• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 3,371 Views, 9 Comments

Healing of Hearts, Meeting of Minds - Amethyst_Crystal

Twilight Sparkle receives a surprise visit from the other Alicorn Princesses, but she's even more stressed out than usual!

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Healing of Hearts, Meeting of Minds

Twilight grimaced as she hunched over the map, a violet quill feather from her own wing held aloft beside her, levitating by the power of her magic. A scroll lay sprawled across the three-dimensional map's surface, the faint sound of note scribbling echoing across the throne chamber. The Princess of Magic felt consumed by a powerful urge to understand the plant-invoked quest-sending device, the task keeping her fully absorbed.

The moon had just risen to its peak in the night sky, the faint glow of the living crystalline bark bringing an eerie light into the sentient castle. Memory crystals hanging overhead gave a more welcoming, reassuring gleam. These magical crystals dangled down from the dead roots of the ancient tree library, attached now to the ceiling of the still living magical palace tree.

“This still doesn't make any sense!” Twilight shouted with frustration, dropping the quill onto the holographic map and scowling. “Here I am, experiencing my destiny as the Princess of Friendship, and yet I still cannot understand it! I mean yes, I know about magic and about friendship, but I just don't understand!” Twilight cried out, flailing her arms frantically.

“You really ought to relax, Twilight,” grunted her dutiful dragon sibling, slouching in the smaller throne beside her, a wry smirk on his face. He was fairly used to Twilight's tantrums. “You could've gone to Griffonstone too, you know. It was your choice not to go.”

“Well of course I could've gone, but this magical map specified only Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash this time! Somehow this map, this very castle, it knew they had to go and confront Gilda, to give her the spark to invoke the social rejuvenation of Griffonstone.”

Twilight gritted her teeth, casting a glance over at the nearby pile of books she had been studying, “Besides, I've heard some terrible things about the state of the library there,” she muttered angrily. “Sooo, probably best I didn't go, after all.”

“Ugh, fine! You can keep going with your map studies, if you insist!” Spike hand-waved, hopping off his little throne and waddling away, “Meantime I'm gonna go say hello to some more delicious gemstones Rarity got for me!” he chuckled, licking his lips in anticipation.

Twilight's spiral horn glowed with a soft raspberry light, her body disappearing with a sharp bright flash, teleporting right in front of Spike, her eyes wide and staring, shocking the little dragon enough to topple him over onto his butt, never having quite gotten used to these sudden entrances of hers.

“Spike, don't you understand how serious this is?” she implored, clearly stressed and worried, eyes shimmering. “I need to know myself!”

Spike got back up to his feet with a grumble, but reached out to reassuringly pat Twilight on the foreleg. “Look, you are the princess of Friendship now. Maybe that's enough? Maybe you don't need to know everything?” he suggested meekly, then winced, reconsidering this attempt at consoling a librarian that always hungers for knowledge. “Oh, um, what I meant was-”

Twilight let out a deep sigh, shaking her head. “No, you're right, Spike,” she admitted reluctantly, looking down with a smile, reaching out to wrap a warm fluffy wing around his body. “I suppose I can wait at least little longer. Maybe tomorrow I can thoroughly scour for every possible answer...”

Spike frowned up at her, not entirely satisfied with that reply, crossing his arms. “It's getting late for you anyway,” Twilight declared, ignoring his disappointed expression. “You shouldn't have to stay up when I'm stressing over every little thing.”

Spike shrugged indifferently. He leaned forward, the little dragon giving his big sister pony a hug around her leg. “You'll figure it all out eventually! Good night, Twilight,” he yawned, heading out towards his bed-chambers.

The deep echoing chimes of the castle gate resonated throughout the Hall of Friendship, causing Spike to yelp in surprise. “Oh great, now what? Kind of late for visitors, huh?” he grumbled, annoyed but a bit apprehensive, flexing his claws together nervously.

Twilight looked across to the massive hallway beyond her antechamber doors, the chimes echoing once again. “The girls are all asleep or busy by this time,” she considered, rubbing her chin. “So who could it possibly be?”

Focusing inwards, she quickly teleported over to the massive door frame, only to draw back a step as she arrived. “I sense a powerful presence beyond,” she mumbled, a little more anxious now.

