• Published 10th May 2015
  • 17,581 Views, 299 Comments

Season Spike - Haoryu Changer

Spike and Twilight have an argument and Spike runs off. Meanwhile, Equestria is in danger, Celestia is aware of it, and contacts Twilight and her friends.

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She Awakens

Spike was flying in front of the stove and called for Twilight from the kitchen. "Twilight, the eggs are ready! Twilight?"

"I'm coming!" Twilight descended the stairs and made her way to the kitchen. She took a whiff of the food's smell. "Smells delicious Spike."

"Thanks! You know I try my best." Spike stopped flying midair after he got two plates filled with food in his claws. He walked over to the table Twilight had begun to sit at, and set the two plates down. He sat at the opposite side of the table and took a bite out of his toast. "So? Did ya find anything new about dragons?" He asked excitedly.

Twilight gulped the food she had in her mouth down her throat. "The first book in the series read about the dragon civilization. There's normal dragons, a Dragon Lord for a specific population, and the almighty Dragon King that rules over all of the dragons."

Spike took another bite. "So... where is this Dragon King?"

"The book didn't say. And the only dragons we know of are the ones that follow Equestria's Dragon Lord."

"I want to meet the Dragon King one day. He's probably really powerful and cool!"

Twilight giggled. "I'm sure you will when you grow up."

"Did the girl dragon from upstairs wake up or anything?"

Twilight shook her head. "She didn't even move once. I'm really worried about her."

"Is she still breathing?"


"Then I know she's going to be alright," Spike said with a smile.

This made Twilight smile back and she took another bite of her food.

"Is she in position?"


"Where is her location currently?"

"She is in the Crystal Castle. Still sleeping."

"Good. Soon we will finally get revenge."

Upstairs in the guest bedroom, the little dragon slowly but surely opened her eyes. She sat up on the bed and looked around. "Crystal floors, fancy bed, big windows. Yup, I'm he-"

"You're awake!"

The girl dragon put on a confused innocent look, and when a purple alicorn came into view she flinched back. "W-who are you?"

Twilight gave a warm smile to her. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

She tried to hide under the covers, peeking out to look. "Y-you are...?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's yours?"

"I-I'm Dim Sum."

"Interesting name!" Twilight smiled warmly at her.

"Yes... it is." She blushed a little. "What am I doing here? What are you? You look like an animal I've never seen before."

Twilight blinked, surprised. How did this baby dragon not know of ponies? Did dragon school not teach it? Did parents not teach it? Is she too young to know? "I'm a pony, and you're in our territory, shared with other creatures, called Equestria. I found you really injured outside my home."


Twilight had to get some questions answered. She knew not to startle her with too many questions so she went up to the bed and asked softly. "What happened to you Dim Sum?"

The girl dragon looked at her with a confused look. "I... don't know."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh. Where are you from? I should get you back home. With your family."

Dim Sum scratched her head in thought. "I can't remember..."

Twilight gasped. "Could you be suffering memory loss? Oh no!"

"My memory?"

Twilight started to pace back and forth becoming very worried. "What if your parents come to look for you? And they see you here and think we dragonnapped you? What if they start a war with the ponies?" She gasped and zipped to Dim Sum, pressing her face against hers. "What if Celestia finds out and she's... disapointed." She flailed her legs in the air. "We're all doomed-"

Dim Sum looked down at the snoring purple pony. Then looked up at what caused it, a purple and green dragon, just like her. "Another dragon?!" She gasped out, genuinely surprised.

Spike stared at the fallen Twilight and sighed. "It's just ridiculous sometimes." He looked up at the now awakened dragoness. "Hi, there! I'm Spike!" He raised a claw for a shake.

Dim Sum hesitated at first, but eventually she shook claws with him. "I thought this was the pony lands? What are you doing here?"

Spike pointed a finger at himself proudly. "I was born here! Raised by this pony herself." He said pointing to Twilight. "They're all really cool and friendly actually."

Dim Sum stared at him.

"Not very impressive huh? Oh well. I don't really care." He picked up Twilight with his magic and put on a straight face. "Memory loss, interesting. I'll see what I can do."

Dim Sum watched as Spike carried Twilight away presumably to her room.

"I'll be right back! Don't go anywhere!" The drake called out.

Dim Sum listened closely until Spike's footsteps died down. Once they did, her frightened face turned into a serious one and she threw the blankets off of her. She ran up to the closest window and opened it, making a gust of wind blast her face.

