• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 3,946 Views, 30 Comments

A little chaos - Saro0fdemonz

Twilights life had everything. Friends, family, and a peaceful home. So why did it feel like she was missing something?

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Mmmph..." Twilight grumbled as her eye cracked open, the other scrunched up against the invading sunlight.

"I swear she's doing that on purpose" the Alicorn mumbled as she sat up. She found her normal morning cup of coffee, nice and hot upon her bedside table. It brought a smile to her lips to know that Spike was still looking out for her. The Alicorn sighed as she lifted the cup to her lips in her magic, taking a dainty sip and letting out a soft sigh.

She glanced about her room, letting the thought that it was too big for her fill her mind once more as she slid out of bed and made her way to her workdesk. There awaited her several letters, though mostly only trade reports and her usual letter from Cadence telling her being a Princess would get easier with time.

Setting the letters aside, she pulled up the checklist for the day, seeing that Spike had already scribbled through the first few tasks of the morning and blinking in surprise.

"Hm...I could get an early start on the rest of the day..." Twilight mused, up until her stomach growled loudly at her.

"Or have breakfast with the girls..." she sighed, gulping down the contents of her mug before giving her wings a stretch and leaping out the nearby window. She circled the crystalline castle twice, letting her wings get a good stretch before dropping down towards town.

While her landing wasn't something worthy of praise, she felt it was an improvement over her first attempts. A bit of skidding and some panicky fluttering, but all in all, a good landing. Twilight cleared her throat, allowing herself a smile as ponies waved to her before going back about their business.

Just above her was Rainbow Dash, going about her morning routine and shifting about a few clouds. The Pegasus smiled as she caught sight of her friend, quickly placing the last few clouds before rushing down to hover beside her.

"Hey Twi', you got a minute?" Rainbow asked, seeming a bit nervous. Twilight paused for a moment, her stomach growling angrily at her.

"Um, sure Rainbow. But can we walk and talk? I haven't eaten yet..." the Alicorn chuckled sheepishly. Rainbow nodded, landing beside her and tucking in her wings.

"Good idea. Last one to Hay Burger buys?" Rainbow asked with a grin. Twilight rolled her eyes and flared our her wings.

"Alright, I'm sure I've got some spare bits anyway* Twilight mumbled. Rainbow chuckled, running in place to get her legs pumped, flapping her wings a few times and lowering herself to the ground.

"3...2...1...GO!" Twilight called out, flapping her wings as hard as she could,truly giving the race all she could. Rainbow would know if she did otherwise and she hated to disappoint her friends.

To her surprise she found Rainbow was still right beside her, but most likely her friend was holding back. That honestly bothered her more than anything. Rainbow wasn't mean by any means, but she never held back in a race. Something fishy was going on.

The two skid to a stop in a dead tie, Rainbow grinning a bit.

"Phew, that was a close one Twi'. You been workin' out in secret or somethin'?" Rainbow asked.

"What do you want Rainbow?" Twilight deadpanned.

"Saw right through it huh? Okay well, its like this...I wanna take Shy to this Wonderbolts expo. Its kind of a week long thing and it starts tomorrow." She began, wearing an excited smile. Though the smile quickly faded, the Pegasus rubbing her leg with her hoof and turning away.

"But Shy wants to take Discord along so he's not alone for the week...But I really want this to be something special for me an Shy. I...I'm gonna propose to her Twi..." Rainbow gulped. Twilight squeaked and quickly cleared her throat.

"Thats great Rainbow Dash! I'm so happy for you."

"Yea, but...the problem is Discord. You know how he gets with stuff like this. Remember when Spike admitted his crush on Rares?" Rainbow asked. Twilight cringed for a moment. It was impossible to forget THAT.

Discord had gone all out trying to help Spike woo Rarity, turning Ponyville literally on its head just to get her to see Spike. Needless to say, several stallions had found themselves in the claws of the God of Chaos and were told in no uncertain terms to keep their hooves off Rarity. The rest was too horrible to recount.

"So, where do I come in with all of this?" Twilight asked. Rainbow chuckled nervously, fumbling her hooves and fluttering her wings.

"Wellll...I was kinda sorta hopin' that you'd babysit Discord for the week..." Rainbow admitted. Silence hung over the pair of friends for a moment before Twilight burst into laughter.

"M-Me? Why me of all Ponies? Why not Pinkie? Or Luna!?" Twilight asked.

"I shouldn't even have to explain why Pinkie is a bad idea and if the stories I've heard are anything to go on then Luna is an even worse idea. Its gotta be you Twi'. Besides Shy, you're the only one that can reel in his leash. Pleeeease Twilight?" Rainbow begged, her bottom lip wobbling. Twilight sighed, blinking as her stomach growled.

"Oh, right, food. Look, I'll buy." Rainbow chuckled.

