• Published 8th May 2015
  • 413 Views, 4 Comments

Braeburn and the Golden Seeds of Maretania - GoGreenGirl

Braeburn describes to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and his cousin the very adventurous story about how he injured his leg.

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Chapter 2 - Braeburn's Story

I was lost. I was travelin’ to the nearest town to repair my vest and was on what I believed was the right way, until I realized that I was lost, with no maps, just my trusty hat, a ripped vest, and an apple in my satchel bag. With no light to guide the way and only the tops of the trees guardin’ me from the rain, I trudged on forward to what I hoped would be civilization. As fate would have it, I found myself at the top of a hill that just so happened to be laced with pony-devouring mud! It took me down real easy, and I found myself stuck in the vile stuff at the bottom of the hill. By then, after my dignifying mud bath, along with my broken vest and lack of direction, I was ready to give up. All I wanted to do was stay where I was, with my face planted into the hungry mud, and wait and pray to Celestia that I would survive until morning came. I don’t recall how long I sat there, the mud beginnin’ to cake over my head, when, suddenly, I was lifted to my hooves and found myself in a choke hold. I struggled, but my strength wasn’t enough. I thought it was nearly the end!

“Don’t move!” My attacker snarled at me, rather viciously, I might add… I immediately obeyed, bein’ the respectful young colt I was, and, to my relief, felt the hooves of my attacker loosen their grip from around my throat. “Now, answer all my questions correctly and I may let you live.” I was dropped to the ground.

I turned to face my threatener. She was a mare, a khaki colored pegasus with a gray mane and pith helmet. She had piercing raspberry red eyes. She didn't look so tough… I could definitely take her on. If she wasn’t a mare, of course. (Don’t give me that look, Applejack! It’s true!) “Ask away,” I said proudly. (Okay, okay, I’ll admit, she was a little intimidating…just a little!)

I could only glance nervously as her gaze bore into me. I’m pretty sure she saw right into my soul... “Who are you, what are you doing here, and who do you work for?” she snapped.

I took a step back. “Uh, I-I,” I began to stammer. “I am Braeburn. I am searchin’ for a place to repair my vest and I don’t work for nopony. I am a humble citizen from Appleloosa.” I hesitated. “I’m afraid I am a bit lost so could you-”

She stomped her feet to the ground. “Silence!” I flinched and slunk down to the ground, makin’ myself as unimposing as possible. (Okay! I was definitely scared!) The mare calmed and looked down at me. “You talk too much.”

A few minutes of silence passed by as the mare’s eyes drilled holes into my soul. The rain came to a sudden stop. She turned around and began walking into the woods. “You coming?”

I was still in my petrified state, but I decided to put on my bravest act. “Yes!” I squeaked rather pathetically (not a good first impression, maybe). I rushed after the mare until my stride matched hers. “So, uh, who are you and where ‘ar you taking me?” I jumped as an owl flew above my head into the trees above. The mare’s vision never faltered.

“I’m dropping you off at the nearest town and then continuing on my quest,” she said, not stopping from the path.

“Oh,” I responded. “And your name?”

The mare suddenly stopped and looked straight into my eyes. “I,” She began. “I am Daring Do.” Then she flipped her mane and continued walking on the mud trail.

Darin’ Do, eh? I decided to give good ol’ country hello. “Well, howdy there Miss Darin’ Do. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I stood a little straighter. “Now, what is this quest you are talkin’ about? I’d be glad to help you since you’re so nice to be helpin’ me out!”

Darin’ Do rolled her eyes. “If I tell you, will you stop asking questions?” I nodded. “Good.” She paused and reached into her saddlebag to retrieve a neatly folded piece of paper. “Look closely.” I looked over her shoulder as she unfolded the paper to reveal a map. “This map leads to a priceless artifact which, if placed in the wrong hooves, can mean disaster for us all. I am looking for,” she paused dramatically and my eyes grew wide with every passing second. “The Golden Seeds of Maretania!”

