whisper, staring back at my reflection. I didn’t even notice that Uncle Turner had moved behind me until he said something.

“Hmm,” he hmms. “Yes, I do think there’s something missing though, don’t you?”

I turn my head up to look at him. “What do you mean?”

He just smiles and walks out of the room. He’s being weird, I think. I just shrug and turn back to the mirror to look at myself from different sides. I always hoped that I looked like my mom. For a while I was even confused why I had a horny thing and she had wingie things. Mommy explained it to me so I could understand, but I still hoped that I at least looked like her without it. When I got this costume everypony said I looked like a little mail mare so I always thought that’s what they meant.

But nopony ever told me that I looked exactly like her. That makes me… happy I think. Like I have this warm feeling in my chest. It feels nice.

Looking in the mirror, I see Uncle Turner coming back into the room holding a box in his mouth. He puts the box down in front of me. “Now, don’t be mad at me, but I was saving this for your birthday.”

“What? Nononono!” I yell, backing away and covering my eyes with my hooves. “I want to wait to get it!” It wouldn’t be fair to the other foals who have to wait for their birthdays if I got mine early. Oh no, I can hear him opening the box. I can’t look. I turn around and tuck myself into the corner. “Put it back, I don’t want it!” He’s coming closer and I shrink down onto my tummy. “Nooooo.” Wait, what he putting on my back? Is it a new frilly saddle? Those things are so cute and I… NO! I can’t look, I need to be a good filly and wait for my—

“Surprise, you’re a pegasus now!”

“I’m a what?!” What did he say? I open my eyes and turn around to see the best thing ever sitting on my back. “Oh my Celestia!” I scream, running back to the mirror. Oh my gosh my reflection has it too! There’s a pair of closed pegasus wings on my back that are the same color as my coat. I stare at them and something wells up in my chest.

I can’t! Mommy’s still sleeping.

I need to hold it in.

“EeeeeeiiiiiIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” I scream, hopping in place. Before I realize it I’m hopping on the dressers and slamming into Uncle Turner.

“ThankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouUncleTurnerIlovethemthey’rethebesthingseverinthehistoryofbirthdaypresantsever!” I squeeze him in the biggest hug I can give.

“Shhh! Your mother!” he hisses, glancing back towards mommy’s room.

I look at him with the most serious look possible. “I love you, Uncle Turner!” I say seriously.

His face turns that tomato color again. Weird, mommy doesn't do that when I hug her. Now that I think about it I don’t think I’ve ever told Uncle Turner that I loved him. I don’t think mom has either. Me and mommy should tell him that more often, he’s just so helpful and nice to us. He’s such a good pony.

I think I’ve finally calmed down, and I notice something else when I look back at the mirror. I see my wings closing. “H-h-h-how did they…” Then the best thing ever happens and my wings open back up. I can’t even say anything it’s so amazing.

“Oh, I see you like that, eh?” I turn back to Uncle Turner and see that he’s wearing the same look that mommy called smug.

“H-h-how?” I’m trying to ask him how they’re doing that, but I’m just so excited and happy I feel like I’m gonna burst open. I really hope I don't though before I get to try my new wings out.

“Well, let’s just say that our resident Princess owed me a little favor.” He reached down and touched one of my wings. “They’re enchanted. If you want them to open or close or flap, then they will.”


“No, they don’t let you fly or touch clouds like a pegasus. I’m sorry. It’s just a toy-slash-costume.”


“But now you are literally the spitting image of your mother.” He starts to look a little sad too. “You don’t like it?”

I shake my head over and over. “No, I love it! I must look exactly like mommy now, right?”

He giggles a little. “That’s what spitting image means.”

I don’t even try to hold it in this time. “EeeeeeiiiEEEEEEEEE—!” Luckily, Uncle put his hoof over my mouth so I don’t wake up mommy.

I move his hoof away and back up. “Sorry. But now I’m ready right? I can go deliver the mail?” I say, I can’t help but hop around in excitement. I get to be just like my mom for a day, it’s a dream come true!

