• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,493 Views, 12 Comments

Echoes of the Old World - Ultima75000

When legends of the past return to haunt Equestria, Princess Celestia and Luna call upon the Mane 6 and Elements of Harmonry. But are any them prepared for the return of the long forgotten "King of Equestria?"

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The Omen of Equestria

The Omen of Equestria

“I never called myself a hero, yet still people view me as such. A mythical creature, a legendary individual, an ancient force; but the world will never see behind glory or the victories. Despite being called an immortal the only that I have learned after all this time is about my own mortality and that of everything else around me…”

Nightfall crept unusually early during the train ride. Barely a couple hours on the trip and the sun had fallen behind the mountains and the moon took its place among the starry skies. The back cart was relatively empty with exception of a few in and out passengers as Twilight had booked only tourist class. Most ponies going to Canterlot by train had reserved the high end first class carts further in front.

Twilight still had numerous questions racing around her mind as the train rode through the mountain range. For a while she had sat in her seat unmoving. Pondering and thinking what to ask and predicting what answers may come.

A winged unicorn, that came out of the sky as a shooting star… It seems almost too fantastic to be real! Twilight thought to herself excitedly. But Princess Luna and I saw him jump out of the crater! He’s different from everyone else, even when it comes to both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. So why would he come here?

Twilight took a look around the cart for the stallion. Glancing back and forth and down the aisle she could not find him. For a moment she though he had retired to his bunk for the night. But upon glancing through the small door window; the bed covers had not even been touched.

“Where did he go?”

Twilight started down towards the other carts. She checked the bathrooms but not a single winged unicorn came out. The trolley had not seen him either; soon Twilight went down the entire train until she reached the luxury carts. However the guards we’re unwilling to let her through without a first class ticket.

“Can’t I just take a quick look?” Twilight started to bed

“Sorry madam, rules are rules. You need the proper ticket to access the VIP carts.” The train guard said standing in the way of the door.

“I’m just looking for my friend. I can’t find him in the other carts.”

“Miss I’m quite sure he isn’t behind this door or he would have went through me first.”

“Have you let any winged unicorns pass you then?”

“Not without their ticket.” The guard lifted his chin “You need a VIP pass or at least someone else who is willing to extend their VIP pass to you. Otherwise I can do nothing miss.”

“Oh okay…” Twilight sighed seeing as arguing about this any further wouldn’t do any good.

“Perhaps I might have missed him…” Twilight thought turning around. Her thoughts we’re quickly halted by bumping straight into another pony.

“Oh I’m sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Twilight replied regaining her balance
“That’s quite alright miss… I say I know you!”

Twilight took a look at the pony she had accidently walked into. Sure enough, dusting his coat and bow tie was the unicorn Fancypants.

“Your one of Rarity’s friends.” Fancypants said putting his monocle back on. “Twilight Sparkle I believe; the one who had that charming rustic dress made by her. Tell me how is lady Rarity doing?”

“She’s doing great. Again I’m sorry for bumping into you. What are you doing on the Canterlot Express?”

“I was returning from a business trip in Manehattan. Although I wasn’t expecting to be bumped into again; especially one of Rarity’s group. What brings you on this trip to Canterlot?”

Twilight chuckled a bit embarrassed “Well I was heading over to the castle to help deliver a message to the princesses. Only I can’t find the messenger anywhere on this train. I tried checking the VIP carts but I was rebuked by the guard.”

“Well then. I suppose I can change his mind for such an important task.” Fancypants said

“Thank you. I’d really appreciate that.”

Allowing Fancypants to pass her, he negotiated extending his pass to the guard. A few moments later Twilight was in the VIP dining cart.

Despite being in a train cart, the Canterlot Express wasted no expense on making a very intricate dining hall. The seats we’re covered with red velvet and a purple carpet covered the entire floor board. Small metallic chandeliers hovered above the tables illuminating the room.

