• Published 12th Nov 2011
  • 6,516 Views, 191 Comments

Prototype: Black Rain - Fuberrari

Sometimes, fallen stars may grant you something you never wish, nor wants.

  • ...


Today's forecast, clear sky with a few scattering of clouds.
For the fastest weather mare in Ponyville, it's just another way of saying an easy day of work.
And the weather mare was going to enjoy that day in the only way she knew how, napping, on a cloud.
Or she would've liked to, until a certain purple unicorn called to her.

"Rainbow Dash!"
The sky-blue pegasus looked over her cloud bed at the lavender unicorn below, who had a packed satchel draped over her back.

"Yo Twilight! What up?" asked Rainbow Dash. Her front leg dangling over the edge of the cloud.

"Rainbow! Can you come down? I need a favor from you."

"Sure thing Twi." Rainbow Dash jumped down and landed with a loud clop. "What ya need?"

"Well, you see. For the past month I observed higher than normal amount of shooting stars from Constellation Cancer. Now, as you might know, shooting star occurs when the Princesses have to replace burnt out stars. But normally it was just a few. It was statistically impossible for that many to occur each night, every night outside of the centennial..."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, her patient waning. "Twilight... get to the point."

"Okay, one of the shooting star actually landed."

That grabbed the pegasus' attention. "Whoa! Did you say a one of the star fell TO the ground?!"

"Well, yes and no. I was tracking the shooting stars, and none of them came from existing stars. So whatever that fell, it came from somewhere else."

"Cool! Where did it land?"

"Somewhere in Everfree forest..." Rainbow Dash muttered to herself as she darted over the forest. "That SURE narrowed it down. You would think a falling star would make a big hole in the forest somewhere."

As if on cue, she noticed a distinct line of broken tree in the distance leading deep into the forest, ending with what looked like a thin wisp of smoke streaming into the air. Rainbow Dash flew over. As the crater came into view, she could see glittering of red scattered all over, and a black metallic rock at the bottom covered with the same red glitter. She also saw a diamond dog standing over a small yellow pegasus beside the crater.

She saw the diamond dog raised its paw and back-handed her friend into a tree.

Rainbow Dash dove down as the diamond dog advanced toward the unconscious pegasus. With a deep thud, the sky-blue pegasus smashed into diamond dog's back, sending both of them sprawling into the dirt. Clearing the stars from her eyes with a shake of her head, Rainbow Dash looked down at the now unconscious canine before flying to her yellow winged friend.

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash nudged at the unconscious pegasus urgently. She noticed a small trickle of blood trailing down the side of her head, turning the yellow fur along the path brown. Remembering the first aid class she had during flight school, she pressed her hoof on the wound to try to stop the bleeding. She didn't notice the diamond dog getting back up behind her, picking up a thick tree branch as a club.

She did notice the shadow over her as the diamond dog raised his club. Before the sky-blue mare could respond, stars exploded in her eyes as she went flying through the air like a rag-doll.
The sound of cracking bones echoed through the forest when Rainbow Dash landed on top of the meteorite at the bottom of the crater. She felt the lower half of her body went numb. A wet warmth started spread out from between her wings. Taste of copper filled her mouth as she found it more and more difficult to draw breath. The last thing she saw before blacking out was the towering form of the diamond dog leering at her.

"Rainbow... Rainbow..."
The sky blue pegasus felt something nudging her as her consciousness slowly returned. She opened her eyes and saw two blobs, one purple and the other yellow. Blinking a few times, the blobs cleared up revealing the worried looks on Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh! Thank goodness you're awake!" the yellow pegasus said, letting out a breath of relief.

"How are you feeling Rainbow?" Twilight asked, her hoof holding the pegasus' eye-lids open as she checked for concussion.

"I'm... okay." Rainbow Dash rolled over and got to her hooves and stumbled a few steps. "On the other hooves... my head and back are killing me... what happened?"

