• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 2,907 Views, 28 Comments

Distractions - That Pony Writer

A member of the Night Guard finds himself in a very awkward situation that he wasn't trained for.

  • ...

A peaceful Night?


Writers Nonanonymous

Midnight Sky stood tall and stiff, as he guarded one of the many hallways of the Royal Castle, keeping a watchful eye for any intruders who dared trespass in the place.

He joined the Night Guard to not only serve but also protect the Princesses and despite the fact that they do mostly nothing but stand around the castle, he still felt proud being one of them, as it was an important duty to secure the safety of the rulers of the state.

So far, the night had been quiet, with little disturbance to attract his attention. The sound of the cool night breeze could be heard echoing through the walls mixing with the calm sounds of the castle at sleep, creating a relaxing environment that would make most ponies lie down and enjoy the setting.

But for Midnight Sky, that was not an option. For he had a duty to do and that was to guard and make sure the place was safe. Despite the fact that there were hundreds of guard in the castle, the failure of one could bring disaster to it all, causing a domino like effect that can crumble the system.

So it was the duty of guards like him to concentrate and keep their minds clear.

Standing on the side of the hallways, he kept his eyes fixed as he stared at the wall on the opposite side. Keeping both eyes and wars sharp, he listened to every sound that came upon him, making sure that nothing looked or sounded odd or out of place. Because once that happens, he would know that something was wrong.

It was a tedious and sometimes boring task, and Midnight had to admit that sometimes he gets distracted from it. But after reminding himself that this duty was important, he would straighten himself up and continue the vigilant task.

As he continued to observe his surroundings, a strange yet smooth sound entered his ears. The sound was hard to identify, but he was sure that he had never heard of it before. Perking his ears up, he tried to figure out where the sound was coming from and soon figured out that it was heading towards him.

Giving a quick glance towards his right, he looked out to see nothing but an empty hallway. Listening to his surroundings, the sounds seemed to have disappeared.

Finding it odd, but having no evidence to prove anything, he just shrugged it off and continued his staring contest with the wall in front of him.

But the very moment he looked away, the sound returned again, but this time it came with a high speed whine, as if it were racing against something. A strange look plastered itself on his face as he encountered nothing like this before.

Turning his head towards the direction of the sound, he once again found nothing, as the sound dispersed and had gone quiet one more.
Letting an annoyed grunt, he returned he gaze back towards his front.

But as he straightened his head forward, he felt something soft pressing against his left cheek, as his eyes grew wide due to the contact. He gave a loud gulp when he felt it, as he worried on what it could be.

Slowly turning his gaze towards his left, he dared not to turn his head but only focus his eyes. Due to this, it was hard to see anything, but he did manage to catch a glimpse of something blue. He began to ponder on what it was, but a smooth and gentle voice whispered to his ear, quickly identifying it.

“Pleasant evening, Mr. Guard…” The voice said, making him cringe and stand at attention.

By now, the object pressing against his cheek was gone, as he turned his head towards the voice to find himself face to face with the Princess of the Night.

“Princess Luna!” He exclaimed, as he gave a salute. “I….I didn’t know you were patrolling the castle.”

He looked towards her and saw a small grin form on her face, as she inspected him with a firm gaze. Her eyes scanning him as he felt hot under her sharp glances.

“Oh, do not worry yourself, Mr. Guard…” She said, gently placing a hoof on his neck, before pulling him closer to her grasp. “…I am merely here to pay respects to the brave ponies who are willing to serve their Princess…”

Midnight felt his breathing go faster, as he felt nervous from the Princess’s touch. He didn’t know what was happening, as he was practically confused with her actions. Right now, if he wasn’t wrong, he was pretty sure the Princess Luna was hugging him, as she brought another hoof to place on his chest.

Instead of reacting to her actions, he decided to keep silent and keep his gaze straight. Having not been trained for a situation like this, he didn’t know how to respond or what to do. So he decided that the best course of action was to remain silent and think. Oh, and maybe not trying break down and panic would help too.

Taking a deep breath in hopes to calm himself down, he caught a big whiff of a strong and addictive smell. A smell that he didn’t often encounter, yet knew well enough. The thick and powerful smell of a mare in heat.

Eyes widening from the realization, he began to feel his nervousness kick in to an all new level, as he began to fight the distractive smell that was beginning to fill the hallway.

It didn’t help that the Princess was fully influenced by her own heat.

“Oh…don’t be so nervous…” She said, feeling him tense up. “…I’m only here to ask you to fulfill one duty…”

He tried to ignore anything what she was saying, but with the seductive and silk like tone of her voice, it was hard avoid her words.

Sure. Some ponies might have found it great and amazing to have interacted with the Princess in the manner she was demanding, but for Midnight Sky, that was not the case. Although his mind was imagining the benefits, he was also thinking of the disadvantages that waited after.

There many reasons why he didn’t want to do it and one of them was the fact that Princess Luna was not in control of herself. Most likely, it was the heat that was influencing her actions and she would probably regret it in the morning if anything would have happened between them. Besides, doing it with the Princess would cause more problems than just regret.

It would have been scandalous o them both, and a career breaker for him! If news spread out, then Princess Luna’s prestige could go down, while he would face a terrible faith of possibly being removed from the guard. Having just been here for three months, he was determined to stay in his position at all cause. And to do that, he must not fall for her influencing scent and actions.

There was also another reason why he didn’t want to give in. A reason that stallions like him knew about. The fact that a mare in heat could go on and on, with great endurance, without stopping till they were satisfied.

