• Published 21st May 2015
  • 10,215 Views, 394 Comments

I Will not be Contained - Eon333MS

Trapped as a science experiment, will our human escape?

  • ...

A Small Town

Author's Note:


I have rewritten the chapter called Tempest of Fate part 2
A lot of people were unsatisfied with it and recently I've had some ideas that I think will help make it much better. So before you read this please go back and read the changes to that chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Now for this chapter (You can skip this part and start reading if you want) I am extremely excited to say that I've officially reached my like goal. When I decided to start writing here I had set a personal goal for myself that I hoped to someday achieve. I never imagined that I would get it on my first story. Wow that's amazing guys, I really can't thank you enough. If you're curious my personal goal was 135 likes, with less than 50 dislikes. Thank you guys so much , I hope you enjoy the chapter.
The chapter is written in a slightly different style than the others once Jake begins summarizing the events that happen to him. Let me know what you think of this chapter, and please enjoy.

*Canterlot Castle Throne Room*

The Elements of Harmony, the princesses, and Jake had all gathered together to discuss what was going to happen to Jake now that the trouble with Tempest was over. Celestia rose up from her throne and cleared her throat to address the people in the room. "Now then everypony... and everyhuman."

Jake decided to interrupt Celestia to correct her mistake. "We don't say everyhuman."

"Oh? Then what do you say?" Celestia inquired.

"We say everybody, or everyone."

"Hmmm interesting. Now then everybody, the reason I have called all of you here is to discuss exactly what will happen to Jake now that Tempest has been taken care of. I know you want to go home Jake but that opportunity may still be a long ways away. My sister and I will do our best to find a way to get you home, but until then I don't believe it would be fair of us to keep you here until we discover how to. So therefore I think it will be best if you decide where you want to stay."

"You want me to decide where I should go?" Jake asked surprised.

"Yes, however if I could make a recommendation, I believe Ponyville would be an excellent place to stay. Princess Twilight can let you stay in her castle since there's plenty of room, and she can help you get integrated into pony society. I will be sure to inform Ponyville and the rest of the nation of your presence, and Twilight will be able to help with the rest. Isn't that right Twilight?"

"Absolutely." Twilight answered assuredly.

"However Jake I don't want you to feel pressured to go to Ponyville, there are many other great town you could stay in Appleoosa, Manehattan, or if you really want you could stay here in Canterlot. I can bring you a map if you want some help deciding." Jake shook his head at the offer. "Very well, have you decided?"

Jake wanted to think about it "Let me think..."

"Oh come on Jake Ponyville's awesome!" Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically.

"Yeah besides how can I throw you a welcome to Ponyville Party if you don't come to Ponyville?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah sugarcube. And ah wanna take yah tah Sweet Apple Acres to introduce yah to mah family. Ah think you'll really like em, plus you'll get to try some of mah delicious apple treats." Applejack announced.

"And I would like you to come to Ponyville and meet the nice ponies there. I'd also like to fulfill my promise to make you some better clothes Darling." Rarity said.

"Please Jake I'd really like for you to come back to Ponyville with us. I want you to meet my animal friends. Please." Fluttershy said in her quiet voice giving Jake the puppy-dog eyes.

"You'll really enjoy living in Ponyville Jake. It's a great place to stay, and we'll get to talk all about the differences between our worlds." Twilight said.

Jake thought about it, it all sounded great but there was still something he wanted to ask "Will Zecora be there?"

"Yes absolutely. She lives in the Everfree Forest which is right next to Ponyville remember?"

Jake chuckled and replied "Just checking."

"So you have decided to go to Ponyville then?" Celestia asked.

"Yes but before anything else happens, Celestia I have something I want to ask you." Jake said remembering something that was bothering him.

"Yes, what is it?"

"What would have happened to me if I ended up here in Equestria and I met you instead of Tempest?"

Celestia just stopped, and so did everypony else. She hadn't expected this question, and needed to think about the answer. After thinking about it for a while she finally answered "I'm very sorry to say this Jake especially after all you've been through. But I believe I would have sent you to Darklight Labs so we could learn more about you."

The other ponies reacted by shouting "What!?" Jake however remained silent, but Luna had some things she wanted to say.

"Sister are you saying you would've had Jake studied by ponies like Tempest?"

