• Published 19th May 2012
  • 5,190 Views, 209 Comments

Remnant - preaplanes

After the darkest of days, a Changeling finds a way to move on.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Guilt

The car shook. "Ugh," Silk moaned, "I don't feel very well."

"Yeah, we get it, you're trainsick. You've been saying that the entire trip! Put a sock in it already!" Rainbow Dash said unsympathetically.

The invitations Twilight had received the previous week had all been labeled individually. Namely, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Silk.

Fortunately their train fare was paid for in full by the invitations.

Unfortunately, Silk was having a bad case of motion sickness.

"Rainbow Dash, how uncouth! Leave the poor dear alone," Rarity scolded.

"Hel- urk, help me," the changeling begged.

"Sorry," Twilight said, "but my spell might just make it worse for a non-pony."

"But it might not!"

"But it might!"

"I don't care! Do it!"

Twilight reluctantly cast the spell. Silk sat up. "Thank you, that's much better. See? I told you it'd... oh no," the changeling said before putting her hoof on her mouth, leaning out the window, and proceeding to lose her proverbial lunch.

Pinkie and Spike started giggling while Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. Fluttershy tried comforting her, though. "It's okay, Silky, you can do it, we're almost there."

"Ugh, that's what Applejack said twenty seconds into this trip," she retorted.

"Well she's right," Twilight remarked. "We should be arriving in approximately ten seconds. Eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one..."

Right on cue, they rolled into the Canterlot station as the train finished slowing to a stop. "Finally!" Silk said, leaping out the open window. The others just stared.

"Uh, Silky? Ya know there's a door, right?"

"The window was closer."

The celebration was both larger, and smaller than the one in Ponyville two years prior. While the populace still hustled and bustled with the usual business of an urban setting, the decorations and festivities had been set well in advance. This was Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. The City of the Sun, some called it, though Celestia had never called it that herself. Or, rather, had never done so after it was built. As such, this was by far the most revered holiday to the residents of the city, so they took pride in their celebrations.

There were lustrous golden streamers hanging between the buildings, and there was not a cloud in the sky to mar the sun's radiance. The towers themselves seemed to gleam in the sunlight, golden clad rooftops shining brightly. There were sun-shaped cookies and cakes, balloons and tacky, gaudy hats which repulsed the fashionista in the group.

"Ugh! Why WOULD one wear such a thing? Yes it fits the theme, but the design is atrocious!" she remarked.

"Now girls," Twilight addressed, "we all learned our lesson last time we had a celebration in Canterlot, right?"

"Keep a DJ stashed away, in case of DJ emergencies?"
"What do you mean 'we'?"
"A gala dress doesn't match with a bridlemaid's?"
"Sonic rainbooms are twenty percent cooler than fireworks?"
"Tell the crows 'no thank you' when they offer to help sing?"
"I'm not a girl."
"Ah reckon."

Not quite the response I was looking for, Twilight thought. "No, I meant the one BEFORE that. You know, the Gala?"

A collective "OH!" sounded out, save for Silk who was left clueless, and Spike who was still protesting the way Twilight had addressed the group.

"We sure did," Pinkie said.

"Good, then we'll all be on our be-"

"Break everypony out of their stuffy-shoes and kick this party into high gear! WOO!" she yelled as she, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all sped off in different directions.

"That's not what I meant!" Twilight yelled back in frustration. She turned around to see Spike on the ground laughing and Silk looking around the crowd. "Well, I guess we'll meet up with them later, assuming that they don't get into too much trouble that is."

The three stuck together. Twilight had to keep Spike out of any trouble he might get into, and Silk was still uncomfortable with their setting. The changeling wasn't much fun to have around window shopping; everything was "interesting" to her and yet she was actually interested in nothing. She'd be a hard one to shop for come Hearth's Warming Eve.

Twilight glanced up at a nearby clock as it chimed. The moon was high in the sky, and the clock said twelve. "It's getting late. I'm sure Pinkie has the night party all set up."

Silk nodded. "So where's the inn we're staying at? I've been wanting to take a few notes down about more specific operations than that book of yours described."

"Well, all the inns are booked solid, but it seems a few strings have been pulled for us," Twilight answered.

Silk raised an eyebrow. "What then, a hotel?" she asked.

Twilight smirked. "Better, the best view of the sunrise in Equestria."

"You mean Cloudsda-" Silk inquired, but before she could finish, Twilight Sparkle lit her horn and cast a teleportation spell, whisking the three off in a flash of purple light.

"-le?" Silk finished, and blinked in confusion. "You mind warning a girl before you teleport her somewhere?" she asked, a little annoyed. Few things could truly throw off her sense of direction, but teleportation was one of them. There was a full-blown tumult in the room they were in, ponies everywhere. "Where are we anyway?"

"The commons of Canterlot Castle," Twilight happily informed. This was a section of the castle that was frequently used for celebrations and other festivities, including the Grand Galloping Gala.

"WHAT?!" Silk yelped. She looked around, and saw herself in a large room, the largest she'd ever seen. How had they even gotten there?! Silk thought and knew that Twilight's range on teleportation was not what she would consider extreme, but then she realized that she was only counting horizontal distance, thinking two dimensionally. Considering that Canterlot was a winding, tiered city, the distance that seemed to be miles must have been much, much shorter.

No no no no no no... she thought. Returning to the scene of the crime, huh? the proverbial devil on her shoulder taunted.

"Woah, girl. Sorry, I didn't mean to disorient you," Twilight apologized, misinterpreting Silk's distress as an offense to the changeling's self-described acute sense of direction.

"It... it's alright, Twilight," Silk said. Her panic quickly subsided as a thought came to her, replacing itself with a knot in her chest. She muttered under her breath, easily drowned out by the racket of the party. "Returning to the scene." She knew what she wanted to, no, had to do. "I'll be back, Twilight, I'm just going out for a bit," she said.

"Well, okay, hurry back! You don't want to miss the sunrise," the librarian replied.

Oh yes, I certainly want to hurry, don't want to miss something that will happen in just five hours, she thought as she rolled her eyes as she walked through the crowd, looking for the door to the castle proper. Once she spotted it, she cast a transformation spell, which made a nearby stallion do a double take, but quickly shrug it off.

Silk strode boldly through the door, the well lit room casting an outline of light into an otherwise dark foyer. There were a pair of solar guards standing watch, making sure things didn't get too crowded in there. One of the guards perked up when he saw her. "Oh, hi Shadowdancer! A little too noisy in there for a nap, huh?" he asked, following as Silk moved off. From what Silk could taste as they distanced themselves from the party, he had a crush on this "Shadowdancer."

"Yes," Silk answered, mimicking the lunar guard's voice. She had only given short responses, so Silk decided to do the same.

"So, I was wondering, I'm off duty in a couple hours, so... want to maybe... watch the sunset together?" he asked, forcing himself through his nervousness.

That was going to be a difficult question to answer. "I've got something to do right now, how about you ask me again when you're off duty?" she more told than asked as she walked off, leaving the guard standing there both hopeful and a disappointed.

The other solar guard walked up to him as she disappeared down a hallway. "You'll get her some day, Glint. She's warming up," he said.

"Yeah, at least she didn't shoot me down right away, huh?" Glint said. "That's a step in the right direction."

"Well, I'd say you just don't know how to take no for an answer, but it wasn't a no for once. Still, something's bugging me."


"Where in that room was there enough shadow to cover a pony?"

Silk climbed a cold staircase, her flashlight hovering beside her. She was meandering a bit, only having a general idea of her location. At the top, she finally saw a sight she recognized. There in front of her was the window she had entered when she... attacked Canterlot. Moonlight shone through the new window, which replaced the one she had destroyed in her entrance, shedding a silvery light onto the ground before her. Her destination, however, was down a darker path.

She turned and walked into darkness once again. The castle twisted and turned like a maze, but she had already been here. She turned with precision and purpose, navigating the corridors as if she had built them herself. After a few minutes, she turned once again to see open windows. She was now well away from the party, though it had only been a half an hour since she had left.

Silk walked forward a bit and stopped. It had been here. This was the spot. This was where she had been the instant her fate was determined. This was the place where she had seen him, and tried in vain to save him. This was where she had been wounded, sent careening into the landscape far below at an unfathomable pace. This...

"This is where I let you die," she thought to an absent listener. The area had been cleaned, thoroughly. She didn't know why she wanted to come here. She caught herself looking for even a trace of her friend; a shard of chitin, a tiny bloodstain, something. She knew that if she did find it, it would only distress her, but she could not help herself. All that remained was a single cracked tile.

Where had they taken him, whoever they may have been? Surely that cursed spell hadn't reduced his body into nothingness. Still, it was a foal's idea that he would still be here, that she would find him... to hope in vain that he would be there to greet her. "I should not have come."

"No. You shouldn't have."

