• Published 6th Sep 2012
  • 6,929 Views, 328 Comments

Purity - LightStriker

Change is never easy. Even more when some ponies want you dead.

  • ...


"So, what do we do?" Rarity asked while keeping her sight on Twilight's parents, floating in front of her, high above ground. "Couldn't you teleport them away?"

"I told you, the sphere around them is a disruption spell. It prevents us from getting them out just as well as it keeps them from teleporting away. If I had time, I could find exactly what spell and frequency it uses and get rid of it," Twilight explained.

"How long would that take?" Rarity replied.

"An hour, maybe more if the spell is more complex," she let out in a sigh. "I would have to try different spells and see how it affects..."

Rarity interrupted her by pointing at the two floating ponies. "They are all in sweat from keeping that spell for hours! I doubt they would last that long!"

"Whoever did this is a monster!" Twilight cringed. "They drop their shield and they fall down to their death, or they stay inside and die from exhaustion when they run out of magic."

"Can't we move them here? Then they could drop their protection spell safely." Rarity proposed.

Twilight shook her head. "No, for the same reason, the disruption field messes up any spell that... touches... it." She hardly finished her sentence and the last words were barely audible.


The purple unicorn had that expression when she was deeply thinking. She turned around and looked at Azure that was sitting behind them. A smile slowly crept on Twilight's face as her brain started calculating the magic needed. "What?" the confused filly said as Twilight walked up to the edge of the gallery.

"You know, your teleportation spell isn't really one. I think the better term would be displacement." The filly appeared confused by the remark. "If I can displace the whole volume... My parents, their shield and the disruption spell... It could... It will work!" Twilight explained with some forced optimism. "As long as my spell doesn't touch the others," she let out in a whisper.

"That's a huge volume!" Rarity countered. "That outter spell is almost the size of a bathroom, do you think you have enough left to do that?"

Twilight tried to count all the spells she performed today. Between the reality bubble, the changeling spell and the numerous teleportation; from Ponyville to Canterlot, to her parent's house and the dozen required to find a safe spot in the mountain, she should have been exhausted. She wouldn't mind going in a warm bed for a long night, but she expected to be in far worse shape than she was right now.

"There's only one way to find out," Twilight said as she readied herself while facing her parents.

"You're sure?" Rarity asked while putting a hoof on her friend's shoulder. Performing a spell that one didn't have the magic to supply was a dangerous task. At best, the incantation would simply fail before being released. For more complex one, the spell's components could keep draining the caster until the required energy is met. Without magic, the only source available would be the caster's life force.

"Rarity, I'm fine and there is no other solution. You can't cast it and Azure doesn't have the magic pool needed for it," she explained while pushing her friend back.

"We could get the Princess here," Rarity countered.

Twilight thought about it for a moment. "No time, it could take a while to find them and managed to teleport back here." She tried to display a reassuring smile. "If I fail, we go get her, alright?"

The white unicorn gave up, walked back and sat beside the blue filly. "And you, what do you think?" Rarity asked.

"I... I don't know," Azure replied unsure. "I never read anything about disruption spell."

"I meant..." Rarity sighed. "Bookworms," she whispered.


Rarity pointed at Twilight, whose horn started glowing brightly. "I meant, do you think she can do it?"

The filly thought of the question with a hoof on her jaw. "Would you give that task to another pony?" She finally asked back.

Rarity took a deep breath and hummed. "No. No I guess I wouldn't." She eyed the filly. "You're pretty smart for your age." Sparkles showed up in Azure's eyes before focusing back on Twilight.

Twilight had the spell's structure nailed down for a while now, but wasn't releasing it. She kept adding magic to it, as for any spell that involve a volume of space, anytime the caster would double its initial radius meant adding nine times more magic, or more depending on the spell complexity. After what felt an eternity, her spell was roughly the size of the bubble she had to engulf. She felt the exhaustion creeping on as her knees started shaking.

Can't take any chances.

She felt it wasn't enough, as any imprecision at placing the spell in space would cause them to intersect and all her effort would be wasted by the disruptive magic. She needed her spell to be bigger. She had no room for error and she could only cast something like that once, so she kept going. Twilight clenched her teeth, closed her eyes and kept adding more. Her coat was wet in sweat and her muscles start burning as she felt she was now draining beyond her magic reserve. Her whole body was now shaking in pain. Fully rested, she was confident that she could have done it without so much effort. After all, she had lifted that Ursa Minor over a year ago.

