• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 1,501 Views, 23 Comments

The Picnic - Inkwell Prose

The CMC are at it again, trying to get their cutie marks. But instead of trying something new, they go back to one of their old tactics. Matchmakers.

  • ...

Back To Old Grounds

Apple Bloom was pacing back and forth in the treehouse, thinking of their next move. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the longest meeting of their lives, going on about three hours now. They were trying to get their cutie marks once again, but they hit a wall, not any of the three having ideas.

"Ugh! This is ridiculous! How can none of us even think of one measly thing to try to get our cutie marks in?" Apple Bloom finally said, stopping her pacing.

"I don't know. I think we've tried everything," Sweetie Belle said.

"There's a million different things to do out there. I don't think we've covered them all. Just more of the known ones," said Scootaloo.

"Yeah, Scoots is right. There's gotta be something we tried yet. Hmmm...." Apple Bloom began to think again, going into the deep depths of her mind. What haven't they done yet? What's something new they could do. Something different.

Apple Bloom gasped as she said, "I got it! we just have to go back to old grounds!"

"Huh?" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in confusion.

"Ya know, trying something again. Doing it differently this time 'round." Apple Bloom started galloping around the treehouse, happy she found out what to do next.

"Wait. You mean to tell me that we're gonna try something to get out cutie marks in that we've already done before?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That's pointless! If we already failed once, why would we try again and hope for a different result?" Scootaloo asked.

"That's why we're gonna try it differently, change up the game plan a bit before we attempt anything. Now, what should we try again?" Once again, they were in the same situation, only now they couldn't think of what to try again. They've tried so many different things since the Crusaders was formed that it was hard to choose just one.

"Here, how about we choose the one we had the most success with. The one we got closest to accomplishing." Sweetie Belle offered.

"That's not a bad idea, Sweetie Belle. But, which one would it be?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Probably matchmakers. Remember Hearts and Hooves day? We did couple up Big Mac and Cherilee, wrongfully, but we did." Scootaloo said.

"But, they didn't stay a couple. That was just the love poison, remember?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, but we did matchmake them. Not forever, but we did accomplish our goal pretty much."

"Scootaloo is right. We did have the most success with matchmaking, even if it didn't work out, or that we didn't do it the right way. But, nonetheless, we completed what we set out to do," Apple Bloom said, walking up to the podium. She banged her hoof off of the circle on the podium where you're supposed to hit a gavel, and decreed, " I find this meeting of the Cutie Mark crusaders officially over. We have chosen to return to old grounds and re-try matchmaking." Apple Bloom banged her hoof once more and stepped down and joined her Crusader friends in a circle.

"On three," Apple Bloom said, "One."

"Two," Sweetie Belle said.

"Three," Scootaloo finished.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MATCHMAKERS TAKE TWO YAY!" the three said in unison as the put their hooves in and wailed them up high when they finished their chant. After that, the three set out to set up their game plan.

"Is he coming?" Sweetie Belle asked?

"Yeah, said he would in a minute. Told him it was an emergency and that I would meet him here. What about her?" asked Apple Bloom

"She's on her way too. Sad I needed help defining what kind of rock this was," said Scootaloo, pointing to a giant rock up on the hill.

"Is that the best you could come up with? You might as well go get Maud too," said Sweetie Belle.

"You really think we'd be able to match Maud up with somepony? She's to... bland."

"Stop fighting girls! Here they come!" Apple bloom pointed out. Sure enough, down one side of the sidewalk came an annoyed looking Ms. Cherilee, carrying her rock identification book. On the other side, came along Big Macintosh, carrying his tool box. Eventually they saw each other and made eye contact, thinking they know where this was going. But, they continued walking over to where the Crusaders were standing.

When they arrived, Cherilee asked with a smug face, "Girls, didn't you learn your lesson last time you tried to set up?"

"I don't think so," Big Mac added.

"We're not trying to set you two up. Just coincidence that we needed you two at the same time in the same area, and there's a convenient picnic here for us to share when you two are done. Oh, wait. Look at the time. We best go. Bye!" Apple bloom said, grabbing the other two Crusaders and running off to hide in a bush. This left Big Mac and Cherilee to themselves, once again.

"Well, hi again. I know we really haven't talked since the, uh, incident, but we're still good friends right?" asked Cherilee.

"Eeyup," Big Mac responded. The situation was still very awkward and Cherilee wasn't happy that the crusaders were trying to set her and Big Mac up again.

"Listen, I have things to do today and I bet you do too. I'll talk to the girls about this later. I thought they would've learned not to do this the first time, but apparently not. See ya later?" Cherilee asked.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said as Cherilee walked away. But Big Mac stayed. He had been working all day and was really hungry, and there was a picnic here... He sat down and began to munch on a piece of bread.

"Oh, come on!" Sweetie Belle screamed quietly.

"No, this is what I wanted to happen," Apple bloom said.

"What are you talking about Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"Just wait. Here comes the good part." Apple Bloom replied, pointing her friends' faces back toward the picnic area. Big Mac was still eating away at the contents when Fluttershy passed by. Big Mac noticed her and looked down, but Fluttershy saw him and said, "Oh, a picnic! How lovely! Um.. m-may I join you?"

Big Mac seemed nervous and blushed a little, but gave a small "eeyup" as Fluttershy sat down and joined him. Fluttershy started to help herself to some of the food laid out and Big Mac shied a little more, keeping his face down and not talking.

Fluttershy noticed this and tried to get some conversation started. "Are you okay, Big Mac? You seem nervous."

Big Mac looked up and Fluttershy saw his flushed face, which made her blush a bit to. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just haven't really ever talked to you before and I don't know what to say."

