• Published 29th Jun 2015
  • 1,432 Views, 35 Comments

Such a Strange Stallion... - The_Whovian16

Twilight looks back on her life- with her coronation just around the corner. With her Future unbeknownst to the knowledgeable mare, she turns to Zecora for wisdom. One Potion later- and Twilight gets to see what she missed out on all of her life.....

  • ...


Such a Strange Stallion....
By The_Whovian16

.... Our story is a tale of strange coincidences, and alternate timelines. One of unspeakable secrets, and of Higher Intellectual beings. One of strange Boxes, and Mad Stallions. One of Great Beginnings, and Spoiled ends. This is a Story of great things. True- it is no ordinary Adventure, no Epic, no single Tale to be passed on from Generation to Generation. But never the less!- that does not mean it isn’t as hearts pounding as one, as jaw dropping- or as “Awesome!” as one might think. This is the tale of the missed chances, being taken instead, and seeing new perspectives. A chance at the things that could have been. For once....
Turning Left may not be such a bad Idea.


4 Years Ago:
The Right Path

Twilight smiled, reading her book in peace under that of a big tree. It was the latest version of Daring do, the fifth one in the series. “I wonder what A.K. Yearling will come up with next....” She giggled a bit, before Spike’s snoring was interrupted by a sudden belch, waking him up from his midday nap.

“He-hu?! .... Oh... Just a letter....” He yawns a bit, before reading it, and his tired eyes open in shock and surprise. “Twilight!TWILIGHT! You’re going to want to read this!” He said quickly turning and giving her the letter.

“What is it about?” She asked reading the letter. She gasped a smile growing across her face. “Finally! The copy of Mythical and Ancient Folktales has arrived! I can finally learn about these “Elements” I’ve been hearing about, in some of these old stories” She smiled, and took the letter putting it in her pack. “Spike! Go ahead to the Castle, and hold the book for me.”

He nodded, and saluted “Ai-Ai, Captain!” He smiled and took off quickly in the wrong Direction.

She sighed “The OTHER way!” She yelled down. He came running back a moment later, past her, saying something along the lines of “I knew that.”

She only giggled and sighed. That silly dragon.... She smiled and quickly packed her things, her mind racing away at the thought of what these Elements could be.

She was thinking so much that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. Suddenly a brown blur ran directly into her from the side, knocking her to the dirt.

A few moments later she could hear something... or rather, someone. “Oh- Oh! Oh oh oh! Sorry! Oh! I am SO sorry!” she heard a stallion’s voice say... He sounded as if he was from Trottingham or something.

Twilight looked up from the ground and saw the stallion, quickly taking in the details of his features. The Earth stallion had a Brown coat, with a darker Brown Mane, a green tie, and Blue eyes. The Bluest she had ever seen.... There was something else about his eyes, but she wasn’t paying enough attention to get into the details about the details. “Ugh.... What just happened?” She asked, checking herself for injuries, which were none except for a sore spot on her side, where he had head butted her. Thank Celestia he wasn’t a Unicorn.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” He said quickly. “Here- take my hoof.” He said holding out his hoof to her.

She looked at it for a second, shook her head. “N-No it’s ok. I’m alright.” She said getting up on her own.

He looked at her for a moment and nodded. “Oh, alright. If you say so....” He looked at her for another moment, before remembering he was doing something important. “Oh! Oh! Sorry- I need to go!” He said before darting to the left, and down deeper into the park.

Twilight Just watched him for a moment, looking after the strange stallion.

She then snapped back to reality, and went to the right. Towards the Castle grounds.


4 years later: Present Day

Princess Twilight Sparkle..... Princess Twilight Sparkle..... Princess Twilight Sparkle....... She groaned in annoyance. The name... It just didn’t seem right to her.... It didn’t seem to suit her- and she was sure of it.... But it was hers. Her Title. Her new being. It was extremely valuable, and was the highest honor to have ever been bestowed.... Yet she didn’t like it.

She sighed running the name through her head again, and again, trying her hardest to make it fit her mentally.... Princess Twilight Sparkle..... Princess Twilight Sparkle..... I am Princess Twilight Sparkle......

“Uh.... Twilight? .... You alright in there?” Spike asked from the other side of her door. “You’ve been in there for a while.... and we have to say our goodbyes before we go to Canterlot... You know, keeping to the schedule....”

Twilight sighed for a moment thinking “..... I’m fine Spike. Just studying is all. Studying and thinking....” She lied. She hated lying to him, but she honestly didn’t feel like saying goodbye to the townsfolk.... that and her head was killing her trying to wrap around the recent events. She sighed again thinking “.... Ugh, my head....” She groaned again. “.... I need some tea... And Someone to talk too....”

