• Published 28th May 2015
  • 2,400 Views, 440 Comments

Beneath the Sea of Sand - Meep the Changeling

Twilight and her friends live at a high-tech changeling hive for a year as part of a cultural exchange.

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Prologue: A journey of 4.37 light years begins with spooling the hyperdrive.

Author's Note:


I forgot to explain the univerce! That's kinda important...
Here you go!

Oh, and because it was asked, the nymphs play this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEC8bnqux44

Princess Celestia - 1st of Leaffall, ‘09 EoH

“Could you repeat that please?” Luna asked while giving me a look she reserved for dumb statements brought before her in court.

“I am going to send Twilight and the Elements to live in the Emerald’s hive for a year.” I answered, holding my tone at an authoritative, though kind, level.

Luna’s face contorted in a mixture of anger, concern, and confusion. “I know these Emeralds have been a pet project of yours sister, but you want to put our realm’s greatest defenders into the hooves of our enemies?”

“Yes. I am.” I replied, sitting back in my chair to try to find a more comfortable part of the cushion. “The Emeralds are hardly enemies. I just spent a week in their hive myself. You can call Emeralds changelings, but they are drastically different in culture from the other hives. They have embraced Harmony much as we have.”

I reached for a letter atop my desk and passed it to Luna with my magic. The letter was printed on a very high quality paper, and the penmanship was literally perfect. Each letter was completely identical to every other letter on the page, each word perfectly arranged in straight lines. Queen Phoenix certainly had put a lot of time into developing her hoof writing. Or well, whatever she used to write with.

“Read this letter Pheonix gave me as I left. It will help if you see her ideas in her own words.” I asked.

Luna took the letter in her own magic, immediately scanning it like a tactical map from our youth. She spent a few minutes reading, starry mane flowing in the nonexistent wind, nothing moving save her eyes. Luna did not read, she examined, dissected, analyzed.

It was one quality I wish she could teach Twilight. Luna could never take written words at face value. To her there was always something more to be read in the context, then yet even more to find by comparing the context's message with the written words. Though this did mean she would take some time reading even a short message.

“She’s doing her best to push her ideas on us, but isn’t concealing them.” Luna said to herself after a short while.

“Because she truly wants to help our little ponies. She doesn't have to hide anymore, her changelings need to eat, we can provide them with food. As she said to me, ‘It is simple business.’” I informed calmly.

“Don’t changelings harm the ponies they feed upon? How is that business? That’s a despicable act of cruelty.” Luna objected.

I shook my head, “It’s perfectly safe, provided certain guidelines are followed. The Emeralds have spent centuries studying their feeding process. I asked to see them eating, the ponies already living in their hive scarcely feel anything when a changeling feeds off them.”

Luna’s eyes widened in surprise at my words. “There are already ponies living with them?”

“Yes, a population of a few hundred. They are perfectly happy. Though that doesn't mean everypony would be happy living as they do. Many of the ponies are second or third generation. That is how they were raised.”

Luna nodded. “I trust you were able to see through any deception they may have tried. I will take your words as the truth, but there are more issues with your plans than the danger posed by changeling feeding. This Phoenix sees herself as a god, she openly admits to using living creatures like clay, and nations like a canvas. She reminds me a good deal of Sombra.”

I picked up my teacup with my magic and took a short sip. “I was worried about the same thing. I did march six brigades of Royal Guard to her hull. It’s true she sees herself as a god, but to be fair, she is one in a way. She can create objects from thin air, I saw her give a person an entirely new body to save their life. This caused her no stress or strain.

“Phoenix provides every single meal every single pony living with her wishes to have, the moment they want to eat. That is certainly god like.”

Luna nodded, paused for a moment, “Granted, she is powerful and performs many acts we could consider divine-”

“Luna, what are we? From the point of view of an earth pony.” I asked. “We can do anything any one of the pony kinds can five times better. You and I move the heavens, Cadence can shape and mold the bonds between hearts, Twilight can turn even the most evil of creatures into a true friend and use the combined energies of everyone she is friends with to power her magic.”

“I concede your point sister, we are gods in the eyes of a normal pony, or we would be had we not insisted they not form a religion around us. That is not relevant to my point. We were created by the most powerful sorcerers of our age to be what we are that we might bring balance to the world.” Luna set the letter down on my desk.