Silk whirled around to see a pair of golden eyes staring at her, and out of the shadows emerged a huge stallion. The same stallion that had stood here all those weeks ago. The one who had taken her wings and broken her hoof. The one who had mortally wounded Skitter. And here they were, standing in the same spots as they had before like some cruel joke of destiny. Only now, the tone had changed. This time, instead of the predator, she was the prey. Her eyes widened in pure fear, but she did her best to keep her equanimity. She was transformed; if she played her cards right, she would be safe.

Unbeknownst to the changeling in disguise, this was not just any guard. This was one of the four highest ranked ponies in all of Equestria: Captain of the Lunar Guard, Midnight Cloak. Unfortunately for her, this pony was no fool. He knew exactly who and what she was, and there was plenty of evidence supporting it, albeit all circumstantial.

No lunar guard, with their moon-blessed eyes, would ever need a flashlight. She had been seen wandering the hallways, which had given the information he needed to find her, but the guards often joked that Shadowdancer would teleport anywhere further than ten feet; while that was an exaggeration, there was no way she would walk somewhere for at least twenty minutes. Most of all, though, she had been expected.

He was clever enough to know how to handle the situation. "Not without your armor, anyway. What were you thinking? Let's go back to the barracks before the captain sees you," he said, feigning ignorance. This was going to be a chess game, and he knew it. She would try to remain hidden from him, and he from her. If she caught wind with that damnable sense of taste of hers, who knew how she might react?

Fortunately for him, Silk couldn't tell the reason for his emotions. His wariness and confidence matched up with a story of trying to sneak something by a superior. "Okay, I guess I forgot."

Midnight Cloak walked off towards the barracks, the changeling in tow, and hid a quick smirk. Even more proof, then, not that he needed it.

"Pinkie! Get off the chandelier!" Twilight yelled. The party was already a lot more lively than the Gala, Twilight thought, it didn't need to turn this wild.

Rarity sighed. "She never has had any intuition for more formal events."

"Hey," Rainbow Dash called from above, "who're the suits?" She pointed at a pair of guards who were coming up to the group.

Twilight Sparkle was mortified. "I am SO sorry about this, sirs! She doesn't... that is... please don't arrest-"

The mare of the two spoke first. "We're not here about that, Miss Sparkle, though I have to ask, how exactly DID she get up there, with a whole cake?"

"Don't ask," Applejack stated.

"But I just-"


"Oookay... anyway, the presence of the six of you has been requested," she said.

"What? But there were eight invitations!" Spike protested.

"Not our decision," the stallion shrugged.

At that moment, spike belched out a flame, which caused those nearby to hop backwards, bumping into other ponies. A letter fell out of the flames. "Uh, excuse me."

Twilight picked up the letter and opened it. "It's from Princess Celestia. She wants to speak with me in private before she raises the sun," she smiled gleefully.

The two guards exchanged looks. "Very well, if you would, the rest of you come with us."

Silk felt like she had a loaded crossbow pointed an inch from her eye as she donned a piece of heavy armor. Apparently the helmet was optional, and of course she opted not to wear it.

"You gonna trim your ears, Shadowdancer?" the Captain asked, giving yet another test, mostly for fun.

"Of course not," Silk answered. She felt confident in this guess; both of the lunar guards she had seen had noticable tufts of hair on their ears. Still, one mistake could be fatal.

"Yeah, 'distinguished' or not, it does show pride in the Lunar Guard," he said offhoofedly, dismissing her correct answer. He had to give Silk credit, she wasn't stupid, and used what information she had well. Of course, while her mane was naturally black, her coat should have changed colors to match his, as the armor was enchanted to do. He figured the princess' transformation enchantment wasn't on the same level as what came naturally to a changeling. "Come on, let's go. The 'captain' is probably waiting for us."

Silk followed, still busy trying to think of a way to wiggle out of this situation, but this monster hadn't let her out of his sight for a moment. Even if he just turned away for a few seconds, she could round a corner, transform, and pass herself off as somepony from the party who just got lost. She just had to wait for the right moment. If she had been a pony specialist, she probably would have found a way out by now.

She still might have been able to if she had not been scared out of her wits. She hated this pony, hated him for what he had done to her, orders or not. But right now her hatred was overwhelmed by a controlled terror, which also caused her to think less rationally despite her best efforts. It was hard work just to keep from making faces from the taste of her own fear.

The two kept walking as Silk kept blinking, like she got some sand in her eye. With so many things to keep track of, she did not notice that the two entered a large room.

"You can drop the act now, Silk," Midnight said.

Silk gasped when she heard this, transforming into her usual pony form and backing away slowly. She had been caught, but when? How? How did he know her name? "I-I-I-..."

"Hiya Silky!" a voice called from in front of her. Silk snapped her focus on the source. Behind the stallion were Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity.

"P-Pinkie!? What are you doing here? What are all of you... why are you?" Silk stammered, her mind racing.

"I requested their presence," a voice replied. Silk's pupils shrank, her ears standing straight up, her body tensed. She dared not take a breath as she slowly trained her head around to the source.

There, sitting upon her throne, was the dark goddess, the ruler of night, and the source of all her nightmares: Nightmare Moon.

Silk screamed.

Celestia looked out over the city below. The ponies were happily celebrating, waiting for the dawn of the longest day. It was wonderful to see them in such high spirits, so joyful and carefree.

And yet, she had mixed feelings, as just as such a sight warmed her heart, so too did it trouble her. Yes, it was a celebration of her day that they waited for, but none the less it was Luna's night that they waited through, and they spent that night indoors, as they had for over a thousand years. They did not watch the sky like they should until the sun was about to rise, for such a short time. Such a scant few hours. There was no nighttime equivalent. Well... that wasn't quite true.

She had, one thousand and one years before, created a holiday for the night, but in the end it had failed spectacularly. Not only had it only changed dates to make way for an ill-remembered holiday from a terrible time, but it had devolved into a twisted farce; a cruel mockery demonizing and ridiculing her sister's memory even while Celestia grieved. Even if Luna had come to embrace it, she could not. It was painful... so very painful to watch.

After all, she was to blame.

"Princess!" an enthusiastic voice called from behind her. The princess smiled and turned around.

"Twilight Sparkle," she greeted in kind. The two had a relationship that was not easily labeled, but went beyond that of a normal teacher and student. Not quite as a mother and daughter, and not sisterly. To call them master and apprentice might be more apt a description, though such terms had been largely outmoded. The loving connotation of such a relationship had changed somewhere along the line.

"Thank you for sending us those invitations," Twilight Sparkle said graciously.

Celestia declined her student's thanks. "I'm glad you got them, Twilight, but Princess Luna sent them to you." She looked upon the city below once more as the smile ran away from her face. "That is why I asked you here tonight."

The unicorn gazed up questioningly. "Princess?"

Celestia was solemn. "Come with me, please. There is much I wish to tell you," she said. The princess walked off, slowing herself slightly to help Twilight keep pace with her far longer stride. The two walked the short distance to the princess's relatively unused study.

The room was well lit, practically shining and immaculate. Unlike Luna's chambers (which doubled as her study for now), hers were cleaned by the staff, due to a stigma that her sister still regretfully carried. This was one of the places where she would teach the young unicorn about magic, to the best of her abilities.

"So, why did Princess Luna send us the invitations?" Twilight asked, immediately wishing she had phrased that differently for fear that she implied that the ruler of night was selfish. She had only intended to ask because it seemed odd that she would invite them for the Summer Sun Celebration in particular, especially since she would have expected Celestia to send the invitations, if anypony at all.

Fortunately, Celestia saw her question for the innocuously intended curiosity it was. "It was more for your friend Silk's benefit than for your own, though she had reason to invite you as well. I fear she's taken an unhealthy level of interest in her, and in changelings in general, for nearly a month now," Celestia answered.

"Wait, does that mean that she knows where the changelings are?" Twilight questioned hopefully, but the day mare simply nodded.

"They aren't lost, Twilight, simply displaced," she replied, "and Luna definitely knows where they are, just as well as if not better than your friend does."


Celestia did not answer. "There are... things you must know first. Shortcomings on many parts, including you and me. Silk is somepony whose tale begins well before her time. Thousands of years before."

The changelings were once counted among Equestria's greatest friends, and closest allies, in both a literal and figurative sense. Five thousand years ago, they were instrumental in keeping this world from tearing itself apart, though that is a tale for another time.

Their kingdom at that time was simple, but at the same time it was beautiful. A gigantic, pristine lake of crystal clear waters. At the center grew many tall, vibrant trees, whose leaves never seemed to fall, even during the coldest winters. The waters had an almost magical quality to them, the temperature both warm and relaxing, and cool and soothing, and would never freeze.

The changelings were not as numerous as ponies, but then they never have been. To see one of their foragers was considered a blessing back then; a sign of happiness, good fortune, and only the truest of love. In fact, they were often asked to taste test somepony who seemed a little too head over heels, to test for love poisons.

They would even play matchmaker for those who had feelings for each other, but were too shy or hesitant to know it, sneakily setting things up. Due to this tendency they were often referred to as "love bugs", a term which most changelings would roll their eyes at and begrudgingly accept as fitting. That is where the phrase "caught the love bug" comes from, not from a joke of love spreading like disease.