He nods and I try to run out of the room. I’m running but the door isn’t getting any closer. Then I realize that the silly Doctor is holding onto my bag. “Leggo, please. You’re gonna rip it!”

“Not yet,” he grunts. I frown and stop and he picks his hoof up. I turn to see him holding out a small letter. “Firstly, I just want to tell you this so Derpy doesn't bloody murder me when she wakes up: Be careful out there. Ponyville is generally a safe place and easy to navigate. But… Well... You know how things can get.” I’m confused. I remember the bunny stampede being pretty fun. All those small fluffy things running around; what’s so scary about that? I nod anyway though.

“Good, now that I’m absolved of any possible blame. Here, take this.” He holds out the letter and I lift up my hat. Mommy always tells me to practice magic whenever I can, so I’m gonna try to—

“Ah ah ah! You’re a pegasus right now, remember?”

“Oh right!” I take the letter in my mouth. “Wathfis?” I ask. Paper tastes weird.

He smiles at me. “That, my dear, is your first assignment. I need you to deliver that to the post office. You have to go there anyway to pick up the mail. This should convince them to let you do so.”

He looks back towards mommy's room one more time. He pulls me closer and whispers into my ear. His breath tickles a my ear a little and I flinch back. *giggle* “Listen closely," he whispers. "You’re about to give your mother the best Mother’s Day present ever.”

“Mmahm?” Oops, I forgot about the letter. I stuff it into my baggie. “I am?”

He nods. “Other colts and fillies do things for their parents, things like make them breakfast in bed or do their chores. But you, my dear, you’re really helping out your mum by letting her have this sleep time. She’s always been determined and she really doesn't know when to stop. But that’s who she is. She’s determined and strong. Right now, you are her for today so you need to be like that too. Can you do that for me?”

I nod, too stunned to say anything. He nods too. “Good. Now go deliver those letters and come back safely!”

I can feel my face stretch in the biggest smile I’ve ever made. I really, really want to scream in excitement right now, but this time I’m able to hold it. Making sure that the silly Doctor isn’t stepping on my bag this time, I run off towards adventure!

As I’m running out the door I can hear Uncle Turner yelling after me. “There’s a map in your bag just in case you get lost!”


Ohh, it’s really bright out today. Princess Celestia must be really happy. I have to cover my eyes with my hoof for a second so I can look around. “Let’s see, the post office is…” I look around for a little bit, trying to remember which direction mommy takes me in when I visit. The mail house is right behind the weird shop that sells quills and sofas... or was it beds? There were beds last time I was there.

“That way!” I take off running in the direction I remember mom going. I just noticed that it goes past the Doctor’s house. I wonder if mom stops to say hi to him. I would if I didn’t know he was in my house. I slow down a bit when I realize that he’s probably still babysitting mommy. I hope he doesn't get bored. Maybe I should go show him where my board games are so he has something to do. Maybe he’ll take a nap and keep mommy company in her dreams.

“Hi, Dinky!”

Oh, I’m here, I must have been thinking the whole way. “Hi, Mr. Run,” I say, waving my hoof to one of the other mail ponies. He just came out of the door of the office. He looks excited. I can tell because his curly grey mane looks extra frizzy.

He has this big silly smile and looks around. “Whatcha doing out here, come to say hi to your mom?” Then he puts his hoof to his chin and gets a thinky face. “Actually, I didn’t see her come in today.”

“Mommy can’t wake up right now,” I say sadly.

“Oh no, is she alright?” he asks.

“No, no. She’s fine, The Doctor said she’s just tired. So for Mother’s Day, I’m taking her place! Call me Derpy!” I cheer.

Weird, he looks all shy for some reason. “Well… that would be a little awkward since I… Well anyway, I’m glad you’re doing something nice for her. She’s a great mare, I hope she feels better.”

I love it when other ponies care about my mommy! So I run up and hug his leg; he’s a pretty tall pony. “Thanks for caring about her and treating her nice,” I tell him, looking up.

His face goes all tomato-y and he looks away. “Y-yea. No problem. Now go on if you want to take your mom’s shift. It’s been a pretty light day but you’re still pretty late.” He gently nudges me towards the door.