Spike peeked out from behind one of the pillars, biting his lip and trying to stay quiet, hoping there wouldn't be any trouble.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight focused on the heavy doors, her magical horn glowing as she pushed them open, crying out in alarm at the sight before her!

“Ahhh! Wh-what? What are you all doing here?” she demanded in surprise, staring and sweating nervously, her wings spread wide in shock.

Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance both laughed, the two gentle alicorns giggling at Twilight's surprise, hooves raised to their mouths, two powerful leaders of their great land behaving impishly, adoration for Twilight overcoming their shared dignity.

Luna, however, stood resolute and serious between her peers, stepping forth to greet the youngest of their small clan, all the while her horn was glowing softly, still keeping her magic focused on the pale moon moving high above the slumbering valley.

“Forgive us for the intrusion, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Luna intoned calmly. “My sister insisted we approach your domain unannounced, claiming that you would have been even more upset had you been told of our visit ahead of time,” she explained, giving her elder sister Celestia a stern look of reproach.

“Celestia is right in this,” Cadance suggested, reaching out to wrap her soft pink wing around Twilight, her sister-in-law, leaning forward to gently touch their spiral horns together in affection. “You would've been frantic and surely exhausted yourself with preparations, had you known.”

Twilight frowned and blushed heavily, knowing Cadance spoke the truth. Perhaps it was better to be surprised than to stress for long hours, but she'd much prefer to just relax about her alicorn peers. Why wouldn't she?

“Do not be alarmed, my dear faithful Twilight,” Celestia dipped her head down to gaze into her student graduate’s eyes, her tender voice soothing Twilight's nerves, as it always did. “This is not a matter of danger, or haste.” she gestured to her fellow alicorns, lightly touching their flanks with her wings. “I sensed your concerns are particularly heavy this night, so I felt a visit of your fellow princesses would do you great assurance and honor.”

Luna gave a quiet scoff, turning to cast her eyes up to the moon. “A great discourtesy if you ask me, and perhaps even a waste of time,” she grumbled, her gruff attitude only encouraging Twilight's apprehension and uncertainty.

Cadance gently touched the center of Twilight's chest with her cold golden slipper. “Remember your calming exercise,” she encouraged gently, giving a little smile.

Twilight nodded slowly, closing her eyes for a moment... and placing a hoof on her own chest... taking a deep controlled breath... then pushing the foreleg away... breathing out heavily, but steadily.

“Thank you.” she acknowledged with a nod, then glanced between her elders, no longer quite as worried. “Please, come into my castle,” she motioned, elegantly folding her wings and walking down the hall, Cadance moving shortly behind her.

The two ancient alicorn sisters – the Sun and the Moon – had existed in one another's presence for so long, they could engage in a deep silent communication, deep within their own minds. Needing only for their eyes to lock, or for their ethereal magical manes to brush together, they could share in each other's thoughts, words, and feelings.

The Night Princess mentally muttered in disapproval, casting a sidelong glance up at her taller sister:
~ I told you this is the rude way to approach her / She does not lightly accept a slight against her dignity, as you should well know / Twilight shares that trait with me ~

Celestia shook her head with a serene smile. Her flowing, soothing pastel mane of vivid morning magic meshed against the deep starry night of Luna's mane:
~ Twilight trusts my judgement, and I trust hers / There is no easy way to approach her when she is dark of mind ~

Luna snorted, tilting her chin, dark stars flowing behind her head:
~ I will not press the matter then / But please try to be more prudent with the young ones ~
she concluded, trotting after the much younger alicorns, with Celestia entering last, the sun contemplating the moon.

~My sister has become like a doting mother / Fussing over her child ~
Celestia teased, nudging Luna's flank lightly with her horn, to which Luna gave only a deep frown of disapproval.

The doors closed behind them, Twilight sensing all her peers' presence within the walls of her sanctuary, not having visited since its creation.

“It certainly is evocative of the Crystal Empire's architecture,” Twilight elaborated to Cadance, gazing down at the gem-like wooden floor, as they trotted down the antechamber hallway. “Yet this place is of a different nature in contrast your Crystal Heart.”

“Still, perhaps these strange magical parallels simply offer more proof that our destinies are interwoven,” Cadance beamed, evidently proud. “Or perhaps I just enjoy finding every excuse to associate with my favorite little foal,” she slyly suggested, Twilight's ears flattening as she blushes at the approval.