The moment she couldn't take it anymore, she opened her eyes and let the spell go to its destination. Just as she did, she started falling to her side but didn't react as her focus remained on her parents. She felt another body break her fall, she didn't need to look to know that Rarity was keeping her up.

The spell started to take effect, slowly ripping pieces of the fabric of space as two volumes were forced to overlap each other. The sphere, big enough to encompass her parents, their shield, the blue draining and disruption spells, slowly shimmered like a crystal in the dark cavern.

After what felt like ages, the sphere started to disappear, as if someone was ripping the wallpapers off a wall. It was soon gone, sending its content to a place Twilight knew to be safe, the Princess' apartments. The cavern was now much darker as there wasn't any spells to light it up. Twilight released her breath, unaware she had kept it in since she released her spell. Even after running the marathon of the leaves, she didn't felt that tired. Now the only thing on her mind was to go home and sleep for a week, and hopefully forget about the whole story.

"Dear, you never cease to amaze me," Rarity said with a large smile. "But right now, you look terrible and I'm not really found of all the sweat."

"Sorry," Twilight replied automatically. With some efforts, she managed to calm her shaking knees long enough to sit down properly. Her head spun as the heat generated by her horn started to diffuse in her body. A single very strong spell had simply no time to dissipate the residual energy, and now she could feel a headache building up as it propagated along her forehead into in her brain.

"That was... so awesome!" Azure cheered while jumping in front of Twilight. "It was huge!" she said while doing a wide motion with her front hooves. The quick motion of the filly wasn't helping Twilight's head and the walls were slowly rotating in front of her eyes. White sparkles were flying through her vision in chaotic motions wherever she looked. She lay down and closed her eyes, letting the coldness of the stone floor eat away the fever that always results of powerful spells. "Twilight?" the filly asked concerned.

"Azure, come here," Rarity asked. The filly trotted to her. "You know a lot about magic. I'm sure you know what happen when a unicorn cast a spell that requires a huge amount of power?"

"The excess of magic may turn into heat as..." she started as if she was reading from a school tome, then realization struck, "Oh!"

"Yes," Rarity replied with a smile. "Just give Twilight a moment."

Once during her training, Princess Celestia made her cast spells after spells for almost a whole day only to fully understand the signs that came with being drained of magic. Every magic beginner's book warned the junior spellcaster of the danger linked to going beyond one's limits. After that trail, the fever and the feeling of being empty of energy took almost a week to subside. The whole time, anytime she wasn't at the court, Celestia sat beside her bed in silence.

The third day, she asked the Princess if she did something wrong. Her teacher smiled and explained that she didn't expect the filly to put so much effort into it. She added to the young student that she should see that as a learning experience, something that no book could explain as precisely and to memorize how everything felt. The naive one replied that if magic exhaustion was that painful, she would never use that much magic ever again. The ageless pony looked away in her thought.

Sometime, you don't have the luxury of choosing.

For Twilight, the cold stones felt like a huge relief from the insane day. One moment the stones under her were slowly heating up while cooling her body, the next they were once again fully cold. A small scream from beside her forced her to open her eyes. She quickly realized that something moved her without her noticing it, she was not longer on the third floor of the room but on the ground at the bottom. She tried to stand up, but her legs didn't accept the quick motion. She felt back and decide that only moving her head around would have to do for now. A quick look toward the source of the scream showed that both Rarity and Azure followed her in whatever transported here down there. The two were looking in front of them and Rarity was using her body to protect the filly from whatever her sight was locked on.

Twilight turned her head once again, happy that movement didn't mean a wave of nausea. Her sight finally stopped on a pony that was standing in the shadows cast by the upper floors. Then it hit her, obviously whoever was keeping her parent prisoner had good chance of being around to wait for her parent's death. If she was that pony, she would have tried to detect the presence of intruders and teleport to them... or teleport them to her. She suddenly felt stupid from not planning a way to leave this place quickly after saving her parents.

Feeling a bit of her strength return, she decided that whoever the pony was, she would be better facing it on her hooves. She managed to stand up and after a moment, felt stable enough that she wouldn't fall back. After all, it wasn't the first time that Twilight experienced magical exhaustion.