I sometimes wonder how they would react to Cadance's love spell. They always claimed that love, true love, is something pure, something special, not something that could be bottled up or made with the wave of a horn. That would be quite the conflict of morals... but I am getting off topic.

The changelings back then, their horns did not resemble a gnarled root, and their manes and wings were not so moth-eaten, though they did have cavities on their hooves. But, a little over two and a half thousand years ago, something happened.

At that time, the queen became ill, or so we were told. The changelings began to withdraw themselves over the course of a few years. Their soldiers soon barred all access to their lake, much the same way a doctor would bar somepony from visiting outside of certain hours. Even Luna and I were granted no audience with her at that time.

Their foragers and scouts became increasingly antisocial during this time, turning depressed and bitter. In time they ceased conducting themselves openly, relying on disguise and subterfuge rather than diplomacy. The soldiers and workers hunkered down, becoming numb to the world. After fifty years, they were exceedingly territorial, attacking anypony who got too close, friend or foe, unless it was a changeling.

This was not normal. Changelings share a consciousness, in a way. I cannot imagine it, but "the swarm", as they call it, kept each changeling in sound mind. Even Discord at the height of his reign could at best muddy their thoughts. The changelings had... changed, somehow. I could always sense something wrong with them, as could Luna; a dark presence behind them, like some unseen puppeteer. A dark, foul magic behind all of them.

Then, one day, a forager came to us out of the blue, though by that time they had been redubbed "scavengers". She claimed to be a former chevalier, a rank similar to that held by your brother, with abilities on par with his. Somehow she had been exiled, for deposing her queen. Her name was-

"Firefly, your highness," the girl said. Her face showed an unbearable sadness. Every now and then she would move her hooves to her ears, as if trying to drown out the voices in her head, but for her it was the opposite.

She was trying to get rid of the unbearable silence, the ringing in her head that refused to go away. She could still sense the swarm, but the queen had exiled her. It was like being sentenced to the silent treatment forever, for everypony she had ever known.

Both Celestia and Luna were here, as the changeling had requested an audience at dusk. She was the first changeling that either had seen, or rather, had willingly made herself known to them, for well over a century. The younger sister asked the next question.

"Why hath you shown thyself before us now?"

"I... I cannot believe what my queen hath proclaimed. I spoke out, why must we spy and cheat to get what we must have? For what reason must we e'er skulk through the streets as rats? Her majesty doth proclaim that thee and thine sister, thine subjects, and all the denizens of this world to be mad and sinful. I proclaimed that this was a fool's notion. Why should we not bargain with politics, rather than petty thievery? Even with the Griffons' ill wishes for our kind, stray thought still linger amongst our kind, memories of those long gone, that we were allies once.

For my insolence, I was sentenced to exile, and humbly come before you now, your majesties. Lest you think me a charlatan as well, your graces, might I ask of thee a boon?"

"I would first know what you would have me bequeath, Firefly, changeling exile," Luna said. While it was tradition to make proclaimations in the Royal Everfree Voice, and to use the royal we, those rules only applied when speaking to her subjects. Neither her sister nor this changeling were such, as a an equal and a being of no current nationality respectively.

"I ask only a chance to prove myself. Even in exile, my queen can still hear me, even if others cannot. If I could prove that we can cooperate as allies, in symbiosis rather than parasitism, then surely she will be swayed for the good of my people... for both of our peoples."

Luna looked to Celestia, who nodded. "There is an ill air about you still, changeling. To what proof to you point as evidence of your good intent? Your kind has attacked innocent ponies in the past-foals, even!-for merely wandering too close to your waters!"

Firefly merely looked at the floor. "I can offer naught but my condolences for what we have done, and can speak for the intent of none but my own. If you would not have me, then I wholly understand. My kind has done much to earn such mistrust, as our mistrust begets yours, but if we wish to put aside our quarrels, somepony must make the first step."

Celestia looked to Luna and nodded as well. Luna made a declaration. "Then we shalt see what you make of yourself, Firefly. HENCEFORTH, THOU SHALT BE CONSIDERED A CITIZEN OF EQUESTRIA."

Firefly recoiled at the volume, thinking she was being yelled at, until she realized what was said. "You would have me, then?" she asked, hope returning at last.


Firefly's face lit up like her namesake. "Oh a thousand blessings unto you, your majesties! You shalt not regret this, this I swear!"

And so Firefly became a fixture around the castle. At first she was not quite a servant, and not quite an apprentice, but something in between. Firefly would often remark how much she loved it there, saying every day that the queen would surely change her mind after hearing of how "benevolent" we were, myself in particular. I wish I could say that I did not let this feed my ego, but I would be lying to say such a thing.

She worked hard to prove herself, even in the most mundane of tasks. She would help the staff clean, or fetch the latest findings of the Guild of Magi for Luna, or even polishing the royal guard's armor. Often she did these things without asking. Like her class would suggest, she was particularly gifted at gathering supplies, finding things that were considered rare, or collecting numerous items from a list with extreme speed and ease. Such things came naturally to her.

Luna and I came to love her as a student, much like yourself, and soon we promised to open diplomatic relations with the changelings, as soon as their queen would will it. Like it or not, the queen held the sole political power of the changelings, unlike Luna and I, who shared equal power, so we had to wait.

My sister in particular soon saw her as a close friend, and already friends were becoming harder and harder for her to find. Even so, Firefly gravitated towards me, rather than her. I thought nothing of it at the time, but after seven years of earning our trust, something happened that tore my sister's heart apart. To this day, I do not think she has forgiven Firefly, the changelings, or herself.

It was a cool April night in Equestria. A light mist hung in the air, almost glowing in the moonlight. The land of Everfree was not forested, as it was a thousand years from then, but a great collection of valleys, fields and farmland that stretched from the capital all the way to Heaven's Peak, where Canterlot would later stand. Near the northern border stood the capital city of Everfree. Though modest by modern standards, hardly twice the size of Ponyville, it was a shining jewel at the time, one which only the Griffons would boast better. At the heart of this city lay the castle where the royal pony sisters dwelled.

The skies were clear. Luna's shining moon and countless twinkling stars shed a soft, silver glow across the land. At this time, the ponies with crepuscular or nocturnal habits were in the minority, but still, a few souls roamed the land. This month, Luna brightened the moon for the earth pony farmers, who harvested their crops before winter under the harvest moon. Fillies and colts laughed and played in the streets. Lovers would sit and enjoy the serenity, happily basking in the starlight and in each other's company.

Princess Luna stood atop her tower, responsible for and glad of it all. She crafted the stars into their eighty eight images, each dancing and interacting with each other as if alive, actors in an unheard play. Even with her artistry, she kept the stars in just the right spots in the sky, so that one might look up and know where they would go. It was a delicate balance she struck each night, as she poured her heart and soul into her sky. This was a happy time for her, a wonderful moment that she would have remembered fondly.

That is, if this eve had not marked for her the end of such halcyon days.

The princess of the night sighed contentedly. Everything was as it should be. Everything was right. It was by no means perfect, but then, what is?

The alicorn resembled her sister far more than she did shortly after her banishment, nary an inch from her height. Her dark, ethereal sapphire mane perpetually flowed in some hidden wind, tiny stars alight with transparent silver streaks of moonlight. She was a full grown mare. She was thousands of years old, after all.

Princess Luna turned with a smile and began to walk off to night court. Night court no longer saw the surplus of ponies that its counterpart did, which made Luna just a little jealous, but she played it off by teasing Celestia about how much spare time she got now.

"Your highness!" a male voice cried out. Luna saw her captain running up to her.


"No, princess, your sister has had an attempt made on her life!"

Luna only blinked a couple times, thinking she must have misheard him. "WHAT? WE MUST HAVE MIS-"

"Princess Celestia has been wounded, your majesty!"

Fear struck the alicorn, in an instant teleporting directly into her sister's chambers, dragging the captain along in a bright blue flash.

The princess arrived in her sister's chambers, which were crowded with doctors looking over her. When Luna flashed in, they all turned around, startled by the bright light, but when they saw that it was Luna they went right back to work, foregoing any formalities that a princess' appearance would normally demand.

Luna rushed to Celestia's side as the lunar guard's captain got his bearings. "Sister! Speak to me! Art thou wounded?"

Celestia was lying in bed, a clean (by the standards of the time) bandage wrapped around her side. "I am fine, Luna, fret not. 'tis but an irritation."

"'tis true, your grace, but were you an ordinary pony, you would not fare so well. The knife has punctured your lung, and were you not yourself, your breath would be labored. 'tis good fortune that it did not strike your heart."

"Who has done this most heinous deed?" Luna asked in anger, speaking softly out of concern for Celestia's condition.

Celestia stayed silent. Nopony said a word for several seconds. Then, Captain Hoofstrong spoke. "It was... Firefly, your majesty."

"Hoofstrong..." Celestia growled. She knew what the changeling had done, but still was sentimentally attached, and did not know why she had done it.