Regaining her composure, Twilight coughed and raised an eyebrow in amusement, “Oh, because your association with my brother isn't enough?” she leaned over, giving Cadance a gentle pat on her shoulder. “I always knew you two would be together, I wasn't exactly clueless when you babysat me!”

Cadance was the one to blush now, though she countered, “Except you are, when it comes to knowing my full name! Shining Armor told me what a fuss you made when you thought he was marrying a stranger!”

“Hey, its not my fault you never told me before!” Twilight insisted, the two sisters-in-law laughing and laying a wing across each other's backs, nuzzling warmly together, right before the entryway into the throne-chamber.

Luna turned and casts a rare smile towards her elder sister:
~ I cannot deny, sister / In selecting our young peers, you have indeed chosen wisely ~

Celestia sighed softly, casting her own eyes upon the glowing interior of Twilight's castle:
~ No, I was but the herald and guide to invoking their own powers / These girls have always held their great powers, ever since their births ~

Luna contemplated this truth:
~ Perhaps, but their shared path may not have gone as well without you ~

As the four alicorns stepped into the Hall of Friendship, they moved towards the circle of thrones, each etched with the Cutie Mark symbol of the fellowship, the glowing magical map table still risen in the center of the room, scrolls sprawled across its surface.

Spike sat slumped over his own little unmarked throne once more, letting himself relax with exhaustion, curiosity keeping him awake.

“So um, is there anything I need to know about?” Spike asked a bit awkwardly, gazing upwards, incredibly tiny in the presence of the larger demi-god pony-beasts. “I'm just really tired, though, so...” Spike suddenly widened his jaws into a yawn, stretching out his arms wide while baring his sharp little teeth.

Cadance flourished a kneeling bow before the small dragon, who pulled his feet up nervously onto his throne, the honoring gesture a bit too much like a predator waiting to pounce for his liking.

“O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious! We do not yet bring forth any quest or task requiring your Powerful Presence, yet you are always welcome amongst us, o Mighty Twice-Savior of my beloved kingdom!” Princess Cadance declared with sincere delight and bubbly enthusiasm.

Spike puts his hands on his hips and gives a huff, quite irritated as he looked down upon the Goddess of Love. “I know you're being serious, plus it's kind of nice to get some respect... but do you really have to do all that stuff every time?” he gestured vaguely with a claw, eye-ridge raised in skepticism.

“Spike!” Twilight admonished, glaring down at her ward, getting nothing but a grumpy shrug and frown in response. “Heheh, I'm so sorry, he's really cranky, it is a bit past his bedtime, after all,” she explained sheepishly, nudging Spike away from his throne with a spread wing.

Cadance stands back upright, towering over her kingdom's hero, a pearly grin on her pastel pink face. “Your will shall be done, Spike! I shall abstain from prostrating myself before you and showering you with praise!”

Celestia giggled in approval, while Luna merely rolled her eyes at the entire spectacle. Did they really come here just to pay respects to a little dragon?

“After all,” Cadance winked slyly at their host, “I don't always do my little greeting ritual dance with Twilight, either, though I know she adores it with all her heart!”

“Yes, and thank Celestia for that!” Spike exclaimed enthusiastically, “I've never since seen such an incredibly dumb display of -”

“Ahh ha ha ha!" Twilight butted in nervously, "Yes yes, well, its way, way past your bedtime, Spike! I'm sure the princesses have very, very, very, very important matters to discuss, I'm certain, and sure, and positive!” Twilight rambled, a bright hue of embarrassment on behalf of both Cadance and Spike, lifting Spike up into the air in a glow of magic, sending him floating towards his bedroom.

“Yeah yeah,” Spike grumbled to himself, as he levitated away with his arms crossed, just as happy to finally leave, finding the sheer size and power of the equine god-beasts collectively unnerving and a little insulting, being a dragon and all.

“I'll show you guys my cool room later, if you ever visit at a decent time...” Spike's voice trailed off, growing more faint, until Twilight released her magic, having gently set the small dragon in his bed, capable of such feats without observing with her own eyes now.

“This really is a friendly visit, though,” Celestia assured, gently placing a golden-shoed hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “I felt now would be a good time for us to honor you in your own castle, as you have done so for us many times before.”

