• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,581 Views, 95 Comments

MLP Adventures: Vacation With The Princesses - Dante24

Princess Celestia and Luna invites Spike along on their vacation to Vanhoover.

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Chapter 6

Spike and Luna were enjoying a nice quiet day while Celestia went into town to run a quick errand. Out of nowhere Spike burped up a letter from Celestia; apparently construction on the Starswirl The Bearded museum has been completed and the grand opening will be held later this evening. The two were to meet up with Celestia in town so they could go shopping for new outfits for the special occasion.

Of course, Spike and Luna couldn’t be more excited hearing this. They dropped everything they were doing, locked up the cabin, and quickly left for the city.


While flying over the city, both Spike and Luna noticed a large group of ponies all gathered outside the mayor’s office holding up signs and yelling. Apparently, it was the same group of ponies they saw protesting the other day when they were on there way to the aquarium. This time there appeared to be more of them and they seemed to be even more angry than before. Seconds later, a large carriage pulled up and was soon being surrounded by the yelling protesters.

“That doesn’t look good.” said Spike.

“Better put a stop to this before it get ugly.” Luna said as she began to fly down to the street.

The protesters began throwing rocks, garbage, and yelling at the carriage while some were trying to violently knock it over while the stallion that was pulling the carriage somehow managed to get away. Luna and Spike landed on top of the carriage getting the attention of all the protesters. “CEASE THIS NONSENCE, NOW!” Luna yelled in her royal Canterlot voice causing all of the protesters to run away in fear.

The carriage door slowly opened and a light pink mare with a mint green mane and tail walked out. She was an earth pony around the same age as Mayor Mare back in Ponyville, and judging by what she was wearing, she was the mayor of this city. Luna and Spike floated off the carriage to greet her. “P-Princess Luna, I can’t thank you enough.”she said as she bowed.

“What was that all about?” Luna asked.

“Just some citizens a little unhappy with me at the moment.” she answered as if it was no big deal.

“A “little unhappy”?” said Spike. “That’s not what it looked like from where we were.”

“Well, yes I admit that the decisions I’ve made aren’t that popular with most ponies here, but they were made with the best intentions.”

“What kind of decisions?” asked Luna.

“Let’s go into my office.” said the mayor. “I’ll explain there.” Luna and Spike followed the mayor into the building, not realizing that the entire time they were being watched by one of the protesters who was hiding in a nearby alley. It was a gray stallion with a white mane and tail. He ran through the alley until he made it to what looked like an abandoned factory building, but actually it was the protesters headquarters. The gray stallion walked into the main office to speak to their leader. The same orange unicorn who was leading a group of protesters the other day.

“Ma’ma, I think we may have a problem.” said the stallion.

“What is it?” she asked urgently.

“One of the princesses appeared out of no where and helped save the mayor. I fear that she may have asked them for help.”

The leader of the protesters growled lightly. “I was afraid this would happen. We need to act fast, send word to the others that we move to plan B.”

The stallion nodded and quickly left the room while the leader walked to the window behind her and stared out at the city. “Call the entire royal Canterlot army of you want, we will not yield to you.” she thought.


“Wait you’re trying to pass a law that does WHAT?!” yelled Spike.

“Why would you even DO such a thing?” Luna asked in disbelief of what she was hearing.

“It’s in the best interest of the citizens.” said the mayor.

“How is THAT in the best interest of the citizens?” asked Spike.

“You don’t understand.” the mayor sighed as she got up from her desk and went to look out of the her window. “There’s a crisis on our hooves and nopony has done anything about it. What I’m doing will not only set everypony in the right direction, but will save them too.”

“What about a businesses of the ponies in this city?” asked Spike. “Have you once thought about how this would effect them once that bill is passed into law?”

“Long ago, when I was just a filly, Vanhoover was considered to the poorest city in all of Equestria, and now we rival that of Manehatten.” she explained. “I have no doubt in my mind that they will find away to benefit from this.”

