• Published 18th May 2012
  • 4,859 Views, 200 Comments

Violet Fire - Nagagon

Spike hits a deadend on his love for Rarity. And who might this strange scarred unicorn be?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Gemstones and Unexpected events

The Ponyville Park had always been a place where Spike, the baby dragon, would go with his friends to gather and to have fun. They would play games, munch on snacks and sweets, talk about their lives. It was a site of joyful memories that Violet Fire still held very dear; which only worsened the fact that the stallion’s first visit to the park since his transformation had been to brood and mope over his depression. The unicorn had made the white bench in front of the fountain his nest and had remained still for the past couple of hours, his eyes as lifeless as those of a dead fish. Rarity’s infuriated insults still echoed in his head.

You, sir, are the most horrible, uncouth, disgusting stallion I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet!

She hates me, he concluded. I have been a unicorn for half a day and already she hates my guts.

But what had gone wrong? Fire allowed his mind to drift back to the beginning of their conversation, before his request. After realising the damage his disappearance had caused, he had attempted to make things right. Twilight had mentioned something awhile ago about doing other things to get your mind away from the problem. Things like reading books, going for a walk, having a meal. That’s precisely why he had suggested having tea. To clear her head. It was helpful advice, right?

Here I am, grieving for my lost friend, pouring my feelings out and you have the GALL to take advantage of me?! rang the mare’s poisonous words through his mind, each insult crushing his already pulverized heart.

He wasn’t taking advantage of her! At least, he didn’t mean for it to sound like that. He wanted to tag along because it was a great opportunity to mingle and get on her good side, which in turn would increase his chances of... of...

Violet Fire’s eyes widened with his sudden realization. He might not have been aware of it at the time, but the fact was he was taking advantage of her. She was shaken and emotional; easy prey for any Don Juan to play the part of the caring hero. It was such an obvious move that it should be part of a book on how to play mares.

“I know I didn’t mean to,” the stallion whispered to himself, “but I was a selfish jerk. I mean, not only have I hurt her by running away, but I also tried to use her. Oh my Goddess, I’m an IDIOT!” He facehoofed, embarrassed by his own stupidity.

After remaining in that position for a few moments, Violet Fire slowly lowered his hoof. No. He wasn’t an idiot. He just didn’t think things through, that’s all. And that’s manageable. He could still fix things. It wasn’t over yet. All he had to do was come up with a plan to apologize to Rarity. The stallion crossed his forelegs and looked down, the gears in his brain slowly turning as he thought about his next move.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew strongly, forcing the stallion to narrow his eyes to prevent the dust from blinding him. However, his vision went dark when a piece of paper glued itself to his face.

“Gah!” he yelled in surprise, struggling with the blinding object as he fought to remove it from his eyes. He tried to grab it, but holding things with hooves was proving to be a very hard task. Eventually the unicorn defeated his opponent and light was brought back to his world. Curious, he inspected the piece of paper. It was one of the posters that had been stamped around town. The smiling baby dragon stared back at him, his emerald eyes meeting Violet’s. The stallion’s gaze fell upon the small text. One part in particular caught his attention.

Twilight misses him very much.

Guilt hit him harder than ever. He had caused his foster sister so much trouble. Someone so dear to him. He closed his eyes, fighting back the tears. After a few moments, the stallion lifted his eyelids, his eyes burning with determination.

Rarity’s apology would have to wait. He had more pressing matters to attend to.

“This is a bad idea,” said Violet Fire to himself as he walked down the dirt road, the sun . “I mean, it’s good, but bad. Really bad.”

Coming up with a good plan was, to the stallion’s immense relief, surprisingly easy. It might have been a side effect of living under the same roof as Twilight or it might have been dumb luck; he couldn’t tell. However, his plan involved something he didn’t want to do, not yet at least. He had spent half an hour trying to come up with a backup, but his brainstorm did not produce anything as effective as Plan A. Unable to find a replacement, he had gathered his courage and walked down the path towards his destination.

The Ponyville Library.

As he arrived at the door, Violet Fire felt fear and regret overcoming him. His plan was bold, hence the stupidity factor. It could go wrong, very wrong. It could mean having to deal with the hatred of not one, but two of his dearest friends and he wasn’t sure his heart could take any more of it.