The guards had let her pass, as they often did. They had trusted her, as they all did. Seven years of hard effort, of desire to prove herself, of friendly conversation to grow accustomed to her. Using her empathic nature, she had even set a few of them up with their lovers and spouses.

When she entered the room, she had been tense, shaking and nervous. Celestia had woken up when she entered, and was about to ask what was the matter when a knife sailed into her side by use of telekinesis. By the time the white princess had recovered from the shock, Firefly had bolted off.

"He is fine, sister," Luna declared. She had the final word with her guard, as Celestia did with hers. "I shall find Firefly."

One of Celestia's guards piped up. "Your highness," he said, "the punishment for this is-"

"WHAT WE SAY IT IS." the dark alicorn snapped, a thunderclap accompanying her words. The guard was cowed by this display.

"Sister, wait!" Celestia urged, but she was too late. Princess Luna had teleported away before she could get the words out.

"FIREFLY!" Luna called out, swooping like a hawk down through one of the castle's windows. She closed her eyes to avoid getting glass in them, as the shards left small nicks on her coat and tore a few feathers.

The changeling had been hiding, scurrying through the corridors, but had not transformed. She had been distressed, far too distressed to think rationally enough to even make the simple realization that she would need to transform to blend in, acting only on her fight or flight instincts; in this case, the latter.

Luna could see now how the normally eager changeling looked. In a word, awful. Her eyes were wide, her pupils small. Her breathing was irregular, hyperventilating with short, racking sobs in every other breath. Her hoof pressed against her chest, her heart must have been racing. Even though at this time, changelings resembled what they would during a certain wedding, her hair was particularly unkempt, looking like one half had been slept on, and the other half struck by lightning. She was shaking like a leaf, and her face showed an inner turmoil, as if the world had come to an end. Horror, regret, fear, and sorrow. She looked as if she was nauseous, and as a changeling showing such emotions, she probably was.

"P-prince-ess... I-I... I," she stuttered, choking on her words.

"Firefly! Why have you done this?!" Luna asked incredulously, skipping the formalities of the Royal Everfree Voice in light of the situation.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't have a choice... I still don't have a choice," she sobbed.

"What are you saying?! Why would you-"

"Queen Arachne... she-she finally spoke to me. She said... she said..." Firefly swallowed hard. "She said the only way she would speak with Equestria is if I... if I-"

"Killed my sister?! How does that make any sense?!" the princess asked incredulously.

"I DON'T KNOW! I HAD TO... I had to... have to... no," she said, her face displaying higher levels of horror now. "No, no please! Not her too! I don't want... I-I have to..."

In an instant, a thousand shards of glass rose and fired at Luna, whose eyes widened in shock as she threw up a barrier reflexively as the shards flowed around her like water. It's me, too! she thought.

Still crying, Firefly fired a concussive bolt at each window in sight, shattering it and bringing it in closer, forming a swirling sphere of razors around her. This was how a scavenger fought; their telekinesis was the most dexterous of all changelings, their spacial awareness on par with a scout's. It was not an uncommon feat to be able to strip a tree of all of its leaves and manipulate each leaf indivudually in different directions, and never to touch them.

But Firefly was a former chevalier. She could manipulate all the leaves on a small orchard, perhaps more. What's more, she could manipulate the non-physical. Each of the torches that illuminated the halls lost their flames, which were drawn in along with the glass, leaving balls of fire hanging in midair. The light of the flames reflected off of the glass, like lightning bugs in the darkness.

"Firefly!" Luna yelled. "Do not do this! We can help you!"

"I... I just" she stammered. "I have to help my people! They are dying! It's a scavenger's job to provide for the swarm! I HAVE to do this!" she yelled, hurling her sphere of glass and flame forward.

The glass would not harm Luna with her barrier up, at least not at speeds that Firefly could achieve. However, those flames were mixed in with them and could harm her if she came into contact with one for any longer than a brief moment.

Luna ducked and dodged, ignoring the crystalline hail even as it bounced right in front of her eyes, trying to keep the flames from doing anything but grazing her. However, in a moment she slipped up, touching one of the miniature infernos. To her surprise, the flame bounced away.

It was a reflection of a fireball off a larger shard of glass. She's fighting with mundane illusions! the Alicorn realized.

Luna's eyes darted around in the jagged snowstorm, looking at each glowing spot to see if it was a reflection or not. She charged through the storm and one flame that looked to be only half there, even as it moved to intercept her. It simply bounced off her repeatedly, another shard of glass. She did so with another as it moved to intercept, but as it lingered, it singed her right wing, and a few feathers briefly caught fire. Luna winced and rolled out of the way, realizing that she had been tricked into running through a flame that was simply smaller, but no less real.

The alicorn's eyes lit up white. "ENOUGH!" Luna yelled, firing a duke blue bolt of magic down the center of the corridor. It was her rendition of the changelings' spell, with her own power behind it. It was unrefined and imprecise, discharging its energy constantly outward instead of only forward on impact, but few soldiers could ever hope to match its intensity.

The spell displaced the glass and blasted it out of the way like a bullet through an apple, the shockwave shattering the shards in the center into a fine powder and snuffing out the flames, leaving only darkness.

Firefly was stunned, literally. The attack had hit her squarely in the chest, slamming her into the wall at the end of the hallway, knocking down a painting that hung there. The fight had instantly turned into an unwilling stalemate.

The changeling was now dizzy and disoriented, possibly concussed as well. While she suffered no true physical injuries, she would not be able to fight effectively, especially given her style of combat. She would be lucky if she could juggle two grapefruits with her head spinning like it was, to say nothing of her devastated mind.

The pony, on the other hoof, could see clearly. Her wing had some burn marks; the skin beneath would have second degree burns. Nonetheless, she was far better prepared than Firefly was. Or, she would be, if her heart was in it.

"Firefly, calm thyself! Listen not to thy queen, she surely whispers foul lies to-"

Luna was interrupted by sudden loud rumble above her. Firefly had fired a bolt above the princess, sending masonry collapsing down upon her and forcing her to jump backwards as the air filled with dust, clouding her vision.

By the time the dust had cleared, Firefly was nowhere to be seen. The princess flew out the window and into the skies, unsure of where Firefly had flown off to.

She searched. For several minutes she searched the air and the ground for any sign of her. Firefly was not in her right mind. There would be consequences for her actions, to be sure. It was inevitable, but still, she of all ponies could help her. For Firefly's sake, for the changelings' sake, for the sake of Equestria and herself. She had to.

Searching for a changeling was difficult, to say the least. They were simply the stealthiest creatures in existance due to their ability to transform. There were limitations, of course, and only scouts were known to be widely capable of transformation into non-equine forms, but this was not a griffin population. Most changelings would still give themselves away unless they were scouts trained to be pony specialists, by subtle quirks in their gait if nothing else, but after seven years amongst ponies, Firefly would certainly be among the exceptions.

Princess Luna had a few things going for her, though. She was both talented and skilled enough in spellcraft to be able to sense that dark presence that Firefly still harbored. She also knew each of the ponies who would be up at this hour, as they were fewer in number than at any point in the past. The castle was now on lockdown, and if she was right, she was the target. This meant the culprit had to be in the city, and she had to transform into somepony Luna would recognize. If the ruler of night could spot the same pony in two different places, or somepony she did not recognize, she would have her mark.

In the end, she did not need to. Out of a house emerged two figures, one small and one larger, a dozen long objects floating around them. Upon closer observation, it was Firefly, untransformed, walking behind a filly she recognized as Cereus.

Luna flew down and landed in front of them, but before she could speak she saw something that rendered her speechless. The objects that were flying about were all heavy knives, all but one trained on her. The one remaining was pressed against the filly's throat. "Princess! Help me!" the frightened girl cried.

"Firefly... do not do this," she said, "let her go. She is but a foal!"

This was the worst possible situation. For all her millennia of practice in the arcane arts, almost all of her spells were either too weak to get past Firefly's natural armor, carried collateral effects that would harm Cereus, or could be lethal. If her hoof was forced, things would not go well. Luna could think of only two that could possibly fit the situation, and one of those two could still harm the hostage if she slipped up in the tiniest way.

"I-I'm sorry," the scavenger repeated, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Luna cast the first spell. "Please, just lie down and rest. We can discuss this on the morrow when you wake," she said, trying to compel the changeling to sleep.

Firefly was suddenly fatigued, but shook herself awake. She couldn't afford to sleep. "No! We can't! I already have blood on my hooves! I-"

"Celestia is injured, yes, but she yet lives! We can help you! You need not-"

"I failed, then? I have sacrificed everything and could not even commit the deed?" the changeling asked herself in disbelief. "No, no! I have come too far!" she yelled.

In that instant, knives were hurled and a spell was cast.

Luna dodged all of the blades but one, grazing her front right leg, but her spell struck true. She conjured a bolt of lightning from the air and struck Firefly in the side, sending her skidding across the ground. Cereus scampered away as the changeling's shell smoked from the hit, as Luna had not skimped on the power. Even with all that was going on, Luna was thankful that the filly had not been hit by a stray branch. Magical lightning was a hard thing to control.