Looking up at the clock, the mayor gasped and quickly retrieved a folder from her desk. “Look, I wish I could stay but I have to get going to the town meeting. We’re voting on the bill now and have the deciding vote.” Spike and Luna followed the mayor outside where she discovered her carriage broken into pieces and on fire. Luna quickly used her magic to put out the fire while the mayor held out her hoof to call a cab. Though they didn’t agree with her, Spike and Luna followed the mayor all the way to the town meeting hall keeping an eye out for any attacks by the protesters.


At the meeting hall, the mayor was greeted by two sides of ponies. One side was praising and cheering her on, while the other side was doing the exact opposite. With Luna and Spike behind her, the group made it inside the building and was met with the same reaction. To the left ponies who support the mayor and to the right ponies to rejected her. “We better tell sister what’s going.” Luna suggested.

She called over one of the security guards and asked for a quill, some ink, and piece of paper which he gladly handed over. Spike quickly wrote and sent a letter to Celestia explaining where they were, what was going on and that they would be a bit late in meeting her.

The mayor took her seat along side the rest of the council members. “Now that we are all here, let’s get this meeting underway.” she announced. The room erupted with yells from both sides.

Outside at the back entrance, one of the security guards stepped out for a bit when he was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a bush. After a brief struggle three stallions came out all wearing masks in order to hide their faces. They walked into the building and began making their way to the meeting room; being careful as to not alert the other guards.

Back in the meeting room, the debate on the new law came to it’s end and it was time to vote on it. The council members were divided and it all came down to the mayor to make the deciding vote. Just as she was about to make, Luna notice the door entrance opening just a bit and a round object the size of a beach ball came rolling in. The object rolled all the way to the middle of the room and just sat there for a while. No pony except for Luna noticed it. They were all to busy getting ready to react to the mayor’s decision. “Princess, what it?” asked Spike. Just then the mysterious round object started shaking a bit causing Luna’s eyes to widen.

“Spike close your eyes!” she yelled as she used her body to shield him. The round object was a flash bomb. A huge white light exploded from the object temporally blinding everypony in the room causing all of them to scream out in pain. At the point the three stallions ran in at full speed. They managed to grab the mayor by wrapping her up and putting her in a bag. They were about to leave when they were confronted be Luna.

“Where do you think you’re going?” she asked in an intimidating voice.

One of the stallions stepped forward. “I’ll hold her off you guys stick to the plan.” He charged at Luna tackling her to the ground which only served to piss her off.

HOW DARE YOU!” she yelled in her canterlot royal voice. Luna grabbed him by the neck and threw him across the room. The stallion quickly recovered and began charging at Luna again while his friends managed to get passed her. They were almost at the exit when one of them was hit with a heavy object causing them to fall over dropping the mayor. Looking up they saw Spike quickly releasing the mayor from the bag she was in, but before Spike could use his claws to cut the ropes to free her, he was grabbed from behind and thrown against a wall. When Spike his the wall, he accidentally released a small blast of fire from his mouth; hitting one of the stallions and setting his flank on fire.

The stallion started running around the room screaming in pain while his friend ran behind him trying to help. Back with Luna’s fight, she was once again knocked over by the stallion who then grabbed a wooden chair. With all his might, he swung the chair at Luna who quickly caught it with both her hooves. The two were standing up on their hind legs struggling for control of the chair. Luna could have ending the fight with one magical blast, but there was one major problem; the room was still filled with ponies who were still recovering from the light bomb, and Luna didn’t want to risk hurting them. The stallion let go of the chair and managed to kick one of Luna’s legs causing her to tumble over backwards. In that instant, Luna tossed the chair behind her breaking it, then grabbed the stallion as she fell on her back. She put her right hind leg against him and with one strong push as she landed on her back, launched him right over her sending him right into the wall on the other side of the room.

Back with Spike, he ran over to the mayor and freed her from her binds. “T-thank you.” she said.

“Don’t thank me yet.” said Spike. “Let’s get you out of here first.” One of the other stallions noticed Spike helping the mayor to her hooves.

“No, she’s freed!” he yelled.