She turned to the window, and looked out over the soaring spires of Canterlot. “Despite having the powers many attribute to god's, immortality, near-indestructibility, complete control over an aspect of nature, powerful magics, do we call ourselves gods? No. Triek, Grogar, Sombra, these are creatures who did call themselves by the title. Their deeds show the nature of such an individual.”

“There is a flaw in your logic.” I said calmly.

“I don’t see one.” Luna objected.

“Phoenix is not a pony, nor a minotaur, goat, Tartarian, changeling, or any other creature you have seen. You can not apply psychology to her in the same way you would a pony. I do not know enough about her to accurately read her myself, but I do know this much. She was built to be what she is much as we were given our powers through magic. Though she was created entirely from nothing.”

“What are you saying?” Luna asked turning back to me.

“She was built for one single express purpose. She is an artificial being, much like the constructs minotaurs use, though far more complex. Complex enough to be a real living person. My point is she was designed, built, and intended to do exactly as she desires to do, create civilizations and mold life. This makes her different from Triek, Grogar, and Sombra. They sought to become gods and did horrible things to gain their power.”

“Whereas, if you speak truly Phoenix was made to be a god.” Luna shook her head and chuckled. “A mechanical god. The old Latigo phrase ‘Deus ex machina’ comes to mind. Tell me sister, who built her? If she could truly bring us everything she claims why have we not heard from her creators?”

“Well, they are extinct.” I was forced to admit. I did my best to avoid frowning.

“What makes you think she could help us, assuming her offer is sincere?” Luna asked in a triumphant tone.

“She says they were destroyed by a power even greater than they were. Also she was one of many similar machines, though none were as large and capable as she is.” I answered.

“Furthermore, she never performed her duties. Her people were violent, cruel, and despicable despite their advances. They used the powers they gave her selfishly, and this destroyed them. Phoenix understands Harmony, her creators did not.”

“Can you be certain of that?” Luna asked, her eyes pleaded with me, begging me to change my mind. She could tell words wouldn’t change my mind.

“Not completely, but I am certain Twilight and her friends can deal with any problems which may arise.” I chuckled, “Let’s be honest, if I sent somepony else as an ambassador and something went wrong, we would just send Twilight anyways.”

Luna blinked, opened her mouth to speak, closed it, and nodded slowly. “Thou make an excellent point sister. I had not considered the strategic advantage of your plan.”

I smiled grimly. “If Phoenix is sincere and wishes to help us to help herself, Twilight will learn everything we need to know to truly consider her proposal to try and integrate our peoples into a single nation. If she is not and this is a ruse of some sort, Twilight will discover it, and we have our most powerful mages already on location to solve the problem.”

“From that light, your plan has merit.” Luna admitted. “Though what if it is a trap? If Twilight is discovered to be there partially as an arcane deterrent in case of sinister plans, and there are indeed sinister plans ahoof, she, or one of the Elements could be injured or even slain.”

“Which is why we will tell her nothing of the strategic side of her stay with the Emeralds.” I informed. “She is a very smart mare, I trust her to take charge of the situation appropriately if it goes wrong. Besides, Twilight did an excellent job of stopping human technology last time it threatened-”

I flinched as I realized I had named Phoenix's creators. The recent war was still rooted firmly In Luna’s mind.

“She is human technology?” Luna exclaimed, wings flaring in shock and horror. “Sister, art thou inebriated? The death, pain, and suffering their kind hath wrought will be felt for ten generations! Nothing they have produced will help us.”

“Humans can hardly be called an evil species. I remember you comparing them to Sombra’s thralls during the war.” I said, hoping to control the damage I had caused.

“They served their master unwillingly, yes, but their species produced that same monster, and every cruel weapon they fought with! The human species has done nothing but-”

“Megan Williams.” I said loudly.

Luna stopped mid rant, her ears falling, head hanging, “That is a name we have not remembered in a thousand years… I swore to keep her always in my thoughts.”

“The Admiral was to humans what Sombra is to ponies. We must remember they have their Twilights too.” I said gently lifting Luna’s head with my hoof, “Megan would forgive you for forgetting about her. You shouldn’t fret. You did make a constellation to remember her by.”

