• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 489 Views, 11 Comments

Believing in Something that is True - Nightglimmer22

Nightglimmer had a dream, a wish upon a star that she could fly with the best. But how many hoops would she have to jump through to get it?

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Chapter 2: Every Wing Beat Counts

The sound of everyponies excited hooves knocking the marble floor was loud enough to wake Ursa minor. The large group walked down a long hall to get to the lobby. They stopped in front of a set of big brown doors as they all entered through, everyponies wings lifted up as they continued to follow Openskies flying through the training field. They flew passed a racing track, Glimmer watched some of the competitors jumping over obstacles. Glimmer could only see a blur of the different colored pelts flashed by.

There was a big field up ahead. The sky above the field was crowed with hoops and rings that pegasusi probably had to fly though for the flexibility test.

"Rainbow Blaze will be with you in a bit." Openskies said as he walked away to the pony with a rainbow mane.


"This so cool."

"I can't wait to take the tests."

Glimmer heard some ponies say in awe. She was excited herself, She couldn't wait.

"I can't wait!" Stony Breeze said excitedly

Glimmer nodded back with the same enthusiasm

everyone seemed to quiet down when the rainbow maned Pegasus walked forward.

"I hope all of you ponies are ready." he said "Remember this is what you are going to be tested on to show us what you can do. I hope you do your best."

Rainbowblaze then spit the large group into three smaller groups.

"Each group will start at a different task at the forty minute bell you will all rotate to the next task." He said as the three different groups separated.

Glimmer turned following her other group mates, Sadly Stony Breeze or Cloud kicker wasn't in her group but hopefully she would be able to meet new ponies.

The sky was full with clouds, when everypony looked up as they all gathered in a circle around a light brown colored stallion.

The stallion began to speak.

"Ok everypony I am going to split you into pairs, each pair will work together on making of clouds disappear, when I blow the whistle I want to see how fast each pair can make as many clouds as they can disappear." The pony started to pair us. Glimmer saw the pony point to her then point to another a few hoofsteps away. Glimmer trotted over to the pony. She didn't look very happy.

"Hey, my name is Nightglimmer." Glimmer once again introduced herself said smiling.

A white mare came into view. She swept her light cerulean blue mane over her ear, she was wearing light blue eye shadow over her dark blue eyes and hot pink lip gloss. Glimmer came nearer when the white pelted mare rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, lets just get this over with." She said in a prissy voice. As she checked her hoof nails

"Um, Ok." Glimmer said slightly startled by the sudden dislike.

The whistle sounded as everypony took off, Glimmer spread her winds while looking behind her shoulder, the white mare was slowly flying behind.

Glimmer began to kick and flap at the clouds nearest to her, while her "partner" was no where to be seen.

At each wing beat Glimmer felt like a tornado sweeping through the clouds as they all disappeared in a puff of smoke. Glimmer soon took a moment to look around, the light brown stallion was as a dash board calculating how many clouds each team made disappear. Glimmer turned more to see her "partner" was sitting out complaining about breaking a nail.

"ugh." Glimmer grunted, she lifted wings to gain speed again, as she spun faster and faster until she had made a tiny tornado sweeping up the last bits of cloud aground her.


The whistle sounded as everyone gathered around the dash board pony.





"Look you've got mail!" A pink pelted mare with frizzy pink mane and tail said over excitedly, her hoofs barely touching the ground as she hopped all the way from the door of the big crystal castle to a purple pelted mare with a purple mane who was sitting in the big chairs that had each of the six ponies cutie mark on it.

"Hey, but that's my job." a purple baby dragon came into view behind the pink pelted mare.

"Here you go." The pink frizzy maned friend said as she widen as her mouth could go as she handed the letter to the princess.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie, I wonder what it says." Twilight said pondering as she carefully opened the letter, her horn glowed light purple as it surrounded a letter opener with an aurora.

"Oh, oh I know, Thewonderboltsareaskingforourhelpbecausetheyhavefoundthepegasiwhowillhelpdefeattheshadowbolts."

