• Published 15th May 2015
  • 638 Views, 29 Comments

The Sands of Saddle Arabia - Paradise Oasis

Four pony friends journey to a distant and exotic land

  • ...

Vacation's end

"Oh, no!" Surprise shrieked, as we all cowered in fear from the approaching mummy. "I don't wanna be a mummy sandwich!"

The mummy took a hoof step closer, and the cornered Daffodil's flight-or- flight reflexes finally kicked in.

"That does it! I am tired of ze mummy treating us like scared school fillies!" The earth pony snarled, lunging straight at the bandaged pharoah with a headbutt. "If I'm going to get taken down by zee ancient king, I'm not going down vithout zee fight!"

"Grah?!" The mummy asked in confusion, not believing that his scared victims were actually fighting back.

"Ohhh, lemme help!" Surprise bounced over, grabbing one of the mummy's bandages in her teeth. "Paradise, get the other side, and lets take this dude for a spin!"

"Got i!" The other white Pegasus exclaimed, clenching the end of a bandage in her teeth. Round and around and around in circles they flew, spinning the helpless mummy around as they slowly unwrapped him.


When all the bandages had been spun off, what stood before the four mares was a half decomposed alicorn that was half-flesh, half skeletal. Glowing green embers stared at them from empty eye sockets, and the three ponies who had attacked him grew even more terrified than before.

"Foolish Mortals!" Pharaoh roared, now totally enraged at the ponies before him. "I will destroy you all for your insolence!"

As the others tried to fight off the foul beast, Vanilla turned around to see a unicorn horn-shaped hole in the wall, right in the center of several of the hieroglyphs.

"Hmmmm... what's this?" The puzzled unicorn asked, sticking her horn into the hole. "Looks like one of those old-fashioned enchanted locks..."

Suddenly the wall swung open, and Vanilla stumbled through. She found herself in another small room, and saw a sarcophagus that was all decorated with golden images and symbols that indicated royalty was buried inside. But when Vanilla gazed upon the image of the dead ruler painted on the front of the coffin, she nearly died of shock.

For the face that stared back... it was her very own.

Back in the main chamber, it was Daffodil who still stood up to Pharaoh defiantly, trying her hardest to not be afraid of the monster before her.

"How dare you threaten my frieds und I!" The earth pony yelled at the undead creature. "Ve didn't mean to disturb your rest, it vas an accident!"

"You have desecrated my sacred burial site, and humiliated me in my own tomb!" Pharaoh roared back, flapping his skeletal wings. "Now, you must all pay the price for your arrogance!"

"Vou have no right to punish us! Ve vere asked to explore ziz place by your own descendants, zee prince and princess of Zaddle Arabia!" daffodil retorted, taking a reflective step backward from the undead alicorn. "Ve vill gladly leave ziz place, und let you return to your eternal rest!"

"You will never leave this place alive!" Pharaoh roared back. "I will not allow you to-"

"Pharaoh, how DARE you threaten these poor innocent mares!" A voice bellowed from behind the three frightened ponies. "Frightening the poor lost fillies... you should be ashamed of yourself!"

Suddenly, Vanilla stepped back into the room... only she was all wrapped up in bandages, and wearing a queen's crown upon her head. An aura of authority seemed to surround the angry-looking mare.

"Vanilla Ho-tep? B-but I thought you were asleep, my dear!" Pharaoh pleaded, the undead terror suddenly looking terrified himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up with all that noise!"

"Ha! A likely story! Me in there alseep, while you're out here chasing these little hussies around!" Vanilla Ho-tep snorted, pointing a hoof back towards his sarcophagus. "Now you march yourself right back to bed, mister! And I don't want to see you messing around with any more mares two thousand years younger than you ever again! Do I make myself clear?"

"Awwww, you never let me have any fun!" The great undead terror of the desert whined, crawling back into his crypt. "Yes dear, I'll do exactly as you say!"


"You disguised yourself as Pharaoh's mummified queen?!" Paradise stifled a laugh. "Vanilla, that was BRILLIANT!"

"Hey, it helped I happened to look just like her... wouldn't surprise me if she was an ancestor or something." Vanilla replied with a smile. "As scared as he was of my anger, my guess is old Pharaoh won't be waking up from his beauty nap for another thousand years!"

"And gee, Daffodil! I t was really cool how you had the guts to stand up to that old mummy meanie!" Surprise giggled, hopping around all over the deck. "I don't think I've ever seen an earth pony act that brave!"

"Ach, it vas nothing!" Daffodil waved a hoof dismissively. "I couldn't let that old fossil hurt my vriends!"

"Yeah, it's a real shame though that that stupid vizier got us kicked out of the country for sneaking into the Pyramid like that!" Paradise sighed, looking over the rail of the ship that was taking them home. "

"Well, it's not totally bad!" Paradise added. I mean, they let us keep these awesome harem outfits we're wearing , and Secret tale and her brother promised to visit us in Dream Valley soon. So that part turned out good, right?"

"Still Paradise, I wish our vacation hadn't ended so soon!" Vanilla sighed, resting her veiled face on the rail. "It's going to be an awful long time before I get another break for a vacation again..."

"Hey, let's stop being sad, and go for a little swim!" Surprise squealed, claiming up on the rail, and jumping downward into shark infested waters. "Cannonball!"

"SURPRISE!" The other three screamed in unison, as the Pegasus below happily bounced across the snouts of the hungry fish with sharp teeth. "Why do you have to be so crazy?!"

"I dunno!" The crazy filly giggled back, leaping out of the way of a hammerhead's bite. "Guess after all that, I'm finally getting my just deserts, ha ha!"

Comments ( 3 )

So, the mummy's bandages are not armor. They're there to make the mummy look less terrifying. Reminds me of the game where if you used fire on the tree monsters, you were suddenly facing *flaming* tree monsters.

Perfect ending 10/10

Totally unexpected! Great ending!!! :yay::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

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