"Yes Luna, but of course I wouldn't have allowed them to treat Jake the way they did. I would only have learned what we needed to in order to determine if he is a threat or not, whether it be by questioning or study. However I would never force him to do something against his will. However because Tempest took matters into his own hooves this has become unnecessary since he took his studies far further than I would have required, and since then Jake has also proven himself to be most trustworthy."

"I-I suppose you are right sister." Deep down Luna still felt pity for Jake because even though Tempest had tricked her she still played a role in his suffering. She promised herself to one day make it up to him.

"Does that answer your question Jake?" Celestia inquired.

Jake thought for a moment before answering "Yes. Thank you for being honest." It did bother him that he would've been sent THERE of all places, but he knew this was a result of his past experiences there and tried to ignore it. Jake clapped his hands together and asked "So when do we leave?"

*First person POV Jake*

Well you can probably guess what happened next. The Elements and I all packed up our things in preparation for the trip to Ponyville. Celestia had already sent her messages to the official mayor of Ponyville to inform her of my arrival. Celestia also gave a speech about me and introduced me to the city of Canterlot to make sure that when I went to the train station the ponies wouldn't panic.

Once we finished packing we said good-bye to Celestia and Luna and... I actually bowed to them. I had decided that they had earned my respect after helping me the way they did. After that we made our way to the train station, which considering the lack of technology around me I'm surprised they actually have a train.

Oh I forgot to mention how the ponies reacted to seeing me. Well it didn't go so well, some of the ponies ignored me but most looked at me with fear in their eyes. Some even screamed and ran apparently having forgotten all about the Princesses big speech. The Elements told me not to worry about that and we continued on.

Twilight paid for our tickets and the conductor pony let us on board, but I could tell he was afraid of me. I decided we should probably find an empty train car to sit in since I didn't want to disturb the ponies. Twilight and her friends tried to argue that I didn't need to stay away from the other ponies just because I was different, but I told them it was easier this way and they eventually stopped arguing with me.

All in all it was a pleasant ride to Ponyville. No one really bothered us on the trip, it was a smooth travel, and I got to talk with my new friends. The talks ranged from the differences between the cultures of Equus, and Earth, to the many adventures Twilight and her friends have had. Eventually the ponies asked me about my life back on Earth, but the next thing we knew we had arrived at our destination.

When we exited the train the mayor of the town was there to greet us. She showed some discomfort but the Elements managed to win her over. It was decided that the mayor who was oddly enough named Mayor Mare, would arrange a town meeting tomorrow to introduce me to the rest of the town.

From there Twilight and the gang led me to her castle, which is where I would be staying for now. This was the first time I had seen the castle from the outside and I gotta say it was actually very pretty. The castle was in the shape of a tree for the most part with a section that looked like a house. It looked like it was made of solid crystal which made me wonder how sturdy the castle actually was, but I figured if it held the castle up it must be sturdy enough, then again what do I know about style or architecture. All I know is the way the sun was perfectly angled to shine through the crystals to give it a majestic glow, made the view absolutely spectacular.

We walked into the castle where Twilight led me up to the room I would be staying in. The room Twilight took me to was much larger than I would've expected, and apparently this was just one of her guest rooms. The beds had very fancy blankets on them, with a nice looking crimson pattern on them. The only real problem was that these beds were designed for ponies not humans, so they were a little small. Twilight however fixed this problem by bringing in a bed she said was built for minotaurs. So apparently minotaurs live on this world too. What's next talking cows?

It was getting late by this time and all the elements except Twilight said good-bye and went off to their homes. Once they left I got into bed, but unfortunately for me Twilight was still here. She wanted to know why I slept with my clothes on, so I just said "It's what I choose to do." I had hoped that would be the end of it but Twilight insisted on tucking me in for the night. I sneered check at her and she giggled at my obvious discomfort at the fact that she was treating me like a child. There wasn't much I could do about it however since she used her magic to pull the covers over me. I sighed and told her good night, and she replied the same to me.

The next morning Twilight woke me up rather early, which got on my nerves since I'm more of a night-owl. But I let it slide since she was my friend, and technically I was her guest, I don't want my host to be cross with me after all.

Twilight led me downstairs towards the kitchen. Inside was a small little purple and green lizard looking creature. Twilight informed me that this was her assistant Spike who was a baby dragon. She introduced us to each other and then we had breakfast. Spike was the one who had made the breakfast, which was pancakes, and they were really good. I would've preferred waffles, but I'm not going to complain.

