• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 870 Views, 6 Comments

Adagietto L’Amore - Flame-LoneWolf

There have always been those born with the innate talent to draw the spotlight's attention wherever they went. You- on the other hand- are the furthest person imaginable from such a gift: Wintertide Stretto. And you're okay with that, or at least pre

  • ...

#1: The Rise & Takeover

“This is it, girls. The moment we’ve been waiting for...”


“Eugh… The chance to get our true Equestrian magic back.”

Oh. Right!”

“Our voices are just strong enough to make them want something so badly, they’ll fight to get it.”

“So we’re just going to do what we always do; stir up some trouble and feed off the negative energy? Some plan, Adagio.”

“It won’t be the same as the times before! There is Equestrian magic here, their negative energy will give us the power we need to get this entire world to do our bidding…”

“...But we can get lunch afterwards, right?! It’s Taco Tuesdaaay~!”

“...Just follow my lead!”

“Or my lead—”

My. Lead.



♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh~ ♪"

The thunderous, self-assured thrust of the double doors is counteracted by an acapella of angelic harmony. One by one glances evolve into full head rotations, talk filled of gossip and teenage angst slowly adjourns, and all eyes lock towards the cafeteria entrance, the trio of swaying hips escorting the suspicious serenade ever closer.

“♪ We heard you want to get together… We heard you want to rock the school~ ♪…”

The harmonious vocals are eventually met with variance by the silky lyrics stirred in, chimed in with the light strum of a guitar. The culprit of the former is that of the young woman with pale yellow skin, looking to be in her late teens- given the fact that their voices currently chimed through a high school cafeteria. Canterlot High to be exact.

One feature on the girl that stood out above the rest was her voluminous, vivid orange perm with bright yellow highlights, most of which pulled back into a fluffy ponytail held by a collar-like hairband littered with spikes. It clashed with, yet complimented her mostly purple attire almost perfectly.

“♪ We thought of something that is better… Something that changes all the rules~ ♪…”

Her petite fingers traced delicately along the passing heads to entice their attention, her eyes- a brilliant splash of raspberry- grace each student their way- simultaneously studying, yet looking down on them. ‘After all, not even one of you hairless apes could even dream to compare to the eternal beauty of even one of our scales.’

“♪ Why pretend we’re all the same… When some of us shine briiighter~ ♪”

‘And I’m like the friggin’ Sun~’

♪ Here’s a chance to find your flame… Are you a loser or a fighter~ ♪”

‘Maaaybe shirt pocket over there wasn’t the best example to sick my feminine wiles on. I came for the magic, and I’d rather leave the premises stalker free...’

“♪ Me and you, you and me… Why don’t we see who is better~? We don’t have to be ooone and the saaame thiiing~ ! Oh what’s so wrong with a little competition~? Are you afraid of failing the audition~ ♪”

And at that moment, her sneer grew ever harder to contain. Already did she catch her food beginning to shoot skeptic looks at one another, ready to lash out at even their best friends

♪ You’re a star and you should know it… Yeah you rise above the rest~ ♪…”

‘Pssh, star hairclip. This is becoming way too easy…’ The other two girls responsible for the accompanied vocalizing help lift their lead vocalist onto the cafeteria table, they and most of the cafeteria watching as she sashays her way across, in a manner that would make even a runway model envious.

“♪ It doesn’t matter who you hurt… If you’re just proving you’re the best~ ♪”

Oozing estrogen with every step, she kneels down at the edge of the table, a foot away from a student enjoying his lunch as the redhead uses a finger to raise his chin for the two to lock eyes. He swallows the remainder of his cafeteria gruel with a dopey smile.

‘And trust me, you’ll need more than a bandaid when I’m done with this school no, this world! I’ll make sure you roll in your grave for sending us to this planet of the dung-slingers, Starswirl… ‘

Jeez, are they having a friggin’ parade in there…?”

Tiresome as it was to admit, to block out whatever racket was going on in the cafeteria, you’d need to lodge in your earbuds until they’re sharing a bed with your eardrums. It’d be generous to say your ear canal held more than a queen-sized too.

You take another bite of your turkey sandwich, simultaneously raising the volume on your mp3 player. It wasn’t quite enough to drown out the rambling cafeteria, but you could already feel the melody of your favorite song whisk your mind away…

Gently resting your eyelids shut, the simple view from outside the school walls transformed into a sight much more serene; trees of bare branches sprouted from the grass littered of leaves, replacing the wall you rested against with its coarse bark surface. You took a deep breath as you soaked in the smell of the Autumn air through your nostrils, allowing each strand of your pine-green hair to dance along the crisp breeze of Fall. Neither too sweat-stickingly warm nor nipple-hardening chilly. Juuuuust right.