I tried to keep a serious face on. I really did, but I couldn’t stop the wave of laughter that escaped from my mouth. “And not getting these seeds could be a disaster?” She looked at me with a shocked expression. I tried to calm down until only a giggle or two came out. She looked pretty serious after all. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I guess I just don’t see how some seeds could be so dangerous. Surely you understand?” I apologized.

“No more questions!” Darin’ Do exclaimed, folding the map back into her pocket. “And it is a big deal. If these seeds touch the soil, then Celestia knows what terrible things may occur.” She sprang up to her hooves. “Now, let’s take you to town and hope that our paths never cross again.” She paused for a minute. “Please.” She began walking again.

If this was how she usually acted ‘round ponies, then I could tell she didn’t have many friends. “I could help you! I am good with plants!” I yelled after her.

There was a pause and then I could hear Darin’ Do sigh. “I suppose I shouldn’t refuse help from a pony who insists so much.” She spoke the last part almost inaudibly. “It’s helped me out before.”

My eyes must’ve lightened up! “Great! You won’t regret it!” I began talkin’ a bit about my life to pass the time.

Darin’ Do groaned. “It’s going to be a long night,” she muttered.

I must applaud her. For such a grumpy pony, she was such a great listener. The sun was just beginning to peak over from the mountains. Suddenly, she stopped and sat down against a tree.

“We rest here.”

I had forgotten that I didn’t receive a lick of sleep since I departed from Appleloosa and immediately stopped talkin’ and started eatin’ the apple I had packed for my journey. Then, I slowly slunk into a deep sleep only to be awakened five minutes later with a punch on my shoulder.

“What- hey!” I complained, but Darin’ Do didn’t even flinch.

“We are closer than I thought. The cave is just a few hoof-steps south. I don’t want to waste any time. Come on!” Just my luck.

I struggled to my hooves, my eyelids ready to close at any minute, and followed Darin’ Do. It was hard to catch up with her flyin’ a few inches from the ground. Not that I couldn’t keep up, of course!

Finally, a insignificant cave came into view and Darin’ Do approached the entrance with caution, yet she could not mask her excitement, but I was indifferent. “Be quiet,” she warned. “I’ll go get the seeds and come right back.”

“Uh huh. Sure thing!” I laid down, attempting to get some more shut eye. “I’ll be right here.”

Shortly after, I could hear the shouts of Miss Do echoing out of the cave. I shot up on four legs and ran toward the entrance. Sleepin’ was in the back of my mind at this point.

“The cave! It’s gonna collapse!” Darin’ Do appeared into view and zipped out of the cave as the top of the cave crumbled to the ground. “Get down!” She screeched and dove for me as a cloud of debris wafted into the air and the ground shook.

It was over in a matter of seconds and I coughed out all the dust that managed to enter my lungs. “Miss Darin’ Do!” I called out for the mare and found her not movin’ on the ground. “Miss Do?” I jumped back when Darin’ Do opened her red eyes and sprang to her hooves.

“The seeds! Where are they?” She examined to soil around her. She grabbed a small satchel layin’ next to a stone and opened it. “One, two, three, four- Oh no!”

“What? What’s wrong?” I hobbled over to Darin’ Do as she began pacing back and forth.

“The seeds! One is missing.” Darin’ Do stopped. “It’s been planted! We must uproot it before it grows anymore!” She began digging into the earth furiously.

A small sprout was growin’ from the ground near her. Sure, it grew pretty fast, but I thought it wouldn’t pose any threat. That was until it grew larger. Darin’ Do backed up as the once tiny sprout grew four times taller than the average pony.

“It’s-it’s a violet?” A huge, purple flower with a longer, slender stem towered over us. The wind blew at the petals, causin’ ‘em to flutter around. I took a step forward. It was a pretty lookin’ flower.

“Don’t touch it!” Darin’ Do whispered urgently. “You may startle it.”

I took a step back, but it was already too late. Two pointed leaves grabbed me ‘round the waist and began to squeeze while liftin’ me off the ground. “Miss Do!” I gasped. As I got closer to the flower, I swear I could see little, sharp teeth. I squirmed around, tryin’ to loosen the weed’s grip, only to be squeezed tighter. I thought I was goner! Then, I heard a snap and fell to the ground and my world turned black.