“My sister has to put all her focus on maintaining the kingdom during the daylight hours,” Luna admitted, without any hint of jealousy or begrudging, “as well as carrying the sun, of course.”

Twilight's eyes focused upon the faintly glowing horn of the Night Princess, who stared up at her own glow self-consciously. “I have already fulfilled the necessary dream duties for this night, so I must simply put some effort into carrying the moon across the sky,” she explained, as though it were a simple task.

“Shining Armor is watching over the Crystal Empire, and he is a strong leader in my absence,” Cadance added, quite pleased with her beloved. “Besides, we've all been wanting to pay you a visit here.”

“This Castle is the source of your destiny, and your place of power, Princess Twilight,” Celestia intoned, certain and resolute. “It is here that you shall manifest your true nature.”

Twilight contemplated the presence of her peers, their confidence, their pride in her achievements, their intense focus on her every action. Overwhelmed again, the Princess of Magic looked up at the ceiling with a heavy sigh, deep and longing, eyes shimmering with anxiety.

The trio of pony goddesses followed Twilight's gaze, as they craned their heads upwards, staring up at the beautiful ornamentation, more sacred and intimate than any chandelier they have ever beheld before. “So, the remnants of your old home,” mused Luna, soft with wonder. “A memorial of your memories.”

Above the Hall of Friendship stretched the roots of the Golden Oak Library, almost appearing to grow down from the ceiling itself, were it not simply the severed lower portion of the dead tree. Each gnarled root twisted outwards like upside-down branches, reaching out into the cool air.

A twine of fine shimmering lace was tied to the end of each root, carrying aloft a living memory, held within a shard of crystal, each one representing the memories shared between Twilight and her closest friends, the Elements of Harmony. Most of these manifested moments had occurred from within the tree library itself.

Celestia's eyes were drawn to an image of herself within the library's study room, towering above Twilight and her friends, a moment when she very nearly severed their ties, so angry and reproachful she had felt with Twilight's wild, frantic desperation earlier that day: for the young unicorn wizard had resorted to casting a spell of Obsession upon all of Ponyville, cancelled out by Celestia herself later.

The Sun frowned a little, not fondly recalling that memory, when she almost gave up on the good in her student. Unfortunately, that was the longest she had ever stayed in that old home of her faithful student, and it was but an hour at most.

Luna's eyes were drawn to the very first time Twilight and her friends stood together within the library, and she could not help but give a nervous swallow. Her presence was nowhere to be found in this memory, and yet, she could still sense herself in that very moment: her other self, lurking in vague ethereal form, just outside a window, a shimmering disembodied essence, eavesdropping, learning of the Elements' location, plotting, scheming for endless nights, with no Celestia, no sunrise.

The Moon shuddered in revulsion. Having come to terms over her malevolent past was one thing, but having to vaguely sense her old cruel self within a sealed memory was quite another, a glimpse of a memory no other pony had ever known.

Cadance's eyes were drawn to her own visit to the library tree, up in the loft of Twilight's bedroom, tending to the erratic selfishness of Discord, the beast of chaos, catering to his whims alongside Twilight, in a vague attempt to soothe an illness that proved to be false, a petty excuse to sow discontent and disruption.

Though proud of the lesson she taught of finding patience in the face of madness, Cadance still felt a frown on her face, unhappy to realize her one visit to her dear sister-in-law's home was to tend to such a powerful brat, and not having had any opportunity to enjoy the coziness of the tree itself.

“So, I guess that settles it then,” huffed Twilight Sparkle, glaring at her peers, having watched all three carefully as they stood gazing upwards, entranced by the personal memories. “You know nothing of me, after all.”

The three elder alicorns' gaze swept down upon Twilight, eyes wide, surprised and startled out of their reverie, no longer entranced by the memories, now curious and agitated by Twilight's accusation.

“So, why have you come here then?” Twilight placed a hoof on the side of her throne, staring at the purple star at the center of its headrest. “To see how I struggle to know myself? To amuse yourselves with my incompetence?” she snapped coldly, looking back to her mentors, turning to fix them all with a withering glare.

“This still doesn't make any sense... why me? Why this map? Why this tree?” the Princess of Magic gestured wildly from side to side, her eyes gleaming with the radiance of her castle. “I may not understand, but now I realize what I've become: a pawn for the gods!”