In comparison to the last few carts, this one was quite packed. As per the entire day trip; passengers we’re served a dinner meal. In the VIP dining cart the rich got nothing less than a full gourmet meal.

As Twilight followed Fancypants towards his table, she felt the eyes of the other nobles and rich ponies on her. She found it hard to look around without be distracted by their intimidating and rather creepy stares as many would probably wonder who she was if she was with Fancypants.

“Over here dear!” came a thin unicorn with a light pink mane sitting down at the large corner bunk with several other well dressed unicorns.

“Ah Fleur, thank you for being patient.” Fancypants said “Sorry about the moments notice, but I rather bumped into someone quite interesting.”

“Oh I recognize you.” Fleur said cheerfully “One of Rarity’s I believe.”

“Uh… yes hi… I think?” Twilight said slightly nervous still from the others looking at her

“Come now sit down Twilight.” Fancypants said gesturing a seat to his left. She quickly obliged.

“So tell us Twilight. This message you have for the Princess-“ Fancypants started

“It’s not my message. I know nothing about it other that it’s messenger is missing.”

“What does the messenger look like?” Fleur asked “We probably seen him somewhere.”

“He’s quite noticeable. He’s a winged unicorn like the Princess.”

Fancypants nearly spat out his tea and made a quick hard swallow. “He?”

“A male winged unicorn!?” Fleur said surprised with a hint of amazement twinkling in her eyes

Almost every other pony heard her remark and suddenly fell silent. A short moment afterwards Twilight was being hammered with questions.

“Is he royalty?” “Does he have any relationship with any of the princesses?” “Where did he come from?”

Twilight finally let out a single very loud answer “I don’t know anything! I don’t even know where he is right now!”
The train suddenly made a screeching halt. Grinding it wheels and billowing steam as the brakes took hold.

“Canterlot Royal Guard. Check in Station!!!” came a familiar voice.

“I know that voice from anywhere…!” Twilight said quickly leaping off her seat towards the front window. There in front of the train checking in full armored regalia was Shining Armor.

“Saved by him of all people…” Twilight sighed before leaving the window for the cabin door.
Shining Armor’s poise utterly changed when the train doors swung open to reveal his younger sister.

“Twiley? Twiley! What are you doing here?”

Twilight went over and gave her brother a hug. “Do I need a reason to see my older brother?” she smiled.

“Well I guess there is that, but something tells me that you’re here for more than to just say hi.” Shining said.

“How can you tell?” she cocked her head a tiny bit.

“It’s an older sibling thing.” He proudly stated

“Really? How’s Cadance doing?”

“Oh you know Cadance. Only I think I’m the one being foal sat now.”

Twilight laughed “Says you Mr. Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Twilight…!” Shining Armor blushed. Twilight continued to giggle.

“I assume everything is in order?” Fancypants put out making his own way off the train as his luggage was being inspected.

“Yes, of course.” Shining Armor said straightening his helmet.

“Your sister here had the most interesting news today; she said that there was a messenger, a male winged unicorn to see
the princess.”

“Is that so? Twilight where is this messenger?”

Twilight’s face turned red with embarrassment “You see… I kind of lost of him on the train.”

“Well he’s bound to be in there somewhere.” Shining Armor said “I’ll go take a look.”

For a brief moment the armored unicorn made his way into the train. A few minutes back and he came out shaking his head. “There’s no one else I can find inside.”

“I swear he was with me, I boarded the train with him! He couldn’t have just vanished into thin air.” Twilight said before stopping “Could he…”

“Twilight, are you not telling something?” Shining Armor said noticing something strange in his sister’s behavior.

“I’m sorry Shining, its difficult to explain especially now since neither you or myself can find him.” Held her head down low.

“How about I escort to the castle? You can tell me everything on the way.”