Luna nodded again. I could tell by the look in her eyes I had won our argument. “I know you will remind me it was a human who created the Elements and planted the Tree of Harmony. I… I had forgotten. It was so long ago, and her species has caused us so much pain so recently.”

Luna smiled softly as she remembered the adventures of our youth. Flying with Megan on her back while battling Triek when we first banished him had been one of her favorite battles. “Do you think she returned home safely? It would be a shame for someone to have given our species so much to have- Oh. I see your point now sister.”

“One human gave us the power to protect our ponies from the evils lurking in the darkness. Now, one of their children could give us an equally valuable gift.” I pointed out the window to our Kingdom, “Imagine everypony always with enough food to eat, every hospital with an endless supply of medicine, no illness or injury ever left untreated. Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but as Equestria’s guardians we must seriously investigate such an opportunity.”

Luna picked up my quill and a sheet of parchment with her magic and held them out to me. “I trust you will permit me to prepare our armies, just incase? Without telling them of the possible danger of course.”

“That’s a wise precaution.” I said as I accepted the parchment and quill. “But not a word of this to anypony. Twilight is simply visiting a hive which wishes to become a province of the Kingdom.”

Luna nodded. “My lips are latched.”

“Sealed Luna, it’s ‘My lips are sealed.’” I corrected.

Putting quill to parchment, I began to write a letter to Twilight, as well as a copy each for Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinky. It would be best to let them know of their orders two months in advance.

Phoenix - 3rd of Chillfrost, ‘09 EoH

It had been so long since I had been in full repair, I had forgotten what it felt like. Literally. So much time had passed since some part of my hull wasn’t broken that the memory had physically degraded. This time I would take steps to preserve that memory, it’s wonderful when nothing attached to you hurts!

Armored sat in the captain’s chair on my bridge, I was completely happy with my decision to make the cybernetic mare my Captain. Nopony else treated me like a friend the way she did. Or had the command experience required. Or could talk to machines and keep my systems running. Or was as cute.

She tapped her hoof on her armrest, waiting for me to finish my diagnostics. I had finished them a full five minutes ago to tell the truth. I just wanted to sit for a few moments and be happy nothing was broken before we probably broke something.

“All systems operating at peak efficiency.” I announced with glee and a touch of apprehension.

Armored patted her chair’s left arm rest affectionately. “Don’t worry Phee, the shields will hold.”

The bridge doors hissed open, Captain Skritt, the Emerald Hive’s social leader trotted in and took a seat at my tactical station. “Is everything ready here?” He asked calmly.

“Yes.” Armored and I said together.

“Everything is clear for five kilometers around your hull your Highness. It’s safe to take off.” He informed. After a moment’s hesitation he added, “Some of the nymphs in crew quarters 14 would like to make a broadcast as you lift off. They say it’s in the tradition of the Hazard Squadron's use of music when dramatically appropriate.”

That could be fun! “What cabin?” I asked.

“24d.” He answered.

I quickly linked their cabin’s comm system with the rest of the ship. “Okay. Armored, ready to give the order?”

She nodded and brushed a lock of her spiky near-purple pink mane out of her eyes. “Attention all hooves, this is Captain Armored speaking. Brace for lift off. Music will be provided by some of the hive.”

I switched on my repulsors. My hull instantly twitched, creaking under the strain of the rock and sand around me as I went from being supported by the earth to supporting myself. A few seconds later the sound of a trumpet blasted from the comm system.

I diverted as much power as I could to my shields and armor generators, and slowly began to push myself upwards. The rock began to crack and crumble, unable to resist the force of my repulsors pushing upwards. The first bar of the song completed, a cheery tune, hopeful, and totally from my favorite show.

I quickly opened a private comm channel to Taylor. “Did you put those nymphs up to this?”

“It was the most appropriate tune I could think of.” she replied with a laugh.

Armored shook her head slowly, a grin forming on her lips. “It’s even funnier because the bridge matches… I guess I had better say it.”

The rock buckled as my bridge started to push free from the rocky prison I had occupied for so long. “Better be quick.”

She nodded, sat straight up in her chair, pointed with a hoof out the bridge window as rock and sand began to slid down to reveal the surface of the badlands, and intoned, “Yamato, ascend!”