An accusing hoof pointed upwards towards the dead tree roots. “None of you spent time with me in that Golden Oak, to visit for the sake of visiting! In that tree, I grew in understanding of the world outside my mind! I found true contentment and peace of mind in the solace of that sanctuary, and none of you tried to share in that!” she stomped a hoof onto the map table, the holographic imagery fading, the table receding down into the floor, its magic dormant now.

“But, oh look!” Twilight sneered, throwing open her arms. “You are all here, now that I'm dutifully playing the hero of friendship for your games, playing the new pretty princess, reigning over every citizen of Ponyville, in this ridiculous castle of magic!” she growled, her horn glowing with brimming energy, sparks sizzling off of its tip.

“Do you want to know what I really am?” she shouted with outrage. “I am simply a delusional, emotionally unstable, introverted, autistic bookworm, sacrificing all her sanity and solitude, for a destiny she cannot possibly carry, let alone understand, for the whims of teachers she never really knew!”

The princess of Magic spread her wings, gritting her teeth, hate in her eyes as she heaved with exhausted breath, muscles tensing as she faced her fellow alicorns with contempt and bitterness.

Staring with shimmering eyes, Cadance took in all the hurt and sorrow of Twilight, the heart of the Princess of Love reeling from her sister's resentment. Deep inside, she felt certain Twilight's anger was misplaced, misguided, and she reached her heart out to the younger alicorn, longing to heal her troubled mind.

But Twilight's sight locked with her own, an accusing glare, and Cadance realized she was no special exception, being held accountable by association with the elders, another condemned conspirator, just another tool for Twilight's forced upbringing.

Cadance felt her compassion cringe under this vicious contempt, slouching down onto her knees. The warrior princess was brave, fully capable of defeating powerful monsters, but experiencing this cold hate from the mare she had known and loved since childhood... leaning over and turning her gaze downwards, she closes her eyes, shaken to the core, tears spilling down her cheek and onto the cold floor. How could she allow for this to happen?

Luna glared with cold anger and fury at Twilight, outraged not only by her impudence, but by the unsettling resemblance to her own resentment, from a time long ago, and she felt unwilling to allow such history to repeat.

“None of us are perfect,” she declared, not shouting, and yet her voice resonated with power and depth, “Can you get that through your anxiously analytic brain, you little foal? How dare you insult my kin with your snivelling arrogance!”

The Princess of Night stepped forward, all but ready to do battle against this unpleasant familiarity, her eyes glowing pale moonlight. “We cannot fathom the sway of destiny at all times, nor the knowledge of the cosmos. We tirelessly perform our many duties, our burdens and our roles, every day, with little time for much else! You however, you sit and you fuss and fret, you wrack your mind, trying to know everything, and instead learning nothing!”

Celestia's spirit was filled with dread, as she felt her world teetering on the edge of collapse, threatened by this awakened fury of her most powerful warrior-wizard. Yet still, she looked within, and found her deep courage and tranquilly that had carried her ever onwards for a thousand years.

Stretching out her soft peach-white wings, the sun goddess barred her night sister from striding forward, shielding her from the Element of Magic, the protective gesture immediately calming the agitated Moon princess, who breathed out a heavy sigh. She wouldn't give in to fury.

The other silky soft wing reached over to cover Cadance, gently touching her horn and her muzzle, a gesture of affection and encouragement. Cadance took a deep breath, and slowly rose back to her feet. She wouldn't give in to despair.

“That's right, Celestia, cover their eyes!” Twilight snarled, the magical glow of her horn crackling with deadly power, shoulders hunched as she stared down her elders. “Just like you have always covered mine, with your horrible, blinding radiance! I've had it with your rules and your games!”

Celestia opened her ancient eyes, gazing down upon the much smaller alicorn, her student faithful for most of her young life. “You are finally confronting your deepest fear,” she declared, a soft warmth flowing through her voice. “You are finally confronting me.”

Celestia took one step forward, showing no fear of her own. “What do you intend to do with me now, Twilight Sparkle? What do you wish for my destiny? What does a tyrant deserve?”

There was deep silence in the chamber of the circle of friendship, a hanging conflict between the most powerful rulers of the land. Twilight flinched in hesitation, her muscles still tense, poised like an angry yet frightened cat. “I... I don't know,” she growled, suspicious of her mentor's grace and calm.