Once that was done Twilight told me she was going to meet with the mayor to find out what was going to happen with the town meeting today and when it would take place. Once she left Spike came up to me and said he wanted to talk to me in his room. He led me there and once we entered his room he looked at me his face revealing he was a little mad. We started talking and he revealed that he was upset that I had attacked his friends.

I explained to him why we had fought and how we all had apologized since then, but it still seemed to bother him. Finally he asked why I had wanted to avoid capture in the first place. I told him a censored story of what had happened to me, hey he was just a kid I didn't want to scar him for life. That... seemed to get through to him. He came up to me and gave me a hug while telling me he was sorry that had happened to me. Now while I felt like the hug was a little silly and he didn't need to tell me he was sorry, I have to admit I was a little touched by the whole thing.

We continued talking for a little while longer. He showed me his power pony comics, Twilight's Daring Do collection and lots of other popular reading material since Twilight has lots and lots of books. At around that time Twilight came back and informed Spike and I that the town meeting would be held in about twenty minutes and we needed to get ready.

Twilight led me to the center of town where the rest of the ponies were gathered to see what the town meeting was about. There was a wooden stage set up there, with a podium for making anouncements. Obviously the stage was there so I could be formally introduced to the town. Twilight took me around the back and behind the light purple curtain so the other ponies wouldn't panic.

Around back stage we ran into the rest of the elements who were apparently there to help support me and ensure the town that I was perfectly safe and that I wouldn't do anything bad.

The mayor called for attention as she was ready to give her speech about me "Fillies and gentlecolts-" 'That's how they greet crowds out here?' "- I'm sure all of you are wondering why this town meeting was called." The townsponies nodded their heads and a few muttered yes. "Well this meeting was called to help explain and introduce you all to our town's newest visitor. Some of you may have noticed his arrival at the train station yesterday evening" That got a few members of the town talking before the mayor called for attention again. "Ahem. Now for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, allow me to explain. Our visitor is not a pony, in fact he is not a creature anypony has seen before. He is in fact a creature from an entirely different planet." Of course this news got a number of ponies talking, fortunately the mayor was able to calm everyone down. "Now please everypony remain calm I have assurances from Princesses Celestia, and Luna, as well as the elements of Harmony themselves that he intends to bring no harm to us, or our fine town. Now without any further ado allow me to introduce Jake Darrison the human."

After that was said the curtain was raised, and the Elements of Harmony along with myself stepped forward into full view of the crowd. I was pretty nervous since I had no idea how the crowd would react. Honestly it went better than I expected, most of the ponies seemed indifferent towards me, only a few seemed disgusted or afraid of me. However even less seemed to actually like me that is if their faces are anything to go by.

Once introductions were done and the elements had spoken on my behalf, the mayor announced that any questions ponies might have for Jake would be answered by Twilight Sparkle, and if she wasn't able to answer then ponies could write a letter and leave it in the designated box for me to answer later. I was grateful for this since I really didn't want to speak in front of the crowd.

While Twilight answered the questions the ponies asked, I played a little game. I examined the ponies in the crowd before me to see what I could make of them. I spotted a white mare with hair that had different shades of blue. She had a musical note on her flank and weird looking glasses. Everything about her screamed dj to me. Next to her was a dark grey mare with a black mane and a pink treble clef on her flank. She seemed orchestral to me. I spotted a minty green pony way back in the crowd but couldn't get a good look at her.

Before I knew it Twilight had finished answering questions for the day, the town meeting was declared over, and the ponies went about their normal everyday life. So this was it, I was now an official citizen of the town of Ponyville. 'Kinda sounds stupid when you say it aloud.'

The elements all came up to me with congratulations, and Rarity wanted to take me to her boutique so she could make me some new clothes. I figured this would happen sooner or later, well since I don't really have anything else planned for the day, and I need to see the town anyway I'll go, but there's something I want to do first. "Before we go to your boutique Rarity I want to visit Zecora and let her know that I'm back." The others all agreed to this and we set out for the Everfree Forest.

It was pretty easy getting to Zecora's since the Elements knew the path to take, and we didn't run into any trouble. Even if we had I'm pretty confident the Elements could've dealt with whatever it was easily.

We made it to Zecora's home and knocked on her door, fortunately she was inside and came to open the door for us whilst saying a rhyme. "Who has come to visit today? Please come inside, it is okay."