You lightly twitch your foot in rhythm to each synthetic snare; you’d always wondered how your mind synced electronic music to nature of all things, but you weren’t complaining either. You were finally at peace—



Thankfully the mixture of singing and shouting seemed to be coming to a close by the time you’d plucked the buds from under the grey, wool beanie protecting your ears. Or maybe the period bell was just enough to drown some of it out. It’s a sad day when that ear-piercing chime was your saving grace…

Either way, you peel your light-grey hoodie from the coarse, brick wall and head back inside…

Yup, it was definitely the bell, because waves of shouting blasted your ears as soon as you opened the door. Only, something was definitely off. Looks of distrust and animosity painted the faces of nearly every student, thankfully none of their eyes landing on you as you snake your way past. You even caught a few peeking over their lockers as though they were glaring their worst enemy dead in the face. You couldn’t help but raise a brow.

You could practically smell the angst. Bad Taco Tuesday? You couldn’t really say, but you decided to keep it at quick glances, as you’d strongly rather not catch anyone’s attention. Not that you ever did anyway.

…On second thought, you snuggly press the buds back into your ears, slide the volume to max, and hit play.

What? It’d be a crying shame if you never got to finish the song…

Ugh, finally! My ears are practically ringing from all the attention…” The girl of a purple tint huffs, aggressively brushing aside one of her pigtails before crossing her arms under her chest.

“Mah noh, waight?!” the blue girl responds jovially, dually munching away at each of the hard-shelled Mexican treats piled in her arms. Dribbles of mild sauce roll from the corner of her lips as a shameless smile forms across her face. “Weh mahlmost mizz’d rumch!

Another groan parts her lips for what feels like the eleventy-billionth time today. “Adagio, wouldn’t just be easier to just ship her to Mexico or something? Or are you worried her eating would cause a national inflation?”

A childlike gasp escapes her lips—though not before swallowing—a hoping gleam twinkles in her bright purple orbs as her ponytail swishes excitedly. “Can we really, ‘Dagi?!”

Hell no!” Aria’s eyes narrow, “You don’t get to go on vacation while we get stuck with all the work.”

“Who’s asking you, Aria?! ‘Sides, wuzznit yer idea, Ms. Frumpy-leggings?”

“I was joking, ya idiot!”

“Well it stunk!

You stink!”

“No you!



Adagio kneads the bridge of her nose between her fingers. Her juvenile companions blend right in with the other students as they began pushing and jabbing at one another while keeping up the chain of dimwitted insults- if they can even be called that…

‘Why do I even waste my time with these clowns...?’

The answer snapped back at her with factual reality: she needed them. Her talents alone weren’t enough to conquer this world, much less this quaint little school. It didn’t help that her human body couldn’t even stir and absorb negative energy as proficiently her former one— especially if it came from Equestria, even with this stupid pendant of hers.

While she’d rather bite off her tongue than admit it, Adagio had grown rather adjusted to this world. She bought—or stole—outfits on numerous occasions with her voice, the three shared a cozy apartment that served them well enough, and she could even say she enjoyed playing around with this mop of a mane called hair. She had created a style for herself, something she wouldn’t have found as enjoyable to do if she were still a Siren.

But she’d be damned if she would give it all up now. The soothing sounds of the tides rolling back and forth. The salty breeze serenading her senses. The refreshing blanket of blue sliding against her scales as she maneuvered through with each spash of her tail. Adagio felt her muscles become weightless at the thought of each key in alt- allegro ma non troppo one after the other in rhythmic harmon—

‘Wait, what in Tartarus…?’

Her eyes darted along the halls to find the culprit, but she quickly picked up on her mistake. She was taught to always follow her ears; the most valuable weapon in a Siren’s arsenal next to her voice, capable of tracking the faintest pitch from a mile away.

Whilst the senseless and spiteful bickering of her own making echos through the school, muffling the notes that had grabbed her attention, the melody only elevated as she stood completely still. Closer. Closer

She snaps her head over her shoulder, the rest of her turning with as her eyes lock with a pair of clear icy-blues, unaffected by the hateful haze suffusing the school. Strands of a shaggy green mop somewhat obscured them from under a beanie. All of which belonging to that of an ivory-tanned boy.

She was staring dead at you.

