• Published 20th May 2015
  • 5,399 Views, 293 Comments

Light in the darkest hour - DerpyEngi and Redd

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Chapter 5: An unexpected surprise

Ori 1st person

After me and Philomena broke our hug, we noticed that a lot of griffins, centaurs, and ponies were either going "aww" or "dawww" at cuteness of the situation, or looking at us confused, and in turn made me confused. " Did we do something weird?" I asked Philomena as a centaur started whispering something to a light green coated pegasus with a yellow mane. The pony gasped in realisation and ran off.

Philomena only grinned and said, "Nothing I'm aware of, but that doesn't matter." She said as she started flying towards Gilda and Fluttershy, then stopped midway. "How about a race? Last one to Gilda is a... rotten meat!"

I walked towards her and stopped right next to her as I began to chuckle, "You mean a rotten egg?"

"Huh?" she said, losing focus on the race.

I took the chance and ran towards Gilda."You're too easy!" I shouted back.

"Hey, no fair!" She shouted back as she began to follow.

I hopped onto Gildas head with ease, "Life's not fair.." I shot back with a grin.

Philomena quickly caught up and landed on Fluttershy's back. "Doesn't mean you have to help it out, you jerk!" She said, and glared at me.

"What? I owe life some favors" I said shrugging, still smiling.

Philomena crossed her wings and looked at me skeptically. "Yeah? Like for what?" she asked, a little irritated.

"For letting me meet you" I said as hoped over and gave her a hug.

Philomena sniffed the air and said, "I smell cheese.."

I stopped hugging her and hit her lightly on the shoulder. "Shut up." I said, chuckling.

Philomena smiled and flew over to Gilda and landed on her back, I sat down on Fluttershy's back and twiddled my fingers.

I sat there for a while, Fluttershy and Gilda walking down some path which led out of the marked and into what looked like a normal street with a few 2 story houses lining up to a Castle, a big castle at that might I add.

Fluttershy and Gilda had also been very quiet, they Didn't said anything for a while, I turned my head to Fluttershy and asked, "Are you two okay? You haven't been talking for a while now," She turned to me with a forced smile.

"Yeah, we're fine but you're little freak out earlier was a little... you know... worrying."

I gave a nervous chuckle "Yeah... I should have guessed.."

Gilda looked at Fluttershy confused, "You can talk to her?" she asked pointing a claw at me.

Fluttershy visibly brightened up. "Oh, I can talk to many if not all animals!" Fluttershy answered her smile widening.

"Huh. That must come in handy, so how do you do it?" Gilda asked a curious expression on her face.

"Alright I'll tell you, if that's okay with you..." Fluttershy answered timidly.

Gilda laughed. "Of course it's okay with me, I was the one who asked you." she said as she punched Fluttershy lightly on her foreleg.

"C'mon we'll talk about it on the way to my home." she said as she started walking down the same path as before.

As we continued going down the path I noticed that there was a very wide variety of species walking around. Unlike normally, when ponies were the most frequent in this city it seemed to be griffins then minotaurs then ponies and I saw like 10 dragons! Flipping dragons!

I did not know that they came in extra small.

Anyway, I decided to ask Philomena about it and all she told me was, and I quote, "It's a sore subject and I am not in the mood to talk about it."

It was very unlike her, usually when I asked her anything she would answer me straight, but this time, this time something is seriously wrong and I know it.

I decided not to press the matter, I had a feeling that it would only make her angry "I understand." I said calmly.

Her frown deepened, "No, no you don't." she said rather aggressively.

I put my hands up defensively and replied, "Woah, calm down there, I'm on your side."

Philomena calmed down noticeably and sighed. "Yeah... Sorry about that, like I said, it's a sore subject." she said while having a distant stare.

"Okay..." I said hesitantly and decided to leave her to it.

I hopped off of Fluttershy's back and on to her head, cutting her off while she was talking to Gilda and said,"Hey Shy, mind asking Gilda how far until we get to her home?"

She looked up making me fall on her back again and turned her head to me and gave me a warm smile.

"Sure thing! Gilda?" Fluttershy asked.

Gilda turned her head towards Fluttershy and said "Yes? Something the matter."

"Well, Ori wanted to know when we would be arriving at your home." Fluttershy explained and I nodded rapidly.

Gilda chuckled. "We're already here." she said as she pointed forward.

My jaw dropped when I looked at Gilda's home, it was a castle! The freaking castle!

There were four small towers on each side while there was one large tower in the middle. All the towers were connected by the main part of the castle. Surrounding the castle was a gigantic stone wall, which had guards of various species on and surrounding it. It was an impressive building, but it stood out of the theme of the city. Instead of having an old German look to it, it had a more medieval look.