“Then I shall do this,” Celestia lowered her wings, and stooped over, kneeling down before Twilight, head lowered, Luna and Cadance staring at her, shocked.

“I will ask for your forgiveness,” Celestia begged softly, barely able to contain the emotion in her voice. “If there is any one of us who deserves your anger and outrage, it is I.” she insisted, bowing her head and closing her eyes.

“You have been my equal since you ascended into the alicorn state, ever since you have become a princess of this land of ours,” the eldest among them continued, not daring to look up. “I no longer have any authority over you. I cannot command or demand anything of you, not anymore. I trust you and your judgement completely, and I won't let my faith in you waiver now!"

“You are my greatest of champions, Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia pleaded, an intense fire in her eyes as she finally looks up. “You are far stronger and wiser than you realize! Without you, there is no Equestria!”

Twilight trembled, angry and resentful, unbelieving. Visions flowed through her mind's eye... hate, apathy, fear, greed, pride... defining traits of vicious foes of the past that she had conquered, one by one... and yet their negative energies still dwelt deep inside! She felt an urge to let it all go, to end this charade of her duties, this foolishness of her honor! She could embrace the cold harshness of reality, to walk her own path, to let go of the unwanted burdens and loyalties!

Everything she ever thought she understood, she suddenly did not know for certain. Now she felt as though she needed all the knowledge in the world to satisfy the squirming hungering questions, the lingering searing doubts, the anguished uncertain bitterness... but would even that truly sate her frustrations?

All that stood in her way now was the one creature she had devoted her whole life to, the goddess who had given her everything she had ever wanted to learn and study, and a feeling of joy for being herself: Twilight Sparkle.

“It's all wrong! Why am I so wrong?” Twilight cried out in grief, turning aside and aiming her horn's magic at the cutie mark above her throne in a fit of passion and delirium, firing the powerful beam of concentrated magic, reflecting off the impervious throne's symbol of stars, and engulfing Twilight in a brilliant flash of light, her eyes and mouth brightly aglow with power for the third time in her life, consumed by the raw energy of her own potential.

Deep inside, mental and emotional chains broke apart, one by one, as the Princess of Magic screamed with anguish and pain. Twisting and squirming in mid-air, levitating as the energy engulfed her spirit and flesh, she fought deep inside herself, confronting all her inner torment and sorrows, in one agonizing flash of power and self-revelation.

Collapsing upon the floor, the glow of Twilight's horn faded away, as she folded up her wings, choking for breath, finally awakening, after what felt like an eternity.

The three elder alicorns ventured nearer, apprehensive and awed, hoping the deep inner transformation healed old wounds.

“I'm sorry,” Twilight sighed heavily, speaking at last. “You always strive to be selfless and giving, Princess Celestia. That is why I adore you. But I...” she mumbled, staring at her own hooves. “I am selfish, and that is why I hate myself.”

Twilight covered her wings over her eyes, tears of shame pouring out. “I'm so selfish! I'm always so selfish, always thinking about myself, focusing on myself. It is all about me, in the end! Even now, part of me wants to believe you are just manipulating me, Celestia, using me for your games. But you can't be, because I know you! Even if your cruelty may seem logical, it is my horrible, twisted logic that is cruel!”

Twilight reached out with her hooves, imploring her mentor, “All this time, all this pent up stress and frustration and fear about you... why do you accept me, Celestia? How can I be the manifestation of Friendship, when I search for error and inconsistency, in every moment of life?”

“How can I be the manifestation of Love, when I search for negativity and hate, in every moment of life?” echoed Cadance, reaching out to touch Twilight's cheek, her hoof wet with tears. “That is the question I used to ask myself all the time. You must adjust how you perceive your strengths, Twilight Sparkle. You must realize that your awareness gives you power, that your knowledge gives you beauty, and that your friendship gives us all great happiness.”

Cadance moved up against Twilight, embracing with her wings, nuzzling gently against her cheek. “I have watched you suffer and struggle for many years, and I have asked myself, what good is my love, if this child suffers so?” she gently lifted Twilight's chin. “If my love can give you at least some measure of comfort, at least some of the time? I decided perhaps my love is worthwhile, after all.”