"We are hoping you could tell us. Fluttershy said she was trying to help a squirrel get out from under a tree out when a diamond dog attacked her and knocked her out. I only saw you dive below the treeline. By the time I got here, I found both of you unconscious by this crater."

Rainbow Dash cocked her head. "I remember seeing a diamond dog hitting Fluttershy... and I went and knocked it out... and I tried to wake up Fluttershy... then nothing. Why would a diamond dog attack you?"

"I think it had to do with all those rubies around. That diamond dog thought that I was a thief." Fluttershy said. "I wasn't trying to steal anything..."

"I believe you Fluttershy. But we are in diamond dogs' territory now, and they are not exactly the brightest of the bunch... hm..." Twilight Sparkle looked around the crater, there was no trace of the red gem Fluttershy spoke of. "I guess they must have taken all the gems and left... no matter, let's get out of here before any more of them show up and accuse us of being thieves."

"That would be... nice." Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash. "Do you need some help?"

"No, I'm..." the sky-blue pegasus took a step and promptly fell over. "On second thought..."

She was back at the crater, her eyes took in the impressive field of gems that covered it. At the bottom of it, massive blood-red gems studded the meteor itself. She looked around the crater, and found herself staring at the back of a pink-maned yellow pegasus.

"Thieving pony!"
She started moving toward her, who spun around, her eyes wide with fear as a group of squirrels vanished into the woods.

"What? No! I was just helping the poor squirrel!" said Fluttershy.

What? Who are you talking to?
A flash of gray sent Fluttershy flying through the air and into a nearby tree.

Her view flickered, revealing another scene. She was on the ground, and a sky-blue pegasus with a distinctive rainbow mane and tail was over the unconscious yellow pegasus.

Wait... what?
The gray paw picked up a large branch and started advancing on the pegasi.

Turn around!
The large branch was in the air.

Turn around dammit!
The sky-blue pegasus spun around, just in time for the branch to collide into her face.

"AH!" Rainbow Dash bolted up in the dark, cold sweat drenching her coat and matting her mane. Her breathing was shallow and quick and her eyes stared straight ahead with her pupils wide. Her wings flared out behind her, over which pieces of torn bandages lay. Almost seconds later, the lamp flickered on and the door opened, revealing a yellow pegasus in a butterfly print night-cap.

"Rainbow Dash?" She felt herself being drew into an embrace. "Sh... don't worry... it's just a dream..."

"Where..." her eyes darted around in panic.

"You're in my house, remember?" cooed Fluttershy. "There there... There's nothing to worry about..."

That's right... I hurt my back... Fluttershy got me back to her place...
She felt her breathing slowed as her wings started to relax and draped itself beside the pillow.

"Feeling better?" Fluttershy pulled away and looked at her, who swallowed and nodded in response. "That's good." Fluttershy looked behind Rainbow Dash. "Oh my, I better get you some new bandages."

Rainbow Dash watched as a pink tail disappeared out of the door. She looked out the window toward the Everfree forest, toward the general direction where she found the crater. Her mind churning as she tried to make sense of her dream. She didn't get far before Fluttershy returned, setting down a first aid kit by the bed.

"Please scoot forward so I can check on your back."
Rainbow Dash nodded and shuffled forward. She felt the bed behind sagged a bit as Fluttershy climbed on the bed.

"Hm... does this hurt?" Rainbow Dash felt a hoof pressed against her back. She shook her head.

"No, it's still a bit stiff, but it doesn't hurt. Why?"

"Well, I don't see any more injury!" Fluttershy said happily. "I guess you're all healed!"

"Of course! Nothing can keep the Rainbow out for... ow..." Rainbow Dash winced as a dull pain shot through her back as she tried to flare her wing out.

"You should take it easy. Lie down and rest some more, I'll make you some breakfast." Fluttershy said with a smile before trotting out the door. Rainbow Dash plop back down to the pillow, watching as the morning sky started to brighten.

Well... maybe just a few more minutes.
She closed her eyes and let sleep take her once more.