"German? Medieval? where am I getting these names?" I mumbled.

"I would say that I have a knack for being a pet of royalty." Philomena said grinning, a nice change from the sour mood I put her in earlier.

"You are not the only one that is a pet of royalty Philly." I pointed out defensively.

Her grin faded from existence.

"Coming to think of it where is Luna? When Celestia confronted me, she was not there. I would think that she at least heard the music Discord started playing" I asked her.

Philomena looked saddened by the topic.

"You mean you don't know?" She asked.

"Know what? Philly, what happened to Luna!?" I asked rather forcefully.

She turned her head towards the sky.

"I'll tell you later, right now, let's enjoy this one day together, okay?" She said, her face begging me to agree.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"You promise to tell me later? I asked her much more calmly.

She turned her head to me and smiled a weak smile "I promise."

I smiled, nodded weakly and turned to face the castle again.

"So, what's the story behind this, Philly?" I asked.

She laughed.

"Always got to know everything huh, Ori?"

"Well I would like it if I could hear at least a little about your 749 years here, going to be 750 by the way" I explained, messing with her a little.

she smiled "You make the worst jokes, Ori."

I shrugged.

"I try." I said

"Too hard." Philomena ended

"M, but at least I got you to smile!"

I pointed a finger at her. "So it was a little funny!"

She gave me an "Are you serious?" face and turned to the castle and got ready to take of.

"Hey wait!" I shouted but she had already taken of.

"Great..." I grumbled, she managed to dodge my question, I was already getting irritated.

I looked at Fluttershy and Gilda who had now just stopped and stared at me.

"uhh..." I started, then Gilda cut me off.

"Was that Bipedal cat just having a conversation with my pet bird?"

Fluttershy turned to Gilda and said, "yes, yes she did"

I quickly put on a goofy smile, putting my arms behind my back and flattening my ears.

"Okay, I will never get use to that"


Ori's (POV) 1st person, inside The Castle

"This place is way too similar to the old castle, Philly." I said as I walked with the others down the halls of the castle.

"I guess, but there is nothing I can do about it, really." Philomena replied, shrugging it off, having actually lived in the Griffonstone castle longer than in The Castle of The Two Pony Sisters.

When we entered Gilda had gone from casual to formal as soon as we entered, something about manners and tradition, I don't know, I was too focused on the cod Gilda bought after she revealed her home.

Damn, I love those things.

Gilda was now showing us around and explaining how the titles worked in Griffonstone.

First there is the King and Queen, like normal they had most of the power of the kingdom leading it and all that.

Second there are no princesses or prince's, there are only heirs, and Gilda being the only Child meant she was the Heir of Griffonstone.

"Here is the hall to the kitchen and over there are the guest chambers were you will be staying for the night since you have a long journey ahead if you wish to return to Ponyville." Gilda said formally.

"Now that that's out of the way, wanna get something to eat?" Gilda said doing a complete flip from formal to casual.

"Sure, I'd love to, well... if it okay with you?" Fluttershy said, well... shyly.

Gilda laughed at that.

"Shy, if I ask you to come and have dinner, of course it is okay with me." Gilda explained all the while chuckling a bit.

"Now C'mon, Philomena will show Ori where they're sleeping tonight." Gilda instructed Fluttershy.

I yawned.

"Or sleep now." She looked up to a clock on the wall, it was 9:56 pm.

"It's not that late, but you can still get a little rest." Gilda informed me.

I only nodded and turned to Philomena, who only nodded as well and flew of, signalling me to follow.

We got to a door with a burning feather symbol on it, I turned to Philly and asked, "This your room?"

"Eeyup." she said in a weird southern accent.

"So, I am sleeping in here?" I asked.

She only nodded.

"Tired?" I asked.

She gave me an "Are you kidding me?" look and flew on the handlebar and opened the door.

Then I saw a bed.

I ran in, not even caring to look at my surroundings and shouting out "BED!" an jumped on to the bed.

Philomena yawned and lay on the bed next to me.

"You are so weird sometimes, Ori" Philomena said tiredly

"Less talk more sleep"I said a little more energetically, but not much.

She chuckled and we both fell asleep unaware of a shadow looming outside the window.

Author's Note:

I am soo sorry!

This chapter took way too long

Like it was meant to be done a month ago... and be 3000 words!

I'm a terrible person :pinkiesad2:

This chapter is made possible by Stellar Spiral

Shameless promoting too! :raritydespair:

In all seriousness I have already written quite a bit of the next chapter and hope that I will be done soon

Author: Derpy Engineer HD
Proofreader: anonymous
Editor: Stellar Spiral