I wish you could have seen Zecora's face light up when she saw me. She ran up to me and hugged me, and returned the action. Immediately she demanded to know what had happened to me since I had been gone. I filled her in on the details and she... Well she had a mix of emotions, sad at points like when I fought the Elements again, or when I was captured, but happy at points like when Tempest got what he deserved. Once I finished she offered us some herbal tea which we all drank graciously.

While Twilight and her friends began talking with Zecora I put my hand to my pocket and felt something. Reaching in I realized it was the potions that Zecora had lent me which I had stuck in my pocket, they were still intact. I offered them back to her but she told me to keep them. After tea we all sat around and discussed how Zecora and I met, the Elements had been interested in hearing the full story for a while.

Once we finished telling our story the Elements and I said our goodbyes to Zecora, and we headed back towards Ponyville to go visit Rarity's boutique.

Rarity led us to her boutique called the Carousel Boutique. The name suited the look of the place, it was a beautiful looking building painted pink and light-purple, with lovely looking windows, and it had a spiral cone for the roof. The inside was even fancier, which makes sense since this is Rarity. Her boutique was beautifully decorated, as in so beautifully decorated you probably couldn't make the place look better if you tried, and I don't even like fashion.

Rarity brought me to her dressing room where she told me to step onto a little stand so she could take my measurements. I obliged her and she asked me if I was comfortable with taking my clothes off so she could get exact measurments. I told her I was not comfortable with taking my clothes off and that I didn't mind if the clothes didn't quite fit right. She nodded and began wrapping various measuring tapes around my arms, legs, torso, etc..

Once she finished she suggested I take a shower while she worked. 'Hmmm let's see six girls in a room with one male about to take a shower. This seems totally safe.' I joked to myself as I walked towards the shower Rarity indicated. Her shower room struck me just about as much as the rest of her boutique, it was elegant, a pearly white tub with fancy curtains, a lovely mirror, and lots of accessories for bathing. I prepared myself to take a shower, keeping an eye out just in case there was a peeping tom outside the door, since for some reason a lot of the doors ponies use don't seem to have locks on them. Rarity's did but still.

*one shower scene later*

I wrapped myself in one of the towels in the shower room and dried myself off. Then I redressed myself, and left the room feeling fresh. Rarity said that it would take her a few days until she was done.

Rarity decided to introduce me to her sister, who happened to be upstairs in her room. Rarity knocked on her sister's door and a squeaky little voice said "Come in." Rarity opened the doors and walked inside her sisters room, she told her that the creature from the town meeting was here and she wanted her to meet him.

When I saw Rarity's little sister my first thought was about how cute she was. I could definitely see a family resemblance since, they were both unicorns, they both had a fancy white coat, and they had similarly colored manes. However Rarity's sister's mane was a mixture of purple and pink and was also styled differently. Rarity introduced the two of us informing me that her sister's name was Sweetie Belle, and telling Sweetie Belle that my name was Jake. Sweetie was a little uncomfortable with me at first, but she soon warmed up to me, and even gave me a little hug.

Rarity also showed me her cat Opalescence. Yeah I didn't like her too much, since she constantly hissed and snarled to express that she didn't like me. But Rarity told me that her cat does that to everypony so I'll let it slide. I was pretty much done here for the day so the elements and I discussed what we were going to do next. Applejack suggested we go visit Sweet Apple Acres and visit her family. Everyone else, myself included agreed to this idea, but suddenly Sweetie Belle came down the stairs and asked if she could join us. No one present had the heart or desire to say no to the little pony.

As we walked through the town heading for Sweet Apple Acres we came across a pegasus filly who was riding on a scooter. Rainbow flew over to her and said "Hey squirt, come hang with us, I have a new friend I want to introduce you to." Rainbow and the little filly who had an orange coat with a purple mane came over to us. Rainbow introduced me to her friend Scootaloo, 'A fitting name since she rode a scooter.' and Sweetie Belle told her that I was okay. Since her friend seemed to like me Scootaloo decided to trust me too.

After we started walking again I noticed Rainbow, Scootaloo, and Pinkie lagging behind and when I looked back they were whispering to each other and then they started snickering. 'What are they up too?' I thought. We continued traveling across town until we came to a dirt path which took us straight to SAA.

Sweet Apple Acres was apparently an apple orchard. 'Makes sense.' There was a large red barn, and a cozy looking home, not too mention the hundreds, maybe thousands of apple trees.