The changeling shakily got to her hooves. "Stay down, Firefly. It is over," Luna commanded.

"No," she answered defiantly. She had a new hole in her wing. It was burned in such a concentrated area, and so quickly, that it did not have time to cauterize, leaving her bleeding profusely onto the ground. She drew up one of her scattered blades and ran uneasily at the princess.

Lightning struck again, hitting her in the neck. "STAY DOWN!" Luna yelled.

"I can't!" the changeling said, recoiling from the literal shock before she drew closer to the princess.

Another strike in the small of the back.

Tears formed in Luna's eyes. "Please... do not do this..." she whispered as she began to realize what was happening. "DO NOT MAKE ME DO THIS!!!"

Another lunge, and another bolt from the blue striking her hoof, another branch hitting her in the flank. "I-I must" the changeling said, gritting her teeth in one final lunge.

A flash of overwhelming white was the last thing the changeling saw before the world went black. Her horn burned like fire and she collapsed, having been struck in the horn, which acted as both a lightning rod an amplifier due to its magical qualities.

The knife dropped to the ground, and so did Firefly. Wisps of black stained the air above her, and emerald the ground beneath.

The fight was over. Finally, definitively, permanently over. Luna rushed to her side. "Firefly! Speak to us, please!" she cried.

Firefly's world was black. Her eyes were useless, as were her horn and ears. It was hard to breathe, and her chest hurt. Even blinded, her eyes still would not stop shedding tears. She felt only the cold ground beneath her, and then she felt something warm pick her up and embrace her, shaking like a leaf. The taste of Luna's bitter sorrow and guilt, but also her love. She felt small, warm impacts against her back and knew them to be teardrops. Even after everything she did.

With that last thought, Firefly was no more.

Luna kept bawling. "You fool! Why would you do this to me? Why did you not think?! You had deposed her once before, why... WHY COULD YOU NOT HAVE DONE SO AGAIN?! WHY... why did you have to go and... and..." she cried.

She wept silently for hours. Just before sunrise, Celestia flew down, finally fed up with the guards and doctors telling her to remain in bed, and saw what had happened. Luna's mane had ceased flowing, and now resembled a patch of still space resting behind her shoulders. Her tail suffered similarly, and would have been muddied if not for its ethereal nature.

"Lulu..." Celestia said, trying to swallow her own sorrow for now.

Luna did not turn around. "Tia... I... I... I have never killed anypony before," Luna whispered. "I know I have given orders that have allowed for such. Even so, I have never directly told anypony to take another's life, and I... I have fought battles and wars and gods, casualties are to be expected, but this... this did not have to happen!"

"You did not have a choice," Celestia comforted.

"OF COURSE I HAD A CHOICE! THAT IS BUT A FOAL'S EXCUSE!" Luna yelled, spinning around to face her sister. "There is BLOOD on my hooves, Celestia! BLOOD! And it shall never wash away! This was not a war! This was not even a battle! 'twas MURDER, sister!"

Celestia maintained control, but a tear slid down her cheek. The two stood silently for a time, delaying the dawn.

It was Luna who broke the silence. "They are evil."


"The changelings are evil, Celestia. They are wicked, terrible creatures. She was the best of them, and look at what they had driven her to! She tried to kill me. She tried to kill you! She held a foal hostage! I dare not think what the rest might do!"

Celestia stood silent for a moment. "Come, sister. We shall treat her remains as proper. "

Luna nodded sadly and followed her sister, sparing one last glance to the fallen changeling as a young filly looked on at her savior.

My wound healed up in a few weeks, good as new, but in the end, Firefly did leave scars on my sister. Not on her body, but on her heart. I do not think there is a day since that has passed where she truly trusted anypony but me, not even herself.

When Celestia had finished speaking, Twilight offered a simple reaction. "That's... so awful," she said, "but what mistakes were you talking about?"

Celestia sighed. "Mine was the first. You know of Everfree Forest, and the unique properties of the flora within?"

Twilight grumbled. "I can't seem to duplicate them, but yes."

Celestia gave a small laugh. Unicorns and pegasi, even well educated like Twilight, had the intuition of rocks when it came to agriculture. "Well, normal plants require water, soil, care, attention, sunlight, and moonlight to grow," she explained.

"Unicorns and pegasi lack the right touch for farmwork. Normal plants will not readily grow for those who are not earth ponies, even with the right conditions. The plants in the Everfree Forest, however, were bred by those who both wished for an easier, more reliable form of plant... and those who hated the night. They created plants that would grow with sun alone, without anypony needing to lift a hoof beyond planting and harvesting. What is worse, I lent a hoof, accelerating their growth. Worse still... I used dark magic to do so."

Twilight was shocked. "What?! But why would you do that?!"

Celestia broke eye contact. "I was... not the same at that time. It was shortly before Nightmare Moon's banishment, and it may have contributed to..." she trailed off. "I am not proud. I believe I told you of the changelings' lake?"

"Yes, princess."

"The changeling homeland has not moved, Twilight. It is a marsh now; a foul bog of rot and decay. The only thing that prevents it from becoming part of Everfree is whatever trace remains of the magical purities it once had. When I banished Nightmare Moon, I could not bear to stay in Everfree any longer. Canterlot was already being constructed, and the castle and much of the surrounding landscape was badly damaged in the battle, so I quickly moved the capital here.

Little did I realize that these plants would continue to spread out, further and further, becoming a forest tainted with traces of dark magic. It quickly spread to the changelings' lake, slowly corrupting and fouling its waters, causing its trees to rot and die. It is only in the last thirty years that we have realized the damage it has caused there, thanks to a cartographer now in Princess Luna's employ.

If I had not helped create those plants, the changelings may have stayed where they were. They might not have been driven to such desperation."

Twilight was not shocked by this, more enlightened. "What about me? You said I made a mistake, too."

"The mistake you made is one shared by many, including myself. Luna and her guards are the exception. When the changelings invaded Canterlot, and were expunged from the city, we all simply assumed that they were beaten and commenced, rather hastily, to throw a second wedding. Or a first, I suppose.

Shining Armor, you, I, and many others were so engrossed in festivities and our victory that we did not even consider that Queen Chrysalis might be regrouping her forces. From what Luna tells me, that is most certainly what was happening.

If not for this oversight, things may have played out quite differently."

"Why? What happened? Tell me!" Twilight demanded like a little filly. She was right, they had simply jumped to the conclusion that the changelings had been beaten. If Luna was the one to beat them, how had she done it? What was Celestia explaining all this for? How had she "displaced" all of the changelings, except for Silk? It couldn't have been good, given how she refused to even speak of it.

Celestia frowned and sighed. "To avoid a bloody war, and potential genocide, Luna tricked Queen Chrysalis into ordering all of her subjects into a trap. She sent out a trio of equinculi and led the changelings on a chase, and the queen gave an order to them all, aloud even, to pursue them. Even changeling foals mimic and follow their parents, guardians, or simply the nearest adult when they transform, and they all transformed into her decoys. When she withdrew the spell, she sealed them temporarily within herself. Then, she asked Cerberus to open the gates of Tartarus..."

"...and with the power of their own magic, flung them into its depths," the princess of the night explained. Her face was stoic, trying her best not to show anything she felt. If things went well, she would soon be able to end this charade.

Fluttershy's hooves flew to her mouth in a gasp, tears in her eyes. Rainbow Dash was horrified, but she did her best not to show it. The color drained from Applejack and Pinkie Pie's faces, their jaws hanging open. Rarity nearly fainted. This is what happened? This is what Silk had meant by "gone"?!

Silk was transformed back into her usual form, though still wearing the Lunar Guard armor. She was shivering, cowering in the corner, her hooves pressed against her ears in a vain attempt not to hear the horrible truth spoken aloud as the memories, their voices, came screaming back to her. She had recovered from the initial, absolute terror that had gripped her, but had understandably relapsed into post-traumatic stress. Or, rather, she had mostly recovered, but a trigger had been pulled.

Luna's understanding of psychology was a thousand years obsolete. Her studies since her return were of history, law, language, politics, and more recently, dark magic. As such, she had yet to learn the potential damage such a blunt method could do, but still, she had a plan to carry out.

Even so, Celestia was making her own move. Luna had not expected her to send Twilight Sparkle a summons, and did not know what she was up to. This could either foil them, or bring one of the few variables under control.

Fluttershy quickly flew over to Silk, trying to calm her down, feeling so, so sorry for her.

"Why- how-" Dash stammered, trying to find the words. "Do you have any idea what you did?!" she yelled at the alicorn.

Luna glared. "Do you? Tell me, what do you know of Tartarus? I would love to know."

Dash held up a hoof as if she was about to speak, but fell silent.