Sure, that may have sounded like a good thing, but from what he has heard from others, it was only pleasurable for the first three times. Once it got to the fourth, one would be begging for the mare to stop.

So, if it was already bad for an ordinary pony, then how bad would it be if it was done with an alicorn Princess? Well, Midnight Sky was not willing to find out.

But if Midnight wanted to avoid all of this consequences, then what should he do? H was currently within her firm grasp and the nearest guards were probably too far to hear his calls. Right now, if he didn’t think of a plan, he might face a faith he didn’t want.

The sudden feeling of a hoof caressing his underside broke him from his thoughts, as his eyes widened from the touch. Sure, it felt nice, but it also felt very awkward, seeing that this was the Princess’s hoof that was touching him.

“Oh, your liking this, don’t you?” A sly grin formed on Luna’s face, as she noticed his reaction to her touch. He felt her reposition above him and soon found himself under the larger alicorn. Something wet could be felt on the side of his neck and that was when he began to realize that the Princess was licking him on the open spot of his armor.

Oh…please…. This can’t be happening to me! He thought.

He then felt the hoof run down his belly, as it made its way towards a certain spot that he wanted it to avoid.

Hoping to deter her, he started fidgeting under her hooves, as he tried to squirm his way out. But despite his efforts, her hold was just too strong as he found himself stuck and helpless.

“Feisty aren’t you?” She said, with a soft chuckle. “Don’t worry, just relax….”

The sudden feeling of a hoof touching a place that he didn’t wasn’t to be touched made him squeak in shock as he nearly jumped from the feeling of her cold hood.

Right then and there, he was sure that there was no hope for him. He was trapped and she had full control, even though she technically had no control of her own actions. He was doomed and he knew it.

“Luna!” The call echoed through the hallway, catching the attention of both of them.

Relief filled Midnight’s body when he heard it, while the alicorn on top of her tensed at the fact of being caught.

Turning his head towards the direction of the sound, he was glad and happy to see Princess Celestia storming towards them, horn glowing as she levitated the blue alicorn on top of him.

Falling flat towards Midnight’s left, the Night Princess frowned as she looked up towards her sister with a dissatisfied look.

“Luna, how many times do I have to tell you, don’t pick on the guard when you’re in heat!” Celestia scolded her little sister.

“But Tia…..” Luna whined, as she pleaded with her sister.

“No, Luna, no excuses…” Celestia said, as she glared at her sister with a stern gaze. “…the last time you did this, we had to refill the ranks of half the guard. If you wanted somepony to help you, then you should have called Discord, that’s why we reformed him in the first place! Now go to your room….”

“Fine…” Luna grumbled, getting up and stomping away from the hall and back towards her room.

Midnight sighed in relief as she watched her leave. Composing himself, he stood tall once more, taking up his previous position.

As he stood guard once more, he noticed that Princess Celestia was still there, looking at him.

“I’m sorry for my sister’s actions…” She told him. Midnight was about to respond by saying that it wasn’t a problem, but he was cut off when she suddenly moved up to him and pressed her muzzle against his. “…Luna just doesn’t understand that the guards are my privilege.” She said a grin on her face.

Help me! He thought, knowing that he still had enough time to run.

Comments ( 28 )

That ending! :rainbowlaugh:

My brain is still trying to understand what this is.

I love it.


Meanwhile, I will be safely over here, laughing.

You know I feel bad for the guard, I mean, nopony wants to try and outrun an Alicorn Princess.

Although, even if he does get caught.....

6053976 Then that pony would have mixed emotions of that event.

“No, Luna, no excuses…” Celestia said, as she glared at her sister with a stern gaze. “…the last time you did this, we had to refill the ranks of half the guard. If you wanted somepony to help you, then you should have called Discord, that’s why we reformed him in the first place! Now go to your room….”

Oh, now that's just mean. :fluttershysad:

I would really wat to like this story, but there are so many errors and mistakes, it took away all the fun.

Like confusing faith and fate 2 times, or distinguishing thoght-lines from narration by writing it italic

Ther are some misspellings as well. That´s a real shame, because the idea was good. It had a good ending too.

6054825 Well, I'm glad that you somewhat liked it. Sorry for the errors though, I better get someone to fix that... :twilightsheepish: But thanks for reading.

because ponies totally turn into mindless sex machines when they're in heat:facehoof:

Midnight escaped from Luna but got jumped into the fire with Celestia. Nice ending.


Word of the day. Sentence.
Whatever, you get it. Just like my upvote, Ha!

6055599 No, but it IS funnier that way.

Besides, doing it with the Princes would cause more problems than just regret.


Midnight Sky stood tall and stiff

... The very first few words and a sexual innuendo.


I'm gonna like this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

6058631 Looking at my own comment now I see a few misspellings. I am really out of my groove.

I think we needs sequel of him running away and both princesses chasing him down.
Snippet from his wanted poster:
Midnight Sky
Abandoned her majesties whilst they were in heat.
Reward: 50,000 bits.

6061510 Hahaha, that would be perfect. I could just imagine them hiring bounty hunters to capture him. :rainbowlaugh:

Well. He's screwed, in more ways than one.

Run, Forrest, run!

If ya sprint for it, Celestia can teleport. If your a Unicorn and teleport, Celestia can teleport. Any way... the chances of you not getting caught are a slim 1% chance

"If you wanted somepony to help you, then you should have called Discord, that’s why we reformed him in the first place!"

"Luna just doesn’t understand that the guards are my privilege."


There is no words to describe how I feel right now.... Buck it! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! ITS @!%@ing MOLESTIA!!!!!!!!

This is hilarious!

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