• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 3,904 Views, 51 Comments

Jurassic Equestria - Dracosaurian

  • ...

Chapter 5 (Happy Halloween)

1st POV(Owen Grady)

I awoke lying in a hospital bed strapped to a heart monitor and my daughters lying their heads on the bed. I nudged them to try and make them wake up.

"Hey. Wake up." I said.

Blue groaned and lifted her head groggily.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Time to say good morning to your dad." I said.

"Mornin' dad." she said and fell back asleep, but lifted her head quickly and looked at me "Dad! Your awake!" she said and hugged me.

The others woke up as well and hugged me.

"Hey guys what happened while I was out?" I asked.

"Well the girls put Discord back to stone and now he's back in the Canterlot Gardens." Delta said.

"And it's Nightmare Night tonight." Charlie said.

At that moment Nurse Redheart came in and said "Oh you're awake."

"Yup." I said getting off the bed.

"No wait don't go off yet you still haven't healed completely!"

"Don't worry I got it." I said snapping my fingers and the scars and wounds healed.

Nurse Redheart stopped "Oh nevermind."

We got up and signed some paperwork and went out of the hospital. Suddenly a pink blur tackled us to the ground and said "OhmygoshOwenyourawakewethoughtyou'dneverwakeupandtherewon'tbeawelcometoPonyvilleparty"

"Pinkie relax I'm fine." I reassured her.

"Oh okay time to plan your Welcome to Ponyville Party and Nightmare Night Party. Bye!" she said disappearing in a cloud of dust shaped like her.

"Pinkie never ceases to amaze me." Echo said.

All around us ponies were setting up for Nightmare Night; putting up decorations setting up games and tents and baking pumpkin flavored food.

"How about we speed this up?" I snapped my fingers and a bunch of small and big dinosaurs appeared "Big dinos help with technical stuff, small dinos help with everything else."

They saluted... kinda and ran off to help. We went back home to change into our costume. I got a Sub-Zero costume, Blue got a Kalecgos costume, Echo got a Soundwave costume, Charlie got a Warg costume and Delta got Delta Squad armor with colorings of the clones. I casted a spell to make our costumes look like and act as a part of us. By the time we were done fixing our selves it was already night time and the celebration was starting. We went outside and saw Twilight wearing a Starswirl the Bearded costume, Applejack was a Scarecrow, Pinkie was a chicken, Rainbow was a Shadowbolt, Spike was a dragon and Fluttershy and Rarity were nowhere to be seen and Twilight looked looked cute... No! Thoughts out of my brain.

She saw us and walked over "Hey guys nice costumes."

Suddenly lightning flashed and everypony saw the lunar chariot being pulled by two thestrals and Luna riding in the back wearing a cowl and she jumped down and everypony bowed down scared.

"Princess Luna." Twilight said, but Spike shushed her and pulled her down.


"Did you hear that everypony Nightmare Moon's gonna feast on us all! AAAAAHHHHH!" Pinkie screamed along with every colt and filly, then ran away.

"What? No children. You no longer have no reason fear us. Screams of delight is what your princess desires, not screams of terror." she stomped her hoof on the ground and turned to Mayor Mare "Madam Mare, thy princess of the night hast arrived." Mayor Mare cowered, she pointed her hoof at her and her assistant, but they still cowered "What is the matter with you?" then she tried pointing at everypony else yet they still cowered "Very well then be that way we won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell."

"I'm gonna talk to her." Twilight said and argued a bit with Spike before going to Luna.

We split up and I saw an arcade with a pony dressed up as Scorpion playing Immortal Battle(Mortal Kombat). I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and said "What do you want?"

"I challenge you to a trial of Kombat." I said.

"I accept your challenge." we bowed "Choose your character."

I chose Polar Freeze(Sub-Zero), a blue pony with black garments and a mask covering his lower face and blue eyes, and he chose Deathstalker(Scorpion), a desert yellow pony with black garment and a mask and white eyes, we settled for a one round fight and we got into the game.

Game World Third POV

"Looks like another battle between us." Deathstalker said said.

"Oh it's on Deathstalker you still killed my brother even though he's in the crowd right now." Polar Freeze said nodding his head to the crowd where a blue hoof was raised waving.

"Last Round Fight!" a disembodied voice shouted.

Polar Freeze charged forward and kicked Deathstalker in the face and Deathstalker responded with a takedown and taking away a quarter of Polar Freeze's health. Polar shot an Ice Ball forward and froze Death and Polar punched Death in the gut going through the skin which resulted in an X-Ray and he froze his opponent's stomach and crushed it sending blood everywhere. Death's health went half. Polar Freeze ran to the edge of the screen as Death got up and sent a long chain with a spearhead at Polar spearing through his stomach.

"Get over here!" Death shouted.

Polar got reeled to Death and Death kicked him in the head and Polar's health went half. Polar summoned his Frost Hammer and went Donkey Kong on Death. Death teleported to the other side of the screen and shot a Fire Ball at Polar. Both Kombatant's health were almost zero all it needed was one attack and the Fatality moment will commence. Death charged forward and tried to kick Polar but it turned out to be an Ice Klone and Polar was actually behind him and Polar kicked him in the back and dazed him. Polar shot a stream of ice at the floor and kicked Death onto it and he jumped on him and drove Death's body through it killing him.