“Oh no!” I run through the door and up to the counter. “Hi, Ms. Stamp!”

The brown-colored mare from the counter looks down her paper and smiles at me. “Oh! Hi, Dinky! Oh my Luna, you look so adorable in your mail outfit!” she squeals. “And you’ve got little wings too! That so hnnngg!” She grabs her chest. “I think I’m gonna die, that’s so cute!”

My face gets a little warm. I really like Ms. Stamp. I think she has the most prettiest dark red mane and glasses. “Thanks. I love it too! I’m here to deliver the mail for my mom. I’m her today!”

Her smile disappears. “Oh, is she sick? Is that why she didn’t show up today? Well it’s alright. I’ll have Mail Run take her shift. I’m sure he’ll jump at the chance to impress Derpy,” she giggles.

“Nooo! I have to do it. It’s my mommy day present to her!”

“Oh… Well, I’m sorry, Dinky. Only trained mail officers can deliver mail. It’s a government thing.”

No… but… I have to. Wait! The letter Uncle Turner gave me. “But I am trained!” I reach into my bag and pull out the letter. “See, I even have a letter for you.” I hope this works.

She takes the letter and starts reading it. I can’t help but mess with my hooves I’m so nervous. I think I need to go potty too, so that isn’t helping. Oh no, why is she gasping. I don’t think that’s a good sign.

She’s looking down at me with sad-looking eyes. “I’m very sorry, Dinky. I hope your mom gets better but even so, I can’t allow you to—”

“Oh snap, who’s this little mailmare?!”

Both of us turn to see another stallion coming out of the door and running up to me. Before I realize it, I’m off the ground and squished. “Dinky Doo,” he chuckles. “When did you become a little pegasus?”

It takes me a second before I realize who’s hugging me and I hug him back. “Uncle Shift!” I squeal. He’s my most favorite mail pony, besides my mom of course. He was the one who got my mom the job. No matter how bad she messes up he always covers for her. My smile doesn't last long when I remember why I’m here.

I pull away and look up at him. “I need to deliver the mail because my mom is tired and I really need to make it up to her because today is—”

“Woah woah!” he says, shushing me with a hoof. He sits me back on the ground. “What’s this about the mail?”

“Spirit, she wants to deliver the mail for her mother, who’s out sick today,” explained Ms. Stamp, handing him the letter I gave her. I really hope Uncle Shift lets me do it. He’s always been a really nice pony to us.

He looks over the paper and chuckles. For some reason he crumples up the paper and tosses it away with a smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Derpy’s right here. She’s just a bit late. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

Ms. Stamp gasps, but I don’t get it. “But sir, we can’t let a filly—”

He ignores her and turns back to me. “Say, Derpy…” Why is he winking at me. I don’t— Oh! I get it now! “Derpy, you do remember your way around Ponyville, right? I hope your sudden size change hasn’t affected your ability to deliver mail.”

I shake my head excitedly. “No sir! No wind nor rain nor... something something else will stop me from delivering the mail, sir!”

I can hear Ms. Stamp whispering behind the counter. I look over at her and see her put her hoof over her chest for some reason. “Oh my Cadence that is so hnng!” she whispers. I wonder what hnng means.

Uncle Shift just laughs. “Perfect! Page Stamp, I don’t suppose you could go take your lunch and pretend to look away, could you?”

I look over at Ms. Stamp with my most cutest wide eyes. I learned it from Sweetie Belle and the other crusaders, but I don’t use it very often. The last pony I did it to had to go to the hospital for chest pains. But this is an emergency.

Ms. Stamp backs away with her hoof on her chest. Oh no, am I hurting her? I’m just about to stop when she finally speaks. “Fffffine! Dinky—er Derpy can go do her job. But it’s on your head if she messes up.”

“It always is,” he smiles. “Oof!”

I jump up and give him the biggest hug ever. “Thankyouthankyouhankyousomuch!” I can feel the wings slapping against my back. They must be happy too!