"Rainbow... Rainbow..." the fastest flier in Equestria moaned as she opened her eyes. Fluttershy was watching at her with her large cyan, and somewhat panicky eyes. "Rainbow! We've got a problem!"

"Diamond Dogs? What are they doing in Ponyville?" Rainbow Dash ran down the dirt road leading to Ponyville beside Applejack with Fluttershy trailing behind them.

"Ah have NO idea! But dem mongrels demanded to see a rainbow tailed pegasus. Something about her stealing something from their territory."

"Are you saying they're calling me a thief?" Rainbow Dash snorted with indignity.

"Ah reckoned..." Applejack looked to Rainbow Dash, uncertainty filled her expression. "... did yah... steal something?"


"Good enough for me." Applejack turned her attention back to the road as they approached Ponyville.

This looked like Appleloosa all over again. Rainbow Dash thought as she arrived at the town center. Two crowd had gathered, facing each other. On one side were what looked like every pony in Ponyville with the town mayor and Twilight Sparkle in the lead. On the other side were a small crowd of diamond dogs, led by a noticeably larger diamond dog. The larger diamond dog was decked out with spiked collars covered with obscene amount of gems and a coat packed with more pockets then she could count, also filled to the brim with gems.

"THERE'S THE THIEF!" one of the diamond dogs beside the leader shouted, pointing its dirty nail at the arriving blue pegasus.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A THIEF?!" Rainbow Dash yelled back, coming to a stop beside Twilight Sparkle. "What the hay is going on here?"

"Miss Rainbow, I certainly do hope you did not take anything from their territory!" the mayor of Ponyville trotted up to her. "They're threatening to tear the village up to find them!"


"We saw you flying to big hole!" the diamond dog that accused her shouted. "Big hole had precious gems! Then big hole have no gems!"

"That's because I had to stop ONE OF YOU FROM ATTACKING FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow Dash huffed, steam coming out of her nostril. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, squeaked and tried to hide behind Applejack as some of the attentions were drawn to her.

"She attacked the guard!"

"Maybe the yellow one is thief..."


Soon the arguments degenerated into a shouting match as ponies and diamond dogs throw accusations against each other. This went on for almost a minute before a screeching voice broke through.

"QUIET!" all the yelling stopped, and everyone turned to find a red-faced Rarity glaring at them. Everyone except for one pink party pony.

"AND HOW DARE YOU MAKE CUPCAKES USING..." Pinkie Pie noticed the death glare from Rarity and shrunk back. "... um... sorry."

"Now, I don't know whether Rainbow Dash stole your gems or not..." the pegasus in question snorted with indignation. "... but if you are so adamant about it, I'll be more than happy to supply you with a cart full of the finest gem-stones as replacement."

"No! No common gem-stones! These star stones!" the leading diamond dog roared, pulling out a red gem from one of his many pockets. "We want these! These OUR gems!"

Rarity examined the gems closer. "I don't see any difference from common ruby... wait... these are no gems!"

"WHAT... DID... PONY... SAY!?" the diamond dog approached the unicorn with rage in his eyes. Rainbow Dash finally had enough. She leaped in front of the advancing diamond dog, drew up her back legs and lashed them out, sending the canine backward and to the dirt.

"Don't you EVER threaten my friend!" Rainbow Dash yelled at the fallen diamond dog. The canine didn't seems to have heard her. Instead, he noticed his bleeding paw and the broken shards of gems in his paw and on the ground.

The leader yelled out in rage. "You broke gems! YOU BROKE GEMS! YOU..."

"Boss! Your paw!" A gasp spread through the crowd of ponies and dogs as blood-red veins and tendrils started spreading up the diamond dog's arm.

The canine howled in pain as the tendrils soon enveloped him. His dirty nails elongated into razor-sharp claws. His size grew as his muscles swelled to monstrous proportions, splitting skin apart in some places. The cheek tore apart, allowing his mouth to hand open like a snake as his teeth mutated to resemble rows of sharp knife. The monstrous transformation ended with the diamond dog's howl deepened into a guttural growl.

