• Published 27th May 2012
  • 764 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Abides - AmberRoss

Multi-chapter story starring Derpy. Can a struggling pony be the one to save Equestria?

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Chapter 3

Twilight had missed the open air of the palace's observatory; she spent many hours here with the Princess during her private teaching in the ways of magic. The highest room in a mountain castle always made Twilight feel like she was on the top of the world. The white marble glimmered all around them in Celestia's sun, and Celestia herself. The Princess sat in all her majesty, sipping from a delicate teacup and turning pages in a large, musty book, telling the passages of time. Twilight wasn't sure why Princess Celestia had called her here with the promise of a 'very important lesson'. She'd been in Ponyville for two years and had a very good life for herself there, but Celestia insisted that this could only be imparted to Twilight directly. Twilight munched on another teacake, her attention on the book in front of her.

“Now, where were we?”

“Villahuava, the All Song,” Twilight pointed out.

“Yes, my grandmother. She was a primordial pony, but the only one that took a form we recognize today.”

“Didn't she sing Equestria into existence?”

Celestia smiled, “Well, yes and no. The Earth was always here in one form or another, but Villahuava sung the world into its present form. Her song so fatigued her, that she passed on, and her essence became my parents. Teria of Jest, and Cosmos, the All-father. It was their love that brought about the world as we know it, all ponies, but first Luna, myself, and my other brothers and sisters.”

“You have other siblings?”

“Yes, though they manage the movement of other celestial bodies, like my brother Tinia, who moves Jupiter, or my sister Cetheria, who moves Venus. They do not come to this land often but we communicate when we can.”

“What of your parents?”

“They were loving parents; before this age my siblings and I learned all we needed to know from them, and frolicked in this primordial land, ruling over the Ponies of generations past.”

“What happened?”

“Well, my mother, Teria, gave her corporeal form, that is, her physical body, to the earth. And when it was scattered throughout the globe, wherever it touched, trees, flowers and grass grew.”

“And your father?”

“He was so grieved by the loss of my mother, that he flew into the sky, thinking he could find her there. When he could find her nowhere in the heavens, he wept, and his tears became the stars and the galaxies. He dove back to the earth and struck it with great force, and his body became steel. The mountains, just as his wife's arms, embraced him.”

“That's so sad...”

“Yes, this book puts it so poetic and melancholy, but Luna and I were there for it. While the bards make it sound like tragedy, my parents passing on was a wonderful, loving thing; a celebration of life. Our parents are not actually dead, but now all around us. Immortals do not die, but they lose the forms we recognize and become something else.”

“Do you miss seeing your father and mother?”

Celestia smiled warmly and stood, “I see them every night, before I go to bed, embracing one another. Would you like to see them?”

Twilight was confused, but curious. “Yes, Princess.”

The observatory was an open room, the edges of the room overlooked the glorious sunset. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the stars twinkled into life. The mountains reached into the beautiful colors of the sky, as the sun warmly cast it's final light. In the glimmering sunset, Twilight could almost make out something more, a spirit or a force, something radiating love.

“My father, is the stars, my mother is the land. Such beauty doesn't just come from rocks and stray beams of sunlight- it is their spirits and their love.”

“I've . . .never seen them. I've admired so many sunsets, even from here, and I've never seen them.”

“Indeed, few still do. Your deep magic give you an appreciation of friendship and love that normally is reserved for the artists and the poets. If you choose to look closely, you can see what most ponies will miss.”

“What of the Celestial Emerald?” Twilight asked, abruptly changing the subject. “You mentioned it in your letter asking me to come here.”

Celestia let out a long yawn, as the sun set, she grew more tired. “The Emerald yes, it belonged to my Father, it was a part of his body, It . . .is the source-”

“The source of what?”

“Of . . .” Another yawn. “It is . . .Perhaps this could wait until tomorrow, Twilight Sparkle? I seem unusually weary...”

“Are you okay?”

“Likely just allergies- the pollen makes me feel somewhat sick and weary” The Princess said, “This is why I prefer autumn to spring.”

“But the emerald!-”

“It will take time to explain, but it must wait until morning.” Celestia said, as she left the room, supported by two of her guards.

“Of course Princess, I didn't meant to push.”

