• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 1,238 Views, 12 Comments

Filetages Fatidique et Fleurs de Soie - Indulgence

Like any vast city Manehattan is a vacuum into which innumerable disparate individuals are drawn. Some arrive in flight, whilst others come chasing their dreams, but in either case what is found will often vary greatly from what was sought.

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A quaint metallic ring sounded from above the shop’s doorway, announcing Fleur’s entrance into the richly scented space. The equally delicious smellss of coffee, vanilla and cocoa began a perfectly orchestrated symphony in her nostrils, giving cue to her taste buds to excitedly prepare themselves backstage. Emulating the show’s stars, the largely deserted set was dressed in creamy fabric and dark oaken tones, whipping up homely images of hot chocolate, in turn complemented by a foregrounded central counter laden with baked treats.

This is certainly one to remember.

Better still was the scene’s sparse audience, a mere few scattered patrons either waiting on or nursing steaming mugs, with the rest of the city’s far saner population making the wise decision to remain in bed at this early hour. No interminable queue blocked her path to the counter, the usual annoyance in such establishments, and behind it the few required staff worked easily, making the room pleasantly quiet. At her approach a mint-aproned unicorn gave her an expectant smile.

The largest cup of sweet caffeinated goodness you have please, with extra everything.

‘I’ll have a…’ Fleur began, forced to pause in order to take in the vast menu boards on display. Crowded chalk lines scuttled across the dark surface, running rows of first drink types, then sizes and then advertising the various sugars, syrups, sprinkles and other extras which may be added to any beverage, words sprinting away to vanish in the distance. Anything within reason, and quite a few things which were not, lay within the bounds of possibility, but in turn choosing a route through such a maze was daunting at best.


She’s kinda hot.

‘What?’ Coco, sunk deep in her favoured high-backed chair in the shop’s corner, found herself snapped from thoughts of the day’s scheduling to find herself staring at an entirely unaware zebra across from her. Her eyes moved over her subject: an intriguing , black furred mare with a relatively slender frame, whose coat was criss-crossed with stripes of grey. The patterning was continued in her mane and tail, lying in an obviously unintentional tangle, whilst a pair of almost electric pink irises shone out from beneath the half-closed eyelids of her shadowy face. ‘Primarily she’s a train wreck, as exhausted as I am except likely from far more entertaining causes, and secondly I reiterate: what?’

You know what I mean.

Coco raised a forehoof to support her frowning head. It was going to be one of "those" kind of mornings, studded with self-questioning, and she had not yet even been able to impart the lucidity of caffeine to the mix. She took a deep breath, as if preparing for a real confrontation. ‘I’m not into mares this is just a response to sleeplessness and boredom. Again.’

And what of your opinion of Rarity then?

A storm of images of the ever-graceful unicorn flew before her vision, filling it with the soft contours of her snowy body. ‘Well I liked Rarity but that wasn’t like that.’



Care to tell me what you found so interesting about said mare’s flank then, bearing in mind you kept insisting on stealing glances at it?

‘Oh shut up.’

Or that of her rainbow-maned friend for that matter?

‘Seriously shut up!’

And by the way you seem to be staring at this mare’s flank right now.

‘Crap!’ She re-emerged to discover she was now settled in a highly cliché enraptured pose, hooves placed beneath her chin, gaze focused dreamily forward. Before her the zebra stirred, sending Coco’s embarrassed stare to the floor, shying from any meeting of their eyes. Peaking back upward after giving a safe moment of further avoidance, she watched the dark mare strut to the shop’s counter, collecting her drinks order and departing.

Still staring.


‘Large mocha-latte with a double espresso shot’ called out a server’s voice.


Fleur rose from the squashed sponge cake of cushions she was sprawled across, sliding reluctantly off the sofa her lounging form had claimed for the advantage of being able to lie unseen behind its hoofrests. Pulled upward by the called promise of caffeine, she attempted her best carefree saunter between the assembled furniture, similarly emulating baked goods in their plump softness, but only managed it for half the distance to the counter before the façade died in its tracks. A murderous stare hit her hard in transit, shot from a single pink iris, its twin being cloaked by the fallen strands of a dark striped mane, seemingly recognising but not recognised on her part.

Who’s she? Do I know her? Does she know me?

Questions bombarded her, raining a heavy barrage on her position and forcing her to let her own hair fall free to act as cover for her to duck behind.

Why’s she glaring? What have I done or is it how I look? Do I look that bad?

The unknown zebra mare passed her, heading for the door and bearing with her a tray of steaming disposable cups, leaving Fleur still off guard and no more the wiser as to the cause.