After saving his friend from his burning butt, both stallions ran towards Spike and the mayor. Luna grabbed a large piece of the broken wooden chair and was about to throw it when she was suddenly hit from behind by the stallion she was fighting with. The force of the impact threw her aim off and piece of the wooden chair wound up hitting a power breaker causing a black out right at the same time the two stallions leaped into the air and landed on Spike and the mayor.

It was pitch black. You couldn’t see anything. But you could here everypony screaming and panicking at the thought that they were permanently blind. There was a loud struggle then one of the stallions yelled out “WE GOT HER LET’S GO!”.

The two managed to find their way out of the room and down the hallway leaving Luna and all the other ponies in the dark, that is until the backup generator kicked in and the lights came back on. Luna rose to her hooves and observed the damage. At that point, five security guards came in and approached her.

“P-Princess Luna, w-what happened here?” he asked.

“That stallion over there and his friends managed to ponynap the mayor of this city.” she explained as she pointed her hoof towards him. “Unfortunately, the other two got away...apprehend him immediately.”

“Ma’am!” all five guards said at once. They went to the stallion, picked him up and began taking him outside so that the police could deal with him. Luna began looking around the room as all the ponies began making their way outside. Walking towards the exit, she noticed a mare she never expected to see...the mayor of Vanhoover. Luna’s eyes went extremely wide upon seeing her.

“To think they would go this far.” the mayor grumbled.

“W-what? I thought they ponynapped you.” Luna said in disbelief.

“They would have...if it wasn’t for the help of that brave little dragon. Say....where is he anyway?”

Luna’s eyes widen even more. Her heartbeat stopped for a few seconds and she began breathing at a very fast pace.


Outside, Princess Celestia landed in front of the meeting hall. The first thing she saw was amongst the confusion was a stallion being put in back of a police carriage. She walked up towards of the police ponies in hopes for some answers. “Um, excuse me.” she said. “Do you mind telling me what happened?”

“P-Princess Celestia.” said the police mare. “Of course. Apparently, this stallion here and his friends tried to stage a ponynapping of the mayor, but thanks to your sister and her little dragon friend they failed.”

Before Celestia had time to reacted to what was told to her, Luna came bursting out of the building with a loud explosion making a giant hole. She a dark blue aura surrounded her body as she landed, her eyes glowing a bright white color, and her face admitting pure unadulterated rage. Looking the carriage, and charged right through it, grabbing the stallion, and tackling him to the ground. He looked up at her in purest fear imaginable.

“Where is he?” she said in a dark cold whisper.

“I-I d-d-don’t k-know w-w-w-what y-you’re t-t-talking....”


The stallion was just about to wet himself when Celestia ran up to her sister. “LUNA STOP THIS!” she yelled. Luna snapped her head looking at her sister. The dark blue aura slowly disappearing and her eyes returning to normal but the anger stayed there.

“What do you think your doing?”

“Sister, they...they...THEY TOOK SPIKE!”

Celestia’s eyes widen as she too felt her heartbeat stop for a few seconds. “W-WHAT!?”


The two stallions made it to the abandoned factory and was welcomed with applause by the other protesters. They set the bag down and their leader approached them. “Sorry we took so long.” one of them explained. “We ran into a bit of trouble.”

“Trouble?” asked their leader. “What kind of trouble...and where is.....?”

“Princess Luna tried to stop us, we managed to getaway with mayor but Blitz didn’t.”

“I see.” she said. “Then we have to move, it won’t take long before they find out where we are.” The leader walked passed the two stallions and slowly approached the moving bag and using her horn, she lifted it. There were loud gasps from most of the ponies and all eyes widened when they noticed that it wasn’t the mayor but a baby dragon. “W-WHAT IS THIS?!” she yelled. “WHO ARE YOU? WHERE’S THE MAYOR?!”

The leader looked back at the two stallions with anger streaming in her eyes. “Oh, no.” one of them said. “We must have captured him by mistake when the lights went out.”

“YOU WHAT!?” she yelled.

Spike looked around and saw all the protesters and their signs. “Y-you're the ones who ordered the ponynapping of the mayor.” he asked. “Who are you?”

