• Published 28th Oct 2015
  • 32,847 Views, 749 Comments

Anon-a-Miss - Dainn

In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. But what if things happened differently?

  • ...


It was the middle of February. The day was surprisingly warm, a welcomed change from the usual cold and gusty weather that Canterlot City had been subjected too during the winter season.

Sunset was sitting all by herself on a park bench. She had been watching silently as small children played around in the snow while their parents kept a close eye from a distance.

She had been sitting alone for almost an hour, wondering if perhaps she should just turn back and go home. She still had some extra time left before they were supposed to arrive. She eventually pushed those thoughts aside and chose to wait patiently. She had already gone through enough trouble in getting everything together. No sense in backing out now.

Around 20 minutes later, Sunset was joined on the bench by a single hooded figure. Sunset recognized her guest almost immediately and frowned with disappointment upon realizing that she had come alone.

“I told all three of you to be here. Where are your sisters?”

Aria pulled back her hood and shrugged with indifference. “Adagio is too weak to leave the house and Sonata didn’t want to leave her by herself. Guess that means that you’re stuck with me.” The siren narrowed her eyes in annoyance. “So, what do you want? And make it quick. It's freezing out here.”

Aria watched as Sunset reached into her coat pocket and pulled out three necklaces which had small colorless gems attached at the base. The sirens eyes then widened as she realized what she was looking at. “Are those … what I think they are?”

Sunset nodded her head twice. “Twilight agreed to make you all a new set of Heart Stones. It looks like you and your sisters aren’t going to starve after all.” Aria quivered with excitement as she reached forward, eager to grab one and place it around her neck, only for Sunset to pull away at the last moment. “But before I give you these, there’s something that you need to know. And be sure to tell your sisters what I'm about to tell you.”

Aria rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Don’t try to take over the world again, or you and your friends'll stop us, or some stupid mumbo jumbo like that, am I right?”

“Not exactly,” Sunset said while shaking her head. “Twilight rigged these in order to keep all three of you in check. See how the stones are clear right now?”

Sunset pointed to the gems and Aria raised an eyebrow. “So what?” the siren asked.

“She said that that means that there’s almost no energy stored inside at the moment. As you drain energy from other people, the stones will turn from clear to blue, blue to green, green to yellow, and yellow to red. As soon as it turns red, you need to stop feeding and give the amulets time to cool back down, otherwise they’ll break.”

Sunset outstretched her hand and allowed Aria to grab all three of the necklaces. After placing one of them around her neck, the siren could immediately feel a small fraction of her true power being restored, and with it, her primal desire to feed increased tenfold. She felt absolutely ravenous. It had been months since the last time that she had been able to feed, and her stomach was demanding that she make up for lost time.

“Tell Adagio that we’re even. And I hope you guys take good care of those amulets, because Twilight made it clear that she won't be doing you any more favors after this. And quite frankly, neither will I,” Sunset warned.

“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll be careful …” A sly smile began to take root while Aria turned her gaze onto the children playing around the park. “You've got nothing to worry about from us.”

Sunset stood from the bench and then proceeded to walk away. As she departed, she heard one of the most beautiful and alluring singing voices to ever grace her ears, followed by the sounds of bickering children and quarreling adults.

Author's Note:

And ... I'm done.

Those of you who enjoyed the story, I'm happy to hear it.
Those of you who didn't?
Not everything's for everyone I suppose.

Thanks to everyone who liked, favorited, or decided to "watch" me.

And as always, thanks for reading.

Comments ( 197 )

So the only ones who really got a happy ending were the Dazzlings.

Sunset now will keep moving forward, despite all the loss. Will it lead to happiness?...Perhaps it will as she still has Snips, Snails, Celestia, Luna and Twilight to support her.

Tied up the last loose end and Sunset walks away all the wiser.

There are some wounds that time cannot heal..... and this whole mess may be one of them.

It's such a shame it had to come to that point... but like I said, it was their own doing.

Great story.

6685477 Yep. Truth be told. Twilight, Snips, Snails, Celestia and Luna are all she has now in the end. Such a pity that a poor, innocent soul had to go through all that. She once had a lot but now, she has little to nothing left in the end. Even after all the hard work, TLC and devotion that she put in fixing her mistakes.