Ponies and dogs stood there, frozen in shock at the unnaturally transformed creature in front of them.

"Eh... boss?" Rainbow Dash watched as the creature turned to the diamond dog beside it. The same diamond dog that accused her of being a thief. The creature grabbed the diamond dog in its clawed paw, and proceeded to tore off the diamond dog's upper body in a single bite.

"RUN!" The advice was not needed as ponies and diamond dogs ran from the monster. The mutated dog threw away the carcass in its claw and looked around. Its eyes locked on Fluttershy, who stared back with terrified wide eyes.

"Fluttershy! Run!" Twilight called back as the monstrous canine charged at the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy, however, was paralyzed with fear, her hooves simply refused to respond to her desperate pleas to get away. Twilight Sparkle skidded along the ground as she tried to run back. But the monster was already mere steps away from its target. Its sharp claws in the air descending toward the frozen pegasus.

A rainbow streak shot past Twilight Sparkle, reaching the yellow pegasus moments before the claw landed. Twilight Sparkle could felt the ground shook as the claw landed, throwing up cloud of dust that obscured her vision. She could, however, hear a yelp as a yellow and pink shape came tumbling to a stop in front of her.

"Fluttershy! Are you alright?" asked Twilight Sparkle, helping the dirt covered pegasus up.

Fluttershy looked over herself. "I think so."

"Whew, I'm glad that Rain..."

"DASHIE! NO!" Twilight Sparkle turned to see Pinkie Pie pointing her hoof toward the dust cloud, shock and fear frozen on her face. Through the fading dust cloud, Twilight Sparkle could see Rainbow Dash laying motionless within the monster's claw. Or to be more precise, the monster’s claws were in the perfectly still pegasus, skewering her like a marshmallow on a stick. The mutated canine growled and tossed the pegasus aside, sending Rainbow Dash crashing through a nearby building, which collapsed from the impact.

"DASHIE!" Pinkie Pie cried out and galloped toward the collapsed building. The monster started running after the pink pony when a large piece of masonry smashed into its misshapen head.

"Over here!" Twilight Sparkle yelled out, trying to draw the creature's attention. It worked, the creature turned and locker its blood-red eyes on her and roared.

"Rarity, get Fluttershy somewhere safe." Twilight Sparkle dug her hooves into the ground, her eyes focused on the charging creature.

"How about Pinkie Pie?" Rarity asked, her back carrying a catatonic Fluttershy.

"I'll get her." Rarity nodded and galloped away. Twilight Sparkle turned to face the charging monster. At the very last moment, she threw up a protective shield around her. The monster slammed into the shield, sending ripples across the translucent surface.

"Applejack, help me draw this... thing away so I can help Pinkie Pie get Rainbow's... Rainbow out." Applejack nodded and ran off. The monster got back up and started to strike the shield with its sharp claws, causing Twilight Sparkle to wince each time as the shield flickered with each hit. The assault stopped almost immediately when a couple of apples splattered the creature's head.

"Hey! Pick on something yer own size!" Applejack shouted before kicking another pair of apple at the creature. The creature roared and promptly charged after earth pony.

Twilight Sparkle galloped toward the building that had buried Rainbow Dash. There, she found Pinkie Pie digging at the wreckage, a look of desperation on her face.

"Please be okay... please be okay... please be okay..." Drops of tear ran down the pink pony's face as she repeated the same phrase. Without another word, Twilight Sparkle started levitating and throwing away heavier pieces of the wreckage.

What's the point... no pony could... Twilight Sparkle slapped herself mentally. No, if there's even a slim chance, we have to try... Her thoughts were interrupted when the sound of another pair of digging hooves reached her ears. Looking up, she saw Fluttershy digging right along Pinkie Pie. She looked around to find Rarity levitating and tossing chunks of wreckage.

"Rarity! You're supposed to get Fluttershy somewhere safe!"