“You can do that?” Twilight smiled a bit

“Captain of the Royal Guard; of course I can. Besides I’m married to a Princess and you’re my little sister. I’m sure royalty can pass by?” Shining Armor joked with a large smile on his face. Twilight could help but hug her big brother again.
“Lieutenant I’m taking my sister to the castle. Take over for a moment.” Shining said to a nearby soldier


“Fancypants” Shining said respectfully bowing

“Captain” Fancypants responded in turn “Twilight” Twilight made a short bow too

Twilight and Shining made their way away from the train station, only stopping quickly so Shining could take off his helmet.
“Sometimes I think this thing gets in my way more than anything else.” Shining said looking at his helmet.

“I thought you always wanted to wear a helmet?” Twilight said chuckling

“Not constantly. Having a helmet is cool but you always feel like you got pot on your head.”

“A very nice pot on your head” Twilight laughed

“So Twilight, can you tell me what’s going on?” he asked

It was difficult to recall what had happened recently since much of seemed like it came out of fairy tale. Twilight simply stated what most stood out.

“Do you remember that shooting star a few nights ago?” Twilight asked

“Of course, everyone in Canterlot in saw it. I thought Princess Luna went to deal with it.”

“She did except it was not what she was expecting.”

“What was it?”

Twilight took a deep breath “A winged unicorn.”

“What!” Shining Armor nearly dropped his helmet

“I’m not kidding you! He fell from the sky! All he told us is that he is here to speak with the Princess.”

“He didn’t tell Princess Luna?”

“Nope. He wouldn’t spill a bean. He spent a night in the library with me and I boarded the train with him per request.”

“And he’s not on the train with you now?”

“Well I’m not on the train anymore. And you looked. You couldn’t find him either.”

“Twilight this could be serious.” Shining Armor changed his tone “Can we trust this person?”

“I don’t know…” Twilight said thinking very hard “He didn’t seem like an evil person. He was very polite and pretty calm.”

“You have any idea where he can be now?”

“I don’t know, but he uses magic that I have never seen before. Heck its crazy enough that he came crashing out of a sky on a ball of fire.” Twilight sarcastically remarked

“That’s some tale.” Shining Armor replied

“You know I wouldn’t be pulling a fast one on you!” Twilight quickly retorted “You have to believe me!”

“Twilight!” Shining said putting one of his large hooves on her shoulder “I do believe you, you wouldn’t be here without a good reason.”

“Even if that reason is apparently missing?” Twilight almost started to cry

“You just coming to check up on me is reason enough.” Shining Armor said comforting her. He wiped the water from her eyes.

Before they could continue further a large shadow of a bird passed over them. High in the sky blazing red and gold through the blue sky was a phoenix. A bird of flame and Twilight knew only one person with a pet phoenix.

“Philomeena…” Twilight said gazing up at Princess Celestia’s loyal bird as it circled the sky.

“That’s pretty rare you get to see Philomeena fly around the open sky like that.” Shining Armor said looking up as well

“I thought you’d always see it.” Twilight asked

“Well Philomeena is quite the prankster.” Shining Armor said jokingly “Sometimes the guards prefer not to see her.”

“Why is that?”

“Because it normally means something embarrassing is going to happen too you. She likes to toy with the most stubborn guards.”

Soon the shadow grew smaller and the bird grew larger as Philomeena descended downwards towards the couple of unicorns. Gracefully Philomeena made a quick stop in front the two of them.

“Hi Philo, how’s your day been.” Shining Armor asked. Philomeena made a salute with her left wing and a proud caw.

“You haven’t been messing around with the guards again right Philomeena?” Twilight said with a grin
Philomeena covered its face a bit hiding what could be called a mischievous smile from a bird

“Well we might as well continue down. We’re almost to the castle.” Shining Armor said “Care to join us Philomeena?”
Philomeena flapped her wings and took off in an eyeblink.

“I think that’s a yes.” Twilight said watching the phoenix ascend higher

“I think she’s following us so she can pull a prank on us.” Shining Armor said with a slight grin as they approached the gates.