“We'll continue this in the morning Twilight. Mergus, Corvus, please take me to my chambers.”

“Yes, Princess,” the twins chorused.

Twilight took a final sip of her tea and headed back to her room near the library. A few palace servants appeared to put the books and tea set away as she left the observatory, that was taking on an early-spring chill as the night grew. As she walked through one of the cavernous hallways, Twilight heard a voice she recognized. It was the strong, noble voice of one of the princess's most trusted soldiers- General Helios. He was talking with Sir High Regard, and another voice she didn't recognize.

“ . . .Her majesty has to sleep, the strain of moving the sun makes her need it.”

“She's never been this weak, High Regard.”

“What of Luna?”

“She is in better condition than Celestia, but still her power is reduced.”

Twilight was now even more curious; she'd noticed that the Princess needed guards to carry her, and that wasn't something she'd seen before. And this new voice, it was obviously a servant of Luna, but the voice was eerie, like something from a ghost story.

“We're jumping to conclusions, I think there is nothing wrong,”

“You’re a fool High Regard.”

“Do not speak such a way to your betters!”

“Should I think you better than I, High Regard, it would be sad day,”

Twilight laughed, and peeked past the cracked door, seeing High Regard stifling a smile at the insult, and the back of Helios' head, though his snowy white mane all she could make out.

“Still, when she determines it appropriate to tell us what's wrong, she will let us know.”

“My Mistress Luna has no secrets from me.”

Twilight shivered at that voice again, unable to make out who it was. It was definitely someone working with Luna. Was he with the Nocturne Guard?

“Count, Princess Luna must have let you in on something.”

“No, not a thing she- Someone is watching.”

Twilight squinted, were they talking about her? Before Twilight could contemplate further, she saw the unknown pony, in the form of just an eye looking through the door. Twilight backed away as she felt a burning feeling at the back of her neck. Without warning, she felt ice water in her veins, and felt the beating of her heart, cold and mechanical, like a dead piece of meat. Twilight shrieked in surprise as she fell off her hooves.

Veleris! Stop!” , rang a sudden, boisterous shout.

Twilight saw Helios over her, and the old stallion embraced her closely. “Don't worry, Twilight, your unharmed.”

A troop of spear-wielding palace guard trotted down the hallway looking about for a threat. “Is everything alright, General? We heard a scream.”

“It's fine Pavo,” Helios said, “Just Veleris being paranoid again.”

Twilight looked into the room at Count Valeris. For what he just did to her he didn't seem threatening at all. The stallion must be a unicorn in order to have entered Twilight’s mind, but his horn was covered by a cerulean, jeweled turban. He was tall and slender, his face young, but looked as though it had weathered many years of agony. It was obvious that the Count wasn’t from around Canterlot. His face showed no regard for Twilight, and if he felt sorry about whatever he just put her through it didn't show on her face. Twilight wasn't quite sure, but she thought she made out a pair of long fangs in the Count's mouth as he spoke, looking like something a pony would wear for Nightmare Night.

“That wasn't pleasant at all,” she mumbled.

“Twilight, Valeris uses a kind of magic that induces fear. He doesn't always have an exact control over it.”

“You’re not physically harmed- would you like me to remove the memory?” Valeris offered, as the jewel on his turban glowed a ghostly white.

“No! Just . . .stay away,” Twilight said. She was still recovering, but still unwilling to let that pony inside her mind again.

“Count Valeris, this is Princess Celestia's magic student. She was probably just curious.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Twilight. I hope you'll excuse my paranoia, but I've been spied on many times before, and I thought you may mean me harm.”

“I pity anypony who tries to harm you,” Twilight said with an uneasy grin.

“If you are the same Twilight Sparkle I've heard of, you’ve battled Nightmare Moon. We have that in common.”

“Wait, how could you have-“

“Never mind that now, Twilight,” Helios said, waving a hoof to dismiss the conversation. “We're having kind of private sit down; would you mind?”

“Of course, sorry to interrupt.”

Twilight continued toward her room, feeling her legs a little shaky under her, but she tried to shake off the confusion of the evening. Princess Luna came into view after rounding a corner in the corridor, flanked by two of her Nocturne guard. “Twilight Sparkle, good evening to you.”