"I thought not," she scoffed. "The fact of the matter is, NOPONY knows what is inside that place, because nopony has ever gotten out. It is merely a common misconception that Cerberus keeps those inside from escaping. We have only heard of what is inside from a single second-hoof source, mentioned in passing by one to whom place means nothing. We have seen the eternal emerald flames emerging from the gates, but beyond that nopony has seen a thing who can speak of it.

Had I not done so, thousands of lives would have been lost, both changelings and ponies. I had a choice: the unknown of death, or the unknown of the so-called 'realm of the dead'."

"How many died anyway?" Silk asked shakily, standing up and looking at the princess pleadingly.

"... we recovered the remains of seventy-three changelings in Canterlot, primarily scouts. Fifty-eight in the marsh, primarily soldiers. There were... zero Equestrian fatalities. I would guess your queen issued capture orders."

Silk sat down stunned, her mouth hanging slightly agape. A hundred and thirty-one changelings died that day, and not a single pony? It was a dark, terrible thing to think, but surely they should have killed at least a few? That was no war; no battle. It was a rout. A massacre. Queen Chrysalis had thrown them all into a wood chipper, all on her own whims.

"You're a monster," Silk sobbed. No, "monster" was too kind a term. "No, worse than a monster. You're a demon."

Luna did not reply to this accusation. "You, however, thorough sheer chance, escaped this judgement. And as such, I have three sentences for your transgressions."

"No!" Applejack yelled, moving on Luna, only for Midnight Cloak to block her path. "Can't ya see she's sufferin'! Ain't this more'n enough?! How could y-"

"THE FIRST. Silk, last remnant of the changelings, you are sentenced to be subjected to the Elements of Harmony."

"What? Why would we do that?!" Twilight asked defiantly. "We can't just use the elements on our friend!"

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia scolded as a mother would scold a child, "Please, let me finish. It was I who suggested this, not Luna. Even though she once bore Honesty, Loyalty, and Magic, the elements now scare her... and for good reason, given what they have done. Even so, do you realize what the elements do?"

"They're a weapon. The most powerful magic in the world, used to fight only the most evil things in the world," Twilight answered. "But Silky isn't evil! I don't care what stupid 'dark magic' changelings have! She is not Firefly!!"

Celestia nodded. "Correct, but I'm afraid I can't give credit for partial answers."

Twilight panicked. "Oh no! I... wait, I'm not taking an exam."

The demigoddess of the day let slip a small giggle. Though Twilight was a grown mare now, she had always found that trait of hers adorable. "The Elements of Harmony have been used exclusively on evil beings, true, and you're right, your friend Silk is certainly not Firefly. She's the first changeling in thousands of years who does not show the corruption that permeated her kind. The elements wouldn't harm her, as they cannot harm those who do not harbor evil in their hearts."

"Then... then why would we use them on her? That doesn't make any sense."

"Because, Twilight, they may help to heal her broken heart. Even so, they might have no effect if she suspects it. The Elements are mysterious, and not fully understood by Luna and me. I ask that you tell nopony of this. So that she thinks on the past, Silk will be taken to an antimagic cell to await the elements. I wish for you to use them just before the sunrise, so that we could play all of this off as a part of the celebration."

Twilight nodded. Then something struck her. "Wait, an antimagic cell?! Princess, her genetic code is made up of the primary magical elements! Antimagic could kill her!" she yelled.

"Calm yourself, Twilight. I may not have understood why before you made your discovery, but we do understand what effects such things have on changelings. Absolute antimagic, in which no magic can exist, would certainly prove fatal, but such spells would only be needed to hold those who are particularly gifted, such as you or me. Milder antimagic is sufficient to hold a changeling, and would merely cause her to feel nauseous and lightheaded."

"I... I see. That's a relief."

"There is... one more thing I would ask of you, my most faithful student. My sister has become obsessed in the past few weeks, ever since she rescued Silky Sheets from the griffin capital Vigil."

"Ever since she WHAT?!"

Celestia put a hoof over her mouth at this slip of the tongue. She sighed, having to explain this as well. "When you first discovered Silk was a changeling, she ran and hid in the marsh, but was captured by a griffin scouting party searching for changelings and taken to the capital for interrogation. She was not there long, but she was... tortured. Luna personally extracted her, leaving only two griffins any the wiser, and she claims that neither are likely to speak of it."

Twilight was wracked with guilt. That was HER fault. If she hadn't flown off the handle like she did, that would not have happened.

"Please, Twilight, put aside those thoughts for now," the princess said, getting her student's attention. "You must help me. It means everything to me."

"Anything, princess."

"Please, before history repeats itself... save my sister. Help me save Luna, before she destroys herself! You have done so once before, and I have faith in you, so please..."

Silk stood in her cell silently, her borrowed armor removed, listening to a clock ticking out of sight. The Elements of Harmony would be used on her soon. The same weapons that dethroned gods, banished demons, and cowed her entire people for centuries, would be directed at her personally. Such power would be enough to destroy her, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And yet, she could not help but feel at peace about it. Still, she felt sick to her stomach. It was simply surreal to her, as if she couldn't wrap her head around it. The familiar, ever present ringing in her mind somehow seemed to match her situation perfectly.

The cell she was in was sterile; it was a nearly blinding shade of white, with powerful, equally white lights illuminating the area. From her cell, she could see no other cells, as they were all evenly spaced out in the pattern of a zipper's teeth. It was, in a word, stifling, and invoked the sensation of claustrophobia.

A door opened somewhere, followed by the sound of heavy hoofsteps getting closer. A pony soon came into view.

Captain of the Lunar Guard, Midnight Cloak.

Silk was silent. "It's you," he asked, "isn't it?"

"Well duh, who else would it be?" she snarked.

Lady's a bloody wiseass, he thought. "You're the changeling I booted right out of the castle."

Silk nodded. "You hurt my friend and took my wings," she said bitterly.

"Nothing personal, it was war. I may not have seen war before, but I sure as hell fought battles." Midnight Cloak had been a mercenary before he was recruited into the Lunar Guard. He was given a choice, sure, but it was practically blackmail: either join, or go to prison for life after being caught. Mercenary work wasn't always strictly legal. "Anyway, that's not quite what I came here to say."

"Spit it out, then, I literally don't have all day."

"I just thought you'd want to know your friend's last moments."

"Oh?" she asked, growing angry in anticipation of some horrible comment. Of how he begged for mercy, or how he died squealing like a pig, or something equally sadistic.


Skitter flew through the corridors, looking for the scouting party. A number had fallen asleep somewhere nearby, their dreams flashing bursts of sound in his head. They had a mission to do, they wouldn't just randomly fall asleep. He had to get to the bottom of this.

He and Silk had split up to cover more ground. This place was like a labyrinth, dark twists and turns in every direction, the only light coming from his horn.

As he flew, the world suddenly tilted as he felt a sudden, incredible pressure on his side. In an instant, he slammed into the ground, shattering a tile beneath. An incredible, unbearable pain in racked his body. He cried out, both aloud and in public thought.

"That's another," a voice said in the shadows. Skitter rolled over to see a large pony looming over him as some demon of the night, his wings not feathery, but batlike. His pupils were slitted, his eyes a brilliant gold that shone in the dark.

The changeling heard the buzzing of wings getting closer. He looked for the source, Silk came into view, her horn alight. No, no please, not her.

"Silk! Get out of here!" he pleaded. If this pony could do this to him, there was nothing she could do.

"Skitter!" she cried, making to fly to him. But in that moment, the pony saw her. Before he could blink, the pegasus was upon her, smacking her away and out the window as easily as he would a fly on his tail.

"NO! Noooo," he moaned aloud as his eyes watered up. "Silk... please no," he cried, getting a small taste of his own bitter sadness. The pain in his shell was nothing compared to the pain in his heart.

Midnight Cloak looked out the window. "Like the princess would say, 'I may have overdone that one.'"

"You callous... how could you do that to her? She was just... she just..." he said before he started crying. Not for himself, but for her.

The Captain responded. "Sorry, but I'm under orders. As bloody stupid as this sounds, we didn't start this war, and as long as you attack innocent ponies, I'm always gonna work to help 'em."

Skitter found he didn't care about his reasons. He had hurt her, possibly killed her. That, above all things, was unforgivable.

The changeling got a flash of sound and emotion from far below. Silk had been knocked unconsious and was just waking up. She probably didn't even realize she had lost consciousness. She was hurt, but she was alive. "She's safe... thank goodness... at least..."

He did not finish before he slipped into unconsciousness.

"The greenhorn's spell crushed him after that. After the attack the princess insisted we gather up all of the changelings who died and build rafts, sending them off on that river that runs through Everfree. Something about the way changelings showed their respects."

Silk nodded sadly. Changelings did not have room to build graves in their waterlogged land. Instead, they sent their dead adrift on crude rafts, placed in an ocean-bound stream, never to be seen again.

"Just thought you ought to know," the stallion said, walking out of sight. Silk, for what it's worth, was glad to know.

"Hi girls," Twilight said, walking into the room where they were waiting.

