• Published 18th May 2012
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The Passing of Winter - Ponysopher

Luna goes to Ponyville while lamenting the end of the winter season

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The Passing of Winter

The days flew by too quickly for the princess of the moon. Now, it had come to be that time again, the month of March. As the days were progressing, Luna savored the last few days of winter, but as much as she wished time would mover slower, the day had come. It was the eve of the Winter Wrap Up. The following morning, the eldest unicorns in Canterlot would leave the gates of the city and ceremoniously wipe away all of the beauty of the present time. Spring would arrive abruptly and herald an end to the lovely winter that Luna had enjoyed for only such a short time. She did not want to see it go, and she had reasoned with her sister to try and persuade her to postpone the advent of spring, but the natural order of things would not be altered. In fact, the earth ponies had been begging her to hasten its coming so that they could start growing crops again.

Celestia reluctantly told her that such a favor could not be granted to her. Nor was this the first time that the sun princess told her so. In the same way it pained Luna, it broke Celestia’s heart to see her beloved sister mourn year after year for the passing of winter. She hated that she had to be the one to tell her sister that spring would come without fail, because she would be forced to look upon the desolate face before her again. The elder sister tried to comfort the younger to no avail. Luna simply pushed her good friend away and locked herself up in her chambers, posting a guard to bar herself inside for no less than a week.

This time, Celestia had anticipated that reaction. For both of their sakes, she suggested that Luna go visit Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville. She hoped that because the citizens of Ponyville did not wrap up winter with magic, but with their bare hooves, Luna would perhaps feel a bit differently about the change. While the rotation of seasons was only a ritualistic duty of the unicorns of Canterlot, the ponies in Ponyville cleaned the snow away joyously in celebration of the coming spring. Their merriment could be heard around the region and few could be sad while the happy songs flowed from their lips.

The sun princess was also hopeful that her faithful student would succeed where she failed. While she and Luna were fast rebuilding their relationship and were becoming like the close friends they once were, Luna had not yet completely overcome her bitterness from the Nightmare Moon incident. The blue alicorn took any advice that Celestia gave her as the commands of a parent rather than good-willed council from an equal. Such was not the case with Luna and Twilight. Were it not for the persistent mare, Luna would have remained a reclusive shut-in, hopelessly unable to relate with any of her subjects in a strange and different world than the one she had remembered.

But the unicorn took compassion on Luna and helped her to reconnect with the present world. Since October, their friendship had been growing, and to Celestia’s knowledge, Twilight sent a letter to Luna for every one she sent to her. Therefore, it seemed good to Celestia to send her depressed sister to Ponyville, where her spirits might be lifted.

♦ ♦ ♦

Luna reclined within her carriage en route to Ponyville, motionless and silent. Her head was pressed against the cloth that was held taught against the frame of the car, and she was gazing downward at the snow-covered ground. The lakes had long been frozen over, and the reflected sun was dimmed to just the right luminosity by the clouds. A couple of months ago, the roads would have had a few hoofprints from the few travelers who trekked over the expanse towards the homes of their loved ones to stay for the holidays. Now though, the white floor was smooth and absolutely unblemished, a perfect open plane, punctuated only by the occasional tree which was equally laden with snow. The pristine wonderland of soft, whiteness and ice somehow made her feel very warm. It was a comforting and peaceful sight, one that would soon be gone for a long while.

She filtered her ears for the slightest noise. To her pleasure, all that she could hear was the gentle sound of the wind in the high part of the sky passing around the carriage. The world below was absolutely calm and quiet. The serenity had endured for three and a half months now and Luna could not conceive the thought of it leaving so soon. This incredible beauty is almost surreal, she thought. Why would anypony wish to rid themselves of such wonder?

At dusk, she arrived in Ponyville at the tree house of Twilight, who greeted her with a welcome fit for a princess. Then she ushered her inside, claiming that the princess of the night would not wish to remain outside in the cold. The unicorn showed Luna that she had a spare bed within her bedroom that she, herself would be using while Luna used her queen size bed. The blue mare gazed over the comforter of the bed, which was decorated to look like the night sky. She was very pleased with its accuracy and thanked Twilight for her hospitality. While the sun was still in the sky, they spent a little while conversing. The alicorn deliberately avoided talking about the weather and they quickly moved on to a lengthy discussion of magical theory.