On the other hoof, if he played his cards right, it would be a smashing success. Twilight was the center of the current chaos around Ponyville. His disappearance was the trigger, but the lavender mare must have gone crazy and put everypony after him. Being the Princess’ student and the Element of Magic had its perks, after all. If he managed to calm Twilight down, she would call off the rescue team. Better yet, she might become the bridge between him and Rarity and maybe he could even...

Gurlllllll, interrupted his stomach.

“Urgh, I’m starving...” commented the stallion. It was no wonder; after all, it was well past lunchtime and all he had to eat all day was a bowl of apple stew in the morning. That factor played a big role in his decision to go through with his plan. He realised he had nothing: no saddlebags, no clothes, no home, no money. He could get a job, but he needed some bits first. If his plan worked, he could get just enough to get back on his hooves.

“Well, here goes nothing... hope I don’t screw up too much... again,” Violet Fire said as he raised a hoof and moved it towards the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

He waited for the door to open, but there was no reply. The stallion shrugged and raised his hoof one more time.

Knock, knock, knock.

No answer. Maybe she’s not home? thought Violet Fire. However, as he turned around to walk away, fast, anxious trotting came from inside the library, followed by loud thumps and a few grunts of pain. Suddenly, the door swung violently open, revealing the face of a lavender unicorn with a tangled mane. Her eyes widened in expectation as she looked outside, eager to find something.

“SPIKE?!” she shouted. Startled, Violet Fire jumped back, his eyes widening at his former-foster sister’s yell. Oh no, she’s onto me! How did she found out?! he thought, cold sweat running through his brow as he tried to think a way out of the situation. Suddenly, Twilight’s expectant expression turned into one of sadness as her eyes dilated and her head lowered sadly.

“Sorry... I thought it was... somepony else,” she said in a depressed tone.

“Umm... it’s fine, really,” So she only thought it was me- I mean Spike. You still have hope, big guy! “I, um... read about your friend. The baby dragon. I think I have some info that you could--Waaahhh!!!” Before he could finish his sentence, a pair of lavender hooves grabbed him by his hooves and dragged him inside the tree-residence with unbelievable force. As the stallion was brought into the library without ceremony, Twilight quickly pivoted around her body, kicking the door shut and throwing Fire on the floor. Stomping her hooves, she positioned herself above the stunned stallion, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him. Violet was surprised at the amazing strength his former foster-sister displayed. It was also unlike her to be so... assertive. His shocked emerald eyes met with Twilight’s amethyst gaze and that’s when he noticed:

She was a complete mess.

Twilight wasn’t one to really care about her appearance, but she normally at least tried to look presentable. Her usually-combed mane was completely tangled, strands poking out everywhere, as if she had just woken up. Her eyes were reddened and she had heavy bags under her eyes. For the hundredth time that day, Violet Fire felt guilt striking his heart with incredible force, his thoughts turning towards running and hiding his head under a rock until the end of times. I gotta finish this, I have to set things right!

“Spit it out! What do you know?!” Twilight demanded, her eyes blazing with a fearsome determination.

“Wow there, easy now!” Violet nervously pleaded, cold sweat running across his brow.

“Where is Spike? What is he doing? Is he hurt? Is he alright? WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!” asked the mare, her face a few inches from his. For the first time since the late friendship report ordeal, Twilight looked like she had lost her head.

And that scared the living daylights out of Violet Fire.

“I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you! But can I please have my private space back? You’re suffocating me!”

“What?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. She examined their positions and stood still for a few moments, processing the information. “Oh, right...” she finally said, walking back to give the stallion enough room to stand up.

“Thank you,” Violet Fire mumbled. As he rose to his hooves, he noticed Twilight hiccup and blink lazily. “Um... you alright?”

“Yeah I’m,” hiccup! “Fine... sorry about being so aggressive, it’s just... ever since Spike ran away I... haven’t been quite myself,” said the mare, looking down with a depressed look in her eyes. She shook her head violently and raised it back up. “Anyway, you said you had information on Spike?”