Somepony you can’t remember from last night or from one of the great many other such evenings perhaps?

‘Buck.’ That answer definitely seemed to fit; the category of those she forgot or were forgettable was after all pretty broad. The fact the zebra looked as wrecked as she felt also helped to confirm the theory. Even still she now felt exposed, having stepped beyond the degree of control that she preferred. Her lack of makeup, the unsmoothed mass of her roughly dried mane, each unresolved fault in her being clung tight to her, picked up by a haze of non-existent eyes all around her.

Ironic for somepony who’s made a living in the spotlight.

She needed to leave, left uncomfortable in her own skin, the sanctuary of her bed’s covers once again becoming an inviting prospect.

Just grab the damned drink and then get the hay out of here.


‘I’m not having this argument’ Coco insisted, again aiming to silence her mind as she approached the counter.

It’s hardly an argument if you know exactly how you really feel.

‘Do I?’ she attempted, trying to feel confident in the words, but knowing she remained unconvinced. The succeeding silence only furthered this, her inner voice not even bothering or truly needing to make a response. ‘I’m not having this argument’ she repeated, ‘I’m going to glut myself on caffeine, then I’m going to head home and the…’ Her focused thoughts were stopped mid-flow as she automatically raised a forehoof to collect the coffee and it bumped into a pale pink aura around the cup, sending an electric tingle up the limb. ‘Oh.’


Caught in contemplations of return to her quilted redoubt, Fleur halted as she felt a smooth something in her magic’s grasp. The something quickly disappeared as she looked to its source, meeting the depths of two azure irises, which like the retracting hoof of their owner also chose to fall shyly away to the floor. Before her around the counter stood a slightly built earth mare, pale brown coat set at odds with the blues of her mane, in total antithesis to the unsure bearing of her being.

‘I’m sorry we must’ve had the same order…’ the mare began in a near-whisper without completing her sentence, eyes coming up but briefly to meet Fleur’s once more.

She’s cute.

Slightly shorter than herself, this mare bore with her a prettiness which was hard to ignore, emanating from the refined elegance of her dress and form. Absent was the brashness or noise which often accompanied those ponies who chose to adorn themselves with clothing. The simplicity of her tonal collar and tie spoke softly as opposed to proclaiming their wearer’s importance at the centre of all attentions, instead rather accentuating the mare which lay beneath.

She’s really cute.

At this point Fleur snapped back to the reality that many moments had passed and she had remained motionless, awkwardly quiet, whilst her brain dumbly repeated variations of a set phrase.

Sweet Celestia she’s cu…

‘Sorry, my mind hasn’t entirely woken up yet’ Fleur managed, interrupting her own repetitive thoughts. The mare just about succeeded in locking their gazes again, in response giving a small sensitive smile.

So bucking cu…

‘Please feel free’ she continued, using her magic to push the cup forward, previous cravings for the life-giving drink somehow lost, ‘I’ll grab the next one.’

‘No no its all yours…’ the mare’s words trailed off, whilst she made a minor visible backpedal from the offering.

‘Large mocha-latte with a double espresso shot’ announced the mint-aproned unicorn, setting down an identical coffee on the counter and breaking the loaded silence which had again settled between them. He regarded the statues of the two mares, one gazing the other snatching glances at each other, with a raised eyebrow and then a small chuckle as he departed.

The arrival of the drink and the grinning server broke Fleur’s thinking, feeding the return of self-consciousness.

You’ve got your drink, now you can get the hay out of here! You’ve been standing here like an idiot making a scene for an age.

The feeling of being on show returned with a vengeance, squeezing her between walls of stares on all sides. ‘Well erm…’ Fleur shrugged, making her own smile as she turned to go, feeling a slight warmth as it was reciprocated by the earth mare. ‘She is pretty cute though’ she thought, making for the exit.

Caffeine, home, bed. Caffeine, home, bed. Caffeine, home…

‘I didn’t even get her name’ she continued to consider, defying her brain’s attempts to refocus.

It’s not like you actually met her or anything. All you did was stare.

‘True.’ She sighed, pushing open the door to leave, but as she did so she could not help but look back. To her surprise she again met the set of vivid azure eyes, the anonymous pale brown mare caught in the same position as herself: half-turned to glance back. As quickly as they reunited, they each took to timid flight, as if scared of their own reflection. ‘Maybe I…’

You’re reading way too much into a simple look. Don’t forget the current state you’re in, so she’s hardly likely to be checking you out.

‘True.’ Fleur sighed again, letting the door swing shut behind her as she walked away.

Author's Note:

Title: Stimulants (French)