He hugs back. “No problem. Now since you have your own bag, I’ll go get the letters. It isn’t much so you should have no problem carrying them.”


Ohhhh, I’m just so excited I can’t help but hop and skip and jump down the street. I can feel the bag bumping me, and remembering that it’s filled with stuff I get to deliver just makes me happier. I’m just like mommy!

“Okay, time to get serious!” I say, totally serious. I reach into the bag and pull out the first letter. “Okay, the first delivery is to 4326 Harpo road… I don’t know where that is,” I mutter. But that’s alright, Uncle Shift told me a trick to finding out where it is. Every letter has a name on it. I know where a lot of ponies live so all I need to do is look for the name. So I look around for the name. “It’s for Auntie Lyra! I know where she lives!”

“Woah, that’s stalker speak!”


I turn around and see both Aunties Lyra and Bon Bon standing behind me. I like them, they’re always so funny and they’re mommy’s best friends. Mommy thinks they secretly like each other though, but I don’t see it. Right now, Auntie Bon Bon is frowning at Lyra. But then she smiles at me. “So what are you doing out here, Dinky?”

I shake my head. “I’m not Dinky. I’m Derpy today! See!” I point to the name tag that Uncle Shift gave me. “And I’m out delivering mail for the good ponies of Ponyville.”

Lyra chuckled. “Well alright then. I’m right here, deliver the letter.”

I looked down at the letter. “I’m not sure it works like that…”

Lyra blinked. “What?”

“What do you mean, sweetie?” asked Auntie Bon Bon.

“I have to put it in your mailbox for it to be an official letter delivery. It’s the rule… I think.” I pretty sure it is. I’ve been with mommy a few times but I’ve never seen her go up to a pony and give her a letter. I’ve seen her give ponies packages, but not letters. Letters go in the letter box out front.

Aunt Lyra shrugged. “Well then I guess we can’t break the rules. Come on, let’s go to my house!” She waved her hoof and ran off. I like playing tag, so I ran after her.

We made it a race. I flapped my wings to get as much speed as I could so I could win. I could tell that Aunt Lyra was surprised. I almost felt like I left the ground for a little bit.

It sucks being so small sometimes. I have tiny, short-looking legs, and I get tired fast. I start breathing really hard when we finally get to the front door. At least I got here before Lyra. My hooves are so heavy but I finally touch the front door. “I—*huff*—I win.”

“Hey, Din—err Derpy?” I turn around and Auntie Lyra and Bon Bon waving by the letter box thing. Oh, no. I complete forgot. Using the rest of my energy, I trot down to the letter box and reach into my baggie. With Bon Bon’s help I can reach the box and open it.

“Wait, no hold me back up!” I tell auntie when she tries to put me down. “I forgot to tilt the red flag thing up.”

“Eeeeiiiiiiieeee!” I squeal. “I just made my first delivery! Go! Go! Look at it!”

Lyra chuckles. “Alright, alright.” I can’t help but have a big smile while I watch her open her letter box. “Hey look, Bonnie,” she says, “we got mail!”

“Oh, I wonder what it is,” Auntie Bon Bon chuckles.

“Open it! Open it!” I can’t hold it in! I’m so so sososososo excited. Look at how happy Auntie is to get a letter. She’s opening it. She’s gasping! She’s smiling! Now she’s jumping around like Princess Twilight does sometimes!

“Lyra, what is it?”

Auntie Lyra holds up the letter in her magic. “I got the harpist position in Canterlot! Octavia came through!” She jumps and give me a biiiig hug. “Thanks, Dinky.”

“No, Derpy remember.”

“Ha, sorry, squirt. Thanks Derps!” she says, rubbing my mane.


I run through Ponyville, having the time of my life. I know where most of the ponies live so it’s easy to run to each house and put the letter in the letter box. Some were like Lyra’s and I couldn’t reach it. But luckily there was usually a helpful pony around to lift me up. I didn’t always see the pony I was delivering to, but that’s alright. Mommy told me that sometimes a mail pony has to be a silent hero. When I asked what that meant, she told me that it meant that I wouldn’t always get a hug and a thank you when I lift the little flag thing and deliver mail.