“Um... yeah, I have,” said Violet Fire, awkwardly scratching the back of his right foreleg. Getting Twilight’s attention was the easy part, now came the tricky bit.

“Oh, thank Celestia! I’ve been waiting all day for some news!” Twilight cheerfully said, a smile forming on her face.

“Right, about that, I--” began the stallion, but before he could complete his sentence, she interrupted him.

“The pamphlets were quick to make and it was even quicker to get them around town, with everypony helping and all!” she continued, swaying slightly as she walked past him towards a desk.

“I noticed,” he commented, turning around to follow the mare. “Anyway, about Spike, he--”

“But nopony has seen him since yesterday,” Twilight said, stopping abruptly and turning towards Fire. The violet pony’s head shot back in surprise. “Nopony! It’s like he... he... POOFED!” Twilight shouted, throwing her hooves in the air. “Like smoke!”

What’s with her today? “And that’s what I came here to say, he wants--”

“I’m so relieved to finally get some light shed upon this whole situation! I’ve been looking everywhere for him!” Twilight continued, completely disregarding the stranger’s attempts to speak. She turned around and resumed her walk towards the table, where many pamphlets were scattered across it. Using her magic, she levitated one towards her and affectionately looked at the baby dragon’s face on the picture, a gentle smile on her lips. A tear rolled over her right cheek.

“That’s just it, he wants you to--”

“But it will all be better now, because you know where he is! I’m so happy! I was so worried for him before, I could barely--”

“HE WANTS YOU TO LET HIM GO!!!” Violet Fire finally shouted. Twilight gasped and quickly turned her head to look at the stallion, her amethyst eyes widening in shock. A heavy, disturbing silence fell over the room, neither of its denizens daring to break it. The sun was long gone, replaced by the moon and the bright stars in the night sky. The darkness brought upon by the evening seemed to somehow make the silence between the two unicorns even more awkward.

Nice going, genius… Violet Fire thought to himself, looking to the right to avoid Twilight’s gaping mouth and incredulous eyes. Well, I had to say it and she wouldn’t shut up. Guess it could’ve gone worse...

“I don’t believe you...” Twilight whispered.

Dumbfounded, Fire turned his eyes towards the mare. “What?” he wondered.

“I said: I. Don’t. Believe. YOU!” she repeated, violently stomping her hooves with each word as she walked towards the stallion. Violet Fire backpedaled slightly as the infuriated mare approached, eyes glaring daggers as she walked menacingly forward, forcing him to retreat even more. Rarity’s earlier insults might have hurt him, but Fire could swear he saw a desire for blood on Twilight’s eyes.

“You waltz into MY house saying Spike wants me to FORGET him and you expect me to fall for THAT?!” Twilight yelled, her horn beginning to glow with a purple light. For some reason, Fire didn’t think that particular spell would give him a moustache, but rather leave a very nasty mark.

“Bu-bu-bu-but I’m telling the truth! I swear!” he pleaded, the tension drenching him in cold sweat.

“Oh yeah? And who exactly are you?! I’ve never met you in my life! What makes you think I’m just going to believe anything you say to me, HUH?!” As Twilight shouted at Violet Fire, the stallion jumped back in fear, slamming his body against a door. The impact slammed it open and, without the wooden surface to support his weight, Fire fell down on the cold floor. Wincing in pain, he noticed that their little argument had led them to the kitchen. A spark of hope shone deep inside of Violet Fire’s soul. Following his crash, Twilight positioned herself over him, her horn glowing even more ominously than before.

“You’re going to pay for trying to trick me, you little--”

“THIRD TILE FROM THE FRIDGE, FIFTH FROM THE BACK DOOR!” he yelled, covering his face with his hooves as the purple light reached its peak. Startled by her victim’s sudden shout, the mare halted her spell and raised an eyebrow, puzzled by his strange words.

“What did you say?” she asked.

“The-there’s a loose tile on the floor. Third one from the fridge, fifth from the back door,” he said. His explanation only served to further confuse his assailant.

“What does that have to do with.. well, anything?!”

“ I lef-- I mean, Spike left something there! Something only he knew about!” exclaimed the stallion. Twilight alternated between looking at the specified area and at Violet Fire. He remained still, trembling in fear, his eyes pleading for mercy. Please go check, please go check, please go check, he prayed in silence. After a few moments, the mare landed her rageful glare on him once more.