Soon after Luna raised the moon, Twilight turned in for the night, saying that she wanted to wake up early. Luna bade her good night and walked up the stairs of the tree to the observatory at its top. For a good while, the moon princess stared at the multitude of stars in the night sky that she had created. She examined each constellation and greeted each star by its name. The heavenly lights' names when ordered properly told a story, one that she knew well. It was a good and comforting tale, and as she read it, she became somewhat relieved.

She then looked out over the town. Snow still covered the roads and fields and reflected light easily so that it was a very bright night. Unlike Canterlot, which boasted only buildings of gold and purple, the charming town was filled with color from all the buildings that were painted with many different hues and shades revealed by the street lamps. All was hushed and tranquil and the cool air brushed gently across her face. The combination of the starlit heavens, the snowy ground, and the multicolored town served to make her feel happy for the moment. This was truly a sight that all had to see. Ponyville on the last night of winter was stunning.

Of course though, everypony was asleep and not just because it was the Eve of Winter Wrap Up. Nopony was ever awake to enjoy the night with her. Nopony ever looked up at the beauty in the night sky or traversed the streets after the setting of the sun. She was the one, lone soul there to enjoy the secrets and mysteries of the time past the twilight. However, despite her musing on her life’s lamentation, she was beginning to feel a touch of drowsiness herself. She had awoken at midday to make the journey to Ponyville and a chariot ride is never a good occasion to try and sleep. Soon, being unable to remain awake, she made her way to Twilight’s bed and lay down. Sleep soon overtook her and she fell into dream.

Luna’s sleeping visions were full of dark memories, the horrors of war. Twenty-five thousand mail-clad ponies standing in a field with the scalding, radiant sun of midsummer beating down upon them … horns piercing flesh and wounding enemies that were once friends … spells annihilating whole regiments in an inferno of appalling intensity which could be felt across the planes … a broken pony lying on the crimson ground hyperventilating, suffering from the unbearable pain and immense heat of the day: Summer, the season that the rulers go off to war.

With time, her nightmares from which she could not awake gave way to memories of peace, the morbid age giving way to the time of falling leaves. Conflicts drew scarcer and were limited to skirmishes. The beautiful hues and colors of the autumn diverted her from the present sufferings. Luna pushed forward when the time was right, advancing eastward upon the queenly city from the Everfree … more war, more pain, more agony. It had gone on for years. Why would it stop now?

Then it began to snow. The sky had grown weary of the war and let down frozen tears. It was gentle at first and Luna continued on, plundering the old Fillydelphia. Seeing this tragedy, the sky became deeply sad and its light tears became a great blizzard. All the army was forced to retreat into Fillydelphia or risk freezing to death. The age of snow lasted for a long while. While she thought it would clear up, the seasons did not change for a long time. This was Equestria’s first experience with windigoes since its foundation. The terrible frost-demons descended upon the city, but Luna fought against them with godlike strength and determination. Though their power over the cold was strong, her bitterness had become rage and burned furiously against them. For six days, snow poured down, but on the dawn of the seventh day, everything was calm. The windigoes were routed, but the snow remained unmelted.

Luna had survived the storm, but her way forward was blocked. All operations stopped and everything became still. Luckily, the city was well supplied and her soldiers could survive a long while. So they waited out the winter there. These were the most peaceful days for Luna in the age of her bitterness. While she was in agony all the while, she was comforted by the peace of the winter. The serenity and beauty of the world around her distracted her from her troubles and she began to feel better. She climbed to the highest tower of the city and overlooked the blocked fields leading to Canterlot. As she was musing, she thought, Should this snow ever clear up, I shall return to Tia and pursue peace. The wonders of this ceasefire change my mind.

Though out of the silence came a faint noise. At first Luna paid no attention to it, but it soon increased in volume. She thought it would pass and continued to ignore it, but it persisted and increased in volume still. Suddenly the world of pristine white around her became a nightmare. The white ground became crimson and then sky became black. Yet despite the horrible changes in the heavens and on the ground, there something that horrified Luna even more. The noise was not unintelligible, but there were words in it. It was these words which were full of terrible and morbid themes that tormented Luna even more than the vision. She covered her ears, but the noise came through just as loud. The ground below was set ablaze. The tower that she stood in collapsed and fell towards the sea of fire.

She woke up with a jolt. She noticed that she was once more in Twilight’s house and had been dreaming, but to her astonishment, the noise was still assaulting her ears. When she searched for its source, she looked around and discovered that the noise was coming from outside. She went over to the window and looked outdoors.