“She isn’t going to drop a bucket of water on us is she?” Twilight joked

“Nah, I thinks that something Cadance would do I didn’t do my laundry.”

“I would not!”

Twilight looked up to the top of the gatehouse, but Shining Armor froze in his spot.

“Twilight!” Princess Cadance yelled from the top of the gates.

“Cadance!” Twilight said nearly hopping up and down

“Be right down!” Cadance said disappearing from view before coming out of the gatehouse stairway moments later.

“Is my husband telling you things about me?” Cadance asked. Shining Armor could only blush.

“Nothing that I know already. It’s good to see you.” Twilight said hugging her old foal sitter

“You’re my sister now Twilight. I can’t hide anything from you. I don’t think he needs to tell you anything more than you already know.”

“Implying that I don’t know my own wife more than my little sister.” Shining Armor finally said

“Come on Shining dear. I do believe several years of foal sitting tend to leave a good impression on somepony. Especially when that pony is someone as brilliant as Twilight.”

Both Twilight and Cadance began to laugh much to the embarrassment of Shining Armor.

“Captain of the Royal Guard laid low by his wife and sister…” Shining said

Cadance went over and gave him a kiss “You’re the best Captain that I know.” She said gazing into his eyes. Shining Armor returned the gaze without saying any more.

Twilight couldn’t help but say “Aww…” while Philomeena quietly landed next to her.

“I feel so out of place now. Don’t you Philomeena” she asked the phoenix.
Philomeena made a very short flap of her wings while cawing softly.

Cadance and Shining Armor finally broke their gaze from each other.
“Sorry Twilight.” Shining Armor said. He was blushing much his coat turned pink “I suppose I should take you inside.”
“Something the matter?” Cadance asked a bit worried

“I’ll fill you in. But Twilight is here to see Princess Celestia.” Shining Armor continued

“Does this have anything to do with the shooting star from a few days ago?” She asked

“How did you know?”

“Princess Luna has been coming down here very often every morning since then, which is very odd as she normally doesn’t arrive till sunset.”

“This is getting more serious by the moment.” Shining Armor said

“Let’s waste no more time then.” Twilight said “Philomeena do you know where the Princess is?”

Philomeena made a large flap taking off in the direction of the Canterlot Tower.
The three made their way up the large stairways leading to the tower entrance. Inside already was both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in what seemed to be an argument.

“I know what I saw sister. But I can’t put my hoof on it.” Princess Luna continued angrily

“Luna. Stop pushing yourself so hard. You’ve been at this for two who days and have barely gotten any sleep.” Princess Celestia said softly to her younger sister

“I’m fine Tia. I’m just being cautious. You didn’t see what I saw.”

“No I haven’t, but who else has?”

Shining Armor made his way inside first followed by Princess Cadance and Twilight.
“Forgive the intrusion maladies but someone is here to see you.” He said bowing. Twilight slowly approached the two Princesses.

“Twilight…!” Princess Luna said slightly surprised
“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student.” Princess Celestia said embracing her student

“Forgive me for coming on such short notice your majesties.” Twilight said

“I assume you’re here about the male winged unicorn?” Princess Luna said


“Well where is he then?” Princess Celestia asked looking around not seeing another male pony with the exception of Shining Armor.

“Well you see… I kind of lost him…?” Twilight nervous said

“Lost him!?” Princess Luna blurted “How could you lose him!” Luna had switched her volume to traditional Canterlot voice mode. The noise caused the ceiling to shake dust off and Philomeena came swooping down from the heights.
“Luna contain yourself. You scared poor Philomeena.” Princess Celestia said petting the phoenix with her own wings.

“Sorry. Continue Twilight.” Luna said readjusting her posture

Twilight barely opened her mouth when another bird caw came through the tower halls. If Twilight hadn’t seen it she wouldn’t have believed it but a second phoenix came down from the tower. It was a second Philomeena.