She got up and opened the door to see Spike in front of her. “Spike I’m going to Zecora’s to say goodbye first, since she’s the one who lives farthest out of town, and everyone is probably too busy with taking down the decorations from the Summer Sun Celebration at the moment. Alright?”

Spike nodded quickly, beaming up at her. He was glad to at least see her out of her room, and going out into Town again. She’d been this way ever since she got her wings. Even after the Summer Sun Celebration “Sure thing Twilight!”

She smiled back, patting him on the head “That’s my number One Assistant.” She giggled a little, and continued to the front door. She wanted to go to Someplace, quiet and secluded, with good Tea, and someone to talk to, and Zecora’s seem to fit the bill.


Twilight walked through the Everfree forest, following the path she remembered (avoiding the Poison Joke) and approaching the small Hut in the middle of the forest. She saw the Wagon still outside, half full of Zecora’s things, which meant she was still unpacking. Oh... Maybe Now’s not such a good time? She began to second guess herself, and turned to leave, only to see the Zebra standing in the tree line behind her, cutting off the heads of some flowers trying to bite her, with ease, and a bit of grace, as if she was used to it... Which Twilight didn’t doubt. Still though- a friend of hers was being attacked!

Oh no! Zecora’s under attack! She glared at the plants, her eyes turning white as she used her magic to wrap the plants around one another, turning them into a giant green, and slimy ribbon. She quickly trotted up to Zecora who was just looking confused, until she saw Twilight, and smiled kindly.

“Welcome Twilight, to my den- might I ask why you have come again?” Zecora asked.

“Zecora! Are you Alright?! I saw you were being attacked by those plants and-”

Zecora looked at her for a moment, before cracking a kind, understanding smile “The weeds you mean?- Oh they aren’t as tough as they are green.” Zecora said, laughing lightly.

“Oh... Sooo... You weren’t under attack then?” Twilight asked, making sure.

“Quiet so my dear. I am sorry for making you fear.” Zecora said, patting her shoulder “Now tell me child- What has you so riled?”

Twilight looked at her for a moment and sighed. “Can we talk inside? ... It’s all rather hard to explain”

Zecora smiled and nodded, leading her into her home.


Twilight sipped her tea quietly, trying to think of how to explain her feelings of confusion and a feeling of doubt. She sighed and continued thinking

“.... Take all the time you need. You cannot rush a plant, when you have just buried the seed.” Zecora said reassuringly, which made Twilight smile a bit.

She nodded. “Thank you....” She looked back down for a moment and sighed “.... Alright.... I think I know how to explain it....” She looked up at Zecora “Zecora.... I feel like there is something... Something different... well something I could have done differently.... No, that’s not it....” She sighed and thought again, looking away from the wiser mare.

“.... I wonder sometimes.... What would have happened, had I found another way to defeat Nightmare Moon.... had I not been the Bookworm I was, or had I not been so anti-social.... With my life about to become something permanently stamped in the history books- I’ve started to wonder how it could have been different.... How I could have been different.... I know I shouldn’t dwell on the past, and should focus on my future- but I feel like my future is too much for me to look at- so I’m turning to the past to see if it could have been any different. To give me a better hope at looking back into my future.... Do you know what I mean?” She asked her Zebra friend.

Zecora studied Twilight for a moment, before speaking in a calm and understanding tone. “I see your meaning, though it does defy my own reasoning. You, Twilight worry about what could have been, and about what you couldn’t have seen. Hmm... Perhaps I have a brew, like the memory potion I gave you.” She turned to her rather large potion collection, rummaging through the potions until she came across a small chest, with a skull shaped lock. She sighed putting it off to the side, before looking though some more. She then saw the brew of which she seeked, and grabbed it quickly, balancing it in her muzzle. She gently set it down, and pushed it to her.

Twilight studied the bottle for a moment, the lid seeming to be sealed by some strange wind up contraption. The Technology of it seemed out of place in the Enchantress’s hut.

“This potion is one of a kind- Much like the traveler who gave it in kind. To make a long story short, I cured him of a rather strange infection of some sort. He promised that I- would only need to utter these words five” She sighed and took a moment, closing her eyes, looking through her memories. The she slowly repeated the words spoken to her those some odd years ago. “.... What Could Have, Will Be....”

The Potion wobbled for a moment, slowly turning from a deep blue, to a light blue, to white color, then a coco brown, and finally reaching a golden coloring, that for a near second burned as brightly as the sun.

Twilight looked away, for a moment, before hearing the sound of something popping. She looked to see, the cork pulled out, and the strange lid yanked free. “.... What is it suppose to do?” Twilight asked Zecora.