They ate in relative silence, Twilight contemplating her friends request. Her daily life had been rather dull as of late. She'd wake up, handle her duties, do a bit of studying if she had time, and then go to sleep. With Spike spending more and more time with Rarity and her duties keeping her busy, she never had time to spend with her friends. Of course, taking Discord in would be a large distraction from her work and his habit for pranks could tear down the castle. She glanced over at Rainbow, who was simply staring at a bagel she had ordered.

But it'd be for a friend...a friend who needs me for what could be the most important thing she's ever done in her life...

With a nod of determination Twilight reached her hoof over and lightly tapped Rainbow's.

"I'll do it."

"Huh?" Rainbow sat up suddenly, pulled from her thoughts and fears.

"I said I'll do it. I'll keep an eye on Discord while you and Fluttershy are away. And when you get back I'll have plenty of work cut out for me cleaning the castle."

"Heh, we'll help out with that, I promise. And I'll have Shy make sure to tell him to behave. This means so much to me Twi...I-I don't even know how to thank you..."

"Just make sure not to shock Fluttershy too much and that'll be enough."

Twilight quickly realized one important thing.

She had made a mistake.

Discord had only been in her castle for ten minutes and already she had ended up clearing several halls of Cotton Candy Pie, battling goop attached to the ceilings and wrestling one angry moose before it had become too much for her.

"ENOUGH!" Twilight screamed, her mane and tail bursting into flame. Discord froze mid-snap, seeing the angered mare and chucking nervously.

"Not enjoying my company little Princess?"

"Your company is fine, your choice in actions however is very very poor! I swear, if I have to deal with one more flying pie I will personally shove you back into that statue!" She fumed, yanking his beard in her magic and forcing his face against hers.

"Understand?" she growled. Discord nodded meekly, blinking as the flames vanished and Twilight simply walked away.

"Good. If you'll excuse me, I have duties to tend to. If anything goes wrong Spike will notify me." Twilight warned before vanishing around a corner. Discord simply hovered there, utterly stunned. He smoothed out his beard and let his thoughts wander for a moment, Spike raising an eyebrow.

"Spike my boy, I think its time I call in that favor."

"What favor?! If anything you owe me!" Spike argued.

"I promised you'd get the girl, did I not?" Discord asked.

"That doesn't count." Spike grumbled. The dragon gasped as Discord sank to his knees in front of him, his lip wobbling and his eyes growing to the size of saucers.

"Oh for Celestia's sake, get a hold of yourself!" Spike sighed. Still Discord continued with the display and Spike came to a realization. He had done the very same thing to Discord before.

"Was I really this bad with Rarity?"

"Even worse actually."

"Just tell me one thing, why Twilight? I'm sure she's the last pony who'd fall in love with you. No offense or anything."

"Allow me to answer your question with another question. Why Rarity? Was she not the last pony who'd fall in love with you?" Discord grinned. Spike frowned for a moment.

"Okay, good point, but still. Why?"

"I betrayed all of you, left you to whatever fate would be decided for you by Tirek. And in the end, she sacrificed her magic, the very thing that makes her special for her friends...and despite all I did she included me among you. Furthermore, the Elements bent to her will, she channeled that energy, her friends merely supplied it. Had she chosen to do so, she could have torn me to shreds and sealed me forever or even destroyed me. But she didn't."

"Neither did Luna or Celestia." Spike pointed out.

"Yes...Celestia controlled the Elements then...our...ahem, history, prevented her from tearing me limb from limb." Discord admitted. Spike raised an eyebrow.

"So...you...and Celestia?"

"Believe it or not, we were an item for a few centuries. And then I made mistakes Spike. Many many mistakes. Many of which I am still learning my lessons for. And to be honest...Twilight reminds me a lot of Celestia in those days." Discord sighed, sitting back on his tail. Spike crossed his arms, judging the Draconequus silently. While still in his teens, the young dragon had grown quite a bit and his own experiences in love led him to one conclusion. Discord was one hundred percent crushing on Twilight Sparkle.

"So all the pranks today have been to get her attention?" Spike asked.

"Sort of...you could say most of them were failed love letter attempts and me panicking at the last moment." Discord admitted, twiddling his thumbs. Spike face palmed and sighed.

"So I'm rusty! Its been a few thousand years since I wooed a mare!" he argued.

"Twilight isn't a pony you can 'woo'. Sure, she's a great friend, but she doesn't have the tiniest idea of what love is or even a crush! I think her only 'crush' might've been..." Spike froze and quickly cleared his throat.

"Anyway, yea, you aren't gonna woo her like that."

"Who was her crush?" Discord asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

"Not really a crush, I mean, considering the only pony she spent every day with, she was bound to kinda sorta like her..." Spike mumbled.

"Are you saying she is in love with Celestia?" Discord paled.

