• Published 18th May 2012
  • 13,614 Views, 801 Comments

From The Gates - Dirty Bit

6 old creatures, 1 new life for each of them. Will they manage?

  • ...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Welcome to Ponyville

On the Friendship Express, the element bearers and the former homunculi (now numbering 4) were on their way to Ponyville. Everypony sat themselves and waited patiently for the train to reach the next station.

Rarity continued conversing with Lust on certain styles for the lascivious mare's appearance and often daydreamed of the possibilities. Lust was slightly uncomfortable to have Rarity be as clingy as Gluttony, but she admitted that some of her ideas sounded wonderful.

Applejack and Fluttershy were talking about Sloth. The cowpony spoke "Ah swear, pardner, Ah've never seen a stallion bigger than Big Macintosh before! But what bothers me is how he's all lazy an' stuff. Maybe if I can get 'im to work on the fields fer a bit..."

Fluttershy looked down "I hope he's friendly. But when you look at him, the poor stallion's probably too tired. What if he hasn't napped in so long?"

Greed, now over the fact that he was away from the castle, laughed as he joined the conversation "He's not called Sloth the indolent for nothing, ladies. Also, good luck if you'll try to make him think that working's his favorite thing to do!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow "An' who're ya t' tell me it ain't easy? All that feller needs is a good push an' he'll be on 'is feet in no time! Ah'll get 'im to work an' he'll enjoy it at Sweet Apple Acres soon enough!"

Greed chuckled "Good luck with that, AJ." He looked over at Fluttershy, who cringed a little at Greed's approach and grinned "Hehehe, you really ARE shy. Don't worry, I'm a nice guy. It's Envy you gotta watch out for!" He looked over at the jealous pony resting on a seat and enjoying a small nap.

Fluttershy looked at Greed "Um...Pardon me for asking but, what is Envy's gender? I cannot really tell...I-I'm sorry!" She quickly apologized with an embarrased blush.

Greed shrugged "Whatever floats your boat. Just don't mention it around that pony."

Fluttershy nodded "O-okay...Thank you, Greed..." She trotted away to meet with Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash were at a distant seat. Twilight raised an eyebrow when she saw how angry the cyan pegasus was "Is something wrong, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight "You mean you haven't really talked to that pegasus over there?" She pointed a hoof to a sleeping Envy far from their spot.

Twilight tilted her head "Are you still miffed about Envy's encounter with Fluttershy?"

Rainbow Dash sighed "A little, but I'm more concerned about how Envy just decided to challenge me right then and there when I stood up for Fluttershy! Doesn't that pony seem like Gilda almost?"

Twilight looked over at Envy "Maybe Envy's not good with first impressions." The lavender bookworm then saw Fluttershy trot over to them and smiled "Oh, hey, Fluttershy. Are you enjoying yourself?"

Fluttershy shifted her eyes away "Well, to be honest, I'm nervous on how we'll be dealing with these ponies as students. I hope that they will behave properly while they stay with us..."

Twilight nodded "I'm sure we can get their minds in order. Celestia warned me that they can be a little misguided. The only problem that least concerns us is Gluttony." She looked over to see Gluttony and Pinkie hopping up and down in their seats.

Pinkie and Gluttony were giggling and the party pony stopped as an idea sprang in her mind "Hey, Gluttony! Wanna know a song?"

Gluttony stopped and beamed at Pinkie "Does it involve what you fed me earlier?"

Pinkie nodded "You know it!" She cleared her throat and then hopped from her seat as she began.

All you have to do is take a cup of flour
Add it to the mix!
Now you take a little something sweet not sour
A bit of salt, just a pinch!
Baking these treats is such a sinch, add a teaspoon of vanilla!
Add a little more and you count to four, and you never get your fill of~!
Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty!
Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!
Cupcakes! Cupcakes! Cupcakes! Cupcaaaakes~!

Gluttony clopped his hooves and Pinkie signalled the voracious pony to join. The two then stood and sang the same song with glee.

Envy was enjoying its nap until Pinkie's and Gluttony's singing disturbed its rest. The jealous pony quietly growled and held its hooves to its ears to block out the sound. When it was of no avail, Envy gritted its teeth for a short moment, and then its eyes shot open as it rose up and yelled "Would you two keep it down!?"

Gluttony instinctively stopped and looked down remorsefully "Sorry, Envy..."

Pinkie hopped over to Envy's side, the smile on her face refusing to leave "Aw, c'mon, Envy! We're not too far from Ponyville if we just kill some time!" She wrapped a foreleg around the jealous pony's neck "Don't you love to sing?"

Envy glared at Pinkie "I was killing time by sleeping!" It then swatted Pinkie's hoof away "And hell if I actually wanna sing!"

Pinkie's smile left as she was confused "You don't like to sing? But you have such a beautiful voice!"

Envy shot a deadpan stare at the party mare "Wonderful...now leave me alone!"

Pinkie's smile returned "But I can't! We're going to reach Ponyville right abooooout~..." She hopped onto Envy and smushed its face as it gave a displeased grunt while Pinkie poked her upper body out the window "Now!" She noticed a small little town coming into view.

