• Published 21st May 2015
  • 472 Views, 1 Comments

There's No Such Thing as Monsters - BigMannOnCampus

Octavia's strange tendencies after the Nightmare Night festival are beginning to concern Vinyl Scratch and all of her friends.

  • ...

Nightmare Night

"Cheers, Octy!" A slightly scratchy but a feminine voice said, the sound of two wine-glasses clanking together followed quickly. Octavia's lips twitched into a smile at her friend's out-going attitude. They were both at the grand Nightmare Night festival, where foals went around in costumes and collected candy from ponies who probably desperately wanted sleep. This wasn't the case for Vinyl Scratch or Octavia, they were attending a party that the young ponies dubbed The Grown-up Party, which was true. Both Vinyl and Octavia have drunken themselves into a light buzz and they have only been there for around thirty minutes.

"You know, Vinyl, it was a magnificent idea coming out to attend this party with you." She sipped her glass of wine, "Thank you for coaxing me into going."

"Don't worry about it, Octy." she grinned widely at her friend, Octavia sipped her drink once again. Vinyl Scratch was currently dressed up as a vamppony, and Octavia herself was dressed up as the reanimated corpse of Beethooven, a legendary classical music artist. Her costume was extremely well done, even if she wasn't one for dressing up, unless the time called for it. Which was mostly at formal occasions that she attended quite often due to her social status. Suddenly, a voice spoke up from in-between them at the table they were seated.

"Hey, Guys!" Yet another feminine voice spoke, sounding overly hyperactive. The mare had a magic mint coat and a colorful cyan tail and mane, which had a white streak passing through it smoothly. Her cutie-mark resembled a Lyre, an instrument not used by ponies very often now-a-days. Octavia and Vinyl knew this pony well, her name was Lyra Heartstrings. Her always happy-go-lucky attitude tended to make everyone around her enlightened, along with her fairly naive state at all times. Vinyl looked over, smiling faintly.

"Hey Lyra! How's it going between you and Bon-Bon?" Vinyl asked, sharing the same energy as Lyra. Octavia just smiled politely, being a quiet mare herself.

"Great! Except for the fact that-" Lyra was interrupted by a fairly deep mare's voice.

"Heeey.. Everypony." The table was slammed by a mare with a beige coat and a beautiful blue mane with a rose pink streak, her cerulean eyes slightly glazed over. Lyra and Vinyl giggled, but Octavia jolted at the sudden disturbance and stared wide-eyed at the pony named Bon-Bon. Slowly adverting her gaze.

"H-hey, Bon-Bon," Octavia replied, albeit shakily.

"Heeey! Octavia!" She slurred, "How was your morning?" then suddenly paused, taking a full moment to realize what she said. "Err.. night!" then chuckled sheepishly. Vinyl and Octavia smiled at the sight, Lyra had to stifle a laugh. Lyra scanned both of her friend's expressions. When suddenly Bon-Bon staggered away from the table for a moment, and got close to Octavia's ear, and whispered.

"You know, you look sexier than u-" Suddenly, a hoof wrapped around her neck and pulled her back, Lyra had Bon-Bon in her grasp, who seemed confused that she was magically moving away from Octavia.

"Heheheh. ." Lyra laughed, it sounded hollow. "You know, me and Bon-Bon should be getting back to our house now, it's kinda late.." She paused, then glared at a now frightened Bon-Bon "Right? Bon-Bon?"

"S-sure!" She stammered. Lyra then proceeded to quite literally drag a horrified Bon-Bon away, Octavia was still slightly shocked for what Bon-Bon had told her, even if she was in an intoxicated state. Her costume was a reanimated corpse! She felt ashamed that she actually attracted somepony to her with her costume, and mentally facehoofed. Vinyl watched both of them walk away before returning her attention to Octavia. Who just finished her drink, the Cellist took notice that Vinyl already finished three.

"So, whatcha wanna do now?" Vinyl inquired

"I don't know, maybe we should head home, i'm getting tired," Octavia replied, and it was true, it was around two o' clock in the morning. She usually went to bed at around ten PM.

"Okay! Sounds fine with me, gimme a second to say goodbye to Lyra and Bon-Bon, you can head home though."