Twilight bowed to Princess Luna as she passed. “Your Majesty.”

“Have you seen my sister? I wanted to speak with her before her evening rest,”

“The twins took her back to her Chambers.”

“Were they helping her walk?”

“Yes, they were . . .is Celestia okay?”

Luna sighed, “She is fine Twilight Sparkle, though there is something important she will have to discuss with you come morning. Sleep well.”

As the Princess walked off, Twilight heard a strange clanking sound from Luna's back, and noticed the Princess was wearing an armored saddle and crupper.

‘Princess Luna is wearing armor? What is going on that she needed armor?’, Twilight thought. The mare went to her suite a bit uneasy, not so much for the incident of induced fear she just experienced, but for the strange way everyone around her was acting. Not a heightened security but almost a lack of it, many soldiers had left the palace for some reason. Troops were being sent to outposts outside Canterlot. Normally there were no closed doors in this palace, few secrets and no fear. Now, it seemed everyone was on edge, and what's worse is no pony seemed to know why. Twilight caught sight of her brother outside her door, and she galloped close for a hug. Shining Armor was wearing his full ceremonial armor, except his helmet that was on the floor next to him.

“Hey Twily! Sorry I haven't caught up with since you were in town. Been uh, a bit busy.”

“Seems everypony is, Big Brother. What's going on?” Twilight asked, letting go after a long embrace.

The pair entered the sleeping chambers, as the lights magically came to life on the walls. “It's . . .a couple of things, Sis. First, the griffons are making threats, and amassing troops on the border. They do this every once in awhile, just to flex their muscle, but this time it's different- it's more than we've seen in a long time. I'm leading a force there which is most of our infantry and our entire airship fleet, just to make sure they don't attack.”

“Isn't that what Helios does?”

“Normally, but he's got another mission, and the Princess wants me to keep a magical shield on the border as long as I can.”

“Why would the griffons be doing this now? Don't we have a peace treaty with them?”

“We do, and our troops outnumber theirs ten to one. They'd be fools to attack, but the Princess . . .she's sick or weak, or something . . .she won't tell us. The griffons can tell, and they may just be hoping for an easy attack on Canterlot.”

“What if they do attack?”

Shining Armor smiled his dashing smile and gave his sister a playful dutch rub, “No worries sis, they're just gonna sit on the border and shout insults at us. That's all they ever do! They’re aggressive, but not fools, and their leaders respect the treaty.”

“Just be safe, Shining Armor,”

“I will.”

Twilight held back a question, biting her lip, then had to courage to ask. “Brother, do you think the Princess' sickness has anything to do with the Celestial Emerald?”

Shining Armor thought, “As far as I know the Celestial Emerald is just a piece of jewelry that Celestia's father wore . . .it was a necklace I think.”

The princess had said it was the source of something, but Shining Armor seemed to know nothing about it.

“That's all it is? Jewelry?”

“As far as I know, Twily, but I'm just a grunt.” Shining Armor said with a laugh, “Say, I don't have to leave for the border for another day. What do you say, you, Cadance, and I have lunch tomorrow?”

“I'd love that! But don't you have a lot to do?”

“Not so much that I can't spend time with my two favorite mares! Mess hall about two?”

“That'll do, see you then.”


Twilight yawned as the shades in her room opened, and she saw Princess Celestia sitting at the foot of her bed, two stalwart guards at either side.

“P-princess?” Twilight said, groggy from sleep.

“Leave us,” Celestia told her guards, and the two obediently left the room. “I'm sorry to bother you, but as it's been, lately I've been growing more and more weak. This has affected my sister less, because I am the eldest, and closest to our father. I must convey to you something to you regarding the Emerald, before I become fatigued again.”

“Yes princess.”

“It is for your knowledge only Twilight Sparkle; I don't wish everypony to know these things just yet, so please, be discrete.”

This surprised Twilight; normally there were no secrets in the kingdom, except for military matters.

“I just wish not to worry anypony,”

“Of course Princess, I'll keep it to myself.”

The Princess nodded satisfied, “Twilight, as you know, all unicorns and pegasus unicorns have a natural magical ability, but my sister and I also have a divine power. Our ability to move the sun, moon, and . . . extend our lives. The source of this is the Celestial Emerald.”

