• Published 20th May 2012
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No energy and no time. - Uzlesniz Savage

Twilight can feel when her friends are going to leave her, but when the time comes,will she be ready

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No energy and no time.

When Twilight grew old, she knew her time would come, and that was a scary thought. But she hoped that she would pass happy, with friends and family at her side. When Rainbow died trying to do a trick she said was awesome, Twilight knew that her friend's times would come as well. She didn't like to think like that, but she knew it and so did everypony else. When her husband died of old age, about 5 years ago, she felt alone ,but Luckily her friends still lived in ponyville and they stayed in touch and their friendship blossomed again. Pinkie decided to throw a party for their friendship and lives together. Everypony decided to show up: colgate, Lyra and Bon-Bon, Ditzy and DInky, Almost everypony in ponyville showed up for the biggest party in ages. They reminisced about old times, and it was the grandest thing pinkie could think of, Just sitting around, hanging out with friends and having the most fun she's had in ages. And when the party was coming to an end she laid down and said,” I’ll be fine, I just need to rest to get back some energy." Yet somehow, Twilight knew that she was going to a never ending party, in a better place. She told all of her friends to say goodnight to pinkie and tell her how much they cherished and loved her. Pinkie didn't know why they were doing this, but she didn't care. She felt loved, and she passed with the biggest smile she had ever smiled on her face, just as she tried to give so many ponies. Twilght let one single tear fall for her beloved friend.

Applejack was the next to leave, but she left like she wanted to and doing what she did her whole life, working at sweet apple acres. She was old and her, big mac, and applebloom had to run the farm because Granny Smith had passed a while ago. But when applejack told big mac to take these apples to town for applebloom to sell, she yawned and said to big Mac, “I’m gonna lay down for a while, to get some energy back" And again, Twilight knew that this was her one last chance to say hello and goodbye to her close friend, so she went to go see her. They talked for a little while, and Applejack loved having company. Ever sence her children had left and rainbow died, she had only big mac and applebloom to talk to. She and her talked for hours, under the same tree. Finally, the time for her to fall asleep came, and both of them knew it, so she said goodbye to her long time friend. She fell asleep under the same tree they met under, and she let one tear roll down her face for her friend.

Rarity passed next, and she also died doing what she loved, making a dress. But she passed right before finishing Sweetie Belle's wedding dress. Her little sister finnaly found a colt to spend the rest of her life with, just as rarity had wanted to her whole life. Her and spike tried dating, and it went well for two years, but when spike left to be with all of the other dragons, rarity said she would wait for him, And she was fateful to her word. He said her would try to return, but couldn't make it. She told sweetie belle that she was just laying down to get back the energy needed to put the finishing touches on her dress, and sweetie belle had to leave to help Scootaloo. So they said there goodbyes and for sweetie belle to return the next day for her dress. But when Twilight got there, she didn't have the strenght for it, so she asked if Twilight could help out an old friend and put the glitter on the dress, so she helped out and finished the dress. Twilight returned to rarity's side and they chatted for about 30 mins, and by doing so, twilight felt closer to rarity because they talked about rarity's hopes and dreams. They talked about all that rarity had done and about everyone she had helped. She felt weak and decided it was time for a nap. Twilight said goodbye and left Rarity's boutique for the last time, waving goodbye to her long time friend, and letting one single tear fall.

Now at fluttershy's cottage: twilight knows that this might be the last time to say hello before her time comes, so she wants to make this the nicest day of her life. Not just because they were such good friends, but that fluttershy deserved it. She was always there for her when she needed it, and she wanted to be there for her now because she might not know when they'll see each other again. Fluttershy made them some breakfast and then they sat down to do some sewing, which flutters took up after rarity passed on. Fluttershy was a smart mare, so she knew something was up, but wanted to see if twilight would tell her what it was.

"Hey twilight, why are you doing this, I like having you here in all, but I thought that you liked to do magic, not sew?"

It was true, she did prefer to do magic then knitting one and pearling two, but this might've been the last time they spend together.

"Well, I felt like hanging out with one of my closest friends and doing something new. Is that a crime?" She giggled at the little joke she had made.

"No, I enjoy spending time with friends, Even if they can't talk back." She pointed at angel, lying still on the couch, staring at the mares at the table. Angel looked sad, but was able to throw up a faint smile and waved at them. The mares waved back and the rest of the day was spent having as much fun as possible and reminiscing about old times with friends.

As the night came to an end, twilight couldn't hold back her tears any longer, and as they hugged goodnight, twilight started to cry. Fluttershy now knew what she was crying about, and gave the biggest hug she had ever given, and twilight returned the hug. Twilight started to walk home to her library, and once she was out of view, fluttershy went to say goodnight to all of the animals and then went inside to say goodnight to angel. She went to lie down in bed, and as she got comfortable, angel hopped up onto the bed and fell asleep in fluttershy's arms. Fluttershy laid her head down, smiling at the world, just as pinkie used to, and she felt so loved.

Twilight got to the library to find her granddaughter sitting on her couch. When she walked in she was embraced by the little filly, who wasn’t any older than 6 or 7. She wanted to say goodnight to her grandma before she left tomorrow for Celestia's magic school. Twilight read dawn her favorite bedtime story, and before she had finished, dawn spoke up.

"I love you grandma. Promise me we'll talk to each other again?" she said yawning.

"I promise” said twilight pushing her dawn's hair out of her face. Dawn fell asleep with the biggest smile she had ever had on her face. So twilight kissed her forehead and teleported her home She let only one tear roll down her cheek because she knew that her life was lived to the fullest. Then, as happy as she could be, twilight layed down for what she knew would be the best night's sleep she would ever have. But she didn't know this by herself, she knew because all of her friends were there, watching her and smiling at her. She closed her eyes and whispered, “I Loved my life" and fell asleep to the nicest, most peaceful sleep she ever would have.