Outside the house stood a large red stallion with a green apple that looked like it was sliced in half on his flank. The stallion turned his head he spotted Applejack and called for the rest of his family to come outside. Out came an elderly green earth pony with a grey mane and an apple pie on her flank, along with a little filly with a yellow coat, and a red mane with a little pink bow in it.

Applejack raced ahead of us to greet her family, and explain what was going on. Once she did she brought them over to introduce themselves. First came her brother the large red stallion Big Macintosh. Then Applejack's little sister Applebloom, who trotted over to the other two fillies once introductions were over. 'Looks like the three of them might be friends.' Finally Applejack introduced me to her grandma Granny Smith who had apparently forgotten, or misunderstood what Applejack told her since she asked "What the hay is a Jake? And what is this thing doin on mah farm?"

"Granny ah just told yah Jake here is a foreigner who happens to be mah friend, and ah'd like tah make im a guest." Applejack reminded.

"Oh. okay AJ bring im in."

'Well that was easier than I thought.'

"And get this thing off mah farm."

'Darn it.'

*One explanation later*

The Apple Family had invited us inside for supper. Honestly I don't think I've had an all apple-themed dinner before, there were apple treats everywhere apple fritters, apple pies, plain apples, apple sauce, caramel apples for desert and for beverages apple cider. Well all things considered it was actually pretty good, not the best meal I've ever had, but not the worst either. After a while I noticed Rainbow, Pinkie, and the three fillies had left early, and I didn't know why. Once dinner was over it was starting to get late and I'd have to get back to Twilight's castle soon.

But while I was outside waiting I was in for another surprise. I wandered around and found a herd of grazing cows near the barn. As I headed towards them they noticed me and one of them greeted me "Hello, and what sort of creature are you supposed to be?" 'Talking cows. Huh guess I called it.' I talked with the cows until Twilight and the others were ready to leave.

We said good-bye and left Sweet Apple Acres, but Rainbow Dash said that she, Pinkie, and the three fillies who called their group the cutie mark crusaders had something they wanted to show me in private. The other elements didn't seem to know what it was, so I just shrugged and followed her. Guess I should have known better, cause as soon as I was out of sight of the other elements the CMC, Pinkie, and Rainbow all came out of hiding and threw buckets of mud at me completely coating me in filth. Rainbow, Pinkie, and the CMC all started laughing at me and Rainbow said "Ha ha I got you good! Ha ha ha ha!"

"Rainbow. I just showered today." I muttered realizing this was a prank. My statement only got them laughing harder. "Why'd you do this anyway Rainbow?"

"It's payback for when you sent me rolling down the hill in that tree." Rainbow retorted.

I considered what she said and replied "Fair enough. But did you have to get me so dirty?"

Rainbow chuckled "Let me help you." She flew off a little ways and somehow brought a little cloud over to me. 'How did she-' Before I could finish the thought Rainbow began hopping on the cloud and causing rain to pour out onto me. 'WHAT THE HECK!' How was she causing rain to fall out of a cloud? When she finally stopped all the mud had fallen off of me, but I was soaking wet. "Ha ha. Oops I-I guess I overdid. Um. How about this..." She started spinning around me faster and faster, it felt like a blow-dryer and soon enough I felt a lot dryer, but the speed Rainbow went around me kept getting faster and faster until eventually my shirt flew off of me. She kept talking while she did this "My very own patented Rain-blow-dry." That's when Rainbow decided to stop and brag "No-no don't thank me, you're quite welcome." Then she stared eyes wide at me shirtless and my hair all messed up, and she began laughing again, and this time fell over.

At this point the others had started wondering what happened to us and they came from around the corner. They all blushed when they saw me and AJ started laughing. I just asked "Could somebody bring me my shirt?"

*Back in the middle of town*

Twilight was leading me back to her castle, the others had already gone back to their homes, when we passed by a section of town I hadn't noticed before. It looked like there was a tree that had been burned down. "Hey Twilight what's that?" I asked pointing at the tree.

"Oh. That. That used to be the town library, however during a recent threat it was destroyed." She said her tone slightly sad.

I was surprised to hear that 'What could possibly threaten this peaceful place.' Then I remembered Tempest and I answered my own question. Evil exists everywhere, even a place like this. "How did it happen?"

"I-I'd rather not talk about it."

"Can I ask why?"

"The library was where I used to live before I got my own castle. I'm still a little upset that it's gone."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Let's just get back to the castle." She sighed.