"Who are you?" Twilight shouted. As if the dark figure noticed her for the first time, he walked toward them. Entering the middle lit part of the room, Twilight heard Rarity gasp.

"You!" Rarity hissed with disgust. Twilight looked attentively at the white stallion with a blond mane that had showed up and while she felt some kind of déjà vu, she couldn't name that pony.

"Well, I don't know how you managed to save your parent, Sparkle," he said with a mean voice while keeping his head raised high. "But it's only a small delay." He looked at Rarity and Azure while a smile slowly crept on his face. "Three pains in the flank reunited at the same place, such a gift." He stared at Azure. "You, little brat! You cost me my best assassin."

"I knew you were a jerk the first time I've met you Blueblood!" Rarity shouted.

"Blueblood?" Twilight asked confused.

"That's 'Prince Blueblood' for you, peasant," he replied. "But it's not like you would remember me. We might have lived in the same castle for over a decade, your only friends were Celestia," he spitted out with rage, "and books."

"What do you have against the Princesses? That doesn't make any sense! You're of royal blood, why would you do all this?" Twilight asked back, her mind unable to find logic or structure in his actions.

He tilted his head and displayed a fake smile. "You're right, it doesn't make sense. But, for you, Sparkle, it doesn't have to!" he said while quickly lowering his horn.

The blue bolt of magic took Twilight by surprise, her mind still trying to decipher the motive behind his actions. It was a few hooves away from hitting her when a chunk of rock flew in front of her chest and blocked the attack. Twilight stumbled back a few steps trying to focus on what happened. "Thanks Rarity! Nice reflex!"

Rarity let the stone drop off her magic grip. "That's the result of having an overexcited filly at home all day," she explained with a weak smile.

"I'll thanks Sweetie Bell later," Twilight added while spreading her hooves to have a more balanced position, ready for any other attack. She noticed that Blueblood wasn't really in a hurry of doing another move.

He sat down and clapped his front hooves. "Bravo!" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Surrender!" Twilight shouted back. "It's three versus one. You stand no chance against us."

Blueblood snorted at the weak retort. "A foal, a dress maker and a unicorn empty of magic. Sure, I feel like my life is in danger." Twilight hated to admit that he was right and he did manage to capture her parents. A sparkle of hope appeared in her mind, if he battled her parents today that meant he could also be exhausted. His smile widened as he noticed her staring at him and as if he was reading her thought, "Don't even think about it. Your parents offered no real resistance beside their pesky force fields. I didn't even break a sweat. The royal bloodline does offer some advantages."

Twilight cringed at the retort, but she had to admit he didn't look exhausted. She dived deep inside herself, trying to find any drop of magic. She looked at every corners of her being and places she knew didn't store any, just in case. She hated to admit that she did manage to empty all her reserves today. However, she was somewhat relieved that her last spell didn't dig in her life force or she wouldn't be standing right now.

She was about to give up when a small sparkle caught her inner eye. Magic! There was no doubt about its existence, but she was sure she had looked at that spot before and it was as dry as the badlands. Any pony's reserve would replenish itself over time but any real recovery would come from a good night of rest. How could she miss some like that?

She took that droplet and carefully brought it to her horn, trying to be as ready as possible for Blueblood's next move. Just as she was about to exit her inner self, another sparkle caught her eye. Could it really be? At the same spot where she found that bit of magic laid another one. Her analytic mind tried to find an explanation for that odd event but couldn't find any; magic simply doesn't appear like that, by magic! The process of a pony converting food into energy and then that energy to magic was very well known and documented. Magic appearing like that out of nowhere was scientifically impossible.

Her thought were interrupted when Blueblood spoke again. "Dear dress maker, let's see if you can do anything against that!" On his last word, his horn lit up and fired a bolt of magic upward. The vault over their heads cracked and a huge slab of rock was hurled down. Rarity tried to react but she simply didn't have the experience or the magic skill to prevent such a mass from falling. She pushed all her telekinetic ability toward that rock, hoping to be able to at least deflect it. Seeing it wasn't slowing down, she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable while trying to protect Azure with her body. After what appeared to be a too long delay, the cave roared as the mass of rock crashed against a wall. Feeling no pain beside her ringing ears, she slowly opened one eye. Seeing no direct danger, she looked around and finally found the slab of stone embedded in the wall to the right of Blueblood.