"Alright." Octavia turned away and began to take the long trek back to her apartment building, the party was outside and at that time not as nearly as many ponies were still attending it as before, and the ones still there were most likely drunk out of their minds. As she walked down the isolate concrete road back to her house, she took notice how Ponyville's streets were at night. They were desolate and her hoofsteps echoed, she can only see because of the few lanterns that have been hung up for such an occasion. She felt relieved that they were only staying in Ponyville for a few more nights, as she walked. She saw a sign of life up ahead, a crimson red mare with a mahogany colored mane, she came around the corner up ahead and looked directly at Octavia, as if it expected her to be there, walking, all alone. Octavia froze at the sight, with a puzzled expression.

"Hello?" She called to the unknown figure, who responded nearly immediately, and Octavia's creeping fear suddenly faded.

"Hi! I didn't expect anypony to be up so late, were you at the party?" The mare chirped happily, she nearly galloped over, a spring in her every step. She looked at Octavia with a wide smile once in front of her. "Mind if I walk with you? These streets are scary at this hour."

"Uh.. S-sure?" Octavia was taken back by the mare's very kind nature. It was almost unnerving since it wasn't very common in her hometown, she wasn't so sure about here, either. People in Ponyville were very polite, Vinyl told me. she reminded herself. The mare bounced up and down

"Hurray!" She cheered, then calmed back down rather quickly and began to walk alongside Octavia. A faint smile still across her face, Octavia was finally able to see the Mare's eyes from that distance, they were a crimson red color. Which disturbed Octavia but was also mysteriously mesmerized by their beauty, she couldn't stop staring. The mare took notice of this and giggled,

"Like my eyes? They're really uncommon among most ponies!" She said with pride, then decided that was a good time to introduce herself. "My name is Moonlight Prophecy, what's yours?"

"Octavia," the cellist simply replied.

The rest of the walk was very uneventful, they both held an uncomfortable silence and Moonlight Prophecy kept staring at Octavia, but Octavia didn't know what she was examining on her, right below her chin, maybe something was there? Nearing the end of the walk, Moonlight was breathing very heavily and it was very audible in the silence.

"Moonlight, are you.. Alright?" Octavia asked with true concern for the mare, she shouldn't be out of breath.

"Yeah.. Just.. Just chill," she replied, her voice being fairly quieter than usual and less upbeat than when they first met. Octavia eyed Moonlight for a moment, then had an idea.

"I could carry you if your tired, i'm used to carrying a cello around all the time that weighs more than me," she suggested, Moonlight's eyes widened.

"No no no no. I decline."

"Nonsense!" Octavia exclaimed and with a swift move, sent Moonlight up into the air and onto her back, Octavia was very strong because she carries a boulder of an instrument nearly everywhere she goes to perform, and this other earth-pony weighed nearly nothing compared to her cello. She began to trot along back towards her establishment, but was quickly unnerved by Moonlight's lack of protest, just a steady rhythmic breathing into her ear. She began to pick up her pace so she can reach home and say goodbye to this mare, soon, she was running as fast as she could. But the breathing never ceased, the dark streets were slowly beginning to resonate a feeling of hate and emptiness that Octavia could not comprehend, she slowed down to a walk right outside of her apartment building. It was fairly in good condition. She smiled at the sight of her home, like a haven among all the other houses. Until she stopped abruptly in shock when she heard a familiar voice.

"Shhh, it'll all be over soon," it cooed.

Octavia suddenly felt the mare seemingly nuzzle into the back of her neck, she cringed up and stood completely still, unable to move or respond. She couldn't begin to understand what this pony was doing, suddenly, she heard a slight hissing noise and felt the entire right side of her neck going numb in seconds.

"Ahh.." Octavia let out slightly, taking a step to the side, was it just her or was it getting darker? She felt something slowly rushing down the side of her neck and dripping onto the ground, she looked down at it, her eyes widening at the steady pace of her blood dripping onto the sidewalk, beginning to feel weak, she slammed the mare on top of her into a nearby wall weakly. "Stop.." Octavia mumbled, trying to stay awake, she repeated, slamming this opposing force into the wall once again. But to no avail, she was simply too weak. She staggered out into the middle of the street and attempted to walk towards her house, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier of darkness blocking her, she struggled to break through it. She could feel the disturbing feeling of her body seemingly being drained of power, and began to slump down to the ground.

Succumbing to the darkness.

Author's Note:

So, my first work of effort.

It's been awhile since I have done anything with this account, but why not now? I am an amateur writer, just to inform you once again, so this isn't a work of art or anything close to that. Whether I continue or not depends on the feedback, comments would be awesome as well.

Now all of you have a great day! :pinkiehappy: