• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 4,494 Views, 52 Comments

Father of a Thousand Sons - dangerbrony

Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons; one of my favorite Warhammer characters. For 11 millennia I have had his powers and his memories; living in shadow. Now the world will need my help to survive the coming storm and I must reveal myself.

  • ...

A Journey Taken

Chapter 1

A dark mist floated through the air of the night. Below it, the village of Ponyville was hiding with windows closed and doors locked. The mist regarded them with amusement. After all, why should Nightmare Moon not be amused at the antics of such frail mortals. Did they not realize she could still destroy them with but a thought? Surely they must know of her power or they would try to stop her themselves. Yet still they persisted. What odd creatures mortals were.

Nightmare mentally shook herself from her reverie. There was time to ponder her subjects after she secured her rule. With that in mind, Nightmare redirected towards the castle she grew up in. However, as she turned it was apparent she wasn’t where she had originally thought. After all, last time she checked there wasn’t a gigantic mountain in the middle of the forest. Deciding to get her bearings she flew upwards.

Everything seemed to line up. There was Mt. Canterhorn with its distinctive shape. Wait, is that a castle attached to the side of it? Just how many things had changed in her absence? Were commoners allowed to have castles now? Regardless, she turned back in the direction of the massive mountain. According to the positioning of Canterhorn to the north, her castle should be in that direction. Still a bit unsure, she started to fly towards the monstrous peak. No matter how she looked at it, it didn’t appear natural at all. The slope was regularly broken by large plateaus, giving the mountain the appearance of a set of stairs from this side.

As she neared the mountain, after several hours flight, she noticed her old castle had come to rest on one of the lower steps. She was pleased to see that the years had not damaged it; though, how such clear geographic upheaval hadn’t was a mystery. Nevertheless, she took comfort in its safety. Now all she had to do was ensure nothing came close to the Elements.

“Alright, so all we have to do is get to the Elements of Harmony,” summarized a poofy pink pony.

“I don’t know, Pinkie. Doesn’t that sound too simple?” A yellow pegasus squeaked out. Surprisingly, somepony actually heard her. Maybe it was the serious atmosphere that allowed such a small voice to be heard.

“You’re right, Fluttershy, it is. Once we get to the Elements we have to figure out how to make them work, and that’s after we find them,” Twilight replied while breezing through books in search of answers. Despite how large the library was, for a small town, at least, there didn’t seem to be anything to help them.

“Wait, are you telling me you don’t know where they are?! Some plan this turned out to be, Twilight,” a blue pegasus complained. She even seemed to sink in the air a bit as the realization hit her though it was mostly just her head lowering in annoyance.

“No worries, Rainbow Dash! I found a book,” Pinkie crowed. Indeed, she held a book entitled “Bane of Nightmare” in her forehooves. The rest seemed to stare at her in shock.

“Darling, where on Tethra did you get that? I’ve never even heard of it before and it looks filthy,” a white unicorn said with a shake of her head. It really was an ancient looking tome covered in dirt and dust.

“It was under the table.” A reply that nearly made Rarity faint.

“Be careful; that looks fragile and it might help. Here let me see it,” Twilight said as she ran over and snatched the book from Pinkie. “Now let’s see what we have here: Six elements…banished Nightmare Moon…prophecy...aha! The last known location of the Elements of Harmony is the old Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. We can be there in a few days walking.”

“‘Scuse me, sugarcube, but where exactly is this place? I’ve never even heard of it before,” Applejack spoke up from the other side of the room. She had decided to stay by the door to keep an eye out while the others looked for clues. After all, it wouldn’t do for them to not notice a spy or someone who needs help. Even if either was unlikely, what with everypony hiding from Nightmare Moon.

“Er… well, the thing about that is it was abandoned a thousand years ago so not many ponies know where it is.”

“Well, that explains why I haven’t heard of it, but where is it?”

“Ehehehe, well it’s on the lowest part of the Steps,” Twilight answered with a nervous smile. Everypony else in the room froze at the mention of the name. The silence seemed to stretch on into eternity before it was broken by the sound of Fluttershy and Rarity fainting. Luckily, they both landed on something soft.

“The Steps? As in the giant mountain that everypony says is haunted? The place nopony ever goes because it’s surrounded by a giant forest of death and a giant desert of death? Why are these things always somewhere dangerous? Why can’t they be in a vault in Canterlot or something? I mean, they seem kind of important,” Rainbow ranted. The others couldn’t help but agree with her. “You’re Celestia’s student, right? Didn’t she tell you anything about these things?”

“No. When I told her about my suspicions she told me to stop reading old books and get out more.” Twilight explained with head down low and ears drooped. Didn’t Celestia trust her? Why would she lie about something this serious?

“Just great. And here I thought you might have some cool, secret information or something.” Rainbow threw her hooves in the air in frustration. Applejack walked over and placed a hoof on the hovering pony’s leg.

“Now calm down. This isn’t helpin’ anyone. It ain’t her fault if Princess Celestia didn’t want to talk about it,” Applejack reasoned. Rainbow just snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Actually, I do have some information. I’d forgotten about it in all the panic. One of my teachers at school told me a lot of the predators in the Everfree hunt by scent. He even showed us how to make a potion to throw them off!” Twilight explained, getting more excited with each word.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about! So, how about you whip some up and we can get going?” Rainbow didn’t get a response right away. Seconds ticked by before she realized one wasn’t coming. “Focus, egghead!”

“Wha- Sorry, I got lost in thought there. I was trying to remember if Professor Scarlet said anything else that might help. He always liked to talk about things like this. Anyway, I’ll need some supplies to make enough to last the whole trip there. Does anypony know where I can find some ammonia, roses, wolf tears, and daisies?”

“I can get ya the ammonia. How much do ya need?”

“As much as you can. It’s the main ingredient and who knows how much of the potion we’ll have to make for this journey.”

“Um, I grow daisies in my garden. I can get some, I mean, if they’re good enough,” Fluttershy spoke up, having recovered without anypony noticing. She turned away as all attention was focused on her.

“I’m sure your daisies are perfect, darling,” Rarity spoke up, giving Fluttershy an encouraging smile. “I can get you roses from my boutique, Twilight. I have quite a few from various admirers.”

“This is all great and all but where are we going to get wolf tears? It’s not like we just keep wolves around to collect from.” Rainbow had a point. Suddenly the whole endeavor seemed futile. That is until Pinkie spoke up.

“Actually, I know a shop that sells alchemy ingredients. They just opened so not everypony knows them yet. Maybe I should have thrown them a grand opening party? What do you guys think?” The others just stared at her in shock. “You’re right, it needs to be a mega-super-ultra party to make up for lost time. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. Thanks, guys!”

“You’re welcome? Whatever, let’s go check out this shop.” Rainbow started towards the door.

“Hold on, Rainbow. We don’t even know if it’s open with everything that’s happened,” Rarity pointed out. Rainbow’s wings twitched.

“That doesn’t matter! We’re looking at eternal night in case you forgot. We can’t just wait for everypony to stop freaking out ‘cause it might be too late by then. If it isn’t open we’ll just have to take it.” With each word Rainbow got closer to Rarity.

Rarity glared and tossed her head. “Well, excuse me for trying to retain some sense of civility in a time of crisis. A lady must always consider what is proper.” Rarity had closed with Rainbow, their faces only inches apart now.

“Everypony calm down. Rainbow’s right, we have to use this potion or there’s no chance we can get all the way to the Steps. They probably have the other ingredients too so we can save time.” Twilight moved towards the door, bringing her book with her. “We’ll just have to pay back the shopkeeper later.”

Rarity winced. “Well~ alright but I don’t like this. The poor owners just opened shop and now they’re going to be broken into. What will they think of our town? I’ll tell you, they’ll think we are the lowest of ponies and might even decide it isn’t worth it to stay.” Rarity had thrown her foreleg over her head halfway through.

“Can we go now?” Rainbow said with her arms crossed.

“Very well, but I will not be held responsible if this backfires.” The six mares followed Pinkie’s directions to the shop. Overall it was a very cozy shop if a bit on the small side. Not much call for alchemy in Ponyville after all. On the inside, the shop gave an entirely different feel. The various masks and ingredients lining the walls lending it a sinister air. Fluttershy quickly dashed outside. Twilight, however, started to search for her ingredients. As she found her ingredients Rarity made note of their prices and put the correct amount on the counter with a little extra to make up for the inconvenience.

While in the shop, Twilight decided to make use of the cauldrons and flasks. It would be much more potent with proper gear than whatever she could make on the way. Reciting the proper litanies, Twilight mixed the potion together with a portion of her own magic. The potion ran red above the heat of the fire. Twilight passed out several vials of potion to each of her companions. “These should last a day each. Do not lose them or we’ll be in big trouble.”

“That’s great but none of the rest of us have saddlebags,” Rainbow said.

“Oh, right. We’re gonna need supplies to last three days at least so everypony should go home and gather some. In the meantime, I’ll hold onto the potions, We’ll meet back here in an hour” Twilight said as she stowed the potions back into her saddlebag. “Applejack, could I ask you for a favor?” Twilight asked with a bit of hesitance

“Whatcha need, sugarcube?”

“Could Spike stay with your family? He’s old enough to take care of himself but I’d feel better if he was staying with somepony I knew.”

“I don’t see why not. Let’s go pick up the little fella and we can head on back to the farm.”

“Thank you, Applejack. We better hurry if we’re going to make it back here in time, though.”

As they entered the Everfree the group felt a chill go down their spines. Their legs moving like lead, their heads high with their ears constantly swiveling. This place was dangerous. They could feel it. The dark was animate. The trees malevolent. The predators many and lurking. This was no place for ponies. Still they continued, determined to defeat the Nightmare.

Though to look at them you would think them school fillies who had been dared into the forest. Fluttershy hid behind Applejack, Twilight charged spells only to drop them, Rarity’s eyes darted back and forth, even Rainbow’s hovering seemed strained. Only Pinkie seemed even remotely normal and even she was more subdued than usual. She walked without a spring in her step and to anypony that knew her that was a serious sign.

“So, we’re sure those potions are going to work right? N-not that I’m scared or anything. I’m just looking out for you guys. Hehe,” Rainbow Dash said trying to cover her nerves with a laugh.

“Theoretically. I’ve never really had occasion to randomly wander into huge forests and wait to see if I get eaten or not,” Twilight said with an eye roll.

“Um, are you sure we can’t find some other way to The Steps? Like maybe from the other side, if that’s okay?” Fluttershy said, her head bowed low to the ground near the end.

“Sorry, Fluttershy, but the Desolation isn’t much safer. Besides, it would take us weeks on that route,” Applejack said. She was right of course. “I say we’re better off with the predators here anyway. Better something big that charges at us than those underground monsters they have out there.”

“Oh, right, forget I said anything then.”

The creak of a branch. The rustle of leaves. These were their only warnings. A massive shadow rocketed out of the trees straight towards them. Only the fact that Twilight was already charging a spell saved them. The shadow bounced off of her hastily erected shield. The werelight of their shield allowed them to see the giant for what it was. A wolf, unlike any they had heard of. It stood trip;e the height of the tallest of them. Its shoulders were broad, its neck thick. Fangs flashed in the light of the shield and chilling eyes stared into their souls.

“We should probably run, right?”

“There’s no way we can all outrun that thing, it’s huge!”

“I thought you said those potions would prevent things like this,” Rainbow said as she warily watched the wolf.

“I said they should. Why isn’t it attacking?” Twilight studied the wolf as it studied them. Its shoulders lowered in aggression, eyes unwavering. Their eyes met. This wolf, or whatever it truly was, was highly intelligent. Twilight could see the nearly sapient mind at work.

“Um, maybe it knows we have to move eventually and it’s just waiting? Normal wolves are very patient hunters. They use pack tactics to run down and exhaust their prey before they strike. Nature is so interesting.” Shocked looks greeted Fluttershy’s statement.

“Well, uh, that’s nice and all, sugarcube, but ya happen to know anything that could get us outta this here situation? Being the nature expert and all.” The strange calm Fluttershy had displayed evaporated under the gazes of her friends.

“Well, wolves have a sense of smell many times that of our own. It probably smelled something on us. What was in the potion again?”

“Oh, uh, wolf tears?” Twilight’s face went from realization to bashful in near record time. “Do you think you can explain why we have them?”

“I’ll certainly try.” Fluttershy timidly approached the edge of the barrier. As she drew near, the wolf shifted its focus. Fluttershy flinched under the calculating gaze but continued forward nonetheless. She started by bowing with her tail between her legs to show submission. The wolf tilted its head at this strange prey. Never had it attacked something and had it show submission.

“We’re terribly sorry about all this, but could you maybe let us go? We have to get to the mountain to help our friends.” The wolf growled, causing the others to flinch. Fluttershy looked up to make eye contact. “I know it isn’t nice to use wolf tears but these potions are supposed to protect us from predators tracking us by scent. I’m amazed you could smell the tears past all the other ingredients.” Another growl though this one seemed less aggressive. “Oh my, I had no idea wolf packs had such specialized positions.”

“What is it saying?”

“He says he has the best nose in the entire pack so he’s in charge of tracking and scouting.”

“There are more of these things? Just great.”

“Rainbow! That’s very rude. You shouldn’t just assume he’s a lone wolf. I’m sure his pack is just wonderful.”

“Not exactly what I meant, ‘Shy.”

“Oh, right. Anyway, sir, could you possibly let us go? I promise we didn’t hurt any of the wolves ourselves and if I find out any of them were hurt I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen never happens again.” The steel in her voice surprised her friends. The wolf seemed to consider, eventually nodding. He gave out a small bark and lowered himself to the ground. “That is so nice of you.” The others looked at her in confusion.

“What’s nice?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, he offered to give us a ride closer to the mountain.”

“Is it a good idea to ride something that just tried to attack us?” Twilight said. A fair point. Everypony but Fluttershy exchanged a nervous glance.

“Not to mention we have no idea where it’s been. It could be filthy and crawling with disease. I for one won’t risk it.”

“Ignoring that, I’m not too sure we can trust it. How do we know this isn’t some trick?” Rarity scoffed at Rainbow’s dismissal of her point.

“Hate to say it but RD might have a point, sugarcube.” Fluttershy’s ears wilted. She started scuffing the ground with her hoof, her head lowering. “I’m sorry, ‘Shy. I know you love animals and trust what they tell you but we can’t afford to take risks like this right now. Equestria’s counting on us. Heck, the whole world is counting on us.”

“I know-” Fluttershy trailed off before finding her courage again “-but that’s why I think we should try this. I mean, if we walk the whole way Twilight said it would take three days. If we ride Mr. Wolf we could save time and energy that could be important later. I know you guys think he’s just a monster but if you just look at his eyes you can see he’s more than that.”

“About that three-day thing? I forgot to take into account certain factors. With everything taken into account, it’s probably close to double that.” Twilight looked around nervously. These ponies trusted her with making the plan and she had screwed up horribly. She could only hope they didn’t leave right then.

“What!? What could delay us for three days in here?” Rainbow asked. The others looked to Twilight, clearly agreeing with Rainbow.

“Well, things like the underbrush slowing us down, there not being a straight path and other things like that. I just calculated the time assuming 10 hours of walking a day with six and a half kilometers an hour. It’s about 160 kilometers from Ponyville so that’s two days and most of a third. With everything else though we can probably only cover about half of that towards where we’re actually going. Come to think of it, we should probably rest before we climb the slope to make sure we’re all at full strength so that’s, even more, time.”

“Thank you for the explanation, darling. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say ‘We’re so doohoomed.’ We only brought enough supplies for three days and now we’re going to be here a week. We’re going to be eaten and if that doesn’t happen we’ll starve instead,” Rarity said while throwing a hoof over her head. Applejack rolled her eyes at Rarity’s antics. The wolf seemed confused and mildly concerned.

