• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,114 Views, 9 Comments

Crash landing - EmeraldRing

What happens when your best friend crashes though your house and doesn't wake up

  • ...

The crash

Author's Note:

This is my first fic:pinkiehappy: so I hope you like it.:twilightsheepish: also, I do not own any of the characters, apart from the villan, they belong to hasbro.

Fluttershy glided gently through the cobalt sky as Celestia's golden sun sparkled down on the timid Pegasus' wings, casting a shadow on the lush shamrock coloured grass below her. A few stray clouds littered the pale sky, casting small shadows of their own. Yes, she loved her afternoon flights (even though she never flew very high at all). A gentle breeze brushed her soft, feathered wings. The buttermilk mare had just finished delivering food and supplies to the ponyville animals and was rather tired, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy looking after her animals (and all the wild ones). She was surrounded by the most beautiful birds who accompanied her: goldcrests, collared doves, lapwings and jays. When all of a sudden her birds chirped loudly and flew away, frightened by something unseen. Scared, Fluttershy whipped around to see if anything was there
"Hello?" She cried out, hoping it was nothing, she couldn't see anything that could pose a threat to her or her animals and nopony had answered her call. Then she heard it.

"Fluttershy... Flutter...shy"

At that Fluttershy panicked, nothing was there, but she had definitely heard 'it' calling her name. Normally Fluttershy would run/fly straight to her cottage, but not this time, she was not thinking clearly and all she could think was that she had to fly as fast as her wings could carry her (which was surprisingly fast). When she accidentally flew all the way into the Everfree forest. She pushed her wings to their limit. She needed to be above the tree tops or else a timberwolf (or something equally as terrifying) might snap at her and she could be lunch. The yellow pegasus shuddered at the thought.

Discord sat in his castle of chaos, he was bored. He had already flown all over the world and had done everything he could think of and now had nothing to do, so he decided he would visit his one good friend Fluttershy. He snapped his talons and, in a flash, was at Flutter's sweet little cottage. When he called out for her and got no reply he realised that she wasn't there and growled in frustration, he new that she was probably taking care of her animals. Discord figured that none of his other 'friends' would like to see him so he teleported back to his castle, and drunk some chocolate milk to make him feel better.

Fluttershy suddenly realised how deep she had flown into the Everfree forest and yelped, she was going to turn back when she heard it again.

"Fluttershy... Flutt...er...shy"

She screamed. Fluttershy decided that the best thing to do was to keep flying. Her small, delicate wings weren't used to all of this flying which caused one of them to falter while she was flying over Discord's castle. She fell. She screamed. She crashed.

Discord heard a crash in the left wing of his castle and quickly teleported over to where the sound had come from, hoping that it wasn't another mail 'accident', Discord thought, groaning as he remembered last time, when a wardrobe fell from the sky. He gasped in shock at what he saw. Fluttershy lay on the ground, her soft rosy mane sprawled over her face, filled with pieces of rubble, one of her wings was caught in an awkward position, so was one of her legs, and she was covered in cuts and bruises. She was still breathing, fortunately, but was unconscious, unfortunately he was oblivious to what had happened before the crash. Discord teleported her freinds over. They needed to know and see this.

"Ahhhh" Fluttershy's friends screamed when they caught sight of their best fried lying on the floor, looking like she was near death. Rainbow, who was very protective of Flutters, jumped to the conclusion that this was all Discord's fault.

"Alright, why did you do this to Flutters you big bully. I'm gonna pound you for this" Rainbow flew up so tha she was eye level with the innocent Discord who immediately had to dodged a punch from the angered, cyan pegasus .
"Hey! It wasn't me. She crashed through my roof and I thought that you might want to see her, so that we can help her get better, sheesh" Discord cried out in his defence after recovering.
"He might be right Rainbow, look at the hole in his roof, and he did bring us here, didn't he" Twilight said to Rainbow, who was slowly landing back on all fours.
"I...guess" Rainbow Dash said suspiciously.
"I can use a healing spell on her, but I don't know if she will wake up" Discord said hopefully.
"Well then what are yer waitin for" Applejack cried out while stomping her hoof for emphasis. With that Discord hurriedly snapped his talons and all of the cuts and bruises on the half dead mare vanished (her wing and leg were fine as well). After removing any pieces of debris from her mane and tail, Rarity alway had multiple hairbrushes on her, Discord teleported them all back to Fluttershy's cottage and laid the silent and petrified pegasus on her bed and tucked her under the butterfly patterned quilt.

When the others questioned him as to why they weren't in a hospital, he would simply say that she was healed, just sleeping and that nothing could happen to her, but he did put a protection spell on her room. She would need help eating, of course, but that wouldn't be to difficult considering that she would still swallow if food was put in her mouth, same with water, but it had to be soup. All of Flutter's friends decided that they would take turns watching her, even Discord. Now all they have to do is wait.