The whole town of Ponyville was outside and was working away to wrap up winter. This much Luna discovered immediately. The pegasus ponies were clearing away the clouds and letting the blinding morning sun into her eyes. The earth ponies were clearing the fields of snow and the breaking up the ice. From the height of her position, she also saw her host coordinating the effort. All this she understood just by looking, but what she could not understand was what else they were doing. Each and every resident of the town was singing. Nor were they singing a mournful song, but they were happily proclaiming the details that led up to winter’s end.

Their words cut deep into Luna’s heart. Here they were, the executioners of the season, and they were merrily singing about it. Such acts were simply unheard of to Luna. Luna didn’t want to hear anymore and jammed two pillows over her ears and planted her face in the bed sheets. The ponies outside continued their duty, and Luna did her best to shut out their happy song which was so full of grim detail. The event went on all day and Luna barely moved for hours.

♦ ♦ ♦

Twilight returned during the evening, humming the tune that had been sung all day. Luna had taken time to make some tea and was reclining in a chair at the table with a glum look on her face. The purple mare immediately noticed the dissatisfaction and saw to her guest. “Princess Luna,” she said. “You’re awake. I thought you wouldn’t be up for a few hours.”

“I did not sleep well yesterday and dreamt through last night instead. I plan to resume the norm the following morning.”

“Oh, did you sleep well then?”

“I managed to last through the night without waking; however, when the rather horrid singing began, I could do nothing else but awaken.”

Twilight took a seat in the chair opposite to the princess. “Well I’m sorry we woke you, but you didn’t like the song? Everypony else seems to be fine with it.”

Luna scoffed. “I find it difficult to deny the converse. I admit the tune was happy, but the lyrics were simply saturnine.”

Twilight was taken aback by this. “I’m a little confused princess. The song was about welcoming spring, the season that brings life to the world.”

“Hah. What thou callest the joyful advent of life, I call the death of peace.”

“I take it you aren’t a fan of spring then?”

Luna sighed and took a sip of tea. “Wouldst thou like some?” She asked, offering to pour Twilight a cup.

“I would, thank you.”

Luna poured the hot liquid into the teacup and levitated it to her host. She then answered, “”Tis not that I dislike spring so much as I mourn the passing of winter. Although I do hate the summer, winter’s foul opposite.”

“May I ask why?”

Luna took another sip. While she may have been depressed, the drink helped her so that now she was at least in the mood to talk. “As thou may have noticed, Twilight Sparkle, I am not in the happiest of moods now. Only yesterday I looked outside and enjoyed to its fullest extent the wonder that is winter. The night before, I walked outside the city into the forest and marveled at the beauty of the snow laden trees. Though what I truly loved was the peace and quiet.

“But now, all that hath been swept away as a dream. Very soon the foals and ponies will venture outdoors and play, forsaking any pursuits they once had indoors. As time progresseth, this spring will give rise to awful summer when they shall run to the beaches, screeching and squealing. All day they will make noise and play, doing nothing productive. Thus I lament that they do not realize the beauty of calmness that they so willingly love in the winter.”

Twilight then asked, “So you don’t like spring because it brings summer, and you don’t like summer because it’s full of too much life? Isn’t that a little boring? I don’t like ponies disturbing the peace as much as anypony else, but to have no fun at all seems a little sad even.”

Luna continued. “I am saddened that no pony desires that peace should be upheld and that all should remain tranquil. However, I do not believe it should always be so; for as there is a time for peace, there is a time for celebration and merrymaking. There is a day for revelry and an hour to shout wildly for joy. These things I do not hate; be that far from it. I love them. Thou, thyself witnessed this when I very much enjoyed myself at the last party thrown by your friend, Pinkie Pie. I love to have fun, to exit from the library and loosen myself after a long era of studying and scouring the myriads of tomes for a single clue in my research.”

Hearing this, Twilight asked, “So then what problem do you have with winter if you don’t have a problem with having fun?”

“There needs must be a balance between peace and livelihood, but with the way that this world is, there is no such balance. Summer doth not last for three months, but rather nine. Every day that is not wintry is summery for Equestria and its inhabitants act accordingly. Though spring hath only just sprung, soon all in the world will be making fools of themselves. Such activity shall continue until the glorious advent of the next winter.”

The alicorn’s tone changed to one that was almost pleading. “Lovest thou not sitting in front of thy home’s door and gazing out at the snowy expanse during the winter? Enjoyest thou not the pure silence which ensueth after the blizzard? All of the stress in the world was upon your shoulders. Thy foes were steadfastly advancing and chaos was upon thy doorstep, but with the winter, all is at peace and thine enemies have been subdued. Thou needest not worry over tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. All that remaineth then is absolute and lasting peace.”

