• Member Since 11th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2020


Those who express the most happiness, are the ones who have felt equal measures of sorrow.

Comments ( 44 )

6131165 Thanks. Now let's see if everyone else does too. And I can't thank you enough for letting me use your idea.:twilightsmile:

6131177 no problem but i have to ask i the story will u put a chapter about his first words and how twilight reacts when he calls him mama im just wondering

it's great so far, but just a word of advice, some people will have trouble reading the yellow and sometimes the light blue. but all in all I really look forward to seeing this progress.

6131264 Okay thanks. I can see how that would hurt some eyes. The second chapter should be up either today or tomorrow. I really appreciate your comment.:twilightsmile:

6131283 i must say you have potential. once you start opening up and getting more used to it things should come by a bit easier. just remember to pace yourself and don't try to finish the whole story in a day, you'll just end up overworking yourself and that tends to rush the story. now I'm not going to say that i know everything about writing, cause i can't write worth crap. but i can tell you that there are still people that will help you if you need it. and if you ever get terrible comments, don't take them badly, ok? use them to improve, that is if they make valid points and aren't total idiots. but i have high hopes for you, like i said you have great potential.
(p.s. sorry for text wall.)

6131334 Thanks. And for what I have planned, there would be no way that I could finish this in even a month! And I take all criticism as someone's attempt to make me better than what I was. You are a cool bro.

6131345 thanks, looking forward to this story and what you have planned for it.

This is an awesome story.

6131604 Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and comment.

6131651 Props for recognizing the character in the pic. I was looking for a good cover art picture and whenever I hear the word prince I automatically think of Prince of Persia for the PS2. It was the very first game that I fell in love with as a kid because of the story and gameplay. It was an amazing series, but the new games were no where near the original three in my opinion.

6131684 is this a prince of Persia crossover because if it is i will be so happy :D

6132889 Sadly, no. But I was planning on doing one a bit later...

6132889 Sadly, no. But I was planning on doing one a bit later...

isolated discovery will distantly become the choice that affects the fate of many races, and countless lives.

could it be, that he is actually a Human prince, that is able to do important things? Maye defeat some strong foes? Then i think i give it a try.

6133689 Maybe he is, maybe he can, and maybe he will. Only way to know is to stick with the story...

Maybe a bit shorter than other chapters, but i like it.
Not sure which i would like more, if your Ponys can be older than normal, which happens suddenly in some of the newest fanfictions, but then again the Human would maybe have to die earlier than their parents, but maybe the Magic, different world, food and other things, could lead to him having a longer life too.

If you should make them age normal, then i still hope they are young enough to still have adventures if you make him to grow up soon.
I actually hope for a long story, or for more storys about him, one as a kid, one as teenager maybe, and if it doesn´t already happens, a story where he get´s a Marefriend, Bugfriend whatever, and maybe even has kids. Trilogy? Yeah i ask for to much again, but i could not stop.

Is there a chance, that he get´s a Changeling as a friend?, don´t need to happen, i just like them very much.
Well i ask about his personality, and other things, if he is actually old enough to speak about it.
While i hope he isn´t to nice, and that he has some backbone, that doesn´t mean that i would like him to be an asshole, but since he seems to be something important, maybe he isn´t the typical wimp.
Sorry no idea how to describe it different, i try again tomorrow morning if i actually sleept, or if you respond. (i really need to sleep, i think i just needed more than enough time for this one comment right now.)

6134044 Well I plan on making this story quite lengthy. I have a host of ideas that I want to implement in this world. As for the age of the characters, I plan on fast-forwarding pretty soon to his sixteenth birthday. At that time the main six would be about late twenties or early thirties. As for the boy's personality, I plan on having him extremely intelligent and well educated. He will also be a brilliant tactician, a bit like Light from deathnote. He will be very well at home in politics and government affairs. But don't be deterred, there will be plenty of action for the things that are going to happen... Thanks for reading.

6134317 His description made me remember "Hubert", from Tales of Grace f a bit, but i know Light too.

Oh my fucking god my head! It hurts!! Twilight's ignorance knows no bound!!:facehoof:

say not ignorance, rather inability to comprehend the existence of things outside her limited understanding.
She is a 'scientist', therefore knows everything, therefore anything she does not know is deemed nothing and nonexistent.

6147076 Nope! I'm calling her The Princess of Hubris Dumbasses! Her not thinking outside the box is such a blight to my mind, it should have its own zip code!! FUCKIN DAMMIT!!!!!!:flutterrage:

6147076 Well from what I have seen of her in the show, Twilight tends to think that everything operates within the boundaries of her understanding. Anything new proposed that threatens to break that comfortable barrier of knowledge is usually met with disbelief and some hostility. In this sense, she does not harbor the true nature of what a "scientist" should be ideally. I am a scientist and if today I were to discover something which completely violated one of the laws of physics, like me being able to telepathically change the flight trajectory of a projectile without physically contacting it, then I would begin to conduct experiments and try to see if there was anything else affecting the projectile other than my thoughts. Twilight has her own hubris that, when coupled with her current knowledge of her reality, tends to make her somewhat prideful and arrogant at times. Science and scientists rule. Without them, we couldn't be talking like this right now. We would either have never been born, or would still be under the rule of a hostile, religious fundamentalist agency.:twilightsmile:

6147087 Ha. That was funny. Yes, Twilight is arrogant in this bit. However, that was my intention. It will lead to her learning a lesson and influence some of her later decisions. Character building, is what I would call it.

6148139 God, I'd rather force-feed her head with things that exist outside her knowledge, until it blows up! Problem solved! I just hope Limelight thinks outside the box, if his uniqueness is of any indication...

6148155 thinking outside of the box is an exaggerated understatement for him. You will see. The next chapter should be out within two days.

6148173 Just promise me that he'll outshine Twi's limited knowing and understanding.

6148200 Well, his name is Limelight...

Pretty interesting chapter.

6148582 Thanks. What was interesting to you specifically?

6148829 Well, the fact that they thought it was an egg.

6148880 Yeah, I thought that they would draw that conclusion based on the shape. But right now, they don't know what it is really. But next chapter, they are going to learn a bit more.

I hope that Limelight doesn´t appears to often, not that i hate him, but i am not sure how much i like him till now, i not even noticed when he suddenly arrived.
I guess i don´t want the adoption to be disturbs because of a possible romance, and i guess after theac got the Baby, he has probably no real reason to stay, since he was there for the artefact, and not the "animal", right?

I guess maybe i like him later.

6148947 Don't worry, I don't think that romance will be an avid circumstance for Limelight. And he won't stay too long after they discover the baby, but expect later appearances. He is an important character...

6150002 oh i accept that, i thought he is needed, i just didn´t knew what to think about him yet.

Honestly, this could be much better. Further thoughts can be found here.


Yeah, I know. This was my first, and I am in the middle of rewriting the entire thing. However, I would still like to thank you for the analysis. It was extremely insightful and it will no doubt help me to better myself as an author. So your time and effort spent on reading and critiquing this cringe worthy attempt at a narrative is greatly appreciated.:heart::twilightsmile:

When will there be a new chapter?:heart:

6478519 Yeah, ya caught me at a bad time. I recently moved so I'm busy settling in and finding a job. And I'm also rewriting the entire story. I'm just doing revisions and cleaning it up, not changing the important or core concepts.:twilightsmile:


I would like to have a new chapter please.

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