"Oh, It's fine. Let's just try to have a general conversation. No need to be shy," Fluttershy said, "So, how has your day been?"

"Good. Had to do my daily chores on the farm then I was called up here to fix that gazebo over there," Big Mac said, pointing over towards the large gazebo only twenty feet away, "Only it was just a trick from the girls to try and set up me and Ms. Cherilee. What they don't know is that I actually like somepony else."

Fluttershy was trying to compensate everything Big Mac said. She had never heard him talk so much at one time before. "Well, would you like to tell me who you like? Maybe I could help. I just love seeing young love happen."

Big Mac then looked down, his face even redder than his coat. Fluttershy saw his reaction and blushed a bit more, realizing who he liked.

"Truth is, and this is why I've been shy with talking with you. I like you. I've liked you for a long time, which is why I've strayed away from you. I just watched from afar."

Fluttershy looked into Big Mac's glowing eyes, and she felt something she has never felt before, and she liked it. "Oh, Big Mac. I-I don't know what to say. I-I.." Fluttershy looked down, flushed as a tomato.

"I'm sorry. I'll get going," Big Mac said getting up quickly.

"No, wait! I don't want you to go," Fluttershy said, trying to stop him.


"B-because I like you too!" Fluttershy almost screamed. Hearing this stopped big Mac in his tracks. He turned around, his face in obvious shock.

"Y-you do?" he asked.

"Um, y-yeah. I d-do. I-I was just too s-shy to t-tell you."

"Well, what does that mean for us then?" Big Mac asked.

"I-I don't know. I've never t-told anyone that before."

"How about we start by meeting here tomorrow for another picnic. Get to know each other a little bit more?" Big Mac looked into Fluttershy's eyes, making her shy away again, but she lifted her head back up and said, "That sounds lovely, Big Mac."

Big Mac put a happy grin on his face. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Fluttershy."

"B-bye Big Mac." They went their separate ways, leaving the picnic finished off.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were still hiding in the bush, and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were in complete shock, while Apple Bloom was celebrating.

"I knew that'd work! My plan went flawlessly!"

"Our plan was to get Big Mac and Cherilee together, not Big Mac and Fluttershy. Our planned totally failed," Scootaloo said.

"No, it didn't. I overheard Big mac last night in his room talking about how much he liked Fluttershy. So, on the way here, I stopped by her house to ask if she could come here later to help us look for animals. Thus, would send her right to Big Macintosh Apple and that sweet picnic we set up."

"Wait. So you had a secret plan behind your back this entire time, and it worked?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Eyup," responded Apple Bloom.

"Your planned worked. So that means.... Did we get our cutie marks?!" Scootaloo screamed. The girls started to desperately check their flanks for a cutie mark, but they were just blank, like usual. They all grew really said but broke out it quickly when they realized that they had just set up Big Mac and Cherilee.

"Better luck next time girls. But, let's hope that things stay good between Big Mac and Fluttershy," Apple Bloom said.

"I think they're a cute couple. Just look at them, it adorable!" added Sweetie Belle.

"Bleh. Stop being sappy," said Scootaloo. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle started laughing as they headed back to the treehouse to discuss what to try next. Maybe if they matchmake more ponies, they'd get their cutie marks, eventually. But, I wouldn't keep that to heart.

Comments ( 23 )

:moustache: Ohoho, what a twist! (I had to say before anyone else did)

That was sweet. ^-^ I give it an upvote...the FIRST upvote, so there! *so special*

6100660 Well thanks. Glad you liked it.

Why the hell is this in ApplejackxPinkie?

6100863 I accidentally added it to that folder and don't know how to remove it. Sorry for the inconvenience. :fluttershysad:

6100874 Go to the folder, look for your story and press the trash can icon that appears right next to the title.

I have to say, you got me exited for nothing.

6100879 Okay. Thanks.

EDIT: I'm so sorry about that. Please don't be mad. It's removed.

That was a cute story.

You know any other cute couple?

Fluttershy was trying to compensate everything Big Mac said.

I think that should be comprehend. Also, Fluttershy seemed unusually forward in this story, but I'll give it a pass since she's supposed to have gained some confidence in the show, not that the show acknowloges that when they need a stupid confidence drama

Anyway this story was cute and, even though I'm a MacDash shipper, I do enjoy a little FlutterMac every now and again. have a like and a moustache :moustache:

6104491 Well, I'm glad you liked it! Thanks!

"You really think we'd be able to match Maud up with somepony? She's to... bland."

That was stone cold, Scoots.
Heh heh... I'll stop now.

Man, what a gyp. They actually did something right for once with no screw-ups or collateral damage, and no butt tattoo.
Although, to be honest, re-visiting their only attempts wasn't a good idea in the first place. The entire ridiculous point of cutie marks is that they represent something that a pony is (literally) magically good at. It goes against the whole concept for them to have to pursue a goal thoughtfully, like they're actually trying to build the experience for a useful skillset. Kind of funny when you think of it that way.

Apple Bloom you clever filly, you.
Really loved the story. Maybe Spike should hire the Crusaders.

Awwww. I'm not really a fan of romance stories but I enjoyed this one.

I love FlutterMac stories :twilightsmile:
(I actually have a couple myself if you want to go look :twilightblush:)

And to the CMC... You cannot all get the same Cutie Mark girls
But well done for doing it right this time I guess

My plan went flawlessly!

THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!!:twilightoops:

I won;t lie is saying that I did not see the ending coming. Very nice.

This was just a cute little fic and I really enjoyed it. Good work.

I like it, its prefect

6952631 my oc isn't a pony, he's a Timberwolf.:pinkiesmile:

Its fine, I don't bite, lol

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