“I’ll ask the questions here.” the leader said looking back at Spike. “Who are you?”

Spike didn’t answer.

“Hey, I’ve seen him before!” yelled a random stallion from the crowd. “He was with the princesses during the chaos at the amusement park a few days ago.”

Hearing that Spike was with the princesses started to seriously frighten the protesters. The last thing they wanted was to anger the rulers of the country; who knows what could happen to them. That fear alone was more then enough to get them all to start panicking but the leader stomped her hoof on the ground getting their attention.

“That’s enough!” their leader yelled. “Don’t let one small mishap get the best of you!”


“Look, I’ll handle it okay.” she tried to reassure them. “We didn’t come this far to give up now.”

It was at this point the Spike took this opportunity to try and escape. It didn’t matter that even if he left the building, he would have no idea where he was or where to go; all he knew was that he had to get away from them. Spike was almost out the door when somepony yelled out... “HE’S GETTING AWAY!”


Spike ran through the doors and down the stairs as fast as his little legs could take him; however running downstairs, no matter who you are, is never a good idea. Spike managed to trip and tumble all the way down until he hit the bottom. He had a couple bruises on him but none too serious. He continued his escape attempt just as the protesters started coming through. Running through the hallway, Spike came across a closet door and with no where else to go he ran in to hide just as the protesters passed him up. Spike locked the door, walked all the to the back end, and sat down against the wall breathing hard after all the running he did. Looking to his left, he saw a quill, some ink, and an old scroll of paper sitting on a small desk. Spike knew he had to act quickly; it wouldn’t be long before they found him. Sitting at the desk, Spike began to hastily write a letter to Celestia, but in his haste, Spike accidentally knocked over the small jar of ink shattering it on the floor. The noise caught the attention of the protesters who were just outside the door.

“What was that?”

“I think it came from here.”

Spike stared at the door as the protesters tried to open it. From wiggling the doorknob to banging on the door as hard as they can, they tried to get in. Spike didn’t have enough time left; he had to finish writing the letter.

With one final bang, the protesters forced the door open and saw Spike sitting in the corner.



Just as the charged at him, Spike quickly wrapped up the letter and blew fire on it; sending it to Celestia. The Protesters grabbed Spike and threw him to the ground. After a brief struggle, they brought him back upstairs to their leader with no idea that he just called for help.


At the police station, the stallion that was caught was in an interrogation room with police chief for a while now. Celestia and Luna were impatiently waiting just outside the room for some answers. Celestia nervously pacing back and forth while Luna was simply tapping her hoof rapidly on the ground. Moments later, the chief stepped out of the room and confronted the princesses. “I’m sorry, not only didn’t he give me anything but he asked for a lawyer.”

Luna growled with anger and began to walk pass the chief. “Luna, where are you going?” asked Celestia.

“Isn’t it obvious sister?” she said. “I’m going into that room and beat an answer out of him if I have to.”

Celestia understood her sister’s anger and frustration; she felt the same way, but there was no way she could allow her to do what she wanted to do. The law is the law after all and they were not above it. Celestia quickly went over to her sister to stop her when suddenly and small green fire aura appeared right in front of her. There was a quick flash and then a wrapped up piece of paper appeared. Celestia knew instantly who sent this. Using her magic, she opened it up and read....

Dear Princess Celestia,

I’m in some kind of abandon factory of some kind with the ponies who tried to ponynap the mayor. Please help!

“Spike’s in an abandon factory!” she yelled and caught Luna’s attention.

“Abandon factory...WHERE”!

“I don’t know, he didn’t say.”

Luna quickly looked over at the officer. “How many abandon factories are in this city?”

“Three.” the officer answered. “There’s one on the west side, one on the north side and the last is on the east side.”

“Sister, you check the west and I’ll go east!” Before the police chief could say he’ll gather some officers to search the north, both sisters were gone. Luna flew for east side of town and Celestia headed for the west.

Stay strong Spike.” Celestia thought. “We’re on our way.”

Author's Note:

Next chapter coming.......eventually