“Without it you'll be-”

“Mortal.” Princess Celestia said, “Well, something less than mortal, I would be . . .dead.”

“No Princess, no . . .”

“Twilight, I would be doing a disservice to you if I was less than honest. I care for you, and I don't want you to be afraid, but I want you also to know what is at stake,”

“I'll gather the Elements of Harmony! With them we can-”

“Not this time Twilight,” Celestia said, with a slight air a disappointment. “The Divine Magic is the Element you bear; without the gem being in place the Elements of Harmony will not be complete.”

“So the Celestial Emerald has been stolen?”

“It's impossible to be sure, but I know where it rests, and if it's been removed from the resting place of my father, it must be returned to me or my connection to it will be lost completely. I'll be sending General Helios to retrieve it, keep it safe, and return it to me.”

Celestia touched the metal plate on her chest. “This petryal was forged by my brother, Tinus, from the steel that was my father's body; it is known as sunsteel. If the gem is set into this petryal, then my connection will be restored.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because this evening, you will set out with Princess Luna on a mission to help return it safely here. You will have no more than seven days. After that I cannot guarantee I can raise the sun. If that happens, you must -” The princess coughed, and pitched forward, having trouble catching her breath.

“Your Majesty, are you okay?!”

Celestia smiled weakly, “I'm fine . . .that really was allergies.”

Twilight laughed a bit, but couldn't hide her concern. Celestia was so powerful, normally it seemed she had no weakness, no limit to her power. She walked with grace and power, but now, she sat at the foot of Twilight's bed, her head at the end of a shaky neck, her knees almost shaking. She was growing weaker, every day.

“You must . . .take the gem for yourself, and use it's power to evacuate.”

“Leave Equestria?”

“It is being prepared by Luna, and Veleris. A plan has been made.”

“But -”

“Twilight, the Celestial Emerald is one of the most powerful objects in this world, and our enemies know that. The Griffons know I am growing weaker, soon the dragons will know this too. If any of them gain control of it ,they will hold the power, and all our kind with fall. Equestria is at great risk, and while I have every confidence in my men, there must be a plan in case the worse happens. There is no more I can say now. I'm sorry to place such a burden on you Twilight Sparkle, but you are more important than you know.”

“Your Majesty, I won't let something like that happen to you,”

“Twilight, the people, the land, they are more important than Luna or I.”

“No! For all you've done for us, we serve you. Whatever your contingency plan is, I will not need it. We will return the Emerald here, no matter what!”

“Your courage empowers me, Twilight. Now, I must get to work. I will send you with Luna's caravan.”

“But...my brother. He and I were going to have lunch together,”

“Luna will not be at the caravan until dusk. I must . . .rest.”

“Will you be okay here?”

“There is no threat that can reach me here. Do not fear. Just do as you must do. I truly love you as a daughter, my student. Please do not fear . . .all will be well one way or another.”


Unlike most kids growing up, Twilight loved eating in the Mess hall with her brother. The elevated officer's table was almost like stage, but was usually crowded with interesting ponies that Twilight could learn from. Most of them knew her by name, and any time she could spend with her brother was wonderful. The food was always a bit mundane, but it was military food. The taste of rationed hay and oats was like home cooking to her, as she spent her childhood sitting at her big brother's side as he talked strategy. Now, her favorite foalsitter, Cadance, sat with her husband, a pleasant change.

Still, what was normally was a rousing conversation and playful jokes was a quiet and reserved meal. The rows of tables had quiet soldiers slogging through their meals, the only sound was the occasional mutter or clank of silverware. Shining Armor's face was sallow, the light from the previous night was faded.

“You talked to the princess this morning didn't you?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but she asked me not to say what it was about,” Shining Armor said, with a heavy sigh.

“I think I'm not supposed to tell you about the same thing,” Twilight said, “Don't worry, Big Brother. She doesn’t want us to be afraid.”

“I've never seen her so . . . tired, so weary. It's like she's . . .”

Cadance held her husband close. “Shining, don't worry.”

“I just wish she knew how much I wanted to be there for her,” Shining Armor said, “She's like a mother to all of us.”