Greed heard Pinkie and was curious when he poked his upper body out a different window. He raised an eyebrow at it 'So this is Ponyville, huh?' The avaricious pony paused for a moment before his face contorted into a deep scowl 'I liked Canterlot WAY better...'

Envy grunted and growled as it pushed Pinkie off and glared "You ignorant little..."

Applejack felt a little tense at Envy's anger "C'mon now, sugarcube, Ah know Pinkie can go too far, but she ain't all bad!"

Envy sneered at Applejack "And YOU'RE supposed to be the Element of Honesty?" The cowpony felt taken aback at the jealous pony's harsh remark.

When the train arrived at the station, it stopped and exerted a large cloud of steam. The ponies on board then exited the cart and the former homunculi took in the surroundings of their new home. There were several colorful ponies that went about their usual business. Even the buildings in town were colorful and almost uniquely artistic.

Gluttony looked around with his pupilless eyes "So many ponies..."

Twilight chuckled at the voracious pony's breathless words "Well of course, Gluttony. This is Ponyville after all!"

Gluttony repeated himself "So many ponies..." His tongue hung out as he whispered "I want them all..." His ears perked up when he heard several hooves on the ground and he sniffed at the air. He turned to the nearest exit and saw six ponies pulling a cart "It's Sloth! He's here now!"

Twilight smiled "Okay, looks like the gang's all here! Let's all meet back at the library so we can discuss living arrangements! Follow me, everypony-huh?" Twilight noticed Envy trotting away from the group with a bored expession on its face and spoke "Envy! Where are you going??"

Envy looked back to Twilight "Places. I'll catch up with you all later!" It went to go continue its pace, but jumped back when the jealous pony found Pinkie right in front of it.

Pinkie frowned "Oh, but you have to come now! You're one of our students! We can't have a student skipping class today!"

Envy glared at Pinkie "I'm calling in sick!" It shoved Pinkie and trotted off "Out of my way!" After a few steps, Envy grunted when it felt a large weight on its back.

Pinkie was found on top of Envy looking down with a smile "But you're so healthy right now!" She pulled one of Envy's wings with her teeth and mumbled "Ook rt drz nngs! (Look at those wings!)

Envy growled "Get OFF!" It bucked off Pinkie and continued to trot away. The jealous pony leered back at the party pony with an annoyed groan, and then unknowingly bumped into something hard. Envy looked up to see that it wasn't Pinkie that stopped it once again, but a certain indolent pony "Sloth, what are you doing?"

Sloth stared down blankly with his uncovered eye "If we work...we all work..." He slowly leaned his head down at Envy and opened his mouth.

Envy went to escape, but Sloth already grabbed a hold of its head with his teeth as he lifted Envy up and slowly trotted back to the group. Envy wriggled and flailed in Sloth's grasp "Augh! Dammit, Sloth! Let go of me! I can go back whenever I wa-Oh gross! You're getting slobber all over my head, you moron! Put me down!"

Applejack chuckled a little at Envy's slight misfortune and Sloth's action "That's a fine display of brothery love right there!"

Twilight sighed "Well, at least he'll take Envy back without any trouble. C'mon, everypony! Let's head to the library!" The whole group made their way to the library while Envy continued to struggle against its will.

The group had to deal with certain stares and winces from other ponies at the former homunculi. The only pony treated otherwise was Lust, who was being gawked at by the small amount of males seen in the town. She thought that some of the females gawked at her as well, but she dismissed the thought when they reached their desired destination: A large tree with a house mixed inside of it.

Greed raised an eyebrow in confusion, and directed his expression to Twilight while pointing at the tree. The lavender bookworm simply nodded with a smile. Greed looked back at the tree and rubbed his chin with a hoof "Never seen a library like this before..."

Lust smiled "I trust you have a myriad set of books waiting inside for us? I actually look forward to reading up on certain periodicals..." The lascivious mare could not wait to unlock her horns potential.

Twilight beamed at Lust "I'm glad to see you have a fondness for reading! You can do so after we figure out who's staying with who. Follow me, please!"

The element bearers went inside first, and before Greed went inside, he turned to Sloth "You can spit Envy out now, Sloth! You don't know where that's been..." He smirked at his own joke.

Sloth did what he was told and spat Envy on the ground. The jealous pony wiped off the traces of saliva all over its hair and head and then trotted towards the door. Before it did, it gave Greed a swift punch in the stomach with a forehoof "Jackass..."

Greed lost his breath and fell to his knees when the hit connected, but rubbed his stomach with a smile as he got up "Totally worth it." He made his way inside.

Sloth went to join, but there was only one problem: The door was too small. He stared at it blankly and then sat down on his haunches "What a pain..."

When the others were inside, Twilight called up the stairs "Spike! Come down and meet our guests!"

Greed snickered "You have a dog? Does he talk, too?"

"Who called me a dog?"

A small purple scaled beast waddled down the stairs with an unamused look on his face "There's a huge difference between a dog and a dragon, buddy!" This must be the one called Spike.

Gluttony gasped with joy "A chimera!" He galloped over and petted Spike on his head "Hello, little chimera!"