“That just makes it more important that we take Mr. Wolf’s offer. I’m sure he knows the forest very well and can get us much closer to the castle than we could ourselves in the same amount of time,” Fluttershy said. Throughout her speech, her voice had remained strong and she’d maintained eye contact. The Ponyville residents knew how rare that was and even Twilight could guess based on just the last day.

“Well… you do seem very sure of it and it could end up saving our lives. I’m willing to give it a try. What about you girls?” Rarity asked. The rest of the group shared a look and nodded their agreement. “Wonderful! Now, dear Fluttershy, how exactly are we going to manage this?” Fluttershy’s face looked like a small beacon within the darkness of the forest.

“Well, if we bunch together we should be able to fit most of us on his back. Um, Rainbow? I was thinking that since you love to fly so much and are so much faster than the rest of us you might want to be the one to not ride him? If that’s okay with you?”

“No worries ‘Shy. I’ve got your back, you know, in case that wolf tries something.” After she freaked out when the wolf attacked it seemed Rainbow was trying to reassert herself as the go to mare for action and fearless stunts. A few small barks from the wolf had Fluttershy giggling into her hoof. “What? What’d it say?”

“Oh, he was wondering if you’d be able to keep up since you’re so small. And, he uh, might’ve said something about you acting like an upstart beta. Sorry.” Fluttershy shrank under Rainbow’s glare despite it not being directed at her.

“I don’t know what a beta is but nothing calls me an upstart. You go ahead and lead and I’ll show you just what I can do,” Rainbow said.

“That’s great, Rainbow, but we ain’t on yet.” The ponies huddled together on top of the wolf’s back. It was a bit crowded and not exactly comfortable but better than being in the forest for days on end. The wolf started at a slow lope to help his passengers adjust before picking up speed. While he wasn’t going at top speed he was easily outpacing the ponies’ previous pace. His speed combined with his height allowed him to ignore most of the underbrush and the trees were big enough to leave wide gaps.

“This is great! Like this we might be able to make it all the way there in just a few hours,” Twilight said over the wind of their passage. The others’ faces lit up in anticipation. Beside them Rainbow was keeping a steady pace, picking out the clearest paths through the forest with more and more ease. A cocky grin crept onto her face.

“Yeah and when we get there we’ll kick Nightmare Moon right back where she came from.” Rainbow’s hooves pumped in the air already celebrating their victory. As minutes passed uneventfully the rigors of the day started to catch up to the ponies. Despite the speed of their passage and occasional sharp turn their heads started to droop and their eyes struggled to stay open. Nopony wanted to be the first to fall asleep while they had a job to do.

Eventually, Pinkie Pie couldn’t resist any longer and dozed off. The wolf had heard their yawning and decided that once they were close to the castle he would find a cave for them to rest in. He slowed down a bit to make sure the sleeping ponies didn’t slide off. After several more hours, they reached a cave. Only Rainbow and Fluttershy remained awake when the wolf came to a gentle stop at the mouth of a large cave. Rainbow regarded both the cave and wolf with suspicion. “Is this some kind of trick? I know wolves live in caves. Is your pack waiting in there to eat us?” The wolf gave a toss of its head. “What’d it say?”

“He didn’t say anything. I think that might have been his way of rolling his eyes,” Fluttershy said. The wolf gave a nod and a few small barks. “Now he says that it’s safe for us all to sleep in the cave for a while. Um, will you be guarding us, Mr. Wolf?” A shake of the head and a few ear flicks and low growls. “No? Who’s this ‘Lord of the Forest’ you mentioned?” Nothing but silence answered her. The wolf walked to the cave entrance and gently set his passengers into the opening. The sleeping ponies tossed a bit searching for the warmth that had left them when they meet the cold, hard ground but remained asleep.

“What was that about?” Rainbow asked in a harsh whisper. Rainbow struggled to keep her voice down for her friends’ sake. She couldn’t help but glare at the wolf as he left through the trees.

“I don’t know. He said that the Lord of the Forest had guaranteed our safety here. I never heard anybeing say anything to him, though, so I don’t know what makes him say that.”

“I don’t like it. This could all be a trap,” Rainbow said. The forest wasn’t any more friendly here than near the entrance and she couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. She scanned the trees all around them for any sign of hostility but all she could find was the foliage. She rushed into the cave and scanned the deepest reaches but still could find nothing. She settled down near the cave entrance. “It seems safe for now. I just know something’s weird about this.”

“There’s really not much we can do about it at this point. Why don’t we both get some sleep? I’m not sure how long we’ve been out here and we stayed up all night to see the sunrise. We haven’t slept in a really long time and we’ll need to be at our best.”

Rainbow gave a small shake of her head. “You go ahead ‘Shy. I’m gonna keep watch for a bit.” She sat at the mouth of the cave scanning the treeline.

“Okay, but don’t stay up too long.”

Applejack was the first to wake, being used to early days at the farm. Though even with her normally early schedules waking up now wasn’t the easiest thing to do. She sat up and shook her head in an attempt to wake up faster. Taking in her surroundings, Applejack felt a bit lost. The last thing she remembered was riding on that wolf’s back and then she woke up here. She jumped to her hooves as she remembered. As far as she knew they were in a literal wolves’ den.

Looking around, she was able to spot Rainbow near the entrance. Relief washed over her as she realized they were all still free. Walking up to rainbow she put a hoof on her shoulder making her jump. “Geeze, AJ, are you trying to give me a heart attack? How about a little warning next time?”

“Sorry. I’m used to being quiet in the mornings to let Apple Bloom get more rest,” Applejack said. Rainbow grunted in response. When AJ examined Rainbow closer she noticed the bloodshot eyes and dark circles around them. “RD, did you sleep at all?” Unbeknownst to them, the others had been woken up by Rainbow’s startled yelp.

“How could I sleep when it could mean that my friends would get hurt? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if any of you got hurt when I could’ve stopped it,” Rainbow said with a fire in her eyes. An effect only slightly diminished by her weary state.

“Rainbow! You told me you would get some rest,” Fluttershy said at what had to be the highest volume any of them had heard her at. “Just look at you, you’re so tired you can barely stay awake. We all appreciate that you were looking out for us but how do you think we’d feel if something happened to you because you were trying to protect us?” She paused to let her words sink in. Several expressions crossed Rainbow’s face. Determination, pain, fear, and sorrow coming and going in a blink. In the end, her face was merely tired. Taking this a sign she had figured it out on her own, Fluttershy continued. “Now, Rainbow, you are going to go to sleep right now and trust the word of the Lord of the Forest.”

“Fluttershy we don’t know anything about whatever this ‘Lord’ is supposed to be. How are we supposed to trust it? You guys agree with me right?” She looked to the others. The rest of her friends shared a glance trying to glean knowledge from each other. They didn’t get much.

“We don’t even know what you guys are talking about,” Pinkie said. The others nodded in agreement.

“Oh, right. You guys were asleep when that happened. Basically, that wolf guy dropped you guys off here and told Flutters that some ‘Lord of the Forest’”-she spit the title like it was poison- “said it was safe here. Like I’m gonna believe that. As far as we know the wolf was talking about itself and has a huge ego. So I figured I’d stay up and protect you guys. Wait. Twilight, you’re a nerd right?”

“Gee, thanks, Rainbow. I haven’t been called that before.” The sarcasm was so heavy it probably could have broken bones if it was tangible.

“Whatever. The point is you know a lot of stuff, right? So do you have any idea what this thing could be?” Rainbow’s ability to ignore her own tactlessness was in full force. Along with the ability to ignore glaring purple unicorns.

“Ugh.” Twilight gave up on calling Rainbow out. “Let’s see… there are only two things that I can think of that have the strength to claim lordship over the forest. The first are the Ursa Majors, but since they aren’t particularly intelligent I don’t think they would be able to offer protection to anypony. The second would be an ancient dragon. A dragon is much more intelligent though slightly weaker than an Ursa is. One could definitely offer protection but I can’t think of a reason a dragon would care.” The whole ramble was done in a single breath leaving the others with confused expressions.