Stay. Put,” she growled between teeth. Terrified at what might happen to him should he disobey the mare, Violet Fire gulped and nodded in agreement.

Leaving the stallion shaking on the floor, Twilight walked towards the coordinates given to her. She gave the tile a quick look; there didn’t seem to be anything special about it. It was a white, square tile like the many of its kind that covered the floor. Wrapping the object with her magical aura, Twilight tried to move it. To her surprise, it was slightly loose. She yanked the tile off the ground and found a small hole underneath it, where a glass jar was stored in the secret compartment.

And inside the jar were gemstones of all kinds and sizes.

Twilight placed the tile on the side and stretched her hooves to grab the jar. She raised the object to her eyes and gave it a detailed examination. It wasn’t very large, just big enough to fit inside its hiding spot. It was filled with many jewels: sapphires, emeralds, rubies, amethysts. There were even a few she couldn’t name, but was sure were just as precious. Besides those, another gem caught her eye. It was a big, clear diamond, like none she had ever seen before. Moving past the diamond, Twilight noticed a piece of parchment glued to the jar. She turned it around and gasped in surprise. On the note, written in a very familiar handwriting, were the words...

Spike’s Secret Stash,” said a husky voice behind her. Startled, Twilight turned her head around and found Violet Fire sitting just out of the reach of her hooves. Her eyes alternated between the jar and the stallion, dumbfounded.

“But... but you couldn’t have read it! You couldn’t have known! How did... and... I mean, you...” stammered the mare.

“I know because he told me. I wasn’t lying when I said I had a message from him,” he explained. Well, thought the stallion to himself, I was lying, but I that’s beside the point. Noticing the mare had remained still with her mouth agape, Fire decided to continue. “I... I met Spike just as he was... leaving,” said the stallion. His guilt rushed to his throat and his voice croaked a bit. “He... he knows he screwed up. Big time. And he knows how much... just how much you love him...”

“But why?” Twilight asked, failing to fight back the tears. “Why did he leave? Why did he abandon me like that?!”

“Because it was hard... so hard, for him to leave,” Violet Fire said. He felt like adding Even if he didn’t see it at the time. Even if he was a selfish idiot who only saw the end of his own muzzle, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. If he did, she might notice something was wrong and ruin everything. “So... he left that message... but when we met, he noticed you might want to go after him, so... so he sent me here. To tell you not to look for him.”

“I can’t, I just... can’t!” she cried, shaking her head in denial. “He’s my Spike! My baby brother! He’s family! I can’t just give up!”

“But you have to let him go!” Violet Fire replied, exasperated. “It wasn’t easy for him to go, believe me, but he had to! You read his letter; you know it’s true!”

“Even so, I... I...” Twilight tried to speak, but the sadness in her heart hindered her ability to form coherent sentences. Her body slumped to the floor like a rag doll and she covered her face with her hooves, weeping and sobbing. Fire waited a few moments, pondering what to say. It wasn’t easy to comfort the mare when he felt he himself was on the brink of tears. An idea came to his mind.

“You asked me who I was,” he began. Twilight moved one of her hooves just enough so that a purple eye had enough room to see the stallion. “Spike he... he’s not coming back. He had to go after his happiness, to find his own way. So he sent me here, to take his place,” As Fire continued, the sobbing mare lifted her head from her hiding place, her lips quivering slightly. “I know... just how much he meant to you, but I’m here to set things right. So, please, just let him go--Oooff!” Before he could finish another sentence, Twilight tackled him and brought the two down on the floor. Her hooves wrapped around him, bringing the stallion into a tight hug as she sunk her head on his chest, trapping him in her embrace. With his head laying on the cold floor, his eyes widened in shock at the unexpected hug.

What do I do?! I’m not good at this sorta thing! he thought, panic running through his mind. Wracked with nerves after the sudden change of atmosphere, Violet spent a few uncertain moments before gathering Twilight in, gently providing all the comfort he could muster.

