• Published 22nd May 2015
  • 7,575 Views, 1,562 Comments

It's OK to Be a Pony - David Silver

Lyra Heartstrings, transformation specialist and social worker for those who believe they were not born ponies. These are her therapy sessions, both in group and in private.

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13 - Echoes of the Past

Lyra woke to a pounding on the door. Sweetie Drops got up first and went to answer it. She barely got the door open when Samantha shoved her way in and fell to her belly, sobbing.

This got Lyra moving, rushing over to the downed form of the pegasus and checking her over. She looked starved and bruised. "What happened?"

Samantha provided no answers at first. Lyra and Sweetie gently hefted her up and got her onto their bed, and got her to drink some water. Eventually, Samantha looked ready to talk. Lyra smiled gently. "Go on, I'm listening." She suddenly thrust up a hoof. "Oh! I believe you now, about the human thing. I've seen it."

Samantha shook her head. "I wasn't a human."


Samantha curled. "I was a pony... I suddenly remembered where the rest of my family was, and I went to find them, but the house was empty, and when I tried to leave, something landed on me from behind and started pummeling me."

Lyra drew in a distressed hiss. "In Cloudsdale? I heard it was such a nice city."

Samantha shuddered. "I woke up in a cage, and they wouldn't feed me. They said they'd make me forget again. I'm not a human!" She grabbed at Lyra, pulling her closer. "I'm a pony."

Lyra nodded mutely, unsure how to feel. "It's OK to be a pony..."

Samantha smiled and flopped back, falling asleep.

Lyra slipped out of the room and gently closed the door before turning to face Bon Bon. "I don't understand anything anymore."

Sweetie Drops pulled Lyra into a soft hug and they staid together a quiet moment before she pushed Lyra back. "I'll keep an eye on her and make sure she's OK. You should check in on the others."

Lyra kissed her wife on the cheek and fled the house, mind abuzz with possibilities. Were all her charges actually ponies? What kind of magic could give them such... complete memories? Who would even have such complete memories? She kicked a rock on the way, frustration running hot through her body. "Maybe it's just her," she said out loud. "They came from different places. Let's not jump to any conclusions..."

She arrived at their house and knocked softly on the door. "Besides, that wouldn't even start to explain Lucy. No, they can't all be involved in this."

Shattered Stone opened the door with a smile, which melted away quickly. "You look horrible, Lyre butt."

Lyra quirked a smile at the awful name. "Samantha's back, and brought more questions with her. She's safe. I wanted everypony to know that."

"Do you want to come in?"

Lyra changed her mind. She didn't want to talk with any of them right then. It would just alarm them, and to no end. She couldn't prove anything one way or the other. She couldn't test for anything. Her shoulders sagged. "No..."

Shattered reached a hoof for her shoulder and shook it. "You're always welcome here, Lyra. If we can help, let us know."

The door shut gently, but it felt like the slamming of a vault door, and Lyra had no idea what was being kept in or out. Lyra wandered the town, trying to clear her thoughts and work out a plan, any plan. She ended up at Sugarcube Corner, a costly mistake. Spotting her down expression instantly, she was faced with the town party planner, Pinkie Pie.

"What's the fuss, gus?"

Lyra perked an ear at her. "What?"

"You're looking downer than the hole I dug for Gummy's birthday!"

Lyra tried a moment to figure out why one would dig a hole for a pet alligator, then gave up that line of query. "I'm having a hard time doing my job, and I'm worried ponies are being hurt because of it."

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin while making soft tsk tsk tsk sounds. "That won't do. I know what'll cheer you up." Lyra opened her mouth to object when a muffin was stuffed in her snout. "My rainbow surprise super-swirl muffin!"

Lyra was forced to eat the muffin. It tasted of sugar overload, but there was something spicy in there that teased her senses. "Not bad, but they're still in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Pinkie leaned nose-to-nose close with Lyra.

Lyra shrank back. "The kind I should be working to solve, not eating cupcakes about."

"It's a muffin," corrected Pinkie. "Well, good luck!"

Lyra retreated away just in time for her top hat to start buzzing. She gave it a flick and an image of the front door of the human-ponies appeared before her eyes. Samantha was there, knocking on the door. How did she get away from Sweetie Drops? Oh there she is. Bon Bon was right behind Samantha, pointing back towards their house and urging her to go back to bed.

Samantha shook her head. "No! They're going to come after me. I don't want to be alone."

Bon Bon smiled gently. "You won't be alone. I won't leave the building."

Samantha pointed at Bon Bon. "You're nice, but small. They'll just shove you out of the way, and maybe hurt you. Just go home."

The door opened to reveal Thomas, who looked quite surprised to see Samantha, and all the more surprised when she pushed past him into the house. Bon Bon sighed softly. "Please watch out for her. She's very upset." Then she walked away, probably back home. Lyra couldn't blame her and said a quiet thanks to her.

Lyra dismissed the image and turned back towards the house. The first source of answer was up and about, she should start there.

Author's Note:

The plot gets more complicated all of a sudden. Can Lyra figure it out?

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