A sigh escaped Twilight. Why was it so hard to find ponies that could understand her when she explained things. This one wasn’t even long or technical.

“She said she can’t think of anything that could both be the lord of the forest and care enough to protect us. C’mon guys, it’s not that hard.” A look of immense gratitude replaced the annoyance on Twilight’s face while everypony else was still confused though for different reasons now. If it weren’t Pinkie, and thus most likely a joke, they probably would’ve been upset by the slight. As it was they shared a good laugh, despite the situation. “See? Isn’t that so much better?”

“Darling, what are you talking about?” Rarity asked. None of the others had been able to follow the seeming non-sequitur either.

“Laughing,” Pinkie said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Everypony was really tense and ready to snap. Even Fluttershy was raising her voice. So, instead of being all serious and frowny all the time I figured we could laugh instead.” More and more surprises on this trip. At this rate confusion would be everypony’s default expressions.

“Huh. Thanks, Pinkie Pie. I don’t think any of us realized how much we needed that,” Twilight said. Nods all around signaled the others’ gratitude. A meter wide smile overtook Pinkie Pie.

“You’re welcome. I’d do just about anything to make my friends smile. That includes making sure Rainbow takes a nap so she isn’t such a grump,” Pinkie said. Her smile proved infectious for all but Rainbow, who seemed annoyed at yet another call for her to sleep.

“I don’t need sleep! How many times do I have to say that?”

“Yes you do!” everypony else said at once. Rainbow looked between her friends and saw the steel in their eyes. She gave a resigned sigh before marching into the cave and laying down.

“Fine. If you guys are gonna complain so much I’ll go to sleep. Even if it’s just so you can stop whining about it.” Within seconds of her complaint, Rainbow was asleep. Her friends just shook their heads, laughed, and took up watch by the cave entrance. Twilight took out the book they’d found in the library to review while the others found ways to pass the time. Looking in on them you might not think they were afraid of the forest anymore. In fact, much of their fear had dissipated though that didn’t stop them from jumping whenever they heard anything from the forest.

“So, uh, what exactly are ya readin’ there, Twilight?” Applejack asked in an attempt to break the silence. It didn’t seem to work. Long moments passed with no answer leaving AJ to shift nervously in place. “Twilight?” she tried again. Again there was no answer besides the turn of a page. Taking a chance, she reached out and slid the book slightly.

“Huh, what, who’s there?” Twilight seemed to wake from a dream, dazed and slightly confused. “Oh, sorry about that. I get lost in my studies sometimes.”

“No kiddin’. I was just wonderin’ what was so interestin’ is all,” Applejack said. Twilight’s face lit up so quickly it was surprising she needed a light to read. She floated the book over so AJ could see. “Ain’t this the book we got back in the library? I thought we already got what we needed from that.”

“We got the location but there’s more in here than that. We have a whole book about Nightmare Moon, there’s no way we could get everything useful out of it from just a few paragraphs.”

“Reckon that’s true. What else have ya found?” Twilight’s expression dimmed as quickly as it had lit before. “Something wrong, Twilight?”

“It’s just… this book is fascinating but I haven’t been able to find anything else that can help. Most of it is just hypothesis and some of it just doesn’t make sense.” She flipped through a few pages before holding it back up. “Look at this. ‘The Warp acts strangely near her presence. I suspect that with her transformation her presence there has increased.’ What the heck is that supposed to mean? I have no idea what ‘the Warp’ is. The author doesn’t explain it either.” Her voice getting harsher as she went.

“Who wrote this thing anyway? I can’t imagine there’s a lotta folk that knows Nightmare Moon is real let alone enough about her to make a book this big.”

“The author’s name isn’t mentioned. But from what I can tell this book is actually a collection from many authors. Even with so many ponies writing, I haven’t found anything else that can help. It seems like the only things anypony knows about her we already figured out.” Twilight let out a sigh of disappointment.

“Cheer up, Twilight. I’m sure there’s gotta be something else in that there book. And even if there isn’t I’m sure we can handle anything that gets thrown our way,” Applejack said with an easy smile. Twilight seemed to calm down and gave her own uneasy smile back. “That’s the spirit.”

“Thanks, Applejack. That really helped.” Twilight devoured the book with a new fervor, eager to know everything she could. Applejack just shook her head and walked away to think.

Within the confines of the castle Nightmare Moon stirred from her long slumber. Most wouldn’t think you would need to sleep after a thousand years of doing nothing. The opposite holds true. The banishment had sapped her of most of her strength and getting rid of Celestia had taken the rest. In truth, she didn’t think it would be so easy. Celestia had become weak and fat on the love of her precious little ponies. Now, Nightmare would be loved and none could stop her.

She rose from the ruins of her old bed, giving a languid stretch. While it wasn’t nearly as comfortable as it once was, her rest had been leagues above any within the last thousand years. She walked to her balcony to survey the kingdom as she once had. Seeing the forest where her capitol used to be somewhat ruined the nostalgia. At least, her balcony wasn’t facing the cliff side.

As she reminisced she noticed something odd. One of the wards she had set had been breached. It couldn’t be an animal, the ward took that into account, but nopony would be foolish enough to pursue her so soon. They would need time to gather a force they thought might be sufficient. No, something else was going on here. Casting a quick spell, she searched the surrounding forest for signs of pursuit. Nothing within 15 kilometers. Best to be cautious, though. She set another ward, this time, closer to the castle. Unlike the last, however, this one had a nasty surprise for whoever tripped it.

Her trap set, she considered her next move. Most of her energy had been recovered so she could reclaim her throne with little trouble. The sooner she ruled, the better. On the other hoof, there was a chance of the Elements being found and used against her. They were the only things she had to be concerned with now that Celestia was gone. Perhaps she could wait another day just to be sure.

She set a new ward closer to the castle. This one, however, had something extra. If anypony were to set it off they would be in for a special surprise.

“Ugh, I feel like I slept on a frozen bag of potatoes,” Rainbow Dash said with a groan. Her back ached and her limbs were stiff.

“Maybe if you slept with the rest of us like you said you would you would have slept better.” Fluttershy’s words brought a glare from Rainbow. Instead of a response, she just grumbled and looked away.

The group had gathered outside the cave they had slept in to discuss their next course of action. Unfortunately, most of them had been asleep or too tired to pay attention to which way they had been going. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, did remember the general direction. "Come on, it was this way," she said while jerking her head to the left.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I made a little stack of stones when we got here. See?" she pointed to a pile of rocks in the direction she had indicated.

"Wow, that's pretty clever of you Rainbow Dash," Twilight said. “Still, with how far we have to go we can’t afford to be even a little off or we could waste hours correcting our course. Any chance one of you could fly above the canopy and get our bearings?” she asked as she looked between Fluttershy and Rainbow.

“No problem. I’ve totally got this.” As Rainbow zigzagged through the canopy she caught glimpses of the Steps. When she finally managed to break through she saw the mountain looming overhead like an ancient warrior set to challenge any who opposed it. While finding the mountain was simple locating the castle was less so. Rainbow wasn’t even sure she could see it from where she was. Twilight had said the castle was on one of the lower steps so she focused her search around the same height she was. Her search was proving fruitless until she decided to look a bit higher. Almost straight ahead of her and 2 km higher was the castle dwarfed by the shadow of the mountain. “Ha, right again.” Rainbow laughed to herself as she descended back down to her friends.
“Did you find it?” Twilight asked. Most of the group was eager to resume the journey. Fluttershy not so much, though she was determined not to hold her friends back either. All of their energies were focused on the salvation of their friends, family, and country. Sitting here any longer was unacceptable.

“Yep, it’s straight that way.” Rainbow pointed in the direction of her markers. “I guess that wolf really knew where he was going. Speaking of, I haven’t had any of that anti-monster stuff yet. Mind if I get a bottle?”

“Oh, right. Sorry about that, Rainbow,” Twilight said as she levitated a potion out of her saddlebags. “So how far do you think we have to go still?”

Rainbow drank the potion and gave it back to Twilight with a grimace on her face. While effective the potions were far from appetizing considering its ingredients. “Probably another 30 kilometers or so. Shouldn’t take much more than a day to get there but the castle is pretty high up too.”