“It’s not fair... It’s not fair... It’s just not fair...” Twilight’s voice came muffled by Violet’s chest. The stallion remained silent, just giving her the care she needed. He knew she was right, but he had no reply. Also, he felt that actions would speak louder than words.

For a few minutes, the only sound in the kitchen was the sobbing and weeping of the mare’s sadness, accompanied by a few hiccups. Unsure of what to do, Violet Fire began observing the kitchen. It was quite odd to be in that same place now that he was a pony. Everything was the same, yet different in a way. The room didn’t seem so big as it was before. Due to his transformation, he had grown quite a bit, so he was expecting that some things would feel smaller, but to see it for himself was an entirely different thing. He cast a glance to the sink, now clean and devoid of the dishes he had left the other day.

She must’ve cleaned it while I was gone. She does that when she gets anxious, he silently commented. As he continued to look around, his eyes fell upon a rather large bottle bearing the Sweet Apple Acres logo. The recipient had a golden liquid that sparkled under the kitchen’s artificial light, but only enough left for one final cup. Violet raised an eyebrow.

That’s weird... he thought. I didn’t know we had cider. Twilight must’ve gotten it today, but why would she...

Wait a sec. When did it get so quiet? the stallion asked himself. Violet Fire turned his worried eyes towards Twilight. The mare had stopped her sobbing and was just resting her head on his chest, breathing softly.

“Are... are you alright?” he asked. Startled by his sudden question, Twilight quickly lifted her head and looked at the other unicorn. Her amethyst pupils were even redder and more puffed than before and her face, as well as Fire’s coat, was wet with tears.

“Ye-yes. Yes I am,” she answered, her cheeks blushing lightly. “Thank you for... um...” she began, but lost herself in her words.

“Hey, don’t worry; you needed it. I know you’ve been through a lot, but it’ll be fine. I promise,” he said in a confident tone. Twilight simply smiled and blushed a little more.

“This is so weird,” she commented. “I mean, I don’t even know your name and here I am, relying so much on you.”

“That’s easy to solve. Name’s Violet Fire.”

“Violet Fire huh? You’re kind of my knight in shining armour,” she said, giggling.

“Except for the ‘knight’ and ‘shining armour’ part, that is,” he replied sarcastically.

“Well, yes, but you’ve done a lot for me. I should repay you somehow...”

“Now that you mention it, I was wondering... if it’s not too much trouble... would you mind if I took those with me?” he asked, gesturing towards the jar of gemstones that was lying on the ground. Twilight looked at the recipient and back at the stallion, an eyebrow raised.

“Spike’s snacks? What for?” she wondered.

“Well, you see... it’s embarrassing to admit, but... I’m flat broke,” he answered. “I got nothing on me. Literally. I... um... left my stuff where I came from and I can’t get it back. Also, I spent all the bits I had with me before I left, so I have no money. If I sold those gems I could get enough to get back on my hooves.” And technically, those gems are mine, but I can’t say it, he thought.

Twilight glanced at the jar and bit her lower lip, struggling with the decision. After a few moments of pondering over his request, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “Yes... you can have them,” she answered.

“Really?!” Violet Fire exclaimed.

“Yes... you’ve done so much for me and, as you said before, I... I have to let him go...” she replied, sadly. Fire, however, was oblivious to her change of tone. His plan had, to his immense surprise, worked perfectly. Maybe Twilight was still feeling depressed, but he had accomplished quite a few feats: he had managed to convince the stubborn mare to call off all search parties, she was determined to move on and he finally had a way to get some money to get his new life in Ponyville started.

You did good, Spi-- I mean, Fire. Okay, so there’re still some screw-ups that need fixing, but look at yourself! Acting all grown-up and reliable. Maybe when Argent made me older I got more mature? That’d explain it, Violet Fire noticed Twilight’s shimmering amethyst eyes staring at him. He smiled happily at her. Just look at her warm smile. If she’s not happy, then I don’t know what she’s feeling right now! Realizing they had been just staring at each other for a while, Violet decided to break the silence.

“Thanks. That’s going to be a huge help.”

“No.. thank you for everything,” she replied.

