• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2018



After an average day at The Foundation, Doctor Alto Clef suddenly has to deal with an entity quite unlike the ones he usually has to deal with...

I originally posted this on the SCP wiki itself. Needless to say it was met with plenty of downvotes on account of it being terrible.

Anyway, I'm posting it on here because, why not? There are already SCP Foundation/MLP-FiM fanfics so I'm hardly bringing massive attention to ourselves. Plus I'm curious to see how you'd all react to it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

This looks interesting, do you plan to write more chapters?

Where can I find these other Foundation fics?

More!... Pweaseee.... :fluttershysad:

By the way, the header image gave me an idea for a different SCP crossover. In that one [DATA EXPUNGED], the grey pony with the SCP cutie mark was accidentaly transported into the SCP universe where she was raised by the foundation. Years later her upbringing made her fanatically loyal towards the foundation, cue her being transported back to Equestria in an SCP related accident where she decides to found an equestrian foundation. After all, you can't trust a princess with containing a Keter class reality bender when she puts him on display in her garden where even children have access to him.

One does not simply contain Discord. Have fun with that, SCP. :ajsmug:

Anyways, this was interesting! It sure would be nice to see more. Well done! :twilightsmile:

I feel as if it lacks a lot of the style that characterizes Foundation stories, but MLP/SCP fiction is hard to come by anyway so I'll take what I can get.

>>AAAAAAAB Oh, they will find a way. It might require a few tons of telekill alloy, but they will find a way.

626610 "simply"? mabey not, but the foundation will find some way to contain him.

Will we maybe see 173 make an apperance

I still find it amusing how well some universes go together. Although, I suppose that every single fantastic and scifi universe works with the SCP foundation.

you have some wiki syntax left over boyo. Did you just copy this from your sandbox?

Overall, I can see why this was deleted on the site. Clef sounds like not-Clef, and it doesn't really jive with the foundation. As a fanfic, its alright I guess. Nothing terribly offensive about it. Tentatively upboated.

632287 I had it in Pastebin for a few months while I wrote other stuff in the sandbox, I did have to get rid of some wiki syntax obviously but I kept the bit at the end since that stuff was in a box, and I'm not sure how to do that on here...

And THANK YOU! I'm glad that someone finally pointed out one of the flaws that makes this thing terrible.

Teh awesome..... IT IS MORE AWESOME THAN THE DEATHKILLING ABILITIES OF SCP-682! MORE x 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE!

Object Class: Euclid / Safe
Description : Lives in Equestria, [DATA EXPUNGED]

Object Class: Keter
Description : [DATA EXPUNGED]

OH MY GOD. if you expose 682 to discord, discord will "flip" 682, and then instead of him say humans are "disgusting" he will say we are "beautiful"! i hope. if they team up, were skewed.

626610 SCP foundation simply contains Discord , have fun with underestimating the SCP foundation. :ajsmug:

I actually found this to be pretty good. You should continue.
I really want to see what happens if the ponies discover any of the horrible abominations contained at the facility.

626362 http://www.scp-wiki.net/ Go to the "Foundation Tales" section.

A rather bland fic to have marked as "Complete." Dialogue is improperly formatted (as are internal monologues, but there is no set format for those), and there are multiple typos, including but not necessarily limited to:

>> The world that they came from is known as 'Equestria' and is primarily populated with similar sapinet equines.
>> There are three species of equines: pegasus, unicorns and earthponies. The pegasai are able to fly and can manually control the weather patterns. The unicorns possess magic and are capable of telekenisis as well as other abilities.

Alto Clef is written remarkably dull for a Cheshire Cat-like being.
Nothing happened, man! I have seen containment protocol guidelines with more story than this. In fact, why not rewrite this as an unofficial SCP object description, for SCP-[][][][], items [][][][]-1 through [][][][]-7? It would be unique on Fimfic and much more reminiscent of the cold, empirical methods of the Foundation.
EDIT: I see. Do you have anything on the Foundation website you would prefer for people to check out?


Finally! Another person who actually knows something about writing!
In truth, I hate this fic. I wrote it in about two hours, barely proof-read it or gave it any thought. It is an atrocious pile of rubbish and I only posted it on here to see their reactions. Needless to say the majority of reactions make me cringe at the fact that some people LIKE this thing.
Oh yeah, and I know I wrote Clef completely out of character.

1740183 Can you please right a sequel to this story.

hmmm is there gonna be a sequel in the future?

i would definitely read it :pinkiehappy:

Ok, I can understand why it didn't make it into Project: Crossover over at the SCP Foundation website, but it's a good start for a more interesting story.

Of course when they realize that they're being held in the same place that holds the more terrifying creatures, they'll wish and hope to return home.

In any case, this was pretty great. Hope to see more.

Also, on a different note, how long until the Foundation works over at Equis?
-The Character

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