"Those idiots didn't have to bruise me that badly." She said as she took out a glass bottle with a brown cork on the top. She popped the cork off and breathed her dragon fire inside, her pink fire danced in the bottle and didn't escape. She put the cork back on the bottle, it glowing bright pink when doing so, and tossed it down below to the Ponyville streets. Before it hit the ground, the bottle vanished in a pink flame.

"Are you worried?"

Dim Sum jumped and turned to look at Spike. "W-what are you talking about?"

Spike smiled. "Don't worry, Equestria is very safe and peaceful... well, except when those random super-powerful bad guys come, but that's probably coming later this month."

Dim Sum tilted her head.

"What I mean to say is, you're safe, and until we find out how to fix this, you'll stay safe."

Dim Sum nodded.

"Oh!" Spike snapped his fingers and a ruby appeared in a flash of green.

Dim Sum looked surprised.

"I don't know when last you've eaten, but you're probably hungry. Here!"

Spike handed out the ruby to Dim Sum. She again hesitated at first but took the gem from him with thanks.

"How about we wait until Twilight wakes up. She's better with this stuff than me anyways. For now, you can clean up, and come downstairs with me in the meantime."

Dim Sum said something.

"Pardon, I couldn't quite hear you."

"When will she wake up?" She said just loud enough for Spike to hear.

"Usually, she'll wake up in an hour or so."


"So I'll be downstairs, come if you want. Set of stairs down the hall to the right."

Dim Sum watched Spike walk away, before returning to a serious look and looking around.

A dragon figure in a dark cave reached up in the sky as a pink flame flew down. A glass bottle appeared in the flame and dropped down to the dragon's claw. He uncorked the bottle and the pink flame inside burst out, making familiar sounds.

"I am currently inside the home of the princess and a little dragon, with me having 'memory loss'." The flame spoke in Dim Sum's voice. "I will gain the princess's trust soon. DO NOT engage until I order it, we do not want to get the other princess's attention."

The dragon had others standing beside it, they all listened closely.

"Also, when I catch the imbicel who knocked me too hard, they will regret it!"

This made some of the dragons shiver.

"I'll be in touch, stay in hiding."

The flame disappeared.

Dim Sum walked behind Spike as he led them to the kitchen.



"Spike? You don't have wing-"

In a flame, his dragon wings appeared.

"Oh... that's pretty cool."

"Nah it's nothing. Just some plain ol' wings."

Every second, when Spike wasn't looking, Dim Sum would look around with a keen eye, making note of every little detail.

"You know," Spike started. "I thought I was going to be really excited that I got to meet a friendly dragon, and you're even my age! But now when I look at it I think I'm not as excited as I thought I would be."

"Why so?" She asked while turning her head left to look at a blue vase.

"Probably because I was worried about your health. And now that you're healthy and walking I really don't know how I should feel. Kinda weird if you ask me."

Dim Sum stayed quiet.

"Is there something wrong Dim Sum?"

She shook her head.

"Something on your mind?"


"Huh..." Spike kept walking.

Dim Sum walked after Spike and soon they arrived at the kitchen.

"How does a Gem Cake sound?"


"Oh, right, dragons don't do cakes. Well, you're going to have a really great dessert."


Spike slapped his forehead. "Just sit down and wait, I'll get some delicious food ready."

Dim Sum waited at the table, eyeing every place and paying attention to the sounds of the nearby dragon. "Did the others know that there was another dragon here? Who is he? I never heard of a dragon living with the ponies before." She told herself.

She kept looking around and busying herself while she waited an hour for Spike. The little dragon's footsteps could be heard coming towards Dim Sum, so she got her expression to look neutral.

"Here it is! My famous Gem Cake." Spike held a plate with a round chocolate cake. It had white whip cream on top with blue gems as big sprinkles.

Spike set the cake down and got two more plates, setting one in front of Dim Sum and one at his own seat. He took out a knife and cut two pieces, putting each one on their respective plates.

"This is... cake."

"Yup!" Spike said proudly. "Try it, you'll love it."

"Now he has me eating one of their stupid pony foods. Why did I have to be the only smart one in the group to infiltrate?" She hesitated, and not until she saw Spike staring at her waiting for her to try it did she pick it up and bite.


"Do you like it?"

Dim Sum chewed. "It has this weird taste and texture... soft and the taste blows up in my mouth... this is better than fruit and grass! Much better!" She swallowed. "This is so good! And I didn't even get to the gems!"

Spike laughed. "Better get eating before Twilight wakes up. She'll take what's left and throw away the gems into her wallet! Such a waste if you ask me." He tossed one whole slice into his mouth which made Dim Sum surprised.

"I never thought I would say this, but... I love this pony food!"

Spike and Dim Sum sat and ate quietly but happily as lunch went by.

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