• Published 22nd May 2012
  • 1,270 Views, 1 Comments

Wounds and Weapons - Zytharros

"Crashing Equestria 3". Harmony, breaking. A reptile's rage, peaking. A deal, made. Anger this deep is eternal.

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Twice Broken

Twice Broken

I didn’t care about Equestria. Not now. Not after what Derpy said to me. I only cared about her. I wanted to make it right. I wanted to fix it. I wanted this whole mess dealt with now. First, though, I had some serious anger that needed venting – and the recipient of the punishment I was about to deal was myself. Another stream of tears poured from my eyes as I raged against anything in my vicinity in a vain attempt to shut off the unstoppable flow. I didn’t care about my coolness now. Derpy needed to come back. We needed her. We needed everyone.
Yeah, that’s right. This mess of tears, rage, anger, misery, fear, destruction, mental chaos and out-and-out uncoolness was once the coolest pony in Equestria, the one and only Rainbow Dash. She was once known for her speed, her athleticism, her joy at flight, and her perfectly tough visage.

All that was gone… all because she couldn’t hold back her motherbucking Luna-damned temper!!

“Why in the forsaken realms of Tartarus does Razor get to me like this?” I demanded of myself. “She taunts like I taunt, she fights like I fight, she walks like I walk, she…”

“That’s all I know how to fuckin’ do…”

That timid little whisper… it was so Fluttershy-like it nearly broke me again. How could two so opposite ponies exist in one body?! I just about snapped again before she continued, this time very seriously.

“When you’ve grown up a victim of a broken home… your mom dying before your very eyes, your father abandoning you for the drink, and your dreams being smashed to pieces daily simply because you’re an Earth pony… don’t you think you’d start to become a little angry with life?” Razortongue stepped beside me and looked into the darkness of the forest, then looked at the sky. I knew what was going on in her mind; her eyes blazed with hatred and insane jealousy. “Every day, I long for what you have, Rainbow Dash. Every time I see you fly, I get so pissed off I can’t help but snap. I get so jealous…” she pleaded with me through her eyes. “You get to feel the goddess-damn sky around you, the wind beneath your wings, the freedom to just up and fuckin’… take off. You get a chance to become a Wonderbolt, something I can only hope to become. Me… I’m stuck on the fuckin’ earth, feeling like a bastard, trans-bodied pony.”

I looked at her, wide-eyed and amazed. Those words were filled with raw emotion and power.

“But why me?” I asked. “Why aren’t you as jealous of Canuck Chuck, Boomdrop, or Fluttershy?”

“Boomdrop’s wings are laced with metal knives,” Razor said. “As part of her training with Black Silver, they bastardized some of her gorgeous feathers with a right fucking confusingly complex network of super-thin, super-sharp razorblades and hydraulics. If she flexes her wings just right, they flare out. Because of this added weight, she can’t fly for long, and she isn’t terribly fast. She glides mostly, only flapping her wings when she has to. The pain of standard speed is too much, and sometimes the blades come out and cut into her wings. Celestia knows how many damn times she’s been in shithole city with infections because of it. And removing them? For-fuckin’-get it! If you did that, you’d be removing half of her bloody appendage and part of her Celestia-forsaken spine along with her modifications! May as well strip her of what little damn dignity she has left and rape her of her wings, too…”

“You’re lying.” I couldn’t believe it.

Razor blew a raspberry. “Try telling that to a pony who bangs her… and has to avoid what’s supposed to be the biggest single erogenous zone on a pegasus’ whole fuckin’ body.”

That sealed it. She was being honest. I almost retched. I knew how much pain a pegasus wing could feel when broken. I couldn’t imagine the kind of pain that having knives implanted in wings would put a pony through. Immediately I gained a new sense of respect for my fellow pegasus.

Razor continued. “As for Canuck Chuck, he can fly, like, forever, but he isn’t a stunt flier. He even failed the sonic rainboom almost four hundred fuckin’ times in a single day without a break. He lives at Mach One. He speaks, lives, breathes, eats… everything he does is that fast. It’s hard to understand the little colt because of this, which is why he was given a portion of Princess Celestia’s power and a transplanted unicorn horn to use for communication when he first started speaking. Hell, his legs are so weak he’s had to learn how to land like a butterfly to keep them from collapsing. It’s no wonder his landing’s totally soundless.”

“Wow…” I asked, my voice cracking in surprise.

“On to Fluttershy,” she said. “That damn pegasus was the only real fuckin’ mother I had, and I only knew her for five damn years. In fact, it was less than two weeks after I left in a fuckin’ rage that I suddenly find Fluttershy on the cover of the fuckin’ Fillydelphia Tribune, with you and the other Elements of Harmony. She doesn’t fuckin’ talk about me because the day I stormed out I told her she was only good at taking care of animals, not ponies. I blamed her for everything I had experienced. I had reduced her to a bloody hermit. I even called her a fucking cunt sack asswipe of a bitch and accused her of murdering my mother!”

That got my back up. “You did what?”

Then came the loudest scream I had ever heard from a pony. I thought I was loud. I thought the Royal Canterlot Voice was loud. No. This was like taking the Royal Canterlot Voice and tripling its volume. I had no idea a pony could shout like this.

“I’m fucking sorry!!” she screamed before collapsing in a heap. “I don’t want to hold this in anymore!!”

After recoiling from my wince, I looked at her in surprise. The loudest mouth in the group had simply curled into a fetal position and begun shaking. There were no tears. She had just curled up and created her own mini-earthquake.

“I forgive you.”

Like a lightning bolt striking my wings, Razortongue and I shot our heads over to the same entrance to this small clearing I had used. There in the moonlight stood the same blonde-coated mare we had just talked about. Fluttershy, with a smile as kind as a sunlit day after a hard night of explaining why your parents caught you with your head in the plot of your latest cru–

Okay, heat rising in cheeks now… yeah, not completing that thought.

“You… what?” Razor asked, looking over at the only adult she truly respected.

Fluttershy continued smiling. “I forgive you.”

Razortongue’s eyes began filling with tears as they embraced. I was confused and in shock. I mean, how do you come to terms with the fact your Flight School best pal had turned out to have taken care of a filly herself? How was I to take this complete collapse of a headstrong mare like Razor? What the hay brought them together in the first place? And why did she open up to me?

Fluttershy apparently noticed my problem and held Razortongue at arm’s length. “Razor, I think you should tell her.”

“About what?” she asked.

“Your story.”

Razor sniffled and wiped her eyes with a fetlock. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. I mean, we’ve been traveling together for… fuckin’… weeks now. It’s only polite.”

I frowned. “I hope it’s not long. I’ve got to get Derpy back.”

Razor visibly bit her tongue at that, as hurt as she was offended.

Fluttershy frowned and glared at me. “Rainbow Dash! Listen to her! She doesn’t open up to a lot of ponies.”

“Okay, okay,” I said, defensively pushing air with a forehoof. “Geez. Try to crack a joke and everyone gets a little touchy…”

“Dashie!!” Fluttershy snapped.

I immediately collapsed to my haunches and gave the Earth pony paint my full attention. She sighed and opened her mouth slowly.

“It all began three years before your rainboom…”