Honestly, my mommy has a lot of jobs. She works as a mover sometimes, and sometimes she helps out with the weather. But she told me that her favorite job is definitely being a mail pony; and I can definitely see why. I get to meet other ponies and talk with them. I got to see auntie Lyra happy after getting the good news. And I feel like I’m leaving a little present in every letter box.

After tilting the little red flag thing up on Berry Pinch’s mom’s house, I turn around and reach into my baggie. “Now, where to next.” I realize that my baggie’s gotten really roomy. “Aww, I’m almost done. Let’s see… this next one’s a small brown package for Rainbow Dash. I don’t think I know where Rainbow Dash lives.” Every time I see her she’s flying around or napping on a soft looking cloud.

“You wanna know where Rainbow Dash lives?!”

“Eek!” I yelp and jump around. “Scootaloo, you startled me.”

Scootaloo just smiles at me and leans on the handle of her scooter. I look around but I don’t see any of the other crusaders or the red wagon they ride in. I wonder what she’s doing by herself. Is she doing something special for mother’s day like I am?

“Well, you made it so easy,” she responds. “Anyway, I know where Rainbow Dash lives. Hop on, I’ll show you.”

I look over at the scooter and I start to get a little squeamish. “Bu-But don’t I need, like, a helmet or something? Can’t we just trot there?”

“Nah, that’s lame. Plus, if that’s a letter for Rainbow Dash it must be super important. She needs to get it as soon as— Wait a sec.” Scootaloo scoots over and looks at my back. “WHEN DID YOU GET WINGS?!” she yells. My ear hurts.

“They’re just toys.” I tell her. She still standing behind me and staring at my back. “The Doctor made them for me.”

“But you just flapped them! You can’t flap—YOU DID IT AGAIN!” My ear really hurts.

“Please stop screaming,” I ask her. “The Princess enchanted it to flap when I want it to.”

“Can you—”

“I can’t fly,” I say sadly.

“Oh,” she also looks disappointed. I don’t like it when other ponies are sad, so I give her a nice pat on the back. She seems to cheer up and we both smile. “Anyway, like I said; Rainbow Dash needs to get that letter post haste!” For some reason she falls off her scooter and rolls along the ground laughing.

I just stare at her. I feel like she made a joke but… “I don’t get it…”



“I know, right?”

“It’s amazing!” It’s the biggest, most super-duperly amazing-lookingest cloud home I’ve ever seen! It’s not even a home, it’s a castle. It’s a cloud castle that a princess could live in. Oh my Luna, there are rainbow waterfalls! It’s like a dream! A floaty dream!

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Scootaloo roll her eyes. “Well duh. Of course it’s amazing, you’ve gotta have something else to say about it.”

I throw my head towards her, seriously confuzzled. “H-how does Rainbow Dash afford that place?”

Her eyes open wide and she puts a hoof to her chin and makes a thinky face. “I don’t… really know. You think you could ask her when you get up there?”

“Sure… but how do I do that? I’m not a pegasus remember…” I look back at my wings. I really wish I was sometimes. Then I could fly around through the sky with my mom instead of her carrying me.

“Well just get your mom to carry you up there. Where is she anyway? Doesn't she usually deliver the mail?”

I shake my head. “I can’t! I’m doing this so that my mom doesn't have to. It’s my present to her.”

“Then we’re gonna need to find some way up there. You also need a way to stand on clouds.”

Both of us sit down on the grass and put on our thinky faces. We need a way to reach the clouds and walk on them so that I can deliver this last package. Maybe Rumble’s brother could help lift me up there. Or maybe another pegasus. Would the package even stay in the letter box if it was made out of cloud stuff too? If her entire house is made of clouds, I wonder what kind of furniture Rainbow Dash has, and if anything not made of clouds fall through them. *Gasp* Is her potty made of clouds?! Does it fall through like everything else! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!

“I got it!”

“I don’t wanna get peed on!”



“Dinky, will you please stop bowing to me. It’s fine, honestly.”