Twilight clenched her eyes, burying her muzzle against Cadance's chest, as she poured out her heart, drenching her sister with choked sobs, the exhaustion and sadness finally flowing out, channelling her grief into the healing embrace of the goddess of Love.

Cadance nuzzled her sister's cheek delicately. “Even emotions can play an important role in the path you walk, no matter how undignified they may be,” she chuckled, giving Twilight a squeeze.

Twilight made a small giggling, sobbing noise, burying herself in the security of her old babysitter, contemplating how she was the goddess Friendship, friends with the goddess of Love. “I am too harsh in my judgements,” she mumbled suddenly, blushing. “I want to be as kind and loving as you.”

“But you already are,” a deeper voice declared, dark shadowy wings suddenly embracing Cadance. Luna leaned her head against the pink alicorn's shoulder, gazing down into Twilight's eyes, all fury melted away, a soft wistful empathy in their place.

“I care for you too, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna shared. “You have guided me with your wisdom and your grace, and if not for you, I would have never found my inner peace. You truly are gifted beyond your years.”

Twilight blinked in surprise at Luna's words, contemplating. “It seems we have much more in common than I realized,” she replied, feeling a sense of peace wash over her, sharing a deep, knowing smile with the Moon.

The Sun swooped down upon the gathering, her swan-like embrace covering over the Moon, laughing softly, “You have protected my home and my people, Twilight Sparkle! You have served me with devotion and faith throughout your years, and I have never known a more honorable and faithful student than you!” she proclaimed, beaming with pride.

Twilight Sparkle felt another blush, but averted her eyes in shame. “But Princess Celestia, I just defied you. I threatened you!” Twilight sadly protested, fear and uncertainty daring to rise up again.

“Perhaps it was not me you hated,” Celestia suggested mildly, “but your reflection upon me, your darkest anxieties and apprehensions,” Celestia emphasized, gently brushing her soft pastoral mane across Twilight’s form. “You have gone through the trial of defying your fear, and you have emerged triumphant! Now your heart is as clear as ever, in the light of the sun, and the moon, and the love we all share.”

Luna grunted in irritation, squirming to pull away from Celestia's heavy feathered grasp. “The moon did not ask to be coddled and held just now, though! Release me at once!”

“I'm afraid I've already sentenced myself to the cuddle pile, and I hereby decree a royal snuggle!” Celestia pronounced slyly, much to Luna's embarrassed struggling dismay, a blush on the moon sister's dark cheeks regardless.

Spike crept past the throne chamber doorway, carrying a heavy stack of gleaming gems for a midnight snack. The little dragon had woken from a terrible nightmare, imagining Twilight angry with Celestia. He dreaded to leave his cozy bed and his comforting room, but he had decided that the reassurance of reality would help him feel better.

Holding his gems carefully, avoiding any noise, Spike peeked around the door frame, staring at the four goddesses cuddling up together, snugly fitting one smaller against the larger: the Sun embracing the Moon embracing the Love embracing the Friendship Magic.

Spike breathed a quiet sigh of relief, then frowned as he stared a moment longer. “Okay so, I'm all for manicures and dressing up and stuff, but even I have my limits for affectionate girly gunk,” he muttered quietly to himself, sticking his tongue out in disgust at the adorable display, before going off to quiet his troubled tummy with the juicy gems. “I guess it really was just some fluffy cuddly visit after all... mammals, bah!”

The four goddesses bonded together, secure in their shared warmth and touch, rustling their wings and gently nuzzling with their soft little noses, eyes closed as they shared in their mutual affection, trust and love building through the physical contact.

Twilight was the first to squirm away, pulling backwards and plopping out of Cadance's embrace with a wide grin. “Thank you, all of you. I think I needed that,” she admitted. “I've snuggled with my friends before, but never like that with you three. I've always been feeling stressed in your collective presence, overwhelmed. But now, I feel like this final layer of fear has been released from my mind.”

“You sang to me once, all three of you, together,” Twilight’s mind went back to that fateful night in the Crystal Empire, when she had poured out her heart and sorrow to her elders, when they responded with a mystical ritual of song and dance, proclaiming their faith in her, invoking encouragement for their youngest sister.

“I had stressed over the meaning of your words, deciphering your ritual. What I really should have listened to was the love in your voices, the enthusiasm of your dance, and the compassion of your minds!”

