• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 354 Views, 82 Comments

Diaries of a Traitor part 2: The Elements of Disharmony - Paradox Theory

Swift and friends travel across Equestria to find the Elements of Disharmony before they start a war.

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Chapter 1: The Crystal Empire.

The streets were silent. Everypony was still inside their homes, scared from the recent changeling attack. Me and my friends looked high and low, but there was no sign of Blade. He was gone. Our hearts heavy, we made way to the train station.

"Swift, we will see Blade again, won't we?" Aurora asked, stepping closer to me so that she could whisper.

"Of course, I bet anything that He had a plan before disappearing. After all, he was a bounty hunter." I replied, the train station coming into view.

"Swift!" Twilight called, walking toward me. "Celestia told me your mission. If you ever need any magical help, see me in Ponyville."

Then, a pure white mare with a pink mane approached me, but instead of talking normally, she instead whispered. "I'm really Celestia, but I'm going into hiding for awhile, at least until Luna finds anymore traitors in my guards."

"But Ce-" I tried to ask before getting cut off.

"No, my name in this form is Summer Lights, now go and show us that you were always loyal." Celestia told me, boarding the Ponyville train behind Twilight.

I nodded silently as the train left southwards.

"If you are heading north, then get your tickets ready." The ticket sells pony said from his booth. But I paid him no mind. Celestia had given us passes, we would be ready. My eyes turned north to the horizon. There, I would meet yet another princess. An Alicorn of Love.

I continued to look north until another train stopped at the station.

"All aboard for the Crystal Empire!" The Conductor shouted.

I should have expected my son to turn away from me. He was alone for 18 years. The ideals of those ponies pushed into his head. He will never understand.

But, I have a backup plan, in Saddle Arabia.

"Cardinal, my Changelings have scared the ponies, they don't stand a chance." Chrysalis said, stopping at my side.

"Patience Chrysalis, there's a reason I had you pull back. Equestria has many allies. Even now, I have a force marching to Zebrica." I informed her.

"You promised us Canterlot, yet pulled us away. I hope for your sake this works." Chrysalis said as she walked off.

My plans however, they hitch on Swift. On my child. My blood. And the secret in Saddle Arabia, I take to my grave.

The Empire glittered in the sun. Joyfully unaware or uncaring about the snow storms round it.

My friends and I were silent with aw. None of us had been here before. The building, the rod, even the ponies were made of crystal.

So it was, that me and my friends were marched by guards to the Crystal Palace. There, a pink alicorn with a tri-colored mane of purple, yellow and pink was waiting for us.

"Your Highness." I said as I bowed, my friends following suit.

"Oh that's not necessary Swift, I get enough of that from the crystal ponies." Cadence chuckled, "Besides, you guys are honored guests."

"We are?" I asked.

"Of course! After Celestia told me what happened and who you were, I planned a royal welcome for all of you." Cadence looked around, "But I swear Celestia mentioned six of you. . . "

"Bright Blade, went missing." I informed her. "He was with Aurora when the Changelings first appeared. He stayed behind to do something. He was rather vague."

"I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm correct to assume that you'll be looking for him as well?" Cadence asked.

I nodded as we walked up the stairs to the palace, "Yes, we are hoping to find him during our travels."

"Then I hope our maps and supplies will help you. Please, we have more to discuss. Follow me." Cadence replied, turning away and moving up the stairs at a faster pace.

Cadence had shown us her maps of the northern countries. Yakyakistan, the Empire. and to the far west, The Griffons.

"Though our forces are smaller then the Equestrians, we can still lend our aid. We also have some diplomats up in Yakyakistan to see if they will come fight." Cadence explained.

I looked over the map, "Then I guess we will go west and talk to the griffons first. Then south east to Zebrica. North to Saddle Arabia. then back to Equestria."

"Swift. I know that you had a hard childhood, and that you've been alone for a long time. But as the Alicorn of love, I want you to keep your friends close, and don't be afraid to let love into your heart, wherever you may find it." Cadence told me, placing a hoof on my shoulder.

I nodded, "I will Princess."

"Then I guess the only thing left to do is rest. It's getting late." Cadence said.

I nodded, me and my friends following a guard to our room.

All of us had to share a room. Aurora and Second Sun shared one bed. Tourmaline was on the couch and Slate had the floor, seeing as he was too big for the furniture.

So, I got a bed all to myself. I sighed. Alone as always. But, I could still hear the breathing of my new friends. It brought a small smile to my face. So as I sit here writing, I think to the one missing friend, wherever he may be.

The caves were dark, like I remembered them. The Changeling in front of me was silent. I could smell the scent of the other changelings growing.

The Changeling stopped. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked me.

"Chameleon, I need to know how big the changeling army is. I have to let them know." I replied.

"Then good luck, Bright Blade."

Author's Note:

What secret does Cardinal hold? Why does his plans focus on Swift? And WHY MUST I CONTINUE WRITING THIS?

The answers to these questions and more, coming who knows when.