“Well, what are we waiting for, an invitation? ‘Cause I could make some if it helps,” Pinkie said before she started scribbling in the dirt. The others shook their heads and pulled Pinkie with them as they set out.

The darkness proved just as invasive and hindering as when they first arrived. The temptation to run was ever present though Pinkie Pie’s lesson on laughter helped.

“What happened to the plant in math class?”--Twilight paused for effect--“It grew square roots!”

A few shakes of the head and a snort from Pinkie accompanied her joke. All of them knew that not all the jokes could be zingers. They continued on their journey for hours, the jokes eventually giving way to companionable silence. The group stayed alert but were never as paranoid as they were before. Twilight still had a shield ready just in case and everypony else still kept an eye out for danger but the comfort of being with friends was undeniable.

That comfort crashed down with a single statement. “Haven’t we been here before?” The ponies all glanced to Pinkie. “I mean, I know the forest all looks the same, but I swear I’ve seen the same little group of rocks, at least, five times now.”

“What group of rocks?” Applejack asked.

“Over here.” Pinkie showed them three rocks piled against each other. “I remembered them ‘cause that bigger one is granite and the other two are schist.”

“Pinkie! I am surprised you would use such language.” Rarity gave Pinkie a hard look.

“What do you have against schist? Schist is great.”

“Really! I know we’re in a bad situation but that is no excuse for such crassness.”

Twilight couldn’t stop herself from bursting out laughing. Rarity stared in indignant confusion. After a few moments, she found her voice again. “Twilight! I thought you, at least, would understand the need for propriety.”

It took several moments more before Twilight could respond. “No, no. I know we’re in a bad situation--especially if what Pinkie says is true--but I can’t help it. Schist is a type of rock. Pinkie wasn’t being vulgar or crass at all and here you are freaking out about that instead of about us going in circles.” Her laughter died out. “We’re going in circles--” Twilight’s eyes shrunk and her breathing accelerated “--We’re going in circles! Why? I’m sure we’ve been walking in a straight line. Anypony else know what’s going on?” Her friends just stared at the rapid change in mood. “No? Well, that’s just great. Now we’re never going to get to the castle and Nightmare Moon will win and everypony else will freeze to death. Wonderful.”

“Uh, sugarcube? You okay?” Applejack looked to Twilight like a concerned parent. Twilight took some deep breaths before she met Applejack’s gaze. They didn’t seem to help.

“Am I okay? AM I OKAY!? We’re going around in circles and nopony knows why. The world hangs in the balance and we’re the only ones who know what to do. I’m Celestia’s student for crying out loud. I should know why we’re going in circles when we’re not taking any turns.” Twilight paced about trying to think of something. She shook her head in a vain attempt to loosen an idea or two.

“Now, Twilight, we don’t know that for sure. Why don’t we double check with Pinkie?” Applejack turned to Pinkie to fix her with her most serious stare. “Pinkie, are you absolutely sure those are the same rocks?”

“Oh, that’s a load of schist alright,” Pinkie responded as she bounced around the three rocks she used as a landmark, “Seriously, though, this formation of rocks isn’t very common and for us to pass something similar isn’t very likely.”

“Well, isn’t that just great. We’re going in circles and brainiac over there jumped off the deep end,” Rainbow said as she threw her legs up in frustration, “I’m gonna fly ahead a bit and see if I can find anything.”

“Um, Rainbow? Are you sure that’s a good idea? Maybe I should come with you, if that’s okay?” Fluttershy slowly lifted into the air to follow her long time friend.

“Alright let’s get going, ‘Shy.” The pair flew off into the trees going slowly to make sure they didn’t miss anything.

As they left Twilight was finally coming to a stop. She sat on the ground, head hung in shame. “We’re never getting to the castle. You’re all going to die and it’s all my fault for dragging you into this.”

“Now, sugarcube, you know that just ain’t the truth.”

“How could you say that in a situation like this? We’re lost, it’s dark, it’s getting colder, we only have a couple more days of supplies, and there’s an angry goddess bent on world domination.”

“That’s all true. It ain’t your fault we’re here, though. We chose to come and I’m glad we did. Things don’t look good right now and I won’t lie and say I’m not scared. I’m right terrified, but I have something that’s keeping me going. I know the risks and even though the whole world’s at stake, I’m doing it for my family. Don’t you have something like that?” Applejack put a hoof under Twilight’s chin and gently lifted until they made eye contact. Applejack gave a gentle smile and a nod.

Twilight began with some hesitance, “I have my parents. And an older brother and Spike too. I have Princess Celestia and I really like being her student.” As she spoke her face lit up and she finished with a beaming smile. “Thanks, Applejack. I guess I went a bit crazy there, huh?”

“My pleasure, Twi. And don’t worry ‘bout it. Everypony goes crazy sometimes and now is a better time than most. A lot better than that time Rarity went crazy ‘cause she couldn’t find the right hat.”

“Darling, that just shows you have no idea how important the right accessories are,” Rarity said as she stuck her nose in the air. After a second or two of posing, she broke into a fit of giggles. The others soon joined in. “The way I see it, we don’t have much to lose. After all, even if we never entered this brutish place there is still the matter of the angry goddess you brought up. I’d much rather go out trying to fix something than cower in my house hoping for the best. I believe the others feel the same.”

“Yepperooni. Sitting around is just no good,” Pinkie said. She rushed over and gave Twilight a hug and a nuzzle. Twilight leaned back from the hug but eventually put her forelegs around Pinkie. Right about that time Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew up from right behind them.

“Welp, we definitely flew in a straight line and we still ended up back here. It’s official, this forest is crazy.” Twilight jumped a bit at the sudden noise behind her.

“Okay, we can work with this. We know we weren’t actually circling so we must be caught in some kind of looping spell. All we have to do is find a counterspell and we’ll be out of here in no time.” Twilight quickly set about working out a spell in the dirt.

“It’s so nice to see Twilight is feeling better. I was so worried when we left.”

“I was wondering about that, darling. Isn’t comforting ponies your specialty, dear Fluttershy?”

“Oh no, I’m afraid that I get too nervous about making them feel worse to do much. I really only deal with animals when it comes to that. But, um, if I was the only one around I would try to help. But with the three of you here I knew Twilight was in great hooves.”

“Well, I do appreciate the vote of confidence, Fluttershy. However, I must admit that it was Applejack more than myself that helped in that regard. Speaking of helping.” Rarity trotted over to Twilight. “Darling, I do have some questions about this spell we’re in if you don’t mind my asking.”

“Sure, Rarity, ask away,” Twilight said, sitting up straight to give Rarity her attention.

“If we are in a loop spell, is there any chance something else could get in here with us?”

“No. Once a loop spell activates it closes off the space it occupies and turns it into a circle no matter which way you go. As a result, nothing can get in or out without finding the counterspell.”

“That’s all I needed to know. I think I’ll take advantage of this to have some alone time. As much as I love everypony’s company a lady does need some privacy from time to time.” Rarity started to walk off the vague path they had been following. “If any of you need me just call; I’m sure we can hear each other in here.”

An hour later and Twilight was no closer to figuring out a counterspell. She had tried several different configurations but none of them seemed to work, and she was quickly exhausting herself both mentally and magically. She had decided to rest for a bit when she felt a sudden spike in the magical activity in the direction Rarity had headed. Panicking Twilight bolted off into the trees preparing for trouble. The others were moments behind after seeing the look on her face and how quickly she ran.

They found Rarity 40 meters away from where they had been resting. She was standing in the middle of an elaborate spell circle that had just finished activating. The glow of the circle slowly faded and Rarity stepped out from the middle. “So sorry about that, everypony. It took me longer than I thought it would to get the magic circle just right for this. I’d rather not have to activate it more than once you know.”

Twilight had been examining the array as Rarity spoke. “I can see why. Rarity, why would you do something like this? This array must have taken at least a year off of your life.” The group gasped at the revelation.

“Oh, I was hoping you wouldn’t realize that. It’s so troublesome trying to explain things like this.”