“Philomeena…!?” Princess Celestia said looking back and forth between the two birds of fire.

“Imposter!” Princess Luna said stamping her foot. “One of these birds is a spy!”
“I’ll stop em…!” Shining Armor said starting to flare up his horn.
“Shining don’t! Even with the proper spell you could hurt the real one if your wrong!” Twilight said quickly standing in between him and the two birds.

The second Philomeena came down and landed in front of the first one. Soon the two we’re furiously cawing at each other then they started a rather child like fight between birds; snapping beaks and flapping blazing wings. Finally one of the Philomeenas kicked the other into a nearby pillar causing the flower pot on top of it to land on its head. The phoenix laughed at the other one’s misfortune.

“Nice one Philomeena.” Cadance said “If you’re the real one that is…”

There was almost virtually no way to differentiate the two birds ignoring the one with a pot on its head. One could only hope that real one wasn’t the one with the pot on its head. The second got up slowly with out rush despite the kick. It then with both wings and took off the flower pot.

“Very funny Philomeena…” It said with a male voice placing the pot back on top. The fake one talking caused everyone in the room to drop their jaws.

“That’s the fake!” Princess Luna loudly proclaimed as Shining Armor armed himself to fire
“Leave now changeling…!” Shining Armor demanded
“Changeling…?” The fake phoenix said calmly. Philomeena covered her mouth laughing.

“Philomeena why are you laughing?” Celestia asked her pet. Philomeena still covering her beak giggling simply pointed at both Shining Armor and the fake.

“It’s not that funny.” the other phoenix said as Philomeena was about to keel over laughing.

“Wait a minute…” Twilight said listening closer
“Who are you!?” Princess Celestia commanded

Twilight took a few step towards the disguised phoenix and gave a squinting look of amazement and disbelief. “Atom?”
The fake Philomeena gave a mischievous grin as its eyes turned bright blue. White light enveloped the tower halls as the phoenix’s body shifted and changed. First its wings began to meld together forming the front hooves and the bird claws twisted to become the back legs. The beak flattened itself out and its neck grew longer and thicker as the body mass increased. Soon a piercing spear of light protruded from its forehead creating the horn and a pair wings made of smoke burst out from the sides.

As the dust settled and the light darkened; there in place of the second phoenix was Atom dusting himself off.

“It is you!” Twilight said with mouth opening wider than before.
“Sorry to keep you in the blue Twilight.” Atom said continued to dust off the flower petals from the earlier pot drop.

“How did you…” She began before being interrupted

“I took off the train. I knew that someone like me would attract unwanted attention. Afterwards I followed you out of sight far above the clouds. Then while you disembarked from the train I bumped into that little flaming trouble maker.” Philomeena started laughing again falling backwards on the ground.

“Philomeena you knew?” Celestia asked looking over the phoenix. Philomeena gave a happy giggle and a nod while flapping. “Why didn’t you let me know?”

“It was her idea really.” Atom said pointing at the bird “She wanted to have some fun with you. Simply put she called you a work-a-holic.”

Princess Celestia made a quick glare at her pet phoenix “Philomeena…!” The phoenix blushed while covering her mouth to prevent herself from laughing much more.

“I don’t understand…” Princess Luna questioned “You’re telling us that you’re little transformation was all that bird’s idea? What did she play out what she wanted in the sky?”

“She told me of course.” Atom replied
“Dear Princess there is other ways of communicating than just with your mouth and ears.”
“Are you saying…” Cadance put out stepping forward “That you can talk to animals?”
“Sometimes I wish I didn’t.” Atom said rubbing his head “They have the craziest ideas.”

Philomeena made a short glide over towards the male winged unicorn before chirping loudly at him for a few moments.

“What’s she saying?” Shining Armor asked

“She’s saying-“Atom answered listening closer “That you all should relax. This castle sometimes is so boring.”