"Polar Freeze Wins!" the disembodied voice shouted.

Real World First POV(Owen Grady)

I pumped my fist in the air as the screen showed I won.

"Good game my friend hope to see you next time." the pony said before walking away.

"Wait you didn't tell me your name!" I shouted chasing after him.

I saw his tail as he turned at an alley. I ran in, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I heard a laugh from above. I looked to see the pony looking down at me.

"Just call me Scorpion as your people say." he said before teleporting away.

"Holy cow I just beat Scorpion at his own game... This is the best night ever!" I shouted.

I went back to town to see Luna turning the spiders into real ones and everypony running around and causing chaos.

"Well crud." I said.

Luna went beast mode and flew away. Twilight went to go find her, but I stopped her "I'll deal with this Twilight."

She stayed behind and I looked for Luna. I found her sulking at a bridge and I approached her.

"Luna." I said.

"Leave me Owen." she said.

"Look Luna I'm sorry about what happened, but have you considered trying to act like you do while gaming. You know talking normal."

"I know that, but I want to know how to make them not fear me."

"Maybe they just like being scared."

"What do you mean?"

"Back in my world for Halloween the children like being scared. It sometimes makes them laugh even."

"Hmm I'd like to try it."

"Great follow me" I gestured for her to follow to Nightmare Moon's statue.

All the foals were unloading their candy at the base of the statue until a voice sounded.


Everypony ran away except Twilight. The statue changed back into Luna and she spit out her fake vampony teeth.

"I don't see how this'll work Owen." Twilight said.

"Just give it some time." I reassured her.

Soon enough Pipsqueak came back and tugged at her hair and said "Uhh Princess Luna I know there's not gonna be anymore Nightmare Night's, but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year again anyway?"

"Of course little one I'll be happy to do so again." she said.

"You're my favorite princess ever. She said yes guys!" he said running back to the group and they cheered.

"OH MOST WONDERFUL OF NIGHTS!... I mean oh most wonderful of nights." she smiled.

We went back into town and everything was repired thanks to the dino's help. The main party started and everypony started dancing in Town Square. I saw Twilight dancing and to say again she's still cute. Applejack approached me and saw me looking at Twilight with a blush on my face.

"Oh I see what's going on partner you like Twa'hlight." she said elbowing me.

"What no I don't." I said backing away a bit.

"Don't try and lie Owen I'm the Element of Honesty."

"Alright I do like her."

"Then why dontchya go and say so to her."

"Alright fine then."

I approached her and tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

"Oh hi Owen thanks for helping Princess Luna earlier." she said.

"Yeah..." I paused.

"Is something wrong?"

"No it's nothing it's just."

She sighed "It's cause you like me don't you."

"Wait how did you know?"

"Rarity said she overheard you and Applejack talking earlier about how you like me."

I saw Rarity waving sheepishly in front of us dressed up as a spy.

"So how do you feel about that?" I asked.

"Actually I've been feeling the same way about you too." she confessed.

"Well my mind's now broken."

"So you still wanna. I mean it's fine if you don't want to we could just-"

I snapped my fingers and changed into a blue pegasus pony with bat pony wings, a spiky yellow brown and dark grey mane and tail and a heart with two raptor claws crossing over it as a cutie mark and kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes became pinpricks and started mumbling before shaking her head and hugging me.

"How'd you like to dance dino colt." she said.

I nodded my head and we danced into the night. On the nearby rooftops Blue was shooting ice shots into the sky, Echo was sending sound waves at the sky, Charlie was howling and Delta was shooting explosive pistol rounds into the air. Every shot created a spectacular fireworks display which every pony watched with awe. When they were done the jumped at the top of town hall and let out their signature call.

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween friends!:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:. Sorry I posted this a bit late in the story my mind keeps having ideas and doubts. If you wanna draw my OC just PM me and we can work it out.

Comments ( 24 )

6585580 you do realize you said a swear to an 8 year old right?:rainbowlaugh:

6585588 Ur tempting for me to have one of my Displaced visit you :rainbowdetermined2:

6585651 hmmm i do ok then fuck,fuck,fuckdy,fuck

6585772 witch one ill take him/her on mano on mano

6585780 Take your pick. I got quite a few... And each one that might make your head spin

6585784 nevermind im good

6548968 fuck ass shit ass fuck dick bullshit bitch hoe

6585772 Ydk I'm in war of shadows right now

6588667 Yeah. I mean for after. Lance is one of the characters that was there before the war began.

6589018 sure if my schedule's open

6589045 Alright. When your ready then.

6585651 Sup, keep improving and I'll see what comes of this.

6801843 Thanks man, but chapters might come slow since exams are near and let me tell you they're hard

6802251 You're in the second grade, what exams?!

6802575 our quarterly exams are coming up so yeah

6878732 thank you my emperor

No problem. See you on the battlefield!:pinkiecrazy:

6879245 yes and I wonder how raptor strain Zerg would fight raptors.
And now since I have an empire guy more army fuel.
All aboard my Azure Rathalos

6802575 Dude you said the wrong thing to me I'm not a 2nd grader I'm a 7th. TheBrainyBrony is the 2nd grader and my brother.

7044125 Oh... well don't I feel dumb. Heh, it's a little funny.

The fifth and fourth chapter should switch places

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