Spike was startled at Gluttony's approach and was confused and embarrased at how he was petting him "I'm not a chimera! I'm a dragon!"

Gluttony stopped petting Spike and looked down at him with a tilted head "What's a dragon?" The voracious pony was oblivious to Spike's incredulous expression.

Lust chuckled and trotted up to his side "You'll have to forgive Gluttony. He can be a little slow sometimes...So, I take it you're Spike then?"

Spike looked up and his eyes were the size of dinner plates when he noticed Lust and her dazzling eyes. He stammered in his speech as he tried to form coherent words "Y-Yeah, I'm Spike! Nice to meet you!"

Twilight facehoofed at Spike's behavior towards Lust and turned to Rarity "You'd think he would show self control...I hope this doesn't bother you."

Rarity smiled "Oh, not at all, darling! I don't blame Spike for how he is looking at Lust that way." She looked at the purple dragon looking lovestruck and inwardly felt a small amount of distress. Was she actually jealous of Lust?

Twilight looked around and noticed something "Hang on...Where's Sloth?"

Greed chuckled "He's outside! You saw how big he is, didn't you, Twi?"

Twilight sighed and her horn began to glow. A quill and parchment hovered in the air towards the lavender bookworm's face covered in a purple aura "Okay, now to get us all situated!" Greed stared intently while Twilight was talking "Since Sloth is not big enough to be housed in a normal home, it would be best to place him with Applejack!"

Applejack smiled and tipped her hat "Way ahead o' ya, Twilight! That stallion's gonna learn th' value of an honest day's work!"

Twilight jotted down on the parchment with her quill "Okay, Now where should Gluttony stay-"

Pinkie gasped as she remembered "Oh horseapples! I forgot to plan a welcome party! Sorry, Twilight, but I better get going! I'll let you handle things while I get stuff ready! See ya!" She zipped out the door.

Envy, who leaned beside the window, muttered to itself "Good riddance..." The jealous pony was unaware that Rainbow Dash was keeping an eye on it.

Twilight went back to her list "Okay, so now we'll need to place Gluttony somewhere..."

Gluttony smiled "Just as long as it's with Lust! Or with Pinkie!" He looked down for a moment and looked up as he beamed at Twilight "Can it be both?"

Lust patted Gluttony's head "Gluttony, Twilight is making it to where we are all staying at separate houses. You will be by yourself with whoever sees fit to take you in."

Gluttony looked up at Lust with a sad frown "But I wanna stay with you! I don't want to be without you again!"

Lust nuzzled Gluttony's head "You're not going to be without me. We'll see each other again, but for now, you'll be staying with one of the other ponies." She looked up at Twilight "Perhaps place Gluttony with Pinkie?"

Twilight pondered this thought, but then smiled "Sure! The two seemed almost inseparable on the train ride home." She jotted down on her parchment "Okay, so Gluttony will be staying with Pinkie then. Where will that leave Greed?"

Greed stepped forward "I'm staying with you. I wanna know more about that horn of yours..." The ponies other than the former homunculi looked at each other for a moment before they all broke into a fit of laughter. Greed raised an eyebrow in confusion "The hell's so funny?"

Spike pointed a claw "You mean you don't know about unicorn magic when you're a unicorn yourself?? That's a nice joke, Greed!"

Lust looked at Twilight and Spike "We are actually serious. Me and Greed are not exactly well-versed in the magic you're demonstrating. Which is why I wish to stay here instead..."

Greed jerked his head to Lust with a glare "Oh no you don't! I'm staying here and learning these abilities myself! And besides..." He turned to Twilight with a smirk "I actually wanna know more about Princess Celestia."

Lust scoffed and looked away "As expected from you and no other, Greed. I propose you would have a better time learning a little generosity..."

Gluttony tilted his head at Lust "But Greed can't learn generosity! He wants everything in the world!"

Greed smirked "See? Gluttony gets the gist of it! I'm staying here, whether you like it or not!"

Lust glared back at Greed "And who are you to tell me otherwise, halfwit? I do not care if you want all of Equestria, but we have our own preferences as well..."

Twilight cleared her throat "Well, I don't see a problem with either one of you staying here, but could you please not fight in here? It's a bit unnerving to handle so much conflict in one room."

Rarity looked at Twilight "I would gladly take in Lust, Twilight! I already have so much ideas from just looking at her!" She then looked at Greed "Besides...as much as I would love to teach Greed a little generosity, I cannot really abide his behavior in my household." Spike was slackjawed at the aspect of two beautiful mares sharing the same home.

Twilight nodded "If you say so, Rarity!" She jotted down on her parchment "So I guess Greed will be staying here then." Greed gave an evil grin at Lust while she turned away "That only leaves Envy..." She looked over at the jealous pony staring out the window "Envy, where would you like to stay?" She received no response while Envy continued to stare out at Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash looked at Envy "Hey! She's talking to you!"

Envy glared at Rainbow Dash "I heard her! And frankly, I don't really care where, just as long as I'm not around that hyperactive eyesore!"

Fluttershy looked at Envy for a moment before she spoke "I-I could maybe take her in...If that's alright."

End of Chapter 15