• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 271 Views, 2 Comments

Friend Or Foe? - Fryguy

Sometimes good things happen when you get new visitors. But THIS one is between friend or foe.......

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The Visitor

The sun began to rise over the eastern skies which gleamed an orange glow. The birds were chirping, the ponies began their daily work and jobs, and the animals in Fluttershy's property were rising up for breakfast. Ponies began talking about some news about what's going on in other towns and cities, like the baking contest that was going to be held that day, or, the princesses are talking about Tirek and how he almost succeeded in conquering Equestria, or, Pinkie Pie started throwing vanilla cakes in ponies' faces, how she got vanilla cakes no one knows.

They were all happy, and with no worries they enjoyed themselves and talked to their friends, but it all changed one fateful day.

A pony in a cloak was walking through the streets of Ponyville, heading towards Twilight's new castle, he didn't say anything to anyone, like if he didn't trust anyone. He briskly made his way to the castle, and he knocked on the door that gleamed in crystal-like diamonds, which glowed in the sunlight.

The door opened and the glow faded as Twilight walked out with Spike on her heels. "Oh! Hello there! What can I do for you?" Asked Twilight, who was staring at the pony who was rubbing his hooves against the ground like if he was nervous, not just any type of being nervous though, no, he looked like he was scared of everypony surrounding him.

"I'm here for one purpose, I want a new house here. Please? The rumors I've been hearing suggest that this a great place to live." Said the pony in the cloth. He was looking around at the crystals on the castle in front of him, like if he was interested in them.

"Oh! Um...I'll look for a settlement for you. I promise I'll find something!" Said Twilight, who was signaling Spike to go look for a house that was unused and so on.

"While Spike is doing it that, you can stay here until you have a settlement here in Ponyville. We like new ponies coming in to learn the magic of friendship!" Signalling the stallion inside, Twilight and the clothed pony entered the castle, but as they were, the stallion stared at the crowd who watched the entire thing, when he did, he didn't feel nervous or scared anymore, in fact, he smiled, but not any smile, but one that meant trouble. He then entered the castle, putting on another face that looked innocent.

The room he was presented was full of crystal decorations and the window view of Ponyville. The pony then took off the cloak he was wearing, revealing the blue unicorn he was. He had a black, bushy main and tail, and his cutie mark was a chessboard. He looked out the window that was in his room. He then started to smile and and this time, laugh quietly to himself.

"This....Ponyville, will perfectly suit for my headquarters...heh, heh heh heh heh. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Soon my master plan WILL begin..." As he was speaking to himself, he reached for his saddlebags that he brought with him, he pulled out a weird device that nopony had ever seen or used before. Then he levitated it near his mouth and pressed a switch, and began speaking to it.

"Guys...can you hear me?" There was a pause, then finally, a response came from the device he had.

"Yep, we're all here, Butter. We need you to tell us when you want us to come to Ponyville. We need your signal." Butter smiled, he knew that soon he could do what he needed for his friends to invade.

"Guys, I need to first work my magic on these stupid ponies of Ponyville, then once I do, I'll give you the signal to invade, and then we'll have an edge on accomplishing our plan that we worked years on." And with that, he turned off the device and hid it again. He then decided to start his part.

"Okay partner, I'll give you the basics of apple bucking." Said Applejack, who was talking to Chessboard Pawn, or Pawn for short, the new guy in the town. He moved in yesterday, he got a new house and everything, Twilight was so nice to him so Ponyville thought to do the same thing in return. Applejack though of a way by taking Pawn to the orchard of hers and demonstrate the apple bucking

"Okay, so....you buck them by kicking the trees with your hind legs or something?" Asked Pawn, who was staring at the tree in interest.

"Yeah, why? You wanna own an apple orchard or somethin'? Asked Applejack, who was surprised at the unicorn's knowledge of the apple bucking routine. Pawn turned around and said. "No but, I know a old friend of mine back from where I'm from who owns an apple orchard, his name was...I forgot." Applejack smiled, saying. "That's fine."

"Applejack! Big Mac wants to talk to you!" Cried a filly's voice. A yellow filly was running to the two, she had a red main and tail with a red bow in it.

"Applebloom! Okay, I'm coming, sorry 'bout that, gotta talk to my brother." Pawn didn't seem to mind, so he dismissed himself from the orchard and started to the town.

Applejack seemed to already be falling under Butter's spell, exactly what he wanted. One pony down, many more to go...

Butter decided to head back to Ponyville to his new house to communicate with his friends again. He briskly walked through town and quickly entered his house and shut the door behind him. Locking everything in his house, he then took out his device, and turned it on.

"Guys, start towards Ponyville, from where you are you'll be able to reach me in 4 days." Butter said, knowing that 4 days was enough time for him to finish his work.

"Okay! We're bringing lots of weapons with us too, making Ponyville scared to death!" Said one of the ponies at the other end of the transmission.

Butter shook his head to himself, then said. "Alright, but NO killing, not even a single soul. Got it?!" Butter said forcefully to his friends. "I mean it, Jackdaw!"

"Okay! Okay! Butter, we're on our way now." Said Jackdaw, and after those words were spoken, the device died.

Butter then looked out his window, placing the device on a stool near his bed. "Those ponies of Ponyville better do what we say, or we WILL kill them!" He said to himself, and as the sun was setting, he closed his window, and went downstairs to make his supper. Ponyville's time left to be happy began to fade, for Butter's friends were on their way, to conquer? Or something worse?

Author's Note:

Why did I write what I did in that last paragraph? Oh well, hope you enjoyed the first chapter!