Your eyes met briefly before you pull away your gaze, face flushing as you skitter past the first girl to even glance in your direction in a long time. You were sorely unprepared for this moment, and now isn’t the time to be brave. So you tell yourself anyway.

Her raspberry gems trace your fading figure as you scurry down the hall, the tune dying down with you until it was only estinto.

‘Did we miss one…?’

“Must not’ve been in the cafeteria during our little number.” The ditzy Siren finally sliced through the silence like a knife, outfit and ponytail noticeably in shambles. The outcome of from their little game of pattycake no doubt.

“Ah, who needs ‘em,” Aria sneers, appearance similarly frazzled, “S’not like one less dork is gonna matter after we took an entire cafeteria’s work of dorks.”

“Yeah, abso-tively! We got dis in da bag!”

“Sonata, I swear to Discord…

She knew her colleagues were right, for once in an Equestrian moon at least, but Adagio’s ears still kept locked onto the phantom melody, now indistinguishable from the rest of the sounds around her.

“Right, in the bag…”


Your thoughts are pretty much on autopilot at this point, jumbled together in pure beflusterment as you twiddle with your eraser. Even recalling those red orbs made your heart skip a beat.

It felt awful. Though for good... well, semi-good reason, not many tended to pay you a glance, much less a full-on stare. Not that you never tried, though your crippling diffidence, social anxiety, and stage-fright didn’t help matters.

In short, you were shy. Y’know what else was short? Your friend count. Like, “100 x friends = 0” short. Even someone like that stetson-wearing cowgirl wouldn’t need a calculator for that one. Probably.

Anyway, it was something you were used to by now. You had nearly eighteen years after all… Well, in school years anywa

Stretto? Stretto.”

You nearly jump out of your ivory skin at the outloud mention of your own name. You look up from your hardwood desk at a deadpan harlequin stare before quickly flicking your own to the side. “O-Oh, sorry Ms. Cheerilee, m-ma’am…”

She sighs with a palm on her forehead, “It’s fine, dear. It’s not like anyone else here is paying attention today…”, or at least you’re pretty sure is what’s said under her breath, her slight scowl scanning along the rest of the constant bickering class. “But now that I have someone’s attention, could you please give me a synonym for the word ‘clandestine’?

You could feel several dozen staring eyes drilling into you. You’re too scared to check as you open your mouth dryly, “Alright, u-um… secret…?”

“Excuse me? A little louder, please?” You could hear the patience thinning from her voice.

You mentally kick yourself. “S-Secret?”

“Correct, thank you.” the gratitude in her words sound surprisingly sincere, or at least over a simple English question. You couldn’t be more happy not being a teacher.

Your anxiety left your lips through a silent exhale, just before being interrupted by the sound of that school bell. Ear piercing, yet simultaneously rivalling the a choir of angels.

“Okay, kids, hold your hormones for when you’ve officially stepped off school grounds. Hope you’ll all be in better spirits tomorrow…”

You rise from your seat once a good portion of the students are out the door. Everyone you passed today was already in a terrible mood, so all the more reason against bumping shoulders with some pumped-up meathead.

“Oh, and Stretto?”

Your body ceases to a halt on it’s own halfway through the door frame, rigidly turning to the call of your name like a poorly-oiled machine. “Y-Yes, ma’am?”

Any irritation prior to the signal to exit her classroom was masked by a kind grin, pushing the sprinkle of light freckles farther up her cheeks. “Chin up, won’t ya?”

You can only bring yourself nod with a small smile in return. You’re touched, but not enough to stick around for much longer. It’s already been one hell of a day, and you desperately crave to be in the one place you didn’t have to worry about anything interrupting your spacing-out- one hundred percent alone-time with infinite smoke-breaks.


‘Talent’ could not be a more accurate word in the English dictionary to describe Canterlot High; reputable in the school’s own right, the national Board of Education has always shown high hopes and expectations—given the school’s stellar track record for some of the highest academics and junior athletes in the country. However, once known for it’s rather lacking display of school spirit, five female students—lead by a mysterious bookworm and her dog pretending to be enrolled—managed to fix that up nearly a full year ago, clubs and several other after-school activities booming like never before.

And boy, Adagio was going to enjoy feeding the hungry with the school’s ever-producing supply of prestigious baloney.

She needn’t even open the gymnasium doors to hear the fruits of her labor; shifting glares, cursed tongues held in mutters, and tightly-knit bonds coming undone: such a breathtaking choir they had orchestrated! It gave Adagio goosebumps, almost comparing to the ecstasy she felt from the small towns the three had visited back in their day.