I giggled silently for a few picoseconds. My repulsors began to whine under the stress of pushing myself through the earth, so to take my mind off it I decided to sing along to the music. In the proper Japanese of course!

“Saraba Chikyu yo, tabidatsu fune wa, / Uchu Senkan Yamato!” As I finished the first line my hull lurched, the last of the earth holding me down sliding off my teardrop shaped bulk like water off a duck’s back.

“That’s an awfully big hole we’ve left behind.” Skritt mused looking at my tactical display. “Also I am fairly certain they felt that in Applelooza.”

“Meh, should only have been a 2.2 at most.” I said dismissively. “I suppose I should fill in the hole though. I am going to put a city there after all.”

Armored nodded, “I was going to ask you to do that anyways. If we leave a bunch of loose earth around Tatzelwurms will nest there. Nopony wants that. Do you have enough power to replicate that much dirt?”

“Yes, but screw that! I’ve been stuck in solid rock for a few million years.” I objected.

I quickly opened a comm channel to the ship, fading the nymph's band to silence slowly. “Thanks for the song little guys. Okay everyling, it looks like I’ve left a big hole and need to refill it. Who wants to go get an asteroid to stick in it? It can't be too long of a trip, we have a city to build after all, but we could do a five minute jump to Alpha Centauri.”

The combined squees of three thousand changelings resonated through my hull. The only comparable sound in history was a million teenage human females upon seeing a boy band walk onstage. The fact this was for getting to go into space gave me a warm tingly feeling in my core.

“That’s what I thought!” I giggled. “Everyling who wishes to get to a window should do so now. Everyling else, turn your viewscreen to channel ten. I’ll put my forward cameras feed there for you.

Armored sat back in her chair and crossed her arms behind her head. “Now if only you would climb out of your core so i could give you a congratulatory hug.”

“You could hug my avatar.” I offered, spawning my holographic orange alicorn projection next to her seat as I plotted the FTL jump.

“That’s not the same as hugging something made of matter.” She said politely.

This again. I didn’t want to disconnect from my hull. Why couldn’t she accept that? “I have some asteroids to mine. Now’s not the time to think about coaxing me out of my hull.”

Armored gave my avatar a pat on the head, the hologram cracking slightly as it was disturbed. “I’m going to pester you till I get to see you at least once, but you’re right. Now’s not the time.”

“Thank you.”

I switched on my drive motors and within a few minutes cleared the atmosphere. As the blue sky faded to black and the stars slowly began to wink into existence, I could hear the excited comments and exclamations every single person on board. It was almost as invigorating as flying again.

Armored stared out the bridge’s main window, a look of wonder on her face as the moon came into view right as we left the ionosphere and entered orbit.

“So then Phee, I think it’s about time we got underway. I’ve been looking forward to seeing space since I met you.” Armored said happily.

“Course and heading Captain?” I asked as prompted by my program.

She paused for a moment, as if searching for something to say. “Second star to the right, and... straight on till morning.”

“Tess is rubbing off on you.” I commented, holding back my giggle at her Kirk impression.

“Yeah,” she admitted with a laugh before thrusting her left hoof forwards and shouting, “Punch it!”

My hull shook, everything aboard feeling a slight tug as we shot forwards, everything blue shifting to gray as we hit lightspeed. I knew everyling aboard would be disappointed if I didn’t say a few words.

“Space, the final frontier. The eventual home of all technologically advanced life. The birthright of all explorers. Though this is a short mining run, one day soon every one of you will be able to come here as you please. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.

“But you mustn't forget your homeworld, the rock and soil which gave you birth. There is work to be done there before we begin to spread across the stars. I can’t take everyling everywhere you will want to go, and you will need loving people with you to sustain you on your journey. Our homeworld will need to be the hub of a new civilization; a civilization of ponies and changelings unified as one people.

“The next time we return to the cosmic ocean, it will be with a fleet of ships and friends at our sides. It will be not the voyages of a ship and her crew, but the journey of the changeling and pony races into prosperity.”

My hull lurched, the stars snapping back into view as we dropped from FTL in orbit around another star. The planet Alpha Centauri Bb spun through space just a short distance below us. My sensors picked up traces of a few decaying starships, and the ruins of a starbase in orbit.

“Welcome to the stars my children.” I said as I began scanning for an appropriate asteroid to mine.