I like this ending a lot. It's dark and Believable. :moustache:

For some reason, I can see a Cold Case epilogue with these scenes

-Pony Twilight standing by the portal as she looks at Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie. She gives them a disappointed look and a shake of the head before going back into the portal.

-Rainbow Dash is alone somewhere, staring of a photo of her, the others and Sunset, laminating on what she had thrown away.

-Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wincing as they feel the glares of the students. They turn to see Scootaloo, as she tosses a photo of her and Rainbkw Dash away.

-Glida is shown sitting somewhere with the other attackers. The looks on their faces shows anger,and sadness at what was lost.

-Celestia stares at a news bulletin of what happened at Canterlot High, and at the announcement saying Canterlot High will be dropping out of the Friendship Games. She just looks tired and sad at everything, despite Luna's comfort.

-Aria returning to the other Dazzlings with the new amulets. Sonata smiles.

-And lastly, Sunset is shown walking somewhere with Snips and Snails. They don't spare the students a second glance.

..Know of any song that will work with this?

Well...I love the story and the built-up but Im not sure how to feel about the ending. Don't get me wrong I love the ending as the Dazzelings get their gem for food and Sunset walks away all good and all but I feel as if something is missing.

Maybe is the fact that I didn't see what happens to the others, like Snip and Snail, the Principals and Twilight are doing during this winter.

Try again?
Yes No

Seriously, tho. This was awesome. Great job!

Quite a good ending to this story. The school's building reputation is tarnished worse then before. The students are now humiliated and demoralized. The CMC now has to watch their backs and their guards for as long as they attend CHS. Those who harmed Sunset are facing justice in a humiliating manor. Rainbow will forever be seen as the bad guy, lose all respect she's worked so hard to achieve, and haunted for the rest of her life in nearly taking a life out of petty revenge. The human 5 are left to pick up the pieces of a fractured friendship that may never heal. All under the watchful eye of the cops.

And although Sunset is left with nothing, she has everything she could ask for. True friends, allies, a homeworld where she could start over again, people and ponies who actually care and stand beside her.

And the Dazzlings given a new lease on life. The question being, will they keep their end of the bargain?

Such a cold ending, but then again. A happy ending is a matter of perspective. In Sunset's case, she has her happy ending from this never ending nightmare.

Maybe this.
Not entirely sure.

Oi.... A happy story indeed. Or, happy ending, I suppose. It was... Rossome. Because my name is Ross. It was Rossome indeed.

I don't know why, but I'm thinking of a Johnny Cash song. Nothing specific yet, but they have that tone that fits this story and Sunset's hellish journey.

Technically she didn't forgive them.
She kinda made it clear that they won't be making up after this.

Thanks for following for as long as you have.
Sorry if you were disappointed.

Ask and the Man in Black delivers.

Fits perfectly with your little aftermath comment.

Nice slightly dark ending for the story. It fits considering what just happened.

Well done. Nice little wrap-up and everything.

So that's it? I mean does Sunset stay in the human world or go back to Equestria. I mean she litterally has next to no reason to stay so why stay at all.

Ending isn't bad just saying.

Great ending though I guess I was kinda hoping for a quick snippet of all those majorly affected, like see from their perspective during this ending on what they lost or something lol

Both sides have already lived up to their promises.
Adagio helped Sunset get her life back.
Sunset helped Adagio and her sisters get theirs back in return.
Whatever the dazzlings do with their second chance is entirely up to them.
But as far as deals go, the terms have already been met.


The phoniex has burned into ash, due to hatred. Then she began her life anew. Without looking back, she flew away from the past, taking with her the loyal ones to be part of her new life.

Will the phoniex find happiness? With the ones that truly care, she will build her life again

6686071 that was a great story thanks for making it:twilightsmile:

I'm glad that you stayed to the end and enjoyed reading it.


And the Dazzlings given a new lease on life. The question being, will they keep their end of the bargain?

They don't have much choice in the matter. If they take in enough energy to become really dangerous, the amulets will break and they'll end up starving to death anyway.

6686233 no prob! it was a good read:pinkiehappy:

What about this song

A sign of a good story is always wanting more when it's finished, and I soooooooooooo want a sequel to this.