These students were going to be polishing the tip of the Siren’s boots with their lips by the time she was through with this stale, magic-less world…

Oh nooo, no one’s mingling!“ the redhead feigns in a mocking tone, admiring her handiwork all the same. “It’s like… there’s some kind of underlying tension that could bubble up to the surface at any minute!”

“It’s the fruit punch, isn’t it? I knew I used too much grape juice!”

“It’s not the fruit punch, it’s us!” Adagio also doesn’t need eyeballs in the depths of her perm to guess that the juice in question identifies as anything but grape.

And as if it couldn’t get any more scatterbrained, “But the punch is awful too.”

Sonata raises an eyebrow, glowering suspectedly at the purple Siren, “What d’you know about good fruit punch?”

“More than you.”

“Do not!”

“Do too.”

Aaaand that giddy feeling from a few seconds ago? Almost whisked away before she could truly grasp it from the winds of her colleagues’ unfathomable stupidity.

Thankfully it’s left at nothing more but a triumphant smirk from Aria as Sonata is left fixing her rumpled bangs, allowing Adagio to reclaim their focus once more. The tantalizing thought of what the angelic triad could achieve once they get their pendants on actual homegrown magic was more than enough incentive to put up with these two.

“This is just the kick-off party, girls! Imagine what a tizzy they’ll be in by the time the Battle of the Bands starts.”

“There isn’t going to be a Battle of the Bands!”, because she really needed more clowns to entertain at the moment, “We’re going to make sure of that!”

The Dazzlings turn their attention with brows raised, as six girls of a rainbow variety- quite literally for one case- stand before them.

Wait, were they… posing? Oh Discord, they’re locking hands, as if Adagio wasn’t already gagging on the cliche…


The thick layers of awkward would need be hacked with a butcher’s knife. Thankfully it wasn’t just Adagio who agreed with such a sentiment, as even their allies couldn’t help but cringe. Seconds snailed along before her gifted eardrums could pinpoint which of the many carrying whispers belonged to these new players.

Uuuh… weren’t there rainbows and lasers and stuff last time?” The crayola disaster-child leans toward their lavender leader of this preschool special.

She looks to her hand-holding buddies for reassurance, making the mistake of showing weakness in front of a Siren. “I don’t understand… We’re all together again… Why isn’t it working?”

And just like that, the cogs have begun to piece themselves together, setting everything in motion. These were the brats that took down Sunset Shimmer. This alone was almost too good to be true, but they were practically gift wrapping her ammo decorated with a little white flag.

…Also, did that purple mutt just talk? I guess we’ll just ignore that for now.

Even Adagio would question her morality if she were standing in front of a mirror, as their smirks swelled to each corner of their cheeks.

“Talk about throwing down the gauntlet!” she boomed her voice enough for the rest of their audience to partake. Oh, and the animosity a few of the six glared their way was absolutely delicious. “This group is obviously serious about winning! A little cocky though, aren’t they? Claiming their won’t reeaaally be a battle. Seems they think they’ve already got this thing all, locked, up!

‘Headbob for added effect, aaand…’


Whatever, Trixie! We’re the best band at C.H.S!”

Nnnooo, the Crusaders ‘r gunna win!”


The delicate freedom fighters were like needles in a haystack, surrounded by a swarm of competition, the hunger for pride dashing the six’s bravado in no time at all.

But wait, it gets better; a cloud of malicious green mist rises forward from the melodic chaos, the three Sirens embracing its presence as it begins fading into the glowing, scarlet jewels dangling safely- yet powerfully around their necks. Adagio wraps her dainty fingers around the gem, its sated appetite pulsating through her palm before her raspberry orbs find their underwhelming competition once again.

“…I think we may have found what we’re looking for. Or rather, it found us…



Adagio could share the sentiments of Aria’s palm audibly clasping her face. Not a whole lot different from planning world domination with a brick wall that could eat five times its body weight…

“Don’t you see? Everyone else has fallen under our spell… but not these girls. These girls are special…”

Adagio paused, her smile dropping for a moment. ‘Not under our spell... Am I forgetting something? Whatever.’ Her smirk twice as wide as before, she turns to her two clumsy cohorts. “Come, Sonata, Aria, we’ve got a feast to prepare for.”

Author's Note:

Just wanna add that only this and a bit of the next chapter will revolve around rewriting movie scenes, so the rest'll be purely my own scenes. Forgot how hard this can be without an editor, so one would be very much appreciated at this point.

Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to comment! :raritywink: