• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 734 Views, 23 Comments

Derailed - JunkerRabbit

The gang confronts another mystery aboard a train, but this time the stakes are much higher.

  • ...

2400 Miles Remain


By Oxiproxd9

Nopony could've possibly predicted this turn of events. Nopony would have thought anything more about this train ride other than just another train ride from Ponyville to Canterlot.

But instead, an entire adventure unfolded within the twelve cars of the train traveling almost twenty-five hundred miles to Canterlot.

It's five o' clock in the morning. Across the small, quaint town of Ponyville in southern Equestria, a hoof-full of ponies are preparing for their departure to Canterlot. Our story begins here.


It was a quiet, overcast spring morning. Twilight Sparkle, being the diligent and zealous pony that she was, had instructed Owlowicious to wake her up at five o' clock sharp; not a minute off. Owlowicious was used to this obsession with punctuality his owner had. It had taken some getting used to, but after Spike and him became friends, he learned a few tips and tricks from him, as well as advice on how not to tick Twilight off (which Spike himself rarely seemed to follow).

Twilight felt the owl's talons gently nudge her awake. She awoke from her deep slumber, snatching the reins of her train of thought away from the wild dream she was having seconds ago. She got up, yawned, and arched her back. Her mane was a mess from the restless night she had spent excitedly anticipating the upcoming trip to Canterlot with her friends. After she was fully awake and out of bed, she said, "Thank you, Owlowicious. You may go to bed."

"Who," the brown owl nodded gratefully before flying off to his perch for a long awaited and much deserved sleep. Twilight giggled at the owl's fatigued-looking state. She was glad he was around to help out at night.

Twilight stretched her body out and deeply inhaled as she magicked up a hairbrush to rid her mane of the awful bedhead it had developed. She would never tire from the smell of the Ponyville Library in the mourning. The hollowed interior glowed warmly from the naturaNow it was time to wake up her daytime assistant, who lay in his basket bed in the corner of the room, covers draped tightly around him, as he snored in the corner. He wouldn't enjoy the wake-up call, that was for sure, but he had promised to come along on the train ride (a decision he soon regretted making). He and Twilight had to go to Canterlot to collect magic supplies that couldn't be found anywhere else. Twilight wasn't going alone, however. Each of her friends, by sheer coincidence, had business in Canterlot as well. This would be a fun little trip they would remember for quite a while. Twilight was sure of this. Something told her it would be so.

"Wake up, Spike!" Twilight cheerily attempted to rouse Spike from his slumber, but to no avail. The dragon merely grumbled and rolled over in his baby-blue blanket. Twilight frowned. She didn't want to have to do this, but it was obvious there was no other choice.

One cold bucket of water later, Spike was up and at 'em. It was true he didn't want to get up, but it wasn't true that he didn't want to go. In fact, he did very much. He was going to help out Rarity, who was asked by Sapphire Shores to be part of her new fashion line, after he was done with assisting Twilight in her shopping spree and watching the Canterlot Rodeo from VIP seats (courtesy of Princess Celestia).

"You know," he said as he dried himself from Twilight's wake-up call, "I still don't get why the train has to leave so early."

"Because," Explained Twilight for what seemed to her like the hundredth time, "The Friendship Express travels of a speed of about 80 miles per hour, and Canterlot is nearly 2400 miles from Ponyville! At that rate, it takes a day and a half to get there, and seeing that the Rodeo is in three days, we don't have any time to lose slacking off!" the words rolled off of her tongue as though they were being dispensed from some nerve-wracked computer. She settled down, taking a deep breath. "Got the pre-train ride checklist?"

Spike swiped the piece of parchment in question from the shelf it was lying on. "Yup!"

"Advanced Magic Volumes I - VI."


"Two tickets for the 7:00 Friendship Express departure to Canterlot."


"Two VIP tickets to the Canterlot Rodeo."


"The Official Guide to Precious Rocks and Minerals, for when you go off to help Rarity.


"Two blueberry muffins, for in case we get hungry on the train."

Spike let out a small burp. "Erm . . . Check?"

Twilight groaned. "Spike!"

"I'm sorry! I was really hungry! Besides, I saved one for you!"

Twilight sighed and then chuckled as she trotted downstairs with her companion. That's Spike for ya! she thought to herself as they walked out the front door in the direction of the train platform.


I'm late, I'm late, I'm so very late! Bon Bon thought as she rushed though the misty morning Ponyville. Sugarcube Corner appeared as she rounded a corner. She and her roommate were not morning ponies. Lyra, Bon Bon's roommate, almost always slept through breakfast, and Bon Bon was no better. However, ever since she had gotten a job at Sugarcube Corner, she had had to adjust to getting up much earlier.

Today she had had to get up MUCH earlier than normal, because she and her co-worker, Pinkie Pie, were going to the Canterlot Rodeo. Mr. Cake, Bon Bon's boss, had contacted the host of the Rodeo, asking if Sugarcube Corner could assist in providing catering. Bon Bon and Pinkie were to deliver 500 cupcakes safely to the Rodeo and sell as many as possible while in Canterlot.

Bon Bon did not appreciate her co-worker's antics most of the time, namely because she already had enough craziness in her life thanks to her roommate Lyra. Pinkie Pie, despite being an extraordinary baker and confectioner, never took her job seriously, or anything in life for that matter. Pinkie Pie was the one downside to the job at Sugarcube Corner Bon Bon had taken a few months back. While she was grateful she'd shown her the ropes, she still couldn't stand the outcomes Pinkie's insane amount of hyperactivity, whether it be a song about Bon Bon's "monthiversary" for working at the shop, or an insane contraption she'd pulled out of nowhere that she'd used to launch fifty pecan pies at her rapid-fire (which was made even worse by Bon Bon's pecan allergy), or her rambling tangents that would last the entire workday, or, on the rare occasion, talking to where no one was. Bon Bon had asked once who she was talking to when she did that, and Pinkie giggled while explaining that she was talking to "the humans that were watching them." That had really freaked Bon Bon out. She thought Lyra was the only nut job obsessed with the mythical creatures known as "humans."

"GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING, BON BON!" Bon Bon was greeted with Pinkie's cheerful response, which sent the poor cream-colored earth. She was hanging upside-down behind the front door. Bon Bon suspected that she had been waiting there, readying herself for when her prey walked through the door.

Mrs. Cake rounded the corner, a platter of cupcakes balanced on her head. "Oh, good, you're here, Bon Bon! Glad you could make it!" She said in her endearing accent. "We're just finishing packing up. Care to pitch in?"

Bon Bon nodded. Whatever she needed to do to convince Mrs. Cake she was a responsible pony, and to make up of being late on such an important business day. "I'd love to. Where are Mr. Cake and the twins?"

"Oh, lil' Pound and Pumpkin are tucked into bed still," Pinkie Pie responded, her fluffy unkempt mane bouncing up and down with the rest of her body as she spoke, "They had a pretty wild night last night. But don't you worry about it, Bons!" Pinkie ruffled Bon Bon's mane, using the nickname Bon Bon despised ever-so much.

"What happened?" Bon Bon asked.

"They got into our refrigerator and snatched up some Moxipower, and they spent the entire night bouncing off the walls. They crashed recently and couldn't move a muscle, but Mr. Cake is checking on them, just to be sure." Mrs. Cake said as she walked with Bon Bon back into the kitchen where the rest of the cupcakes were.

"What's Moxipower?" asked Bon Bon as she lifted up a tray of cupcakes, straining to keep it balanced while moving towards the front of the store.

"It's a drink that makes you super-duper-LUPER hyper, and gives you so much energy that you just can't contain it, and it makes you go crazy!" Pinkie explained, forehooves failing in Bon Bon's face, "Well, I mean crazy like excited, like when I throw parties, but not crazy like that one time when Twilight's letter to Princess Celestia was late and got her old doll and enchanted it so that everypony -"

"I got it," Bon Bon shoved a hoof into Pinkie's mouth to prevent her from traveling down that road. She remembered the day very well, and didn't want the story told. "So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Pinkie Pie drinks this stuff by the gallon."

"Actually, no," Mrs. Cake replied.

"Meffeff Kek fahbibs eth!" Pinkie muffled through Bon Bon's hoof.

"Come again?" Bon Bon took her hoof out of the pink earth pony's mouth.

"Mrs. Cake forbids it! I've never had a sip in my life! All this energy just comes naturally to me!" Pinkie smiled as she repeated her earlier statement.

"Smart choice," Bon Bon muttered under her breath, then raised her voice back to normal to ask Mrs. Cake, "Do you mind if I took one on the road? I didn't sleep well last night and I might need something to perk me up in case I start to fall asleep on the train."

"Not at all, dearie! They're over in the fridge!" Mrs. Cake nodded towards the direction of the refrigerator "There might not be any left, though. Pumpkin and Pound were veeeery thirsty, dontcha know?"

Bon Bon opened the fridge and saw a sole black can with shiny red and green silhouettes of earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi in athletic poses printed all over. It was labeled "MOXIPOWER" in big, bold, silver letters. Haha! thought Bon Bon triumphantly, Just my luck! Only one left! She nabbed it, threw it in her navy and white saddlebag and continued helping out Pinkie Pie and Mrs. Cake with loading the cupcakes into the boxes.


Applejack's eyes shot open at the sound of the rooster's blaring crow. Today was the big day! She shot out of her cozy wooden bed and started galloping in place. "Yeeeee hah!" She cheered giddily.

"Whoa, there, AJ!" Said Applejack's big brother, Big Macintosh, "You don't want to go wastin' all of your energy gettin' worked up! You gotta save it for the Rodeo!"

Applejack laughed and playfully jabbed her brother's side. "I ain't gonna tire myself out warmin' up!" Applejack teased, "Just how weak do you reckon I am?"

"You got everythin' packed for the Rodeo, pickle-barrel?" Granny asked as she hobbled into Applejack's room.

"'Course, Granny! We packed everythin' yesterday, remember?" Applejack said.

Granny Smith chuckled, "I can't remember which drawer the spoons are in! How do you expect me to remember if you packed or not?" She turned to Big Macintosh. "You ready to help the Cakes, hon?"


"Well, then," Granny Smith hollered with one forehoof raised high in the air, "What're we waitin' around for? Let's get this show on the road! To the train station!"

Applejack admired the orchard on her way towards the edge of Sweet Apple Acres and the road the Ponyville. She and Big Macintosh had kicked into overdrive in the last few weeks. They had cut it close, but thanks especially to Big Mac, enough apples were harvested for Applejack to compete in the Rodeo and leave the farm in the rest of her family's hooves.

This Rodeo would be different than last year's. She'd have her friends there for support, and she wasn't pressured to win first place anymore. She just wanted to have a good time, and a good time she would have. She had her hat, which she never left home without; her lucky rope, which she believed to be a good luck charm, especially since last year when she couldn't find it and went to the Rodeo without it; and a bushel of Sweet Apple Acres apples, because there was never a bad time for a snack.

"Why can't I go with you, just to watch?" Applebloom asked her big sister.

Applejack flashed a smile, "I told you, you're still just a little filly! I'm goin' all the way to Canterlot! That's a long way!"

Big Macintosh nodded and said, "Two thousand n' four hundred miles from Ponyville to Canterlot, two thousand n' four hundred miles from Canterlot to Ponyville."

"How'd you know that?" Applebloom asked the red earth-pony.

"I used my fancy mathematics," Big Macintosh flashed a grin at his little sister, pleased she was so amazed.

Applejack playfully jabbed her big brother. "You need to stop crunchin' numbers all the time and do a better job with your chores!" She joked. She didn't mean it. Big Mac's skills helped the farm with pricing food, paying taxes and making financial decisions. Plus, she never passed up the opportunity to make fun of her big brother. It's just what younger siblings do.

They entered Town Square. Applejack, Applebloom, and Granny Smith headed towards the train station. Big Mac walked in the opposite direction, towards the plaza, where Sugarcube Corner was.

Big Mac opened the door to the bakery to see Mrs. Cake, Pinkie Pie, and another earth pony (Big Macintosh was pretty sure her name was "Bon Bon") putting cupcakes in a rectangular box. There were already 19 boxes that were closed, wrapped and with the Sugarcube Corner logo printed on the top.

"Oh, hi, Big Mac!" Said Pinkie Pie when she saw him, "Ready for some heavy-duty cupcake carrying?"

"Eeyup!" Said Big Mac as he strapped himself into the cart that the boxes containing the cupcakes were being loaded onto. He could smell the sweet aroma of fresh-baked cupcakes and homemade icing, making his mouth water.

Mrs. Cake beamed and said, "We really appreciate this, honey. You and your family have done just so much for our business! Pinkie Pie here even made you a little special something. You can pick it up when you come back." She pointed her hoof towards the counter where an apple cake stood. The words, "Thank You Apple Family!" were written neatly with icing. Big Mac's stomach growled.

"Can't wait to eat it!" He smiled.

"Then let's get this show on the road!" Pinkie declared as they moved out.


Rarity awoke to Sweetie Belle's face bouncing in and out of her view.

"Today's the day! Today's the day!" Sweetie Belle cheered excitedly.

"Huh . . . Wuzzah . . .?" Rarity said groggily.

"Today's the day! You know! The day!" Sweetie Belle repeated, pushing her face into Rarity's.

"Oh, my!" Exclaimed Rarity. She pushed her sister aside. "Today? Oh, there's so many preparations that must be done! Why didn't you wake me sooner? Today's the day!" She rushed to the far end of the room where two saddlebags packed to the brim stood. One was a lime green, the other a light turquoise. Rarity hoisted the green one up with her mouth and tossed it in Sweetie Belle's direction.

"Yay! This is going to be so fun! Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and me are finally going to earn our cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle hollered. Rarity almost corrected her grammar, but decided it wasn't worth it. She wanted her little sister to have a good time. Rarity was getting better about letting these kinds of things go like a civilized pony and a mature older sister should.

Rarity was almost as excited as the young unicorn filly bouncing around her, but didn't want to show it. She had been invited to the Canterlot Rodeo to support Applejack in the competition (and to help prevent a repeat of last year's runaway Applejack incident). At first Rarity wasn't very fond of the idea, but her mood changed when she found out that she would get a VIP front row seat. She also became more excited when Sapphire Shores contacted her telling her to come to Canterlot so she could be in her fashion line. There were many rare jewels on the Canterlot countryside, and Sapphire wanted Rarity's help. Spike agreed to be Rarity's helper when he found out about this, as he too was going to Canterlot for the Rodeo. This was going to be a fun little trip.

Sweetie Belle was going to stay with the Apple family while Rarity was in Canterlot. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were going to sleep in sleeping bags in their clubhouse for a couple nights. Scootaloo only decided to join because the three almost never did anything without each other. It was quite a friendship; one Rarity was quite jealous of. She had always had trouble making good friends when she was a filly. She was always called a snob and a brat, which seemed true from Rarity's surface appearance, but wasn't at all deep down.

In fact, the first pony Rarity met that she actually considered a good friend was Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus was still Rarity's best friend, and the two always stuck out for each other. They always shared their secrets and feelings with one another (save for the incident with Photo Finish, but that was different), as well as their hobbies. After being friends for a while, Fluttershy had learned how to make a decent dress and work a sewing machine, and Rarity was able to (to a certain degree) tame Opalescence.

Almost as if on cue, Opal mewed Rarity out of her train of thought. Rarity shook her head a bit and went strait back to galloping all over the boutique, cleaning up the last bits and pieces before closing down the shop for the week. She magicked her saddlebag and luggage and ran towards the door before stopping herself.

Wait, she thought to herself, I want to look good when I arrive in Canterlot. She dropped everything and bolted up to her room. She pulled out two diamond earrings. They were expensive, but Rarity cherished them greatly. They were her favorite pair. They would definitely do.

"Come ON, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle called from downstairs, "We're gonna miss the train!"

"Coming!" Rarity called back, putting the earrings in. It was time for an adventure she would not soon forget!


Putter putter putter putter putter putter putter . . .

"Five more minutes, dude."

Putter putter putter putter THUMP putter putter putter . . .

"Come on, don't do that!"

Putter putter THUMP putter THUMP putter putter putter THUMP putter putter . . .

"ALL RIGHT FINE! I'M UP!" Rainbow Dash shot out of bed, looping around to give her tortoise companion a noogie on his shell (or at least it seemed like a noogie. there wasn't any hair on the shell).

Rainbow Dash rocketed around the interior of her fluffy cloud house, feeling awake and alive. She had been anticipating this morning. She bolted over to the her friend and put a hoof on her forehead, as though she was saluting him. "All right, Tank," she barked at the tortoise, who was airborne thanks to a propeller device based off of the weather vanes in Ponyville, "are you ready for the Sixtieth Annual Canterlot Comicon, where Campolina Black, the very author of the Daring Do series, is going to make a special appearance?"

Tortoises are not known to be able to express excitement, but Tank nevertheless did a flip to show that he was very excited. This would be the first Canterlot Comicon Rainbow Dash would attend, and she wanted it to be perfect. She had ordered gray mane dye from Rarity, tan spray paint from Pinkie Pie (who offered it out of nowhere, pulling the can out from under a bridge. She claimed it was her Pinkie Sense, but nothing about Pinkie made sense.), and a safari outfit from Berry Punch, who went as Daring Do for Nightmare Night last year.

Rainbow Dash was forced to take Tank with her. She had tried to find a caretaker, but no one seemed to know about tortoises like Fluttershy, and she hadn't been seen in quite a while. It didn't bother Rainbow Dash that much. Tank wasn't as much a burden as much as he was a difficulty to travel with. Not many hotels in Canterlot liked having reptiles in their building. Princess Celestia had promised to allow Tank into her room each night. And so, it was decided Tank would spend the day with Rainbow Dash and the night with Princess Celestia. Dash was glad it had worked out. She couldn't wait to go to Canterlot, not only for the Comicon, where she planned to have her Daring Do book signed by Campolina Black herself, but also for the Rodeo, where her friend Applejack would compete. Princess Celestia had given front row seats, and Rainbow Dash was stoked.

"Come on! You woke me up, now you have to keep up!" Rainbow Dash challenged Tank as she bolted out the door with her stuff.

Tank caught up with her and stared into her eyes, asking a question in a language only Rainbow Dash seemed to understand. "I'll get into costume at Canterlot," Rainbow Dash replied, "That outfit is stuffy, and I want to stay out of it until the last minute. Besides, we have a train to catch!" The two picked up pace and hurtled through Ponyville's overcamorning sky.


Fluttershy got up, sleep still fogging her eyes. Unlike her friends, she had woken up with no help. She was used to getting up this early, thanks to the impatience some of the animals under her care had when it came to getting breakfast.

She schlepped herself out of her bed. She felt and looked like a total mess. She hadn't gotten a very good night's sleep last night, nor had she for the past week. She had eaten very little, and had locked herself inside her cottage going long distances to avoid interacting with the outside world. She needed to go on this trip. It would be good for her to get out and do something like this. Not just for her, but for her animal companions.

A week ago, Fluttershy had sent Captain Peregrine, the falcon who had competed in the race to become Rainbow Dash's pet a while back, to Canterlot with enough bits to order one ticket to the upcoming Canterlot Rodeo. She would be too suspicious if she just left for Canterlot without an excuse. Besides, she was fairly certain none of her friends were going. Applejack said she was too busy with the orchard to help, and as far as Fluttershy knew, Applejack was the only one who wanted to enter the Rodeo. Fluttershy would just have to give an excuse as to why she needed to leave. She couldn't give this away.

The yellow Pegasus grabbed her ticket and the box she needed for the trip, and headed out her cottage door. Don't worry, my friends, Fluttershy thought, This shall not go unjustified. She shut the door and headed off towards the train station.


Amethyst Star woke up to the same scent that she woke up to ever time she slept with the Doos: Muffins. Ditzy and Dinky loved muffins, and boy, were they good at making them. Ditzy Doo was a mailmare in Ponyville, and the single mother of Dinky Doo. Because she had to work overtime so often, she often asked Amethyst to foalsit Dinky. Amethyst of course did it for very little money. Ditzy Doo was one the most warmhearted ponies that Amethyst Star knew, both as a mother and a hard worker.

About a year ago, there had been an incident involving an earth-pony named Applejack and the Canterlot Rodeo, and Ditzy was strung up in it somehow. When she told the story to Dinky, the little lavender filly expressed great interest in the Rodeo. She spent a good amount of time at Sweet Apple Acres watching the Apple Family's practices, and even tried practicing to compete in the Rodeo herself.

When Ditzy Doo realized her daughter's fascination for the Rodeo, she started working around the clock, pulling in enough money for two tickets for the upcoming Rodeo. The purchase of the tickets had put him in debt, and wasn't able to go to Canterlot. Amethyst offered to take Dinky and the extra ticket. Rodeos weren't exactly her cup of tea, but Dinky was her favorite filly to foalsit, and loved the opportunity to see Canterlot. She loved the city.

Amethyst trotted downstairs, greeted by Dinky. She was wearing her saddlebag, whose school supplies were dumped to make room for what was needed for the trip to Canterlot. Amethyst had done the same, taking out all of the junk that she had stored in her saddlebags to make room for travel supplies (she was a bit of a pack-rat and appreciated the chance to clean her messy saddlebag out).

"Hay, Dinky!" Amethyst said in an overly enthusiastic voice in spite of having just woken up, "Are you ready to go see the Rodeo?"

"Yeah!" Dinky cheered, bouncing off the floor.

"You two are going to have quite the adventure," Ditzy chuckled, poking her head around the corner from the kitchen. "Listen, Amethyst, I want to give you something," She ran back into the kitchen and came back with a bottle wrapped in parchment held under her wing. "This piece of paper," She said, "Is a note that assures you got to Canterlot safely. I still don't trust the railroad system. This bottle contains fire from the dragon down at the library. Just light the paper with the flame and it will be sent strait to me."

Amethyst magicked the bottle and parchment out from under Ditzy's wing. She stowed it away in her saddlebag, then paused as she caught a whiff of something. "Uh . . . Ditz?" she said.

Ditzy continued, "I don't want to act paranoid, but I worry for little Dinky here sometimes,"


"Then again, don't all mothers worry about their foals sometimes? It's a natural thing, I guess."


"I'm usually not one to worry. It's unhealthy. I know a lot of ponies that would benefit from worrying less."

"Like that Twilight Sparkle down at the library. She gets so worked up sometimes . . ."

"DITZY, THE MUFFINS!" Amethyst interrupted the grey pegasus before she went any more off-topic. The air was now starting to darken from the smoke.

"Oh, right!" Ditzy bolted into the kitchen to take the burning muffins out of the oven. She opened the oven, door, sending out a billow of dark grey smoke into the room, sending all three ponies into bouts of coughing. When the smoke cleared, Dinky saw that the muffin was the color of charcoal.

"Aww . . ." Dinky sighed. Ditzy looked ashamed, as though she was to take full responsibility for the accident.

"Don't worry, Dinky!" Amethyst tried to cheer the little filly up, "We can get something on the way to the train!"

"Okay!" Dinky perked right back up, following her foalsitter out the door.

Ditzy took a bite out of the muffin, making a loud crunching noise. "It's not that burnt," She said to herself.


The train station was packed. The engineer was doing one last check before he set off, so the passengers were conversing with one another on the platform. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were excitedly talking to each other about their plans for the sleepover, and what they were going to do when Scootaloo joined them. Big Macintosh caught them on several occasions trying to sneak off in the direction of Scootaloo's house, and sat them down next to Granny Smith to listen to a story of hers. Granny never lets anypony she's telling a story to out of sight, so Big Mac felt he should be able to help with loading the cupcakes.

Spike was pacing back and forth on the platform to help stay awake. He had gotten plenty of sleep, but was still a baby dragon, and his body needed lots of rest if he wanted to do his job well. A shadow all of a sudden fell upon him. Spike looked up with his baggy eyes to see a towering teenage dragon, twice the height of most ponies.

The dragon smiled down at Spike and chuckled, "A little early for a little tyke like you, no?" His scales shown with a black shine in the morning light that made them look like obsidian, and his crimson belly looked smooth to the touch. He had a moderately think Trottinghamian accent and a deep, scruffy voice. His breath smelled like hot iron, and his smile was unnerving, but he didn't seem to mean any harm.

"Um . . ." Spike tried to respond, "I'm going to help my friend Twilight Sparkle with some shopping in Canterlot, and my friend Rarity with her fashion line," He held out his hand nervously and cautiously.

The black dragon squinted down at Spike, trying hard to remember something. "Twilight Sparkle," He said as he scratched his chin, producing a gritty, scraping sound, "Where have I heard that name before . . ." He suddenly snapped his finger in realization, producing a small spark. "I got it! She's Princess Celestia's personal student, correct?" Spike nodded. "Then that," The black dragon continued, "Would make you Spike! Am I right?"

"Yes," Said Spike, "Yes I am. And who are you?"

"Ah, did forget my introduction again? So sorry!" The dragon flexed his razor-sharp scales to show off, "My name's Sheen. I'm one of Equestria's mapmakers, from the city of Canterlot!" He gave a bow as he spoke, "Has the princess never told you about me? We're rather close," He asked Spike as he rose from his bow, once again towering over the baby dragon. "Then again," Sheen mused, "She's close with a lot of ponies. And dragons, for that matter."

"Wait," Said Spike, "If you're from Canterlot, how come you have a Trottinghamian accent? And what are you doing in Ponyville?"

"Oh, I wasn't born in Canterlot!" Explained Sheen with a short, condescending chuckle, "I was found as an egg by a scientist in Trottingham, and spent most of my childhood there. I drew mostly maps, and when Celestia dropped by on a visit one time, she saw my skills and asked if I would like a place on the board of Equestrian mapmakers, and I took it!" He smiled and sighed, reminiscing the memory of his, and then carried on. "As for being in Ponyville, I've been mapping out the countryside around the Everfree Forest. The land changes, so every once in a while, us mapmakers go out to different parts of Equestria for, say, about two years, doing nothing but studying the landscape. I have to say, this has been the most exciting trip of mine! You guys have it crazy! I'm kind of sad that my time here is up, but my mapping is complete, and I have to get it back to the castle as soon as I can, which happens to be riding this train."

Twilight walked up to the two dragons talking. "Hay, Spike! Who's your friend?" She asked her assistant.

Sheen took another bow. "Name's Sheen, m'lady! Member of the Royal Canterlot Board of Equestrian Mapmakers!" He stood back up. "You must be Twilight Sparkle, are you not?"

"Yes, how do you know my name?" Twilight asked him.

"I'm friends with the princess. She talks about you a good lot. I mean a really lot. From all that she's said, I gather you're quite the magician," Said Sheen, making Twilight blush. "You going to Canterlot for some shopping for supplies, or something?" He asked.

"Yes, but we're also going to see the Rodeo," Said Twilight, "Our friend is competing in it this year."

Spike and Twilight continued to chat with Sheen for a while. Applejack watched the three, wondering what another dragon was doing in Ponyville (she hadn't been listening to the conversation. That would be snooping).

"Quite a specimen," A voice behind Applejack remarked. Applejack jumped and turned around, coming face-to-face with a muscular, tan earth pony wearing a safari hat. His face bore an unkempt stubble, and his grey eyes seemed focused on the black-and-red dragon talking to Twilight and Spike.

"Who're you!?" Applejack demanded, still shocked by the sudden stranger's appearance, "Don't you know not to sneak up on other ponies like that!?"

"My name's Irwin Ranglem, and I'm a professional animal wrangler!" He said with a thick Horstrailian accent. He grinned and laughed, "It's my job to sneak up on things! I'm on the hunt for an elusive wild animal, and my sources tell me there's a family of 'em living in a swamp near the city of Canterlot!"

"What animal?" Applejack asked.

"Can't say," Irwin replied, lowering his front and raising his haunches as though ready to pounce, "It's classified information that only a select few knew about," Applejack rolled her eyes. "What about you, miss?" Irwin asked Applejack, not seeing the eye roll, "What're you goin' to Canterlot for? To see the Rodeo?"

"See it? Boy, I'm in the Rodeo," Said Applejack.

"Well, what's your name?"

"I'm Applejack. I'm from the Apple family."

"'Scuse me," A cream colored earth-pony called from across the platform, trotting over to Applejack and Irwin, "Did you say you're from the Apple family?"

Applejack blinked. "Uh, yeah, why?" She asked.

The mare beamed, "Well, howdy, cuz! I'm from the Apple family, too! My name's Apple Crumble. My family runs a cider tavern in a small town a ways from here. You've probably never heard of it. I'm goin' to compete in the Rodeo, as well! What a coincidence!"

Applejack smiled. "I'm Applejack. My family owns Sweet Apple Acres down the road. Glad to meet someone new! Is this your first Rodeo?" She asked Apple Crumble

Apple Crumble nodded, making her berry-colored braids bounce up and down rhythmically, reminding Applejack of Pinkie Pie's mane. She looked rather young. Her bright red hair, cream-colored coat, and slim body didn't seem very Apple-family-like, but Applejack didn't want to doubt a total stranger. The two talked for a bit, leaving Irwin on his own, and Applejack found that Apple Crumble was very knowledgeable on apples, almost more-so than Applejack herself. After a little bit of talking, she heard the familiar sound of a jet turbine.

Apple Crumble looked up and asked, "What in the hay was that?"

"That's my friend, Rainbow Dash. She's an amazing flyer. Come on, I'll introduce you to her!" Applejack and Apple Crumble walked over.

Rainbow Dash was still recovering from her abrupt confrontation with the dew-licked grass aside the train platform.

"Hay, RD!" Said Applejack, "I'd like to introduce you to my cousin, Apple Crumble! She's competin' in the Rodeo, too!"

Rainbow Dash looked up at the sky, a look of concern on her face. "Hay, Applejack. Hay, Apple Crumble," She said halfheartedly, "Say, have either of you seen a certain flying tortoise around here?"

Apple Crumble blinked. "Huh?" She asked, "Did you just say flying tortoise?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah," She said, "His name is Tank.He has a little contraption that lets him fly, and goggles for when he does. I was just now racing him to the platform, and I kinda lost him on the way."

"Ain't that him up there?" Applejack pointed up at the sky where Tank was rocketing down. He hit the ground squarely on all four stubby little feet, completely unfazed by the abrupt landing. He turned his head to see that Rainbow Dash had beaten him to the train platform, and crossly kicked the ground in slow-motion.

"Well, shucks!" Said Apple Crumble with a half-smile, "I was told Ponyville folks were a tad quirky, but I reckon that might've been a bit of an understatement, huh?"

All three of them laughed. Suddenly, something caught Rainbow Dash's attention from the corner of her eye. "Hay, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash zoomed over to meet her friend, but Fluttershy didn't respond. She merely turned her head away from Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash tried again, "I didn't know you were coming on this train ride! Nopony's seen hide nor hair of you this past week! Whatcha been up to?"

Fluttershy murmured a barely audible nothing and continued walking, eager to get rid of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was confused. Fluttershy wasn't the most social pony she knew, but she didn't act like this around her friends. Something was up, and Rainbow Dash was going to find out.

"Hay, Rarity?" Rainbow Dash flew to the train platform and gave the white unicorn a small nudge.

Rarity turned around and smiled. "Rainbow!" She said, "I didn't know you had arrived! How are you faring?"

"I just got here. And I'm fine. Listen, Fluttershy just showed up, and she's acting weird. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but you might be able to talk to her, being her best friend and whatnot."

"I don't see why not," Said Rarity, "I will seek the truth and report back here." She trotted off to meet Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash watched them from afar. After about a minute, Rarity trotted back to Rainbow Dash.

"Well?" Asked Rainbow Dash, "What going on with her?"

"I haven't the slightest," Said Rarity flatly, "She wouldn't budge. I don't know what gotten into her, but it must be serious for her to be acting like this. Maybe -"

Rarity was cut short by the falling of curtains around the edges of the train platform, darkening the entire area to the point where nopony could see anything.

"What the -" Came the engineers voice, "What happened? Who's doing that?"

"Ladies and gentlecolts," A voice began through a speaker. "You are select few honored to bare witness to magic of astounding feats, unlike none you have ever seen before!"

"Uh-oh," Applejack said.

"Behold! The one!"

"Wait a minute, I know that voice," Said Twilight.

"The only!"

"Is that who I think it is?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"The great!"

"Sadly, I think that's a yes," Bon Bon said to Pinkie.

"And powerful!"

"This won't end well," Rarity said with an eye roll.


In a puff of smoke, Trixie, standing on her back hooves appeared in the center of the platform. The lights came back on.

"Well, now that that's over, all aboard!" The engineer called from the train.

"I have a feelin' this is gonna be a lot longer of a trip than we reckoned," Applejack muttered under her breath as everypony going to Canterlot moved towards the train.



There were thirteen ponies and two dragons on the train when it left Ponyville Station. Nopony exited or entered the train at any time, as it was in motion the entire time.

The passengers on board were:

Pinkie Pie, who was delivering and going to sell 500 cupcakes at the Canterlot Rodeo. She boarded with the cupcakes.

Twilight Sparkle, who was going to do some shopping for magic supplies not found in Ponyville and to see the Rodeo. She boarded with a book on advanced magic recipes to help her find what she needed, and two tickets to the Rodeo.

Applejack, who was going to compete in the Canterlot Rodeo. She boarded with a bushel of apples, her hat and her lucky rope.

Rainbow Dash, who was going to a book convention in Canterlot where the author of the Daring Do series was to make an appearance. She boarded with a Daring Do book for the author to sign and a costume for the convention, as well as her pet tortoise Tank.

Rarity, who had been asked to be at Canterlot during the Rodeo by Sapphire Shores so that she could be part of her new fashion line. She boarded with several outfits for the fashion line.

Fluttershy, who claimed she wanted to see the Rodeo. She boarded with a small box, whose contents are unknown, and a ticket to the Rodeo.

Spike, who was tagging along with Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. He boarded with a blueberry muffin and a field guide for rocks and minerals.

Dinky Doo, who had gotten two tickets to see the Rodeo, courtesy of her mother, Ditzy Doo. She boarded with the tickets as well as her favorite teddy bear.

Amethyst Star, who was foalsitting Dinky Doo while Ditzy stayed back to work. Amethyst had taken Dinky's extra ticket and was going to see the Rodeo with her. She boarded with a note she was instructed to send to Ditzy Doo when they got to Canterlot.

Bon Bon, who was working alongside Pinkie Pie. She boarded with a Moxipower Shake to help her stay awake during the train ride.

Sheen, a mapmaker from Canterlot who had just finished mapping out the land around Ponyville and was headed home. He boarded with his finished notes, which took several long months to complete, as well as his knapsack, whose contents are unknown.

Trixie, whose reason for boarding was unknown. She boarded with several large bags, whose contents are unknown but said to be her acting materials.

Apple Crumble, who was going to compete in the Canterlot Rodeo. She boarded with a necklace that had family heirloom.

Irwin Ranglem, an animal wrangler who was off to a swamp where an elusive species he was hunting lived. Canterlot was the closest stop to the swamp. He boarded with his equipment for catching the animal he was hunting, but he did not say what kind of animal it was.

Steamer, the engineer and owner of the Friendship Express.