“I told her, we would win, no matter what,” Twilight said.

“She's right honey,” Cadance agreed, “And we've never failed her. Just like you've never failed me.”

Shining Armor smiled, “You’re right, love, as always.” He admitted. “So...I hear you’re riding with Valeris. He's scary Twi, but don't let it fool you. He's actually very kind; if there's trouble, stay near him and you'll be safe.”

“I will, Big Brother.”


Twilight was sorry to leave, every trip to Canterlot was like a tour of her childhood. She gathered her things, (and a few books she wanted to finish reading from the archives) and joined the Princess's caravan near the gates of Canterlot. They'd be taking the long way around the mountains, and be back in Ponyville in a few days.

Twilight had no idea that in two short years the Nocturne guard would grow like it did. It started with a division of Celestia's personal guard that was assigned or volunteered, but from every corner of Equestria came sailors, farmers and others who held out hope of Luna's return, quickly forming a large loyal army of night soldiers who swore fealty to Princess Luna at the rise of the moon. While many of the traditionalists in the military distrusted those who were loyal to Luna, the guard had proved themselves time and again allies of Equestria and proud citizens. Celestia was actually joyful to see her sister was forgiven by the ponies of the realm.

Whirly, one of the captains of the Nocturne guard, stood on a rocky platform just above the thousand troops, directing them into a formation, pointing and shouting at the units. “Vengence, get the linebreakers to the front! Skirmishers to the sides! We march midnight to midday, and bed down at midnight. Step softly as the Princess and Count Veleris sleep!”

Luna and Celestia spoke near the center of a formation of soldiers. Twilight took this moment to better notice Luna's partial armor plate and crowned helmet, which dangled off her back unworn for now. Her jet black armor glimmered like marble, seeming to be made of a solid piece of steel, smooth and flowing as a liquid.

“Are you sure, dear sister, that you wish to do this?” Celestia asked.

“You are a Leader who loves peace, though you are capable of fighting fiercely when you must. I am the one who better speaks the language of war,” Luna admitted, “Please sister, this fight will require all our greatest warriors,”

“If only we could do this without anypony being hurt, or any other creature.”

Luna smiled at her sister warmly, “Such a big heart; you extend your mercy and love even to our enemies!”

Celestia blushed a bit, “Yes, perhaps that is a flaw.”

“No, it is a strength sister. And know if there is a way to solve this without bloodshed, I will do my best to find it.”

“Thank you sister. Be careful and know that I will always be with you,”

“I love you too, sister,” Luna replied, with a bow, “See you when I return.”

Count Valeris was flanked by number of mares who were gathered around and equipment wagon. The females must have been from the same land as Veleris, for they were all slender and varying shades of purple, blue, and grey. Instead of turbans, the mares wore beaded face veils made of sheer silk. Valeris was sipping from a heavy leather canteen as he passed by Twilight. The young mare bumped the Count as her nervous stumbling brought her a bit to close, knocking the canteen to the dirt. Twilight looked down to see a few bright red drops of liquid spill from the canteen, which was quickly picked up by Veleris.

“I despise Canterlot tap water,” Veleris commented casually, as he continued toward his wagon where his servants were loading supplies. Twilight joined Luna as the brown mare on the hilltop started calling out to the formation leader by name, as they tightened their formations and prepared to move out.

“Move out! All Cohorts, let's go!” Whirly said as she took to her wings and flew to the head of the marching army. Shofar blowers sounded their horns twice, signaling the army to begin its long march. Luna and Veleris were at the center of the formation, surrounded by the supply wagons. Twilight realized she'd never marched with a formation before, and wasn't sure where she was supposed to be.

“Hey Twilight!” One of the guards with bushy brown eyebrows shouted.

“Oh! Adamant!” Twilight said recognizing the guard.

“You’re at the center!” Adamant shouted back, “This is just the parade; once we're further out the formations will be a little more relaxed.”

“Thanks Adamant!” Twilight said joining Valeris and Luna at the center of the march.

Around her, the fully armored formations trotted in tight unison, the beat of their hoofsteps like the beat of a massive drum. Twilight could swear she felt the ground shake as they walked. It was hard to resist marching in unison with soldiers, and even those pulling the wagons soon were matching to the beat. The sea of glistening armor looked like an unstoppable force, and Twilight felt very confident with the army surrounding her.