“You mind explaining anyway, sugarcube. I don’t like the idea of a friend sacrificing part of themselves without a good reason.” The others all nodded in agreement and fixed Rarity with the most intense stares possible. Rarity tried to avoid the subject further but the look of caring on her friends’ faces broke any resolve she had left.

“Oh, very well. I had every confidence that Twilight would eventually find a counterspell but most counterspells are very specific and it could take far too long. I decided that since time is of the essence I would take a shortcut. This array is a general counterspell that will counteract all but a few spells by using the practitioner's own life force. I felt that a year of my life was meaningless compared to all the ponies counting on us.” Rarity’s speech had left the others in a state of shock. Rainbow, in a rare moment, rushed forward and gave Rarity a hug. The sudden movement snapped the rest out of their trances and they too rushed forward to embrace Rarity. “Really, everypony, I appreciate the love but shouldn’t we be going now? We do have a world to save after all.”

After gathering themselves together and finding their bearings they set out to do just that.

Nightmare Moon stirred from her plans of conquest as she felt her ward trap be dispelled. She had been sure that whoever was in there would be trapped for a much longer time. Perhaps her sister’s soldiers were more effective than she had been led to believe from those pathetic guards in the town she had visited.

Moving over to a mirror, she cast a simple scrying spell to see the group that was steadily coming closer. The mirror rippled and showed six unarmored mares walking through the trees. She was surprised to say the least. She recognized some of those ponies as the commoners she had announced her presence to. That they had managed to get so far so quickly and safely was a testament to extraordinary skill. Or perhaps extraordinary luck. Either way, Nightmare was certain that the traps she had been setting for the royal guard along the slopes would be more than enough to take care of them and went back to her maps.

The group had managed to reach the bottom of the Steps without any further incidents. The sight of the huge mountain so close was enough to make even Pinkie stare in silent awe. They had arrived at a steep slope directly beneath the castle though they couldn’t see it from where they stood. They craned their necks up trying to find it.

“Are you sure we’re in the right spot?”

“Pretty sure. I can fly up and check.” Rainbow went to take off before she was pulled back by Rarity.

“Probably not the best idea, dear. We don’t know what might be up there and I wouldn’t anypony facing danger alone.”

“So, uh, any idea how we’re gonna get up there then?” Fluttershy asked with a small squeak

“Looks like we’re going to have to hoof it,” Pinkie replied. A collective groan followed her statement. “Seriously, though, I think we’re gonna have to climb it unless we can find a gentler slope somewhere.”

“Not likely. The Steps are nearly uniform for the entire 360° at the base. It’s one of the reasons ponies think it had to have been made by somepony or something. A lot of ponies I know think Nightmare Moon made it somehow but I always dismissed it as superstition. Nightmare Moon was a children’s story,” Twilight said as she scanned for someway to ascend.

Twilight noticed that part of the Steps reacted differently to her scan than the rest of it and trotted over to investigate. Noticing their friend’s shift in focus the others followed closely behind. As Twilight began exploring the cliff face her friends quickly got the idea and joined in. After several minutes of exploration, Rarity decided to perform her own unique scan. As she searched for deposits of gems in the faint hope it would somehow help, she was able to tell there was a hollow behind the section of the cliff they were facing.

“Girls, somehow the mountain has a tunnel right behind those rocks.” The others turned to her in surprise.

“I knew there was something off about this spot. The rocks were reacting differently to my magic but how could you tell it was hollow? I was just taking a shot in the dark. Er, no pun intended.” The others laughed at her accidental joke and looked to Rarity for answers.

“Why, darlings, it’s quite simple. Finding things hidden in rocks is what I do, after all.”

“Finding gems is what you do. Finding hidden tunnels is a whole other matter,” Applejack said.

“Yes, well, the two do have some correlation. I do have to worry about the occasional Diamond Dog tunnel and so have learned how to spot them.”

“What are we waiting for then, an invitation? Let’s get in there,” Rainbow said as she hovered off the ground.

“Actually, we kinda are. Unless you can think of some other way of getting into a super-duper secret tunnel,” Pinkie said while shaking her head like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“So, we can find it, but we can’t get into it? That’s just great,” Rainbow replied

“Um, I have an idea, but you guys might not like it,” Twilight said with a hint of anxiety. She stopped to gauge her friends’ reactions. Her friends on the other hand just stared at her waiting for more. After a bit of waiting it was obvious, they would have to ask her directly.

“Spit it out, egghead. We don’t have all night. Oh wait, we do,” Rainbow said with every ounce of impatience she had. Considering how quickly she usually operated, it was enough to make plants want to start moving.

“We could teleport in,” Twilight said as quickly as possible.

“I’m sorry, it sounded like you said we could teleport. And while I’m not the most versed of mages I know teleporting without line of sight or knowing exactly where you are teleporting to can be incredibly dangerous, Twilight.”

“I did say that. I also said you wouldn’t like it.”

“How dangerous?” Fluttershy asked with a squeak of fear coloring her voice.

“Is it more dangerous than tryin’ to climb a near vertical mountainside or traversin’ the Everfree Forest? ‘Cause if not then I think it may be our best bet.” Applejack gave a quick nod to Twilight and put a leg around Fluttershy to calm her down.

While they were discussing their options they failed to notice the tunnel’s entrance begin to move on its own.

“Um, girls?” Fluttershy said to try to grab their attention, but she wasn’t loud enough to be heard over their voices.

“Girls?” Fluttershy said in a louder voice, but with the same effect.

“GIRLS!” Fluttershy shouted at the top of her lungs.

“What is it, Fluttershy? Did something appear out of the Everfree?” Twilight asked as she looked around the forest to try to find the danger as the others panicked as well.

“Oh, it’s nothing like that. I just noticed that the tunnel opened for us, all on its own,” Fluttershy said as she hid partially behind her mane due to her friends’ reactions.

“Okay, that’s just weird. Kinda creepy, too.” Twilight eyed the tunnel with suspicion. “Well, either we’re getting really lucky or this is some sort of--”

“Trap!” Pinkie interrupted in an altogether too cheerful voice for the implications.

“You do realize traps are generally bad things, right?” Rainbow asked with an uncertain voice. You could never tell with Pinkie, after all.

“Yeppers. Buuut~, they can also be super cool and we don’t really have much of a choice of where to go, right?”

“Unfortunately, Pinkie makes a good point. Not much point in stallin’ any longer when we’re gonna go in anyway,” Applejack said. With years of farm work giving her a well-developed sense of practicality and drive, she was the first to walk into what was a clearly unnatural tunnel. But then, nothing about the Steps was ‘natural.’

The others followed in at their own paces with Rainbow hurrying to catch up with AJ while the others slunk in as a group. As soon as they were all in, they noticed that the little amount of light they had was fading. They looked behind them only to notice that the entrance was quickly closing behind them.

“Oh, come on! Is this mountain alive or something?” Rainbow Dash shouted into the darkness.

“I-I’m s-sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this,” Fluttershy said though she wasn’t able to hide the fear in her voice.

“Hey, guys? Did anyone stop to think about where this tunnel goes to? What if it doesn’t go anywhere near the castle?” Pinkie asked as she rubbed her chin and looked to her friends. In the darkness, she could only see silhouettes but she could tell they had all stiffened in shock.

“I guess we’ll just have to find out. If nothing else teleporting out of the tunnel would be easier than teleporting in.” Twilight lit her horn and started to walk forward. The other’s quickly followed. “Does this cave seem weird to anyone else?”

“Oh, it’s definitely weird. The walls and floor are smooth but there’s no sign of anything that would have eroded them. Then again, you said nothing about the Steps is natural so how would I know any different?” Pinkie bounced along as Twilight stared at her.

“I’ve been meaning to ask; how do you know so much about these things?” Twilight asked. She braced herself for some nonsensical answer from Pinkie but was shocked by what she heard.

“I grew up on a rock farm, silly. This kind of stuff is really basic when you do it all day growing up.”

“I never would’ve guessed you were any kind of farmer let alone a rock farmer. Aren’t rock farming families usually really strict?”