Zecora’s eyes were still shut when she spoke. “... In every beings life, there is one moment... one that decides the fate for every filly, stallion and mare.... One in which a choice is given upon which path to go....” She repeated, the stallions words still in her mind. Twilight realized she was in some form of memory elapsed trance. This wasn’t Zecora speaking but a memory of hers, of someone else. “... This potion is to let you see what would happen if you choose the other path.... To see the other life fate had planned for you....” Zecora said, then slowly came too, blinking rapidly. She looked around as if just waking up. “... What... What happened to me? .... I feel as if I’ve been hit by a tree....” She notices Twilights state of shock “.... What? Have I done something wrong? .... The way you are looking at me is as if I have just sang a song.”

Twilight, just looked at her for a moment. “.... Y-Yeah.... Something like that....” She said looking back to the potion. This potion is to let you see what would happen if you choose the other path.... She looked at it for a moment more, before slowly reaching out her hoof, and holding onto the potion. She looks at it in her hoof, and takes a deep breath, before drinking the whole bottle. She looks to Zecora wiping her mouth. “ Alright... So I won’t move right? This is all just going to happen in my head? Like the other potion, right?”

To Twilight’s mortification Zecora simply shrugged. “Beats me. As far as I know, I’ve just been hit in the head by a tree.” Then everything went black as Twilight fainted....


4 Years Ago:
The Left Path

Twilight smiled, reading her book in peace under that of a big tree. It was the latest version of Daring do, the fifth one in the series. “I wonder what A.K. Yearling will come up with next....” She giggled a bit, before Spike’s snoring was interrupted by a sudden belch, waking him up from his midday nap.

“He-hu?! .... Oh... Just a letter....” He yawns a bit, before reading it, and his tired eyes open in shock and surprise. “Twilight!- TWILIGHT! You’re going to want to read this!” He said quickly turning and giving her the letter.

“What is it about?” She asked reading the letter. She gasped a smile growing across her face. “Finally! The copy of Mythical and Ancient Folktales has arrived! I can finally learn about these “Elements” I’ve been reading about, in some of these older history books.” She smiled, and took the letter putting it in her pack. “Spike! Go ahead to the Castle, and hold the book for me.”

He nodded, and saluted “Ai-Ai, Captain!” He smiled and took off quickly in the wrong Direction.

She sighed “The OTHER way!” She yelled down. He came running back a moment later, past her, saying something along the lines of “I knew that.”

She only giggled and sighed. That silly dragon.... She smiled and quickly packed her things, her mind racing away at the thought of what these Elements could be.

She was thinking so much that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. Suddenly a brown blur ran directly into her from the side, knocking her to the dirt.

A few moments later she could hear something... or rather, someone. “Oh- Oh! Oh oh oh! Sorry! Oh! I am SO sorry!” she heard a stallion's voice say... He sounded as if he was from Trottingham or something.

Twilight looked up from the ground and saw the stallion, quickly taking in the details of his features. The Earth stallion had a Brown coat, with a darker Brown Mane, a green tie, and Blue eyes. The Bluest she had ever seen.... There was something else about his eyes, but she wasn’t paying enough attention to get into the details about the details. “Ugh.... What just happened?” She asked, checking herself for injuries, which were none except for a sore spot on her side, where he had head butted her. Thank Celestia he wasn’t a Unicorn.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” He said quickly. “Here- take my hoof.” He said holding out his hoof to her.

She looked at it for a second, and- she looked at it some more... and she looked at the hoof some more, before realizing she was just leaving him there, standing awkwardly with his hoof out to help her. She blushed, and took his hoof quickly out of embarrassment. “T-Thank you... I’m Twilight... Twilight Sparkle.” She said a bit more confidently.

The Stallion smiled, and shook her hoof that he still held in his. “Well hello Miss Sparkle. I’m the Doctor. Nice to meet you.”

She looked at him confused. “Doctor? Doctor Who?” She asked him.

Just then he had a sudden realization. As if he had just remembered something crucial. “Oh! Oh! Sorry, I need to go-” He said quickly letting go, and darting to the left, down the path he had gone down before..... before....

Before? .... She thought about it and shook her head, feeling as if she was having a bad case of Deja Vue. She looked back down the path to realize that the strange stallion was getting away. “Hey! Wait! You didn’t Answer my Question!” She yelled before groaning and chasing after him. All thoughts of the Elements of Harmony, forgotten to her as she chased after this “Doctor.”

Author's Note:

Leave it to Twilight to have a Pivotal Moment, changed because she couldn’t leave a question unanswered.

Also- Depending on how much love this Prologue gets- I might just revamp the whole story again... If- anyone actually wants to read it that is. Just- something short and sweet, I promise.