"No! No! I'm not saying that!" Spike yelled. Discord flopped to the ground, sighing loudly.

"My heart belongs to a filly fooler. I'm doomed!"

"Hey! Get a hold of yourself! You are Discord! God of Chaos and Disharmony! I've seen Rarity turn Colt Cuddlers straight with a swish of her tail. And I never said Twilight was into mares. You just assumed that. Look...if I agree to help you, will you stop bawling like a foal?" Spike asked. Discord snatched up Spike in a hug, the Dragon sighing to himself. It was gonna be a long week.

Author's Note:

This was going to be longer and with better details. But I decided to go ahead and post it because I want people to see the story! I promise next chapter the real shenanigans will ensue and we might get a peek at Nervous Rainbow Dash and Unaware Fluttershy.

Comments ( 29 )

Quite a few capitalization errors—beginning with the very first line. Every new sentence needs to begin with a capital letter every time. Also, so do the character names. Celestia's name is spelled with a lowercase letter at one point. I suggest you go back and look for these right away, but fix the first one at least immediately. People judge a work based on the smallest things, and having an error like that at the very beginning might make people shy away from reading it.

I very, very rarely read anything "shippy," and I don't even know why I clicked this. But, I did... and when I did I ended up reading the whole thing in one go. I like how Spike is reacting to Discord's crush, and how they are interacting. This has the makings of a great little story, and it has my upvote, so please check it over again.

6477303 Thanks. I am very much aware of many of the errors and do plan on fixing them. But I am running on...3 hours of sleep over the course of the past week running myself ragged. I am very happy that you actually read this and that your comment was polite about how poorly edited this is. I hope you enjoy future chapters :pinkiehappy:

You sir have my attention. I have a weak spot for this ship.

6477485 It's one I've never tried before and I hope I can do it the justice it deserves.

I get the feeling this will be hilarious.

yay ^^ i will devinetly keep track of this
liked the first chapter so far :3
#DiscoLightOTP <3 <3 <3

me too haha
so i looked through your favs and found out that you havent read one of the best Discolight fics out there
its called "This Curel and Random World"
you really should check it out
its incredible ^^
and also thanks for faving "Rewrite"
im one of the authors of it ;3

um, Dissy dear, you know she can be bisexual..............or pansexual...............or heck, just about anything, you still have a chance!!

anything that can get Discord and :moustache: being bros I´M IN!!!

Discord :heart: :twilightsmile:


DiscoLight! Or whatever it's called now!

The ship that made me like ships! I mean, it's not at the top anymore (SUNLIGHT OTP) but I still love me a good DiscoLight! Can't wait!

Exclamation points!!1!!1! :pinkiecrazy:

:twilightsheepish:...Why is there no Discord emoticon?

6496771 Now, I don't mean to promise anything, but this is Story One in my Twicord/Discolight series. I have so many ideas and things I want to do. But its gonna be a little slow since I'm doing youtube and such at the same time as all of this and 6 other stories XD

Nice! I will be tracking this.

6497047 pay more attention to this story pls it is so hard to find a good discolight romcom nowadays

6717416 I AM working on it. But I am also working on a million other things along with it. This is actually the top third thing on my list of stuff to get done.

Personally, I'm a FlashLight shipper (I'm surprised that wasn't the crush Spike was mentioning), but I'll be checking the story out for the FlutterDash. I have to say though, I would've thought Rainbow was worried that Discord would do the opposite of 'help' with her proposal, considering the incident with Tree Hugger.

6721370 I have not watched the series beyond season 3. I sort of lost interest at that point but everyone keeps telling me to keep watching.

Then how did you know about Twilight's new castle and Tirek's rampage?

6721559 because i was sent a link of that episode and told to watch it and to not question it.

please!Another chapter!I love it!

Love the story keep up the good work. ...don't kill any characters..….my life just can't take it anymore....u no wat do whatever u want. It will either way make me cry cause its an awesomeawesomeawesome!!!!! I cry on awesome stories...:raritydespair:

6773629 I am in the process of writing 7 different stories at once. Though this is one I really want to update soon. As far as I can remember, there is no death of any kind planned at all for this story. Pretty sure its only meant to be a RomCom with feels and laughs.

YAY!!!!!!!:yay: laughing makes me cry too!!!

What about Flash Sentry?

6780002 He has 6 scenes and no personality to build on because the fandom hates him. I'd have no idea where to start or even if I'd want to use him.

I loving where this story is going. Hope to see more of it soon. Keep Up The Great Work ! :-)

Loving this so far. When will I see more of this

7727225 When the seventh son is born of a seventh son
or whenever I have time for it

A nice start, but I noticed some minor errors. You might want to get a writing aid, like Grammarly, and go through what you have right now and what you can. Give it another read, it's been more than long enough since you posted the chapter you will probably be able to spot some of your errors on your own.

So when’s the next chapter?

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