I stop trotting and slowly raise my head just enough to look at the Princess. “B-but you’re a princess! A-and you made me these amazing toy wings. I can’t thank you enough.”

Princess Twilight also stops to look back at me and Scootaloo. “And I love it that you’re grateful, really. But you don’t need to keep bowing. I was happy to make those for you. Plus, you’ve known me since before I was a princess, remember.”

I nod. I remember coming in her library to read books a lot because I wanted to be a smart filly and learn magic.

Twilight smiles. “Good.” We all start trotting back to Rainbow Dash’s home. “I’m really glad you girls came to me instead of doing something silly.”

I look up at her with a confuzzled looking face. “Silly?”

Twilight chuckles and looks back at Scootaloo. “Like say, catapulting yourself up there.”

“Hey! It worked didn’t it?”

Oh… See, this is why my mom won’t let me play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Hey, Twilight, Scootaloo, why aren’t you two with your moms today?”

Scootaloo doesn't answer for some reason, but Twilight does. “Well, my mom had a very important meeting today, so Spike and I went to see her yesterday. We had so much fun playing games and forcing her to be lazy. By the way, Dinky, I really appreciate what you’re doing for your mom.”

My face feels warm and I look away. “Thanks, I just want her to be alright.”

“I heard ponies talking about you around town. They said you were the best mail pony out there today. You did an amazing job.”

Before I can say anything Scootaloo jumps ahead. “Blah, blah, blah we’re here!” It’s rude to interrupt ponies but she’s right. Rainbow Dash’s house is still as big and amazing as before.

“Scootaloo!” says Twilight. She shakes her head and spreads her wings. “Are you ready, Dinky?”

I put my hoof to my head and nod. “Call me Derpy for today!”

She nods and her horn lights up in this big purple glow. Then my hooves start feeling tickle-y, like a hundred tiny raspberries are happening at once. “Hold still,” she says. I try but it’s so tickle-y!

“Sweet! Let’s go!” cheers Scootaloo, hopping on Twilight’s back. Twilight just rolls her eyes and grabs me with her magic. It doesn't feel as tickle-y as what she did before. It actually feels more like I’m flying in the air. Before I know it my wings open and it really starts to feel like I’m flying. I love it!

It’s so fun! I land on the cloud and it takes me a second to realize. I look down and I can feel my face stretch into the biggest, most excitingest smile I’ve ever smiled! “I’m standing on clouds!”

Princess Twilight covers her ears for some reason, but I can’t stop jumping around. It’s just like I’ve always imagined it. It’s like cotton candy mixed with soft sugar, teddy bears, flour, and the softest muffins ever! I just can’t stop hugging and bouncing and rolling around on the fluffy white goodness. “I wonder what it tastes like…” I say out loud.

Twilight makes a thinky “hmm” noise. “You know, I’ve never thought about that. I would expect it to taste either like misty liquid vapor, pure water, or nothing.”

“I wanna taste it!” I whisper. I try to pick some up but it just fades away in my hoof. I try again but the same thing happens. “I can’t pick it up.”

Princess Twilight comes over and stands next to me, and reaches into the cloud. It’s not fair, she can pick it up. “Oh, I’m sorry, Dinky, I guess the cloudwalking spell really only lets you stand on clouds.”

“Here, I got ya.” Scootaloo runs over to us and pulls a puff of cloud stuff from the… ground? “Here, just eat it from my hoof then, if you can’t pick it up.”

I look from the cloud to her hoof. “Are your hooves clean?”

I can hear Twilight giggling behind me while Scootaloo goes tomato faced. A lot of ponies seem to be doing that. I wonder If I can do it too. “Of course they are! We’re walking on clouds. It’s like automatic hoof cleaning everywhere you go.”

Oh yeah, clouds are made of water and water cleans hooves! “Oh alright then!” I reach over and try to bite the cloud. “Hmm, it’s like eating water,” I say, swallowing. “Like, I bite it, then it turns to water in my mouth. I love it!”