“Aw, phooey, you’re making me blush,” Violet said, his cheeks turning a light red at her words. Suddenly, he felt her hooves climbing his back and hugging him tighter, bringing his body closer to her. Before he could say anything, he felt a soft, wet sensation on his lips. His emerald eyes turned the size of pinheads, his mind going into overdrive trying to rapidly piece together the flood of information. His heart beat a mile per second as he realized just what was happening.

Twilight Sparkle was kissing him.

Not a gentle kiss from a sister. Not a parting kiss from a mare or a filly at the end of a conversation. Not a goodnight kiss from a mother. It was a lover’s kiss. A deep, passionate, lover’s kiss.

Violet Fire’s mind was working at full capacity trying to understand what was going on. He felt slightly sick, his eyes screaming out terror and disgust. Twilight’s hooves moved up until they reached the back of his neck and held his head in place. Whatever the reason behind the mare’s sudden infatuation, she wasn’t joking around. Fire’s brain began to melt a bit as something twirled inside his mouth, wrapping itself around a tongue that was refusing to move under the shock. The stallion suddenly felt a strong flavor stimulating his taste buds. It tasted like apples, but much stronger, more like...

Cider? he thought. Wait, this is no time to be guessing what she tastes like! With a sudden burst of energy, Violet Fire pushed Twilight away and leaped back as far as he could. The stallion was shaking violently in shock and horror, his face devoid of the brightness of his purple color. His mane stood on its edge as he desperately fought back the urge to barf. A difficult task, seeing as his system was intent on showing what his breakfast looked like after being processed. Desperate to get out, Violet Fire made a dashing escape towards the door, grabbing the jar with his mouth on his way out. The stallion stormed out of the treehouse, his hooves stomping the ground as he trotted madly away into the night.

“So-so-so-so-so co-co-co-cold!!!!” Violet Fire stuttered as he shoved his body under the cascade of freezing water provided by the fountain of the park. In a split second he was drenched from head to tail, his spiked mane straightening under the weight of the cold liquid. Like most ponies, Fire wasn’t very inclined towards cool showers. However, in light of the current situation, the low temperature was perfect for him. He would dive into a pool of ice if needed. Whatever it would take to get that sensation out of his head. But no matter how much he tried, how long he kept his body under the cascade, the truth still haunted him, repeating over and over like an ominous mantra.

Twilight kissed me. Twilight kissed me. Twilight kissed me.

Fire shuddered at the thought. It wasn’t so much the kissing, but who he had kissed. Twilight Sparkle had practically given birth to him. After all, she was the one who had hatched him from his egg. She had raised him, fed him, looked after him. Due to her youth, Fire saw her more as a sister rather a mother. A loving, caring sister. They may not be related by blood, but that didn’t change the way he saw her.

And that is exactly why he was trying to drown the thought away. The idea of kissing his own sister made him feel sick and nauseated. It didn’t help the fact that it was his first kiss. But that wasn’t the worst part. What had him so disgusted, so confused, so angry was...

“Why can’t you just... SETTLE DOWN?!” he yelled furiously at his nether regions. It was embarrassing how worked up he was at Twilight’s kiss. His body was far too honest for his own good, and if had he taken just a second longer to leave...

He shuddered once again.

But why was Twilight Sparkle, the pony who up until a year ago could not even conceive of the idea of having friends, suddenly acting so... bold? It wasn’t like her at all. She wasn’t as quiet as Fluttershy, sure, but she wasn’t so daring either. She was acting completely different than usual. Her seductive stare. Her soft lips. Her tongue, gently wrapping around his...

“AHHHHH!!!!” he yelled, shaking his head fiercely. “Come on Spi--Fire. Get your mind away from those thoughts!!! Calm down... calm down...” he whispered to himself. The stallion sat on his haunches and closed his eyes, trying to breathe slowly. “Breathe in... breath out... breathe in... breathe out...” he murmured, almost as if chanting a magical formula. After a few moments of repeating the same words, Violet Fire was finally able to ‘settle down’.

“Good. That takes care of one problem,” said the stallion as he walked out of the fountain. He looked around, searching for something that he could use to dry himself. Unable to find anything suitable for the task, the unicorn shook his body like a wet dog. When he was done, he examined the results. His coat was still damp and his mane didn’t return to its spiked form, but he had succeeded in getting most of it out. Fire sat on his haunches and placed his hooves on his head, shaking his mane vigorously to dry it a bit more.