Twilight mused for a moment. “I guess you bring up a good point. Everything does seem to move slower in the winter and is a little less stressful. When I think about it, it's like every day of the year is a constant fight. You have to move and get your work done now or the world leaves you behind, but when December comes, ponies aren’t so tenacious about getting things done. I guess the only exception to that is preparing for Hearthswarming Eve.”

“Yes, dear Twilight, but even with that, there is a kind of peace that cometh along, though it be a different kind. That which I speak of is the security of togetherness. In the heat of summer, ponies abandon each other to pursue their own amusement, but in the winter, families come together. When the snow falls, ponies will journey through Tartarus to be in the houses of their friends and family. It is true that the season may treasure solitude just as well, but simultaneously it convocateth ponies. Thus we can forgive the worrisome bustle of Hearthswarming Eve because it gives us something just as good.”

Twilight, now believing that she had wrapped her mind around Luna’s thoughts, asked “So you hate summer because it’s stressful and love winter because it’s mostly calm?”

“That is half of it. It is pleasing for the nerves, but it is also pleasing for other reasons. Dost thou not dislike the unkind sun shining in thine eyes in the summer?”

“Yes, I suppose I do like it when there’s a little cloud cover.”

Luna chuckled. “Forebear, Twilight. Thou art the student of the sun. It would not doeth well for thee to speak ill of Celestia.” She laughed when Twilight blushed. “This returneth us to my love of the night. In the same way that the night is beautiful, the cloudy days of winter are beautiful. Knowest thou why this is?”

“I can’t say that I do, Princess.”

“The day is not the time when the sun is in the sky, nor is the night the sum of hours when the moon is present in heaven. In the place of these common definitions, the day is light and the night is darkness. By nature, light revealeth, but darkness concealeth. Thus what is found in the day is no great prize, but what is found in the night is a treasure worthy of queens. So it is with winter. The cloudy sky is the perfect balance of darkness and light, not too bright nor too dark. Therefore, whatever one doth see under the winter sky is valuable because of the dark, and those valuable things will be easier to find because of the light. Dost thou see now why winter is so precious to me?”

After considering what Luna had said, Twilight understood and answered, “Yes, Princess.”

“Then thou knowest why I lament its death.”

“I do.” There was a long period of silence. As though to confirm the despondent words of the moon princess, they heard the occasional sound of a foal laughing and the sound of hooves pounding on the cobblestone outside. The two sat in punctually interrupted silence for a while. As night drew closer, Luna readied herself to perform her duty.

It was then that Twilight said, “I think I may have thought of something to make you feel better, Princess.”

Luna paused, but then asked, “What might that be Twilight?”

“You love the night because it gives a break from day, right?”

“That is part of the reason.”

“Well, doesn’t the length of the wait for winter make the season that much more special?”

The alicorn, who had been looking sadly sober all the while, suddenly looked curious. “I believe I see thy thoughts, but do continue.”

Twilight continued, “Without pain, we couldn’t know pleasure. For you, summer is pain and winter is pleasure. So the long summer makes winter so much more special because it’s so brief. No day is special if every other day is just like it. So the days in winter are more special because they’re not only different, but also scarcer than summer’s days. If it’s winter, you can savor the beauty, but if it’s summer, you have something to look forward to.”

Luna was silent for a moment as her mind processed what she was hearing. Then slowly a smile crept across her face until she was grinning. With a lighthearted voice, she said, “Thou hast spoken well, Twilight. I have lived for many years, but in all my time, I have never heard one reason so well on this subject. I have spoken with Celestia all this time, but she hath not been able to give such an answer for my heartbreak.”

Twilight smiled as well. “I’m glad I could help, Princess Luna.”

Luna went on to raise the moon, heralding the first night of the summer. Atop Twilight’s observatory, wide awake, Luna stared into the wondrous night sky. When she thought about why she had come to Ponyville, she remembered that Celestia had suggested the idea to her. She laughed when she realized that her sister had foreseen this. She returned to Canterlot the following morning and slept through the day. When night came, she gazed outward from her balcony and observed the lush green fields outside the walls of the city. Even in the dark, she could see the flowers that were starting to pop up and the trees which were regrowing their leaves. Seeing these things, she smiled. Perhaps there was beauty to be found in spring as well.