Twilight nods and writes it down on a little notebook that she got from… somewhere. I don’t really know. Maybe it’s princess magic. Mommy did say that Twilight should be the Princess of Books. “Alright then, thanks for testing that for me. We should go give Rainbow Dash her letter.”

I look down at my bag. I can’t believe I forgot! Mail mares can’t forget to do their job! “Where’s the letter box?” I ask, looking around.

“The letter box?” Scootaloo looks at me confuzzled.

So does the princess for a second before she looks surprised. “Oh! You wanted the mailbox?” asks the Princess. I nod. “Oh, I didn’t know that. The mailbox is directly under her house.”

Wait, what? I run over to the edge of the cloud stuff and look down. She’s really right. It was right in front of me and Scootaloo the whole time. We were probably just looking up too long. I feel sad for a moment but then I remember something. I reach into my baggie and pull out the package.

“Do you want to go back down?” asks the Princess.

“No, wait. This thing says that I need her signature to deliver it. I’m supposed to be up here anyway!” Whew! That’s a relief.

I run past the Princess and Scootaloo and up to Rainbow Dash’s door. I try to knock on it but the only sound that happens is a poof poof sound. “I don’t think she can hear me,” I say.

Scootaloo stands next to me and smugs a smug smile. I think I’m starting to figure out what it means. “I know how to do it. You have to knock on a specific place. I’d cover your ears if I were you.”

I don’t know why I need to, but I follow Scootaloo’s advice and use my hooves to fold my ears down. I watch her move over to a small black square near the side of the door and she points to it.

Then a loud noise makes me jump. Even when I cover my ears the noise sounds like a thunder storm right outside my window. I’m not afraid of lightning, I think it’s pretty, but thunder makes my ears hurt.

I just wish she would stop pressing it so many times.

Finally, Twilight comes over and stops her. “That’s enough.”

“Thank you Princess!” I say. We all wait for a few seconds before Scootaloo tries to hit the black cloud again.

Finally, the door opens up and Rainbow Dash comes through, yawning. “Sup squirts, sup Twilight.” She leans on her door cloud frame.

I smile and put a hoof to my mane in a salute. “I have a package for a Rainbow Dash.” I reach in my baggie and pull the package out with my mouth. “Pffeese fign mere, pfeese!”

Her eyes fall down and she looks at me for a second. “Oh, hey. Derpy, did you shrink a little?” She leans down and lifts up my hat. “Oh, it’s just you, Dinks. Why you deliverin’ mail?”

“Mfffaus mffohh gffyan fom mesd!”

She just stares at me. Twilight tells her what I said though. I told her earlier. “She’s filling in for her mom today as a Mother’s Day present.

Rainbow Dash nods. “Awesome! So whatcha got for me today?”

I hold out the package and Twilight holds up a quill. I really start to feel like a pegasus when Rainbow Dash has to grab the quill in her mouth too. She signs the package and takes it into her hooves.

“Please let this be what I think it is!” She tears open the package and pulls out a… I think it’s a cover, maybe. “Sweet! My Wonderbolt cape is here!” Oh, it’s a cape!

Twilight raises her eyebrow, but Rainbow Dash just frowns at her. “Don’t judge me!”

“Oh, Rainbow,” says the Princess, waving her hoof, “I would never judge you like that. But why a cape, if I may ask?”

Oh look! She’s got a tomato face too. I kinda wanna try it now too. Just about everypony’s done it today. I feel left out. “I was looking through one of Rarity’s shopping book things and I saw it. Obviously it was too awesome not to buy.”

It does look nice. I look around. “Where did Scootaloo go?” I ask. Both adults look down at me then around. I don’t think they know. “Is she in your house?” I point to the now wide open door.

Rainbow Dash just shrugs. “Guess I’m hanging out with her today then.” She reaches down and rubs my mane is a fun, happy way that makes me smile. “Thanks, Di-Derpy! I’ve been waiting for this for like a week.”

I hop in place. “All in a day’s work for a mail mare!” I say, saluting.

Rainbow Dash closes the door and I can hear her yelling from inside. “Scootaloo, you better not be going through my stuff again!”