“Really?” Shining Armor said

“Oh and she also says to stop hiding in the library when it’s your turn to do the dishes.”
“So that’s where you hide!” Cadance said pointing at her husband.

Twilight could not help but chuckle at her older brother.

“Philomeena enough” Princess Celestia said. The phoenix made a quick responding glance at her owner before chirping a quick note to the winged stallion. Philomeena then took flight and left the tower through an open window.

“Did she say anything?” Celestia asked

“She said that you’re a loving older sister and a beloved ruler.” Atom replied
Twilight nodded in agreement at the statement. “I don’t think there was any doubt in that. But how and why did you do all this?”

“Safety, Training, Secrecy. I have many reasons Twilight Sparkle. Some of them I am not proud to admit and for the record I am sorry that I dragged you in on this.”

“I dragged myself in when I boarded that train with you. Now what I really want to know is what have I gotten myself into?”
Atom took a quick glance around at his surrounding audience before nodding his head. “Alright then.”
Atom’s horn began to pulse slowly with golden light. As the pulse quickened small ripples of magical energy emanated from the tip of the horn. He then spoke but his voice was different, as if something else had processed him and was using his body to convey the message.

“Time’s is up… Destiny is changing… no longer can you escape Fate. When the last star vanishes the realm shall fade with it. Time is short. Gather the people, rally the forces, warn your enemies. A great reckoning approaches.”
The pulse stopped and the glow subsided as Atom took a deep breath exhausted from the speech.

“Gather the people…” Shining Armor said “But why?”
“Vanishing stars…” Princess Luna mouthed
“Time is up…?” Cadance asked
“The realm shall fade with it…” Twilight began to repeat

“What does it mean!?” Princess Luna demanded “Something is coming but what!?”
“Is this some sort of warning!?” Shining Armor asked

“It’s a decree.” Atom said with a cold tone

“A decree? But what good is that!? We can’t simply gather everypony in half a notice!” Shining Armor responded
“Shining the message said that the realm will fade. That means Equestria is in danger! We have to warn everyone!” Twilight said

“But Twilight!” Cadance said “The message also said to warn our enemies! It wants us to tell others like the changelings!”

“Absolutely not!” Luna yelled “If our enemies find out then they will be pressed to attack us in this time of crisis!”
“I agree!” Shining Armor seconded “I don’t trust them anymore than I trust this message! I don’t care who it’s from!”
“Yes! Who has any right to order us around! No decree of any kind within Equestria goes without our saying isn’t that right?” Luna said gesturing to her older sister. “Sister?”

The others turned towards the older Princess who looked as though she had seen a ghost.
“My lady?” Shining Armor asked. Celestia mouth was trailing off with a barely audible words coming out from it.
“Tia?” Princess Luna said patting her on the back. The large white winged unicorn shuddered a bit before sitting down with a heavy thud. She was breathing very slowly in deep breaths.

“Princess Celestia is something wrong?” Twilight Sparkle asked
Celestia finally raised her head slightly and finally with a deep breath said “That voice...”
“What?” Luna said listening in closer

“I know that voice…” Celestia repeated

“Who is it?” Twilight delved in
“The message was a decree…” Shining Armor said “A decree from whom?”

“And who in question could have gave my sister such pause?” Princess Luna asked worried
Celestia head bobbed back and forth as if she had gone through an earth shaking revelation. Her mane was flowing very slowly and her breath was quiet but heavy. “It’s can’t be…” She said over and over again “It just can’t be…”
“What is it sister? What is the matter with you?” Luna continued to shake her elder sibling but to no avail.

“Who sent this message!?” Luna cried her eyes flaring up “Where did you come from!?”

Atom held his ground “Sorry Princess but I can’t tell you much more than what you already know.”
“All I can see is that my sister is now sitting beside me like a mute foal! Tell me by whose will do you send this dreadful message!?”

“The will Princess Luna…” Atom said slowly looking at the princess of the night straight in the eye. “Of your father…”