“They are. To this day, my parent’s have no idea where I came from. Well, obviously they know where I came from; they’re my parents, duh.” Pinkie continued on like it was the most simple thing imaginable. So caught up in trying to figure her out none of her friends noticed the light gradually brightening. When the lighting was finally enough to overpower the light spells cast by Rarity and Twilight they finally took notice.

“Are those lights embedded in the side of the tunnel?” Applejack asked

“Yeah. There’s no way that’s natural. Those all look electric!”Rainbow Dash said in disbelief.

“Electric lights inside the Steps? This mountain has been here for a thousand years and those lights weren’t even close to being invented back then,” Twilight said.

“Maybe somepony’s been living here. It would explain the tunnel and the lights,” Pinkie said.

“Who would want to live out here? How would somepony live out here? While it’s true no monsters have been seen on the Steps, just getting here would kill most anypony and then you’d have to leave to get food thus exposing yourself to further attacks. None of this makes sense!”

“Calm down, Twilight. Sure, none of this makes sense but we have a job to do. We can figure things out once we’re done,” Rainbow said as she floated over the panicking unicorn.

“You’re right, of course. Still, I feel like it’s important.” Twilight started to lead the group further into the tunnel. As they walked the tunnel started to slope upwards. “Maybe this does go to the castle after all.”

Eventually, they came across a fork in the tunnel. The way right was dark while the left was lit. Looking towards each other they seemed to all ask the same question: light or dark?

“Um, if it’s okay with you guys, I’d rather stay in the bright tunnels,” Fluttershy said.

“It does seem to go in the right direction,” Applejack concurred.

“Maybe the lights are trying to guide us. You know like ‘if you want to see the light of the sun then follow the lights’ or something like that.” Pinkie bounced in place in excitement.

“Wouldn’t that mean that there’s someone or something helping us even though we can’t see, hear, or tell that he/she/it is around?” Twilight asked.

“Well, that’s not creepy at all. What if it’s the opposite? Maybe we should go in the dark. For all we know this is a trick by Nightmare Moon,” Rainbow said with wariness coloring her voice

“Well, I, for one, would prefer to see where we’re going without exhausting our magic,” Rarity said.

“Well, we aren’t splitting up. It sounds like most of us want to go left. Can anyone think of a legitimate reason we shouldn’t?”

“What about the trap thing I just mentioned?”

“The dark could be a trap just as easily, Rainbow. Given she wants eternal night I think the dark is more up her alley.”

“Yeah, alright. Left it is.”

They journeyed through the tunnel coming across more and more paths. Always only one of them was lit and so they continued to follow the lights. The path wound back on itself sloping harshly in places. Their legs ached and their lungs cried out for fresh air. On and on they continued in this loop. It seemed to them they should have reached the castle by now.

“You know this is looking more and more like a trap,” Rainbow Dash said as they turned another corner.

“How is this looking more and more like a trap? Nothing has happened to us and we aren’t going around in circles like before.” Twilight had to believe it wasn’t a trap. If it was it was already too late to do anything about it.

“Yeah but we don’t need to go in circles. For all we know this thing is taking us to the other side of the Steps or all the way to the top. If we were gonna reach the castle we should have gotten there by now. It was only 2 kilometers above us and we’ve been walking for hours.

As they were saying this an exit appeared before them. The Castle of the Two Sisters was standing right before them.

“You were sayin’ somethin’ about this bein’ a trap?” Applejack shot Rainbow a smirk.

“Laugh it up, hayseed. Somepony has to think about stuff like that. I’m just trying to look out for all of us.”

“Says the mare that stayed up all night before falling asleep while the rest of us waited for her,” Rarity quipped.

“Hey, that was for you guys, too.”

“Okay, okay. Let’s just get into the castle, grab the elements, and defeat Nightmare Moon before we all freeze to death,” Rarity said as she tried to calm the irritable flier.

With a roll of her eyes, Applejack started forward to the stairs that would bring them into the castle. They advanced cautiously, wary of any traps that might’ve been set.

As they entered the castle itself they saw a grand foyer spread out before them. There in the center of the foyer was an odd statue with five arms, each holding a stone orb. They walked in a huddle, each one glancing about for traps. They reached the statue without incident and breathed a small sigh of relief.

“Are those the Elements?” Fluttershy asked.

“What makes you think that, darling?”

“Well, there used to be a plaque here”--she pointed at a bare rectangle on the base--“ and it looks important.”

“Hmm, I can sense some magic within these orbs as well,” Twilight said.

“So these are them? That was easy. Let’s grab ‘em and blast Nightmare right in the flank.” Rainbow smirked at the idea

“That’s great and all but how exactly do we do that? I wasn’t taught how to wield ancient artifacts in school.” Rarity hated being the bearer of bad news but practicality came before feelings.

“The book said that a spark would awaken them. I don’t know exactly what that means but it’s a start,” Twilight said as she started to poke around the statue.

“How about this?” Pinkie asked as she pulled out a taser and touched the orbs with its ‘spark.’

“Pinkie, what is that and where did you get it?”

“It was just laying around. Maybe somepony had it in case of emergencies? Hmm, that gives me an idea.” Pinkie narrowed her eyes in contemplation.

“Anyway, how are we gonna do this? Maybe we should leave Twilight alone so she can think?”

“I’d rather you didn’t. Who knows where Nightmare Moon is right now and I’d rather not have to face her alone.”

“How unfortunate then.” The voice sent a chill down their spines. Nightmare Moon materialized behind Twilight and the Elements giving the group a deadly glare. She snatched Twilight and the Elements in her magic and teleported away.

“Oh my gosh! We need to go help her!” Pinkie screamed out

“Yeah but where did they go?”

“I saw a flash from one of them windows over there. Maybe if we look out ‘em we can figure it out.”

The group rushed over to the window scanning for any sign of where their friend had gone. Several tense moments passed. Several of the group grew impatient wanting to bolt and hope to find their friend but realizing they needed information to do anything worthwhile.

“There! That window in the tower just flashed purple. I bet Twilight’s fighting back.”

“Let’s hurry. Twilight can’t last too long against somepony like that.”

“Why have you come here, child? I can only assume you know something of the Elements. Still, you are either very brave or foolish to face me. Considering the size of the town I found you in I would wager foolish indeed.” Nightmare Moon sat across the room from her small adversary. She felt something from this unicorn. It was why she had separated her from the others and why she was offering her the courtesy of a dialogue before Nightmare decided on her fate.

After recovering from the teleport, Twilight immediately lit her horn to defend herself from her larger and stronger opponent. “Maybe so, but I couldn’t just sit back and watch everypony suffer under your rule. Not to mention Princess Celestia.”

“Do not speak to me of that traitor. I merely wanted to be recognized for what I do and she banished me for a thousand years. Hopefully, a thousand years gone herself will help her see reason.”

“Without her, we’ll all either freeze or starve to death. Have you thought of that, Your Majesty?”

“You think me a fool, child? I am no monster to kill my own subjects. I spent many nights planning how to ensure safety during my endless night.”

“Well, you’re doing a great job of that so far.” Twilight wasn’t sure using sarcasm with what amounted to a god was a good idea but her usual restraint had been eroded by the stress of the situation.

“Oh? Who then has perished?”

“Safety doesn’t just mean not dying, Nightmare Moon. You’ve plunged the entire kingdom into chaos and have made violence, theft, dishonesty, and all manner of other unpleasantries come out of the woodworks due to your ‘endless night.’ So, tell me. How is the common pony safe during all of that?”

“Is the guard so incompetent in this day? In my times, a crisis such as this would have been met with order and safety.”

“The guard has been diminished since we’ve had a thousand years of peace. Your time is over. We have made leaps and bounds in every field of study since you were banished.”

“Truly? And your advances protect you from disaster? Is the guard no longer trained to keep the populace calm or help them seek shelter? If so, even more reason Celestia should abdicate.”