We made it back to the castle and Twilight and I went straight to bed. The next morning Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy arrived early at the castle. Fluttershy wanted to take me to her cottage, and Pinkie Pie wanted to show me the rest of the town. As soon as we ate breakfast, which Spike had prepared for us again, Fluttershy took me over to her cottage. It was a nice little building, kinda looked like something a hobbit would live in. But what really caught my eyes were all the animals around her house. She had a chicken coop, as well as various pens housing all kinds of different animals, there was even a bear. 'Geez she wasn't kidding when she told me she was an animal lover.'

She welcomed me inside, and guess what was waiting inside. That's right more animals, birds of every feather, squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, and more! Fluttershy said she was going to prepare tea, for me and a "special friend".

While I waited this small little white bunny with an attitude came up to me. He glared at me and started pantomiming for me to get off of the couch. After taking a second to contemplate the fact that a bunny was trying to tell me to move, I ignored him until he started tugging on me trying to physically pull me off the couch, then he bit me. "Yeowch!" I stood up on my feet and clutched my leg on the spot where he bit me. "Why you little-"

"Angel haven't you learned by now not to treat guests that way." Fluttershy's voice came through rather sternly compared to her usual voice. She flew over picked up Angel the bunny and swatted the back of his head to teach him a lesson. "Now Jake would you mind joining me in the dining room for some tea."

"I don't really like tea that much but I'll make an exception for you." I said smiling.

"Please follow me." I followed her into the dining room, and I immediately recoiled at the sight before me. "What the heck is that thing!"

"Really? That's not a nice way to greet somepony." said a creature that looked like it was made from the body-parts of several different creatures.

"Jake I know Discord is a rather strange character to meet for the first time but that doesn't make it okay to act that way towards him. I request that you apologize to him. Ummm... if you don't mind that is."

I pulled myself together and said "Umm I'm sorry uh mister Discord."

"Apology accepted. Now get in here." Discord said as he snapped his fingers.

I saw his hands completely disappear and suddenly I was being pushed forward in a chair I hadn't been sitting in just a second ago. I looked behind me and saw that both of Discord's disembodied hands were pushing the chair into its proper place. Once I was there one of the hands snapped its fingers and they both vanished reappearing on Discord's body.

Fluttershy took this moment to introduce us, "Discord I'd like you to meet my new friend Jake the human. Jake this is my friend Discord."

"I tip my hat to you sir." Discord said as he bowed his head and tipped his hat which wasn't there a second ago. The hat floated over to me and suddenly became alive and sprouted wings. It then flew right back onto Discord's head and vanished.

"Just what is going on here?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Jake I guess I should've taken the time to explain Discord to you before bringing you here." Fluttershy said apologetically.

"Well you can start by telling me what he is exactly." I replied.

"Discord is a draconequus. He is the embodiment of chaos, and used to be quite the troublemaker."

"Oh you wound me Fluttershy." Discord said feigning being emotional harmed.

"Oh I'm sorry Discord. But umm as I was saying Discord used to cause trouble in Equestria, which I'll explain to you later. However Princess Celestia believed there was a chance for Discord to redeem himself and I was instructed to try and reform him through kindness, and friendship. And it worked, Discord is now one of my friends, and doesn't try to cause trouble anymore...Well for the most part."

"Okay so he's basically chaos incarnate?" I asked taking everything in.


"So is that why he's so... sporadic?"

"Yes." Discord and Fluttershy both answered at the same time.

"Okay let's continue." I said taking a sip of my tea.

*One tea party later*

Well that was an unusual tea party, not that I've ever been to one before. Discord was an interesting fellow, and I wanted to get to know more about him. However he seemed more interested in what my story was and how I got to Equestria, than he did talking about himself. I did learn a few things about him though, like the time he tried to take over Equestria. After a while of talking about each other the tea party was declared over, and I joined Pinkie Pie who was waiting outside. I said good-bye to Fluttershy and Discord, and followed Pinkie as she literally hopped along the trail.

Pinkie led me back to Ponyville and began showing me the various sights in the city. She showed me EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING. Any house we passed she told me who it belonged to and tried to introduce me to as many of the ponies as possible.

We passed by a grey mare with a yellow mane who was singing a song that sounded similar to the muffin man song. "Do you know the muffin mare, the muffin mare, the muffin mare, do you know the muffin mare she lives on derpy lane."