6685379: Darn. I hate it when authors do that. So conflicting!

Such a great story, congrats :twilightsmile:


This was the best fanfiction I've ever read. Thank you for this. Thank you.:heart:

Whoa, those amulets are genius! Once they reach a certain level, they break! That's such a clever way to monitor their power!

Thanks for such a high compliment.
I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much.

Sad to see this end. I enjoyed reading it and will definitely not remove from my read later list

Oh gods I feel like I've been punched in the guts.
Such a bitter ending. Everything was resolved as it should have been, and it wasn't pretty.
It was fantastic, perfectly written. It had to be, I can't stand endings which are as impossibly sad as this one, and I do feel it's sad. Sunset has things as she arranged them, but she's now hard, not cruel and heartless, but hard. Her body and soul are covered in scars and calluses by the end and it makes me weep for all those simple joys with people we know could have been her closest friends if not for one simple twist never comming to pass.

No, it has to be this well written, I am but one reader, but you held me to the end of horrible tale I knew would have no happy ending, loving and hating it at the same time as every scar she felt was carved into my own heart.
Am I waxing overly lyrical? Probably, but it's late, and all I have in this cold lonely night are myself and the cold feelings you've left me with.
i loved it, even as it ate me piece by piece.

I would have liked to see some measure of reconciliation between Sunset and the other girls, but she had every right to leave them basically for good, especially Rainbow Dash, and I can respect her choices.

Perhaps they will be more careful of their friends in future.

Comment posted by Asashi - Dark Fist Inari deleted Dec 2nd, 2015

6686867 Yeah I did and it's still the same. Again, Nope.

well what now for Sunset?, will she stay in the human world or return to where she was born never to return?


don't mind that guy I've seen him post this on almost every story that hints at forgiveness.

But that's the thing that I'm confused about.
No one in this story forgave anyone for anything.
Sure, Sunset showed slight leniency towards everyone at the end, but at no point at all did I say anything about her forgiving anyone.


Great story! Great ending, But I'm not gonna lie, I did really want to see Twilight's reaction to what Sunset went through...Maybe you could add in deleted scenes?...LOL

Yeah, I want to see Princess Twilight's reactions to all of this stuff.

Man that was an intense rush to read all at once, I loved it.
Honestly I was half expecting Aria to ask what happened with Sunset and the Humane 5 only for Sunset to not say anything and the gems all snap straight to red.

6690105 Big difference between the show and fanfiction buddy.

From chapter 11 onward, I was grinning way more than Swift Order.

Anyway, I loved this story! Nothing makes me happier than witnessing all their guilt, their despair, their sorrow! I practically feed on the stuff like the sirens. Only in the realm of fanfiction can I get something like this.


Nothing makes me happier than witnessing all their guilt, their despair, their sorrow! I practically feed on the stuff like the sirens.

You and me both.
Glad you enjoyed it.

The only dissapointment in this story for me was that there wasn't a part in the epilogue that illustrated how Rainbow's reputation was in the toilet. And honestly I don't even know if I want you to add one I think leaving it up to my imagination is better.

Other than that this was FANTASTIC and the last chapters in this story are a perfect example of "What should happen" in a story, it was tense and the payoff of it all was incredible.

Thank you.

Sometimes the reader's imagination can do more than what words on a screen ever could.
That's why I left a few holes in the ending.
Some people were fine with that.
Some people weren't.

Glad you enjoyed the story and thank you for reading.

I have been thinking of doing an unofficial sequel(considering I am not Dainn) where an evil force is attacking CHS that is so powerful not even Twilight can stop it so all the students of CHS and possably Crystal Prep(I'm thinking of adding them in) must unite for not just a battle to defend the school or heck not just Equestria as well,but the entire universe ad multi verse bassacly all of existence. Do you think that would sound cool(this is not a way of asking for permission I am just seeing how well the idea would be received before starting.)

If a story gets executed poorly then it automatically won't be well received.
It doesn't matter how "cool" an idea might be if no one likes the way that its been written.

If you're confident in your writing ability and you believe that you can handle writing something like that, then go for it.

Great story, fantastic ending. I like that it didn't end up in forgiveness and hugs. Much more real feel to it ^_^

What happened to good bye forever second chance? There is no words there bro whut happened?

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