“We’ve had no need for disaster relief for a thousand years. The guard is still trained to help in time of need, but their numbers aren’t what they used to be. Princess Celestia was the main reason that nopony worried about disaster or war or anything. Her very presence could calm even the fieriest of situations.” Twilight spoke with fire in her voice. She tried to convey to Nightmare just how much had changed. Nightmare didn’t seem completely mad so perhaps reason would work. If not, it bought time for her friends to get there.

“Hahaha, I can assure you she is far from as perfect as you seem to think, little one. This is often a problem with ponies who don’t often see their rulers. There is no shame in your ignorance.”

“Whether she is perfect or not is beside the point. She is my teacher and I trust her judgment. She is the one who has given us peace. You? You’ve given us nothing but chaos. You might as well be Discord incarnate.” Insults might seem petty at this point but she was willing to get in any shot she could. Perhaps her anger would make her blind to Twilight inching closer to the Elements.

“Do not insult me, child. Such things are expected during change whether for better or worse. Ponies have always loved their routine whether it was for the best or not. I have not even assumed rulership and already you judge me unfit. Truly, you are Celestia’s student to jump to such rash and unfounded conclusions. If I was truly as bad as you say, would I be talking to you right now? You would be dead and I would be laughing.” Nightmare turned her nose up at the idea she could be related to Discord in any way. Twilight took another step while Nightmare was distracted.

“While it is true that you aren’t entirely bad. I have plenty to found my judgment on.”

“Do enlighten me.”

“The method you chose to gain power shows that you can’t handle somepony on the level of Celestia without getting rid of them entirely. Due to the way you decided to announce your arrival the citizenry fear you. This will only breed discontent and rebellion. All the decisions you’ve made since your return have almost undone all that Princess Celestia has worked to hard to achieve. Once the other nations find out about the discontent they won’t hesitate to take advantage. They might even decide to invade. With the chaos brought by your arrival and subsequent takeover, Equestria will be poorly prepared for any financial or military crises. Thus, you are unfit to rule.”

“I can see that Celestia’s foolish notions have poisoned your mind. I didn’t want to do this, but I have no choice but to restrain you indefinitely.” Nightmare conjured chains to wrap around the mare before her.

“Ha! You’ll have to do better than that if you want to stop me,” Twilight called as she teleported behind Nightmare and onto the Elements.

“I admire your courage but if you wish to goad me you’ll have to think of something more creative than that. I have heard better provocations from puppies.”

“And here I thought that Discord remark earlier would’ve at least ruffled your feathers. Anyway, I believe this is where I say something heroic and then we start to fight, so...

“Fight? If you think you can put one up you are welcome to try. I will even give you a free shot. Don’t waste it.”

“Oh? That’s foolish of you, Nightmare Moon. You seem to have forgotten about what I’m standing over,” Twilight said as she began to charge the elements with her magic.

“Me the fool? I’m afraid those are nothing more than stones.”

“You can’t fool me, Nightmare. These have a magical signature coming from them and were in a display.”

“I always did enjoy enchanted sculptures before my banishment. Did you really think the Elements of Harmony would be sitting in the foyer for all to see?”

“Well, yes. If these aren’t the Elements then what are they enchanted to do?”

“They were meant to levitate in ever-changing patterns to mesmerize all who entered the castle. Displays of power and wealth are important, you know.”

“Oh, crap baskets. Well, time for plan B then,” Twilight told her as she started to sweat nervously.

“Go on.”

“Leg it!” Twilight called as she teleported out of the room.

“A hunt after all this time! How amusing.” As she took off to hunt the little fool the others that had been with her ran into the room.

“Y’all okay in here, Twilight?” Applejack called as she entered the room they’d heard Twilight’s voice in before the latest flash.

“I’m going to have to deal with you quickly. Celestia’s pupil is much more of a concern. I apologize if any of you are hurt.” Nightmare lit her horn to conjure more chains to bind the unfortunate group.

“Run, Twilight, run! Queen Meany-pants is coming after you!

“Your concern for her is touching.” Nightmare Moon strode past the restrained ponies. Deciding that Celestia’s pupil deserved her full attention she once again cast her life locating spell. The results were unexpected. It showed six lives in the room she had left instead of five and there was no one in the rest of the castle. The child must have heard the pink one shout and returned to save them. Turning back around, she rushed back up the stairs. She doubted they would try the Elements after her earlier gambit but it never hurt to be cautious.

“Hold on girls. I’ll have you out of those chains as soon as I can then we can either run or face Nightmare Moon together,” Twilight told her friends as she began to work at dispelling the summoned chains.

“Get out of here, Twilight. I really appreciate you not wanting to leave us but somepony needs to escape to let everypony know about the Elements. Somepony is bound to be able to use ‘em,” Rainbow said with desperation in her voice.

“There will be no escape, my little pony. For you see, it’s far too late for any of you to get away and I can’t allow knowledge of the Elements to spread. Therefore, you’ll all be prisoners here for the rest of your nights,” Nightmare Moon said as she calmly strode up to the six mares. The sneer she gave them showed just what she thought of their attempts at resistance. “Don’t worry, I will be good to all of you. Perhaps we will even be friends in time.”

“Friends? You don’t even know what friendship is. .Friendship has laughter, honesty, loyalty, generosity, and kindness. These mares have shown me that in the last couple of days. I can’t be more grateful for them. That’s why we’ll never yield to a tyrant like you!” As she spoke the rocks in the middle of the room began to glow with power and levitate closer to the group.

“No! I won’t let you send me to the moon again. I’d rather destroy the Elements than go there again!” Nightmare unleashed all of her magic on the stones but her efforts were in vain. The elements continued to glow brighter as they neared the group.

As if being told what to do, Twilight started to speak. “Rarity, who gave up a year of her life without fuss to ensure our safety, represents Generosity. Applejack, whose candor helped me through a dark time, represents Honesty. Pinkie Pie, whose attitude helped us through our terror represents, Laughter. Rainbow Dash, who stayed up for hours past exhaustion to ensure our safety, represents Loyalty. And Fluttershy, who was able to find a friend where everypony else saw an enemy, represents Kindness.” As she spoke of each mare and their deeds the rocks floated over to them and shaped themselves into a necklace for each to wear. “I can feel each of them in my heart. I’m so glad you all could be my friends. The last element, Magic, provides the spark to ignite the flame of friendship.” As she declared the last element a stone appeared above her from nowhere shaping itself into a crown.

As the last of the elements appeared a huge wave of harmonic magic washed over Nightmare Moon. As the rainbow dissipated the new Elements of Harmony were let back down to the ground exhausted but otherwise unharmed.

Then, as a glowing orb descended upon them they heard a song from within it. Princess Celestia stepped into the room, continuing to sing. None dared to interrupt her and only Twilight dared to even look upon her countenance. As such, all but Twilight were surprised when Celestia spoke after her song. “Princess Luna, it has been a thousand years since last we saw each other. I hope you can forgive me for all I’ve had to do. We were meant to rule together, little sister.”

The Elements looked up to see a small alicorn sitting in front of Celestia. They looked to each other in confusion though none spoke. “That song. I dreamt of it during my time in the moon. I thought it was just a delusion, that you couldn’t possibly feel sorry for anything. You never seemed to care before.” Her voice was quiet and trembling with uncertainty.

“That has haunted me this whole time. I convinced myself that everything was fine and because of that you suffered far more than I imagined. Please, Luna, I want to try again.” Celestia bowed her head to look into Luna’s eyes

“Once more equals? It is more than I could wish. I have missed you so very much, Celestia,” Luna’s voice was no longer quiet and trembled with emotion instead of uncertainty. She leapt past her sister’s head to squeeze as much of Celestia’s body as she could.

“Seeing family reunited after such a long time is enough to warm even my heart,” a deep voice called out to the room. The voice continued, “My name is Magnus the Red and I welcome you all to my castle.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had a some formatting errors bringing this in from gdoc so I apologize for the weird breaks. They were all originally centered but for some reason fimfic doesn't like some of them.

This is my first story and I've spent a long time trying to get it just right. That being said, I doubt I found everything. If you have any correction, tips, or comments please feel free to let me know.