• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


  • EAstral Entropy
    EnkuLiDae has fallen to the elements and Discord. He is now just a foal trapped in a world he's terrified of, but Celestia takes him in to learn what she can about the past alicorns and ponies as well as the buried city, but he won't speak so easily.
    The Psychopath · 5.7k words  ·  9  2 · 674 views

Created in an attempt to resemble an actual episode of the show.

Luna has fallen into a deep coma from which she cannot be awoken no matter how many people come to her aid or whatever spells and medications are used. And her sister's knowledge of the dreamscape isn't as profound, preventing her from creating any real solutions. Celestia did, however, discover, in her brief trips into Luna's dreamscape, the words 'Promise' and 'final wish' floating within. She does not know what they mean.

Forced to stand by her sister's side at all times, Celestia sends the mane six, being the only ones she feels she can trust in this delicate situation, towards a potential solution which lies deep below Canterlot in a newly discovered area that has yet to be explored, much to Twilight's certain excitement. While it isn't certain that a solution lay within, there is no harm in trying.

Takes place, perhaps, at or after the finale of season 5. Non-canonballically, of course. It's also a makeshift birthday present for Lunaexcelsior. His birthday was June 1st, if I'm not mistaken. Joyeux anniverschtroumpf!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Great story, I wouldn't know if I'd particularly call it "show style" since I myself cannot tell, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Here's hoping for a continuation since I've gotten invested into this storyline.

6053620 It was just supposed to be a lengthy one-shot for those waiting on the hiatus. I did leave openings for a sequel, however.

Okay my previous comment got erased (some technical complications over here) so here's what you might have missed. Previously on Lunaexcelsior's deleted comment:
Discord is hilarious, Pinkie Pie has some of the funniest lines ever spoken by a pony or otherwise, Twilight is in character as well as the rest of the Mane Six. Celestia is portrayed awesomely as both a ruler and a concerned sister which gives a complexity to her character (plus I always love it when Celestia isn't portrayed as just an all knowing entity as she too doesn't have to know every single little detail of every single corner of Equestria). Luna's 'coma' kinda reminds of the Basilisk inflicted nightmares but with far more severity. It just gets more and more intriguing. The city they explore is extremely well depicted and the music is just the icing on the birthday cake. Every single scene is fantastically executed and the humor that Discord brings to the table is just great.
And now for the thrilling conclusion
You might be the only fanfic writer that could make a pony named Cucumber and actually make me respect that pony. The way of The Illogic is a wonderous way if it allows you to do that lol. Also this extremely interesting. I love the lore and world building in this world. It is quite gripping and like a hook consider me grappled (that's actually a word? :rainbowderp:)!
Wait a sec! Brouhaha is a word too?! Really? I thought it was just something people said as slang but looks like it is a word?! This explains so much...(yeah I am from a non English speaking country and things like this surprise me lol) Wait a sec? Cucumber is immortal! And he wants his own country?! Ummm not to side with the two over there, but are ya sure Cucs? Seriously it ain't easy. You have to deal with paperwork and twits like The Basilisk who want to start a war with your country just by any slightest provocation,l not to mention the riots , civil wars and general unhappiness of people which happens to even the best rulers. It's an extremely boring and annoying job, which is exactly why I love Celestia and Luna so much. Just the thought of the amount of BS they have to take on a daily basis, yeah... I am surprised both of them aren't alcoholic by now lol But I am getting sidetracked. I'll read on! Oh BUCK! It's mecha Timber wolf! Hide yo fillies! Hide yo waifus!

Hey, did you notice there are no cobwebs here?

A reference maybe? Nah, I am just being silly. It's just a quinky dink (oh so that is not a word... Got it)

"You goin' ta spout constant one-liners lak that all the time?" Applejack asked sarcastically.

"Maybe. It is my thing, after all."

"I thought bringing chaos was your thing?" Rarity quipped.

"That is also my thing."

Lampshading. You're doing it right!
That ending I... I... I a, just speechless. WHAT5 CAN I SAY AFTER AN AWESOMELY EPIC OFF THE WALLS POWER BATTLE THAT HAD JUST UNFOLDED RIGHT BEFORE MY VERY EYES?! Seriously I was near glued to the screen observing every word and every letter as they turned into images in my mind. The battle was immense and there is so much room for a sequel here! Like why did Cucumber only affect Luna? What did he do in the past that allowed him such grand powers? Who were the two alicorns (I presume they were parents of Celestia and Luna but still...) What happened to the city? So many questions and so much AWESOMNESS in one piece of a world building brilliance. This is not only show accurate, but if it did make it in to the show, it would be one of the best episodes to date! Once again you have proven yourself to be an expert writer and I loved this piece of work. BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy::raritystarry::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

6055429 Oh, I did think they were the parents of Celestia and Luna, but fumbling through the threads and weavings of that reality allowed to see they were something further down the line. And thanks for the comment. It's always fun to read comments like these.

My goodness, what an epic story you have on your hooves here! The beginning was believable and well-established, and I loved how you described their transport into the ruined city and the city itself. I really could picture it all so clearly. I also loved learning about Cucumber and wonder where this entity EnkuLiDae came from. I'm wondering if it is something like the Nightmare that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon, which is then why she would have fallen into the coma as she did. I also loved the ending, and I too am now craving more from this story arc. All in all, a brilliantly conceived tale, my friend!

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