I turn and hop down the stairs with the Princess following me. “I did it, I did it! I delivered each and every letter!” I cheer. “Did I do a good job, Princess?”

The Princess nods. “I think so, but then again, I don’t think that it’s what I think that counts.”

“I don’t understand. You’re the Princess, of course what you think counts!”

She shakes her head. “Who did you do this for?”

“My mommy?” I say.

“Then shouldn’t you want to know what she thinks?”

I think about it for a second. “Oh my Celestia, you’re right! I wonder if she’s up yet!” I turn and run. I hope the Doctor’s been keeping her company like I asked. Oh gosh, she’s gonna be so happy!

“Dinky... what are you doing? No don’t jump! You can’t fly, stop flapping the wings!”


Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I‘m so excited! I run back to my house as fast as I can. I delivered every letter just like mommy does. I bet she’s gonna be so proud of me! I don’t even feel tired by the time I get back to my house. I can’t wait to—"oof!"

“I’m sorry, I—Dinky?!”

Once my head stops spinning, I blink a few times and then I feel myself being lifted in the air. “Mommy!”

“Dinky, I am so sorry I overslept!” she says, hugging me tightly. “I completely neglected you for a week and then on the day I was supposed to spend with you, I waste it sleeping. I am so, so sorry!”

My back feels wet. I-is she crying? I pat her back and give her my biggest hug to drive the sad away, just like she taught me. “Mommy, don’t cry. Uncle Turner told me that you’ve been trying really hard lately. I know that you wanted to play with me today, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself over it.” I pulled away and held up my mail bag. “Look, I went to the post office and they let me be you for today.” I pointed and my flapping wings. “See. You needed to rest, so I delivered the letters for you.”

She put a hoof to her muzzle and one of her eyes stared at my wings. “You opened your birthday present?”

I shake my head really fast. “No! The Doctor made me do it! I didn’t want to, but he said I needed to look just like you today.” I sit down and nervously play with my hooves. “It was fun. I always wanted to be just like you when I grow up. So today was like a dream come true.”

Mommy gets a tomato face, but only a little. “Oh, muffin. You don’t wanna be like me. I’m just a clumsy pony with mismatched eyes. I couldn’t even keep a promise to you. I’m nothing special.”

I hop up and lean on her legs so I can look into her eyes. “That’s not true! You’re nice and kind and you do your best to take care of me. Uncle Turner said you were strong and stubborn too. You do everything you can to keep me happy, and that makes you the most specialest pony I know!” I tell her, meaning every word.

Mommy just looks at me for a second before more tears start to show up. Then she picks me up and brings me in for the warmest hug I’ve ever gotten. “Thank you, my little muffin, this was the best Mother’s Day present ever.”

I look over at the door and see Uncle Turner poking his head out. He smiles at me and winks. I smile back and squeeze into the hug even more. “Happy Mother’s Day, mommy.”

Author's Note:

Happy Mother's Day you pony lovers you! I bringeth thee the dawws for your enjoyment.

So anyway I'm not all that good at uncomplicated bits of slice of life but I wanted to do something different. I hope this passes. Mom's do so much for us, I hope you all did something meaningful to return the favor.

Please if you see any types let me know.

Comments ( 7 )

“I think I’m gonna die that’s so cute!”

You and me both lady, you and me both :raritystarry:.

Really nice story, and a nice change of pace after reading "Father's Day".

PS: Why are both stories marked as the sequel for the other one? :applejackconfused:

5963668 To create an infinate loop of readership!! MWAHAHAHA

Other than that sudden POV shift near the beginning, this story was really great. I really enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

So. Much. Cuteness! :derpytongue2:

Agh, I can't handle the cuteness!

...Aren't there Foal Labour laws in Equestria that prevent foals from working?
Sure, do your mother's job, but it's technically illegal to pay you or your mother for work you did - at least, from what I've heard about the topic.

“H-how does Rainbow Dash afford that place?”

She didn't - she invaded it and kicked the rightful owners out since only the 'best flier' can have such a big house, and evaded the law with her speed.
That's my theory, anyway.

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