Pinkie said as fast as she could before Twilight opened the letter. "Just a hunch." she said with a wide smile.

"Ah." Twilight looked dumb founded. "Ok well I'm just going to read it...again?."

"Okey, Dokey, Lokey." Pinkie said as she hopped away to sit in her chair with a sparkling balloon cutie mark at the top.

Seconds later four ponies trotted in.

Two pegasi came flying in one with a yellow pelt and long pink mane and tail and the other with a blue pelt and rainbow mane and tail.

Trotting under them came a white mare with a cured purple mane and tail, the other with an orange pelt and yellow mane and tied up as they hung by her side. A light brown hat lay on her head.

Twilight looked up her eyes full with worry, her mind was spinning in all kinds of directions it was hard to keep track of her own thoughts.

"Hey, sugar you ok, You look like you've just seen a ghost." A orange pelted pony said in a country accent that was full with alarm.

"GHOST!, WHERE!" Pinkie pie screamed at the top of her lungs, it made everything in the room jump.

"Its ok Applejack" Twilight answered to the orange pelted mare's worry expression.

"I just got a letter from Spitfire, remember they kept notifying me that the shadow bolts were going to attack?"

The five ponies nodded

"Well spitfire said that there is a prophecy and no pony can top them except one pony who can stop them."

Glimmer finally got to the board as the other ponies began to leave, some muttering with happiness that they got in others shaking their heads with despair.

The board had a list of all of the ponies with numbers one to one thousand. Glimmer began to look for her name when some pony started to speak

"This board with show us who made the cut there are many of you but only one thousand can stay. "

The group began to murmur as one by one each pony looked for their name.

Ponies began to cut in front of Glimmer to try and be first in line. Glimmer waited patiently as it finally was her turn. Her eyes

scanned the board, they stopped at the number 10.

The whistle sounded again and Glimmer and her group was escorted to another part of the field, it was a bit father away from the other test that Glimmer had just been on.

The group retched the next task, there were hoofs and obstacles lining the sky as the group stopped in front of a light green pelted pony with a broken mane and tail.

"Welcome, this is the test were you will prove to me you flexibility" The pony said out into to crowd " My name is coach Lightingsoar

"I want you to show me not just your flexibility but your speed and accuracy, this will help you when you are delivering the clouds through out equestria."

Ponies began to nod and murmur at what the pony was saying

"At that being said please form a straight line here at the start of the course."

Ponies began to line up as the first pegasus started the course.

Glimmer watched at the light red pelted pegasus beat her wings and lift up so she was a level with the course.

The light green pony blew his whistle and the light red pony flapped her wings as she gained speed. Glimmer watched at the pegasus zipped through the hoops, she stared at awe as the pegasus slowed down as she ended the course.

"Perfect scores Flowerdust." coach Lightingsoar said as he looked at a clipboard and checked off her name "Next please."

The next pegasus flew up to the course and began to fly as the coach blew the whistle.

Glimmer watched each pegasus preform until it was her turn.

"Next." the coach called out. Glimmer's heart launched, she wiped the sweat off her face as the flew up to the course.

"Ready?" and at that the coach blew the whistle

For a second Glimmer didn't know what to do until automatically her wings lifted her into the air and she began to gain speed.

She flew faster and faster until she saw the first hoof come into focus, she tucked in her wings as she glided through it. flying faster she saw big sticks standing straight up as she curved her body to do in and out through the sticks that lay in her path. Glimmer rounded a bend and flew through a couple more hoops until she willed herself to stop at the finish and start line. The coach was waiting for her as he jotted some notes down on his clipboard.

Coach Lightingsoar followed Glimmer as she made her way to the group of pegasi who had already finished the course. Glimmer could hear the coach telling the next pony to the course.

Glimmer was realizing that the tasks were getting harder as each one went by, thinking to herself I hope I passed

Author's Note:

Hello everypony,
I think I am making good progress with writing the chapters I hope you guys like them so far.