Cadance gently brushed her wing across Twilight's back. “We all desire to spend more informal time with you, so that you may get to know us all better in your new role. We are truly sisters now, more than ever.”

“We may not be able to explain all the great mysteries of your destiny,” Luna added, touching Twilight's shoulder. “but after all the courage and strength you've displayed, protecting the realm and us, you deserve to get to know us better, beyond simple affairs of state.”

Celestia gently lifted Twilight's chin with her hoof. “Remember Twilight: you are our teacher now too, and you are our equal in every way. You should never doubt that, Princess of Magic. I will always trust and believe in you, with all my heart and spirit!”

Twilight smiled up at her old teacher, still adoring her after all these years, ever since she was a filly looking upon her Goddess with wonder and adoration. Now she was becoming a Goddess herself, and she wanted more than ever to play her part as she should: with grace and love.

“Then it is settled,” Twilight announced, spreading her wings. “I welcome you all with honest joy, here in my castle of Harmony,” she looked upon the Hall of Friendship, and the thrones etched with the symbols of her friends. “My new home!”

And so the Goddess of Sun, of Moon, of Love, and of Magical Friendship, spent the rest of the night having a ridiculously adorable and crazy slumber party, playing absurd games and indulging in wild antics, and simply having too much fun. None of this giddy mayhem was at all befitting of their stature or status, but they had decided they all deserved to relax and enjoy each other's company regardless.

Poor Spike had every excuse in the world to sleep late the next day, what with her fearful nightmares earlier, and then such wild crazy partying afterwards!

Twilight tucked in her little brother, leaning over to nuzzle him softly on the cheek. “May you have sweet dreams, my faithful assistant,” she whispered.

Equestria's greatest warrior-wizard, the Princess of Magic, turned to gaze up at the morning sun shining in the sky, able now to enjoy its blinding light and cozy warmth while feeling secure in her own great power, invoked deep within herself.

Comments ( 9 )

Love this story. You did Twilight well :heart::pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Thank you! I like to think I can relate to Twilight a bit, so she feels easy for me to write. :twilightsheepish:

Not bad, but you mixed up the tenses a bit. You should figure out what tense you're going for and stick to it - mixing the present, the perfect (she has done) and the pluperfect (she had done) is a little jarring!

A friend of mine pointed this out too. It's a bad habit of mine!
I personally don't mind it (otherwise i'd probably not do it either), but if it is unpleasant for a lot of viewers, I should try to fix that.

I've heard its 'bad' to stick with present tense, but its what I usually prefer. Present tense would be ok, right?


The present tense only really works in super-artsy atmospheric pieces, or if the story is being told from an entirely first-person perspective - and even then, it's an oddball decision. Most people use the perfect tense, as telling an entire story in the pluperfect is even odder!

To give you some perspective, I have read an awful lot of stories, and I'm legitimately struggling to think of one not written in the perfect tense (except for Cormac Mccarthy's The Road, which I don't think counts - that book was weird, it didn't even use punctuation.)

Can you think of any others? I'm sure I must have read some - from the first-person perspective at least, and now it's gonna bother me until I think of one. :applejackunsure:

No, I can't think of anything particular.
I will be sure to go over this story once more, before I post my next story.
Going over this now, I feel like I see why I don't do past tense much.
Something about adding '-ed' to so many words annoys me...

Okay, it's done, and I corrected and improved some scenes and dialogue too.
It's definitely the final draft now.

That's a great story! this fandom never cease to amze me with the quality of it's artists. And I'm not even english, so I must thank you twice!
Once for putting together a really good story,
and two for helping me improve and practice my english!

I love your description of twilight as a Warrior wizard, not enough fanfic represent the fact that she has fought major powers intent on killing her, on a fairly regular basis.

Which is why I don't like those stories alot, Twilight isn't selfish, much of the opposite actually, in such a scenario Twilight would probably sacrifice herself for her friends, let alone Equestria. Not a lot of stories points out all the things Twilight has done to save Equestria.

In this story I can't really blame Twilight for being angry at Celestia, Cadance, or Luna, especially Celestia, there's even this theory that Twilight's entire life has been setup by Celestia since the day she earned her cutie mark all the way up until Twilight became the only ruler of Equestria. Twilight never really had a choice once in her life when it came to Celestia.

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