"Twilight! There ya are!" Applejack said frantically. "You gotta go back and talk to Princess Celestia! Princess Luna arrested Silky and she's gonna make us use the elements on 'er!"

"I know."

"You know?!" Dash asked incredulously, flying up right in Twilight's face, "and you're not gonna do anything about it?! You can't possibly agree with it!"

Twilight squinted. "I know, I'm not, and I do. Princess Celestia told me all about it. I probably know more than you do."

"Twilight dear, you can't possibly expect us to use them on her! She's done nothing wrong!" Rarity said. "After all she's gone through, don't you think she's been punished enough?"

Twilight shook her head. "This is all FOR Silky, Rarity. You have to trust me."

"I think we should do it!" Pinkie said chipperly.

Everypony stared.

"What? My belly is tickly. That means we should go along with whatever crazy thing is going on!"

"So," Twilight asked with a smirk, eyebrow raised, "are you going to ignore the Pinkie sense?" She ignored the irony of using the pinkie sense to her advantage while her friends were reluctant.

Applejack was uncertain. "I reckon not... if you, the princesses, AND Pinkie's Pinkie sense are sayin' to do it... but ah don't like it. It just ain't right! I'm gonna trust ya on this one, Twi, but... I better not regret it."

"You won't," Twilight said definitively. I hope.

Luna hated this strategy. As much as they needed a pretense for using the elements of harmony, this was going too far. She was playing the role of a cruel despot, and the bearers the unwilling executioners. It was disturbing, and their intent no better.

She knew the elements would help, yes, but it was HOW they helped that was worst of all. She knew, better than anypony who could speak, what it was like. The lines were blurred about whether or not it was actually her they were used on, but they had a tendency that was... awful.

"It's almost time, Luna," a caring voice came from behind her. Celestia walked into the throne room. She looked concerned. "Are you alright?"

"I do not know."

Celestia could tell that she was troubled. "Luna."

"I apologize, sister. It's just... of all the dozens of things we could do, the refinements of psychology, the reasons we could give, why this?"

Celestia tried to to reassure the smaller alicorn. "This situation is outside the knowledge of anypony, even the most gifted psychologists. Even if the stresses from being the last of her kind were understood, she is a changeling. Her situation is unprecedented. The effect that the severance of her constant mental link, the ramifications of her empathy, and simply always wearing a practical suit of armor would have on her psychology is completely unknown."

"And because of this we defer to the 'wisdom' of the elements rather than speaking with her, and cast me in the role of the villain once more. I suppose that's your forte," Luna scoffed.

Celestia was wounded by this. "You know that isn't what I meant," she said.

And now Luna felt even more guilty. "I'm sorry, Tia. That wasn't fair."

"Neither is asking you to shoulder this by yourself, Luna! Whatever it is that's bothering you, you can talk to me about it! Please, tell me."

Luna shook her head. Her sister wouldn't understand. Not really. "I have much to atone for", she said, And I'll never be able to. Celestia looked to be about to interject, but Luna beat her to it. "I just pray that this works."

"As do I."

Silk walked through a pair of doors into an open courtyard, escorted by a pair of guards. If she had wings she might be able to escape, but she didn't. She dared not try anything, fearing that her friends might meet the same fate.

She wondered what would happen upon subjection to that nigh-omnipotent magic. Would she be destroyed outright? Perhaps she would be banished somewhere in complete isolation. Becoming stone would not be so bad, she thought. Maybe her friends would come visit her every once in a while? Still, it would seem a boring, lonely existance.

The moon was getting low in the sky now. Sunrise would be less than an hour from now, maybe a half an hour, or fifteen minutes, or five minutes. Her sense of time wasn't the best anymore; that was always a concept that she relied on the swarm to relay to her. A shame, really. She had hoped to see it.

More than that, she found she wished she had more time with her friends. Seeing Fluttershy's gentle smile. Enjoying Pinkie's parties while trying not to think about whatever mind-bending thing she was doing. Helping Rarity with those stupid dresses of hers. Arguing the finer points of aerobatics with Rainbow Dash. Working as a farmhand as she talked to Applejack. Talking about behavioral sciences with Twilight while being fascinated by everything that blinked and beeped.

She was directed to stand in the center of a square of marble tiles, which annoyed her. She wasn't stupid, obviously that was where she was going to be put, right where one would paint a bullseye.

The moon shone just behind a balcony, on which a half dozen backlit silhouettes stood. Well, five stood, one was flying. Those must be the bearers she thought. Intelligence from before the invasion had reported that, when Discord had been released, he had been sealed in stone by the same ponies that "defeated" Nightmare Moon, even though Celestia was still there.

The guards had already cleared out. They were hesitating, stalling. "Just get it over with" she said as she looked more closely.

"Silky, please don't say that," a soft voice said sadly.

Silk gasped. Her eyes widened as she recognized the six standing there. "No..."

Applejack, looking reluctant.
Pinkie smiling to herself, lost in her own little world.
Fluttershy, looking like she was going to cry (and probably was).
Rainbow Dash, angry at somepony.
Rarity, shaking her head.
And Twilight Sparkle, looking fiercely determined.

"What are you- why are you," Silk stammered. Suddenly something clicked.

Twilight Sparkle.

Student of Princess Celestia.

Sister of Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor

Element of Magic.

The one to expose the queen.

Which meant the others were also element bearers.

The changeling shook her head. She covered her flattened ears with her hooves, slumping forward, and squeezed her eyes tight, unable to bear looking. "No, no no no no no no no no no no, not you," she said. This whole time, she thought, am I really that blind?

"No!" Dash said aloud. "Forget this! I'm not doing it!" she said in protest. "I am NOT gonna use the Elements of Harmony on my friend!"

"It's alright, Dashie!" Pinkie chirped. "Everything works out peachy!"

"How could you POSSIBLY know that?!" the rainbow maned mare demanded.

"Well, I got an eye-twitch, pinchy-shoulder, tingly-hoof!"

"ARGH!" Rainbow groaned in frustration.

"It's okay," Silk said. "I guess... I guess my luck finally ran out."

She knew that they didn't want to do this. Even Twilight was putting up a front, judging by the conflicting emotions she could taste on her. Pinkie didn't seem worried at all, but trying to figure her out was an exercise in futility. Well, perhaps there was one thing predictable about her: Silk couldn't imagine that smile ever going away, not for long. She was glad she was still the happy-go-lucky pony she always was.

She offered a faint smile. "I guess after the worst luck in history, it turned right back around. I wouldn't have lasted a week if you hadn't found me... if you hadn't let me stay... if you hadn't been you... and I can't thank you enough for that. I know you don't want to do this, but it's okay. It really is."

"Aren't you scared?" Fluttershy asked tearfully.

"Yes I'm scared. Of course I'm scared. I'm shaking like a dragon just out of a lava bath, but still, it's okay. If I'm so marked, I couldn't bear it if you shared my fate because of me."

The element bearers exchanged looks of uncertainty and doubt, but also of confirmation. One by one they rose into the air, suspended by a powerful magic that even the magically unattuned changeling could feel.

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes, now glowing a brilliant white, and her determined look was gone, replaced by one of doubt. I'm sorry.

Silk braced herself on basic instinct as a spectrum of colors shot at her with incredible speed, warping and twisting around her as the world turned white before her eyes.

Thank you... and goodbye.

Silk was nowhere. It was a pure white plane, and she had no sense of time or direction. Already it felt like she had been there for months.

"Hmm. Well, where am I?" she asked herself.

"Want a hint?" a male voice said behind her. She whirled around and saw somepony she did not expect.

"Skitter?" she asked in disbelief.

"Well who else?" he said with a smile.

Silk sighed. "So I'm dead, then?"

He chuckled. "Well, it's a possibility. How do you know I'm not a hallucination brought on by your life flashing before your eyes?"

"Well if you were a figment of my imagination you wouldn't ask that question since you'd already know what I knew! Hah!" Silk smirked, thinking she'd won that logician's duel.

"Yeah but if I knew what you knew and... and if you knew that... oh forget it."

"You never were very good at that," she said. He really was just like she remembered him. "Hey, Skitter?" she asked aloud.


"I'm... I'm sorry. It's my fault you died. If I hadn't suggested we split up... if I had just been faster, you wouldn't have-"

The changeling boy put his hoof up to the girl's mouth to quiet her. "It worked out for the best. If we hadn't split up, you would have been caught at the same time I was. You would have died there. I wish you didn't have to get so hurt, but other than that, I wouldn't change a thing."

"It should have been you, though! It would have been better if you had lived, not me! You were always so much better than I was."

Skitter just shook his head. "Even if I could have traded places with you, I wouldn't have. Do you know what my bright side was? My reason to go on, no matter how hard things got?"

"No," she answered. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear.

"There were two. 'At least she's safe.' 'At least I'm with the one I love.'"

Silk sniffled. "You really are a fool. You never said anything."