“I am always humbled to know there are so many who wish to serve me,” Luna said with a pleased smile.

“With these soldiers here, I don't see we'll have any trouble returning the Emerald to Canterlot.” Twilight said.

“We will face many enemies”

“Are you okay to lead us, Princess? I mean, I know Celestia wants us not to discuss it but . . .”

“Twilight, Celestia is the Eldest of our siblings, I am the youngest. I am furthest from our father, and the absence of the Emerald will effect me last. There is a new moon the next two nights, so it will give me time.”

“I promised Princess Celestia I wouldn't fail her, and I mean that your Majesty. You’ve done so much for all of us, and so has she. Whatever it takes, we will not fail.”

Luna smiled, casting a quick glance to Veleris, who unbelievably grinned back at her, a subtle dignified smile. “We have every confidence in you Twilight Sparkle, meaning Valeris and I of course.”

As the army exited Canterlot, citizens lined the roads, all of them waving flags and tossing flowers in support of the soldiers and the Princess. Twilight wondered if any of them knew what was truly at stake. Still, they loved their Princess, and Luna humbly smiled, almost embarrassed by the praise. Twilight promised herself, that when she returned to Canterlot, she would do it victoriously.


The next morning, the parade formation had relaxed. While the columns were still ranked, the march army knew they were on safe roads, so they walked with a casual pace. Six ponies carried a large palanquin on their backs, the sides covered in velvet shades. The army stepped lightly as Princess Luna slept inside. Twilight walked next to two of the night guards she'd met before, Westwood and Adamant, who were caretakers of the castle's secret archives. Very little information was forbidden in Equestria, and most of it what was hidden Twilight was privy too, but the arcane knowledge Westwood and Adamant guarded was the kind that could drive a pony mad, if they weren't ready for it. Still, they were friends of Twilight, and she often spent time with them in the library during her time in Canterlot.

“Where is Count Veleris?” Twilight asked.

Westwood smiled, “He's in the palanquin, with the Princess.”

“She's . . .with him?”

Adamant laughed, “It's not like that . . or I don't think it is,... What I mean is they're both nocturnal. And Veleris always wants to be close to her when she hibernates.”

“I've heard of Veleris before, but I've never met him,” Twilight said, “I thought he was just an eccentric Count from Saddle Arabia, but I had no idea how close he was to the princess. And there's some other things that just don't make sense . . .”

“Like his apparent longevity?” Westwood observed, “I saw his face on a stone carving from the second age,”

“And rumors that his entourage occasional bleed themselves and that his supply wagon is filled with refrigerated blood?” Adamant added.

“Well . . .I didn't know any of that,” Twilight said her eyes wide.

“You must have been thinking of his ability to manipulate fear and anguish,” Westwood said.

“That's less interesting, but true. He has a strange kind of magic that he can barely control. It can take the bravest, most fearless pony on the planet and turn them into a cowering foal.”

“I once saw him turn away this assassin,” Adamant began. “The assassin snuck past all of Luna's other guards, but Veleris Just looked at the guy, and he ran away screaming. He was so desperate to get away, he scratched at the palace's outer door until his hooves bled. This guy was no coward, he was willing to die, and Veleris stopped him dead in his tracks without so much as making his turban glow.”

“So what is he exactly?”

“Still an unknown,” Adamant said, “But Princess Luna trusts him, and while he's strange he's not a bad guy.”

“And he's an intriguing mystery; the apparent immortality, the blood hoarding, the fact he shares a bedroom with the princess . . . well that last one is probably none of my business.” The two guards laughed at themselves.

“Well, at least he's on our side,” Twilight said with a grin. “I hope it will be enough.”

“Don't worry, Twilight, you made you promise to the Princess and so did we. None of us plan to fail, none of us.”

Twilight gazed at the road ahead, knowing Ponyville would be coming up soon. It was strange how much she'd come to think of Ponyville as home, and how excited she was to return there and see her friends. She hoped they would understand the battle to come, understand how desperate it was to be. She knew though that her friends would always be there for her, no matter what.