"Hi derpy. Come and meet my friend Jake." Pinkie called, and the grey mare trotted over to us.

"Hi there." she said, now that she was this close I noticed that something was up with her eyes, they were angled so that one was always facing the opposite direction of the other.

"Hiya Derpy this is my friend Jake, Jake this is Derpy the local mailmare."

"Hi. So your name is Derpy?" I asked.

"Actually my name is Ditzy Do, but I got my nickname from my love of muffins and the line from the muffin mare song, and because of my eyes." Ditzy said as she looked at me with her wobbly eyes.

"Oh. I see."

"It's nice to meet a ha-uman for the first time, but I've got to get going." Derpy said and took off through the sky.

"Well she seems nice." I said.

"Oh yeah she is." Pinkie said as she began hopping along the street.

Pinkie took me to the place where she worked at called Sugar Cube Corner. Apparently she does more than just throw parties for the ponies in town, she's also a baker. She introduced me to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, as well as their kids Pound and Pumpkin. Pinkie asked me what my favorite kind of cake was. I told her I liked pretty much any cake, so she brought me a tray full of different cakes to try out so she could find out what kind of cake I liked best so she could have it at my party. I tried several different flavors before deciding on which one I liked most, I don't even know what flavor it was and I had started to feel a little sick from all the cake.

Pinkie Pie led me through the rest of the town and I'm pretty sure that by the time we were done I could've quoted everyplace she took me to by memory. Before we made it back to Twilight's castle we ran into two mares, one was a mint green unicorn with a harp on her flank, and the other was a yellowish earth pony with a blue and red mane and wrapped candies on her flanks.

"Oh hey you're the human thing that was announced at the town meeting right?" the green one said.

"Um yes, yes I am." I answered.

"Oh cool. I've been wanting to meet you, my names Lyra, and this is Bon Bon." The pony named Lyra said.

I nodded my head "Nice to meet you Lyra. My names Jake."

"I know, I remembered it from the town meeting. So what can you tell me about humans? I'm quite interested."

"Lyra you really shouldn't shift the conversation like that. It's quite rude." The pony named Bon Bon interrupted.

"It's okay really. What would you like to know Lyra?" I replied

"Everything!" she said leaping forward and grabbing me in her hooves. Bon Bon decided to speak up at that.

"Lyra take your hooves off the nice human." Bon Bon said in a slightly scolding voice.

Lyra blushed and let me go "Sorry."

"I apologize for my friends behavior, she isn't usually like this."

"It's okay, but anyway Lyra I don't think I have time to tell you everything about humans." I replied.

"He's right Lyra it's getting late." Bon Bon interjected.

"Is there something quick I could tell you?" I asked.

"Well could you tell me something about these." Lyra levitated my hands with her horn to indicate what she was talking about.

"As long as you agree not to grab me parts of me like that again. What would you like to know about my hands?" I asked.

"Yeah Lyra you shouldn't violate ponies like that." Bon Bon said.

Lyra blushed again, and said quietly "Well he's not a pony."

"It still applies." Bon Bon replied

"I know. Um Jake would you mind telling me what your 'hands' can do?" Lyra asked.

"Alright, well humans use them for lots of different things. Normal everyday tasks, or more precise and complicated things like building structures or furniture. Their primary use is for grabbing and holding things." I said.

"Fascinating. What else can you tell me?" Lyra inquired.

"Nothing today, I've got to get back to Twilight's castle."

"Oh but-"

"I agree Lyra let's go." Bon Bon said "Nice to meet you mister Jake."

As Lyra and Bon Bon began to leave I noticed Pinkie hopping back over to me 'When did she leave?'

"Bye Lyra, bye Bon Bon." Pinkie called to her friends.

"Pinkie, where'd you go?" I asked.

"It's a secret 'giggle-snort'." Pinkie said.

"Well I'm heading back to Twilight's Castle okay."

"Okay bye." Pinkie said and then began hopping back towards Sugar Cube Corner.

I began heading back to Twilight's Castle, and once I arrived there I found her waiting outside for me looking a little steamed. She approached me and started ranting about how I was so late and that she didn't get a chance to ask me anything about my world all day. I told her she'd get a chance tomorrow. She sighed, turned around and went inside. I followed her in and Twilight, Spike, and I all said good-night to each other before going to bed.

Thus ends my first three days in Ponyville, little did I know what the following weeks had in store for me.