• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Aspiring hack writer

Comments ( 24 )

You have my attention good sir I'm intrigued. :moustache:
I shall wait in anticipation for the next chapter of this story. :twilightsmile:

The concept is good but the writings a little off.

It feels a bit rushed in pacing but I like the idea


How so?


I know it feels rushed, but I assure you, we're not even a third finished. I'm hoping for a story within the 40-50 chapter range.


I blame the fact that this is being written from his memory and a lot of the stuff that was at the beginning, is kind of lost.

Hello, co-writer, idea guy, and the man who said "Hey, lets do an alt-verse of FOE where Little Pip never left with Samus, that should last me only about a few months" (he said, one year after doing this,) I wnat to talk a little about these first two chapters.

Tecna, the girl who sends Samus here, had a bigger role orginally. I had plans for her to be misson control for Samus, but those fell through. Also, the bits about overpopulation and the worsening of the Rangers was all him, it wasn't in the original.

6103735 if my comment seemed mean that's all

Co-writer notes: Ok, lets point out some stuff here.

Arbu is one of my favorite parts of Fallout Equestria, it is so emotionally gripping and such a wonderful grey area that it gets to me everytime. I decided that I wanted to at least try an mess aroun with it. Especially since I was doing a story where Little Pip had not gotten out of the Stable (We'll find out what happened soon). Samus, being a character that is new and has her own moral code, I wanted to see how she would handle it. Arbu is a scenario, for me at least, that has no real right and wrong answer. (Something I think the fic does better than the games. The game-you kill them and nothing happens. The fic- kill the cannibals, but you ruined the lives of CHILDREN!) and that is what I loved here. The child kind of helped to drive that point home. The kids don't know about right and wrong, they just know you killed their mom and dad.

I better stop talking about Arbu and focus on the rest, otherwise I am going to spend all day writing this

God came about easily because I wanted to explore more of "Little Pip is gone" idea. So, I figured that sooner or later Red Eye would find an unicorn that would be enough for his plans to work. So, he became the opposite, a god. Then I began to think, what esle could go wrong from missing on one little pony. And so, we have the purge.

Co-author here...

When I started to do this RP, I wasn't sure if I was going to give Samus any more companions. I was going to make this a "Lone Wolf and Cub" esque story, with Samus as the lone wolf. But I still wante to put in some of the other FOE characters because, hey, this is a "for want of a nail" scenario where somepony important never left the stable and the wasteland is worse off. So, I brought in Regina as the first of the many MANY characters that would show up from the various FOE fics that have had their lives wrecked thanks to that event. Then, I left it up in the air as to if she was going to join or not.

I decided yes, because I have had this thing for griffons in fanfics for a while. And I had also some experience in writing her in "Tales told from the hearth", and she is one of my top five fav characters from FOE. So, Regina was added to the cast.

Some other points I should mention. The three guns bit was added because of my love of One Piece and zoro. How does she wield three guns? One of them is with her tail. I also decided that one of the bad things I could do to her was kill Gawd and Kage. Yes, Kage is dead, again...I never did like him. Henri was added as her companion because I wanted to give Regina someone to talk to and then wreck her life again.

...I just realized that I am a horrible person to my favorite characters. Glad I love Samus so much, huh?

Writing gets better each chapter and is less rushed. Keep it goin. :)

I'm going to prepare a stimpack, because blackjack is going to need it, the tradition require that she is shot, stabbed, kicked, blown up, or otherwise injured , whether deliberately or by accident by a party member.

Ok, so...

Yeah, nothing much from the co-author's pov here. The original scene was actually just: Meet Sunny, and the BOOM! Steel Rangers. The stable was all him.

But I can say that I chose Friendship City because that was a good place for Samus to get used to the general feeling. It also helped to set mood and how much worst things have gotten since the original an the normal verse.

Hmmmm that overwrite password........
I Hope the pony will make an apperance.

Second author here:

Ahh, this one. This...I think I am the most proud of how this went, why? Well, mainly because I figured if I could nail the idea that if there were two sides of everything, and that there was more than one way of handeling a situation, then I have actually made an actual FOE story and I could actually do everything else I had planned. The story hadn't been finalize yet, this was still "What if _____ never left the Stable, gods, and profit" and lacked some of the broader undertones.

When thinking of the fates of the FOE characters without Little Pip, I knew Steel Hooves would be interesting to visit. Especially since we find him getting taken out by alicorns and needed to be saved by Little Pip. No pip, nopony to come along and fix his battery. So I knew that he woul either end up a feral ghoul, or just be stuck there for a time. Then the domino effect happened with me. No Steelhooves, no pony to divert attention away from Stable 2, and then...well, you'll see.

Behold our first of the God alicorns, the red model! Again, with Little Pip out of the picture, Red Eye was free to ascend and create his own alicorns. We met the first of three, when will the others show up?

Your book has been advertised on the new facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/foebooks/ :)

Co-author here.

Man, when I started this RP, I was not expecting aliens, but...there you go. As I said before, Avarok is played by the little brother in the RP, and when I met her, I got the chance to play one of my favorite relationships. The jerk vs the genius. After all, someone has to point out how annoying the smart girl is.

I was looking for a story like this one, I think your doing great so far.

Samus as a pony sounds intresting. Does she get an alicorn girlfriend at the end?

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