Skitter closed his eyes. "It's one of two regrets I have," he said. "It started when we were just foals. I had lost both of my parents. They starved to death, and I was moments from beginning to spiral. Then out of the blue you came and offered me your apple. 'It could always get worse', you said, 'so be glad since it isn't.' You saved me that day, and since then I always tried to look at the bright side."

"I... don't remember that."

"Oh? Maybe your subconscious is-"

"Shut it."

He laughed. "Well, after that day I developed an infatuation, which is why I asked you to join me after your parents died. I hated seeing you sad. But it wasn't until the day those dragons started chasing us that I fell in love with you. I wanted to be by your side forever, lending you all the strength I had. That's my second, and greatest regret," he said.

"What is?"

Skitter looked around a bit. "I'm not sure why, but I think our time is almost up."

"What? Why?"

He didn't answer. "I'm sorry I left you alone. So terribly, terribly alone. Nopony should ever have to go through that... especially you."

Skitter began to slowly white out, and Silk could see her own hooves doing the same.

"But you weren't alone for long, and I'm glad because of that," he said with a smile. "You've made some wonderful friends, haven't you?"

"Yeah... I have. Goodbye."

"No, not goodbye. Until we meet again."

And they too faded to white.

"Silky!" Fluttershy cried as she flew, at speeds that even Rainbow Dash would find impressive, to her fallen friend. The others followed a split second later.

Silk lied on the ground, still as could be. The overwhelming power of the elements had overloaded her transformation, snuffing it out as easily as a hurricane would a birthday candle, leaving her in her changeling form.

They feared the worst for a moment. Then, her eyes slowly opened. "Where am I now?" she asked weakly.

"You're okay!" Pinkie and Fluttershy exclaimed at the same time, all six of them picking her up into a huge hug.

"What's going on? I don't understand, how can you all be here?" Silk asked confused.

"You never left," Luna said, dropping out of an invisibility spell cast by Maria, "and neither did I." She had immediately dropped the harsh tone she had taken before. There was no need for that act anymore, if there ever had been.

She was thankful that the elements hadn't done anything she had feared, but still, she very much doubted that the only effect was making her pass out for a couple seconds and dispelling her transformation. "I apologize for... everything. This terrible charade, these false pretenses, leading you all on as I did. My sister thought that the Elements of Harmony might help to heal what wounds were left on your heart. What did you see?"

The rest of the group looked on her with scorn, as she expected. Silk, however, looked more shocked than anything else. "I saw... somepony who passed away. I'm not sure what it was," she said.

Luna nodded. "It's anypony's guess, but I know what the elements are capable of. Better than anypony, perhaps. They are an instrument of harmony, obviously, but the way they work is unusual. They cast a spell of good, and of order, and work on each individual differently. Their results are always fitting and just... but for something comprised in part of kindness, they are shockingly cruel. Turning a being of lively chaos into stone, the most predictable, boring, orderly existance imaginable. Sealing a mare of the moon onto its surface for what would have been forever. Destroying one who escaped completely, just as her victory was within her reach. Terrible fates, every one.

The elements are the most powerful magic known to ponykind, and few things are beyond their capability. They may have simply given you the illusion of speaking with this individual, but I would guess that for a split second, the elements sent both of your spirits to converse, and work out any regrets you had to give peace to both of you. Still, to see a loved one come back, and to lose them again so swiftly," Luna said, tears welling up, "the elements are cruel indeed. Though, not as cruel as I have been."

The princess began to cry. Teardrops fell one after another down her cheeks, dripping to the floor like a leaky faucet. "I am so, so sorry. I know what it is like, to lose everypony you ever knew. To have your dreams plagued by endless torment. The maddening loneliness. The terrible silence that becomes a roar. It must have been... still must be like pretending you're blind while you know that you're simply in total darkness. Trying to fit in where you feel you were never meant to belong, a red piece in a puzzle of clear blue sky.

I did all of this to you, and perhaps inflicted upon your people a fate worse than death. I could say that we were at war, or that it was better to seal them away rather than lose more lives, but that does not suffice. There is no excuse for what I have done. For this travesty. For the third greatest mistake I have ever made. Nothing I do can ever atone for this. I am truly, truly sorry."

Silk sat down, conflicted. She was the enemy. The cruel creature that sent everypony she knew to Tartarus, whose military killed scores of her people, Skitter among them. The one who had ordered her flunkies to stalk her, and practically ordered her execution mere hours ago.

So why was she crying? She was supposed to be the villain! Silk could taste her emotions plain as day. She was supposed to scorn her, to be a tyrant, a demon. This wasn't how she was supposed to act! She wasn't supposed to show guilt, sorrow or regret. She wasn't supposed to have such overwhelming HATE for herself. She was supposed to be a monster, but... monsters don't cry. Especially not for others.

"Stop that," Silk said. "Stop crying! You can't cry, you're supposed to be the bad guy! You're supposed to be mean and evil, and... and... damn me, damn you!" she shouted. Now she began to cry, out of sympathy. For HER! "Oh great, now I'm crying! You're not supposed to feel like that. It's against the rules! I... I..." she sniffled.

The others looked on, silenced by this sudden display. Pinkie had materialized a handkerchief out of nowhere, and was moments away from spraying tears like a firehose. Rainbow Dash pretended that this wasn't affecting her, muttering something about onions under her breath. Rarity had also produced a handkerchief, though one more decorative, and was a bit more restrained than Pinkie. Applejack didn't know what to think, and Twilight almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was the same frail Princess Luna she had known on Nightmare Night, only with most of her ancient equestrian accent gone.

"I can't forgive what you've done... but I can forgive you. I must be INSANE, but I can forgive you. I want to hate you. I want to hate you so much it hurts, but I can't! I hate what you've done to me, to Skitter, to us, but I can't hate you!"

Luna nodded. "You're a better individual than I am, Silk. Now, before I lower the moon, you have two parts of your sentence left to serve."

Everypony's expressions turned to shock, especially Silk, who was now at a complete and utter loss for reading this princess, moving her into Pinkie's "don't think about it" category in an instant.

"Silk, I sentence you to become an official citizen of Equestria, with permanent residence in the town of Ponyville."

Everypony's jaws dropped, save Silk who was still trying to process what the alicorn was saying. After a few moments, the girls rushed into a group hug with their friend, all beaming around her and offering cheers and congratulations.

Twilight was the first to break the hug. She walked over to Luna and bowed. "Thank you, princess," she said.

The nocturnal demigoddess shook her head. "It is nothing other than formalizing what was already practically there, though I suppose I should mention that I'll send some assistance with that inn she's been thinking of to expedite the process. At any rate, there is one final sentence, a hair harsher than the last."

Everypony started paying attention again, and waited on bated breath. The only noise was from the celebrating citizens of Canterlot, who were quite wowed with the light show the elements of harmony had given them minutes earlier.

She addressed the changeling once more. "It has come to my attention that you have had a difficult time adjusting to life in Ponyville, just as I have had difficulties adjusting to the new ways of things. My sister asks each of your friends to write reports on the lessons they learn about the magic of friendship, I think it is fitting that you do the same, but I also task you with another thing. You are hereby sentenced to write reports to me on adjusting to this new lifestyle. Like I said, a hair harsher: I am giving you homework."

Luna looked to the moon after she said this. "It is time," she said to herself. She flew up and connected with the moon, horn alight, as she guided the silvery orb down below the horizon to rest for the day. Not ten seconds later did Celestia take her turn, taking to the skies with the sun following perfectly behind her, her body dramatically silhouetted against its bright light.

Luna looked to the sun that no longer burned her. "Two years ago today, I was given a second chance that I did not deserve. I think it fitting that on this day, you get one that you do. I do not agree with the implications of this phrase, but may this be the dawn of a new day for you, Silk."

"Huh? Of course it's the dawn of a new day."

Luna sighed and Twilight rolled her eyes. And here I thought I did not understand modern phrases, the princess thought. "Oh, never mind, then."

A few hours later, the girls (and Spike, who was found at Joe's complaining about being ditched again) returned home on the train as Luna watched it get smaller and smaller.

Celestia walked over to Luna. "I take it things went well?"

"Better than I expected I confess, but it was still terrible, sister," she replied. "She certainly has no trace left of whatever foul magic tainted her race. Your nigh-literal trial by fire ensured that. Still, we do not know what it was, or what caused it, and I've only a theory on why it disappeared."

"Does it truly matter, sister? Whatever it was is gone as surely as they are gone," Celestia said.

"It matters to me," Luna said. "Good morning, Tia. I grow weary, and shall retire early," she said with a yawn as she walked off to her chambers for the day.

Celestia was worried. Why did Luna obsess so over whatever this was? Since her return, had shared everything with her, more so than ever before, so why would she keep silent about this? Why did she deflect each time her older sister asked what troubled her? The regent of day could not, no, dared not force her way through this matter, for fear that she would drive her sibling further into solitude.

She would have to trust that Twilight Sparkle would solve this problem, and discover what weighed so heavily on Luna's mind. She could not make a move without it being seen by many, but hopefully her faithful student could slip by unnoticed, and she had a good idea where to start.