"Honey, if you THINK for one moment that we'll leave our friend behind! You're sorely mistaken." Rarity looked around her. "Where's Applejack?"

"I asked her to draw that monster away, give us some time to get Rainbow out." the words had barely left her mouth before a familiar voice reached her ears.

"WHOA... NELLY!" Twilight Sparkle turned around just in time to see a flying Applejack landing right in front of her.

And... now we're out of time...

"Applejack! You alright?"

"That thing... hit me... with a pony statue..." Applejack slurred out, her eyes crossed. Almost as soon as she said that, the monster crashed through the building across the street from them. Shaking its grotesque head to clear the dust and wreckage, its misshapen eyes found the ground of ponies and barreled toward them. Twilight Sparkle quickly jumped over the dazed farm pony, her horn flaring, sending up a shield moments before the monster reached them.

"Girls! Hurry up!" Twilight Sparkled cried out, wincing as the monster battered against the protective field she raised. Applejack quickly shook herself off and helped the other ponies dig. The monster raised its claws up and brought it down on the shield. And to Twilight's horror, the shield collapsed and the claw embedded itself in the ground mere inches from her.

"GIRLS!" Twilight scooted back as far as she could as the monster freed its claw from the ground. That was when she heard a sharp growl from behind her. Before she could turn around, a rainbow blur shot over her and slammed into the advancing creature. The two shapes tumbled along the ground for several yards before coming to a stop. Twilight's eyes went wide at the shape that just attacked the monster.

"Rainbow?" Her jaw hung wide open as her mind trying to make sense of the scene in front of her. On top of the mutated canine was her friend Rainbow Dash, who was trampling the monstrosity beneath her front hooves. What Twilight Sparkle couldn't understand was how Rainbow Dash could even move with four gaping holes through her. Or how her friend could ignore the growing number of lacerations on her body from the struggling canine. That was when she noticed the black and red tendrils that started to extend from the pegasus and burying itself into the monster.

"YOU! DO! NOT!" Rainbow Dash shouted with each hoof fall. "HURT! MY! FRIENDS!" Rearing up to full height, she brought both hooves down as hard as she could. Her hooves shattered the monster's teeth and went through the back of its head. It was in that moment, a sharp pain flashed through her head as her vision fade to black. Disconnected images and sound started running through her mind.

"Boss... pretty red gems around fallen stars... see..."
"Red gem pretty..."
"Another fallen star to the east, boss..."
"Bring gems here!"
"Gem's gone boss! Gem's gone!"
"What!? HOW!?"
"Rainbow pony went to crater! Gem's gone!"

As fast as it came, the pain faded. Rainbow Dash pushed herself off the ground, her hooves unsteady from a mild case of vertigo.

"Guys..." as her sight cleared, she saw her five friend by a wrecked building.

"Guys! You're alright!" Rainbow Dash walked, or more like stumbled, toward them. Fluttershy screeched and hid behind Pinkie Pie, at the same time Applejack jumped forward, placing herself between Rainbow Dash and the rest of their friends.

"Stay away from us! You... you... "

"What... what are you talking about? It's me! Rainbow Dash!" She pointed her own hoof at her chest, only it didn't feel like a hoof to her. Rainbow Dash looked down, and instead of looking at hooves, she found herself staring at a pair of gray paws


The towering diamond dog started brushing and scratching at his arm, looking to all the world as if he was trying to rip it out. Almost immediately, black and red tendrils erupted from the diamond dog's body and enveloped the towering form. It started to shrink as its gray furs turned to light blue. Short black hair on its head grew out and shifted to a rainbow hue. Its tail followed similar transformation as two black appendages burst out its back, slowly turning the same cyan-blue color as feathers started to form. Its eyes, shifting from yellow to pink, stared as the nails and fingers in its shrinking paw receded and turned back to hooves. Finally, the tendrils receded, leaving behind a terrified pegasus.

Rainbow Dash, her mind unable to cope with what happened to her, simply shut down.