Now that I think about it, Twilight was acting pretty weird today, he thought, remembering the mare’s earlier behaviour. Her tardiness at opening the door, her hiccups, the swaying. And what about her mood swings? She was happy one minute, violent the other; sad one moment and seductive the other?

“I don’t get it, it’s like... like she was under a spell or something. What could’ve caused her to.. change...” Violet Fire’s words trailed off as his brain relived the turmoiling events of that evening. His mind fell upon a particular item that he hadn’t given much consideration to at the time.

The cider bottle. The nearly empty cider bottle.

“Urgh, of course! How can I be so dumb?!” he exclaimed throwing his hooves in the air. “Last time she had a cup of cider she could barely keep her lunch down and she had to go and drink nearly a whole bottle!! That explains a lot, but...” Fire crossed his forehooves in deep thought. “it doesn’t explain why she... urgh, kissed me. Even if she was drunk, Twilight wouldn’t go around ma-ma-making out with strangers,” he said, blushing slightly. As he pondered over the issue, Violet Fire turned his head to water in the fountain and saw his own reflection. It suddenly came to him that it was the first time he had actually seen what he looked like after the transformation. The stallion brought his face closer to the water mirror and that’s when he realized.

He was one good-looking stallion.

His spiky emerald mane was beautifully cared for, even after being trashed earlier by his hooves. His eyes, the same amazing color as his hair and tail, sparkled under the pale moonlight. They were vivid, strong and mesmerizing. He felt like he could dive into those pools of green and be swept off his hooves. He was also unbelievably well-built. He was aware that the spell had changed his muscles so they could withstand his new body, but just now was he realizing they were actually adorning his form, giving him the appearance of a mature and reliable unicorn. Overall, he could describe himself as...

“Handsome...” he murmured. “Was I... was I this good-looking since this morning?” The newfound discovery astonished him. Argent had done more than he promised. Maybe his hopes weren’t as dead as he had believed. Maybe he still had a chance. If he worked harder...

Suddenly, Fire noticed how exhausted he felt. The whole day was so full of turmoil and unpleasant events, one right after the other. Due to the rapid sequentiality of everything, it was no wonder he didn’t realize his own weariness before. The stallion broke eye contact with his reflection. Letting out a yawn, he grabbed the jar of gemstones and walked towards a nearby bench where an abundance of newspapers had been gathered to form a nest. Carefully placing his only possession on the ground, the unicorn climbed the bench and laid down as best as he could. Wrapping his hooves over each other, Violet Fire rested his head over his limbs and allowed his mind to slip away into the land of dreams. At least there he could find some quiescence to his weary soul.


Well, well, well... the plot thickens, doesn’t it? For all of you wondering: yes, I do like to cause conflict. I mean, you guys didn’t really expect me to write a sappy story about how Spike would turn into a unicorn and win over Rarity without a few bumps on the road, did you? Now, where’s the fun in that?

Alright, enough joking around. Firstly, I want to thank my editors who always help me out. Frederick the Saiyan, TheWattsMan and Aquillo for their fantastic work on this chapter! Secondly, I want to apologize for the tardiness. This chapter had one part where I simply... blocked. If it wasn’t for the amazing help from Firebirdbtops, this would’ve probably taken an extra day. Maybe two. So go give him some love. Us writers are kinda like changelings: our main fuel is love, except that we also work on caffeine. Well, cookies help as well.

Also, Violet Fire has achieved over 2000 total views! HUZZAH! The views have been doubled! It’s kinda scary to see so many people liking this story so much. And it’s even scarier the amount of work that I still have ahead of me. May Luna have mercy on my soul.

A little about this chapter! Yes, it has alcohol. Yes, it has sexual mentions. But trust me when I say that it is crucial to the story. Really. Not gonna enter into a lot of detail here, but... do know things will get complicated.

Now, I’ve realized I haven’t really been... well, nice to Spike from the get-go. So I’ll give you guys a heads up: Fire is going to shine next chapter. Like big time hero kind of shine. I gotta give him a break every now and then, right?