The mad unicorn was grinning as his horn slowly lost his blue glow. "Now, that was impressive." Rarity wondered for a moment if the prince actually changed the rock's trajectory until she noticed Twilight's horn's glow.

"Twilight!" Rarity shouted while taking a step toward her purple friend. She was stopped in her tracks by a purple glow as her and Azure was lifted from the ground.

Twilight looked over her shoulder. "I got this Rarity," she claimed while trying to sound reassured. Rarity wasn't fooled and could clearly see the exhaustion in her friend's eyes. However, she could do little as the telekinetic field floated her and the blue filly to the far corner of the room. When her friend's magic finally dropped her, she wasted no time and tried to dash back to her side but only managed to crash face first in a purple sphere that appeared around the two ponies.

Rarity saw stars as her head slowly stopped spinning. That fooled librarian had locked her and Azure in a force field, no doubt to protect them. She hit the field with her front hooves in vain. Force field was Twilight's family specialty, and this one was particularly solid. She knew what it meant, Twilight would use her life force to save them and she couldn't accept that!

Once sure they were safe under a layer of her best shield spell, Twilight brought her focus back to Blueblood, only to see the cursed stallion, once more, send a bolt of magic upward. She readied herself, hoping she wouldn't have to deflect another mountain, but the bolt went way over her head. Too late she noted its trajectory as it hit the vault above her friends. The wall cracked in half and the upper portion crashed down on the trapped ponies. "Twilight!" Azure shouted before being buried alive. As the dust settled, in horror she could see no trace of her shield.

"They are fine," Blueblood claimed. "For now. Who know how long your force field will hold."

Twilight clenched her jaw to prevent it from shacking while she faced the stallion once more. "It will hold as long as needed," she replied in between her teeth, not sure at all of her statement.

The prince laughed, not threaten one bit by Twilight's presence. "Maybe, but the air they have under that might not last as long."

The purple mare growled as her brain automatically computed the time they had left. The move that she thought would protect her friends was instantly flipped around, turned into a race against the clock. She could feel the force field still linked to her magic reserve, draining whatever was left as the mass of rock was pushing against it. She couldn't explain it, but the field was holding and even after pushing away a bolder ten time her mass, she could still find some. A part of her brain warned her that she was most likely draining part of herself that wasn't meant to be used. She quickly pushed that thought away, if she had a choice she would take it, but right now her friends needed her no matter what.

She gathered any droplet of magic she could find and fired it in a purple bolt. To her surprise, the attack was more powerful that she expected but Blueblood didn't appear impressed as he conjured a flat angular field to easily deflect it to his side. The bolt bounced off and exploded against a stone pillar. Blueblood stared for a moment at the field he created as a crack had appeared at the place Twilight's bolt hit it. With a swift move of his head, he dispelled the field. "Interresting," he claimed with a dangerous smile. "You might be more interesting to play with then I thought."

Twilight quickly checked that the force field protecting her friends was still active. It was still strong and somehow was still draining magic from reserve that twice now she looked into to find empty. She looked up to Blueblood. He was ready, standing up with his horn aimed at her. "It has been a very long time since I had the chance of a real magic duel."

The next bolt that he shot toward her was much faster than the previous one and was pulsing with something in it. Unable to cast a defense in time, Twilight dodged to her side. The bolt disintegrated the rock she used to stand on, it wasn't a bolt of simple magic, but a complex spell crafted to kill. She was ready for the next one as her own square of force field deflected it.

And the next one... and the next... and the next. Blueblood gave her no chance to retaliate as he kept firing bolts of magic toward her. She was blocking them with surprising ease, but she couldn't continue endlessly like that, her friend's time was counted. She needed to attack back. Gathering once more magic from that mysterious source, she teleported a dozen meters to her left and shot a bolt of magic as quickly as possible. The bolt hit the wall with no Blueblood in sight, he teleported away!

Spinning around, she readied her force field just in time to be stuck in his telekinetic field. He fired a bolt just as she teleported away from his grasp. To her surprise, the bolt trajectory changed, followed her and struck her in the chest before she could react. The impact left her breathless for a few seconds, but she managed to stand strong on her hooves. Quickly checking for damage, she found that it would hurt for a while to lie down but nothing major was broken.

"I'm sure you can do better!" he shouted with the same mad smile. He shot another bolt and just as Twilight was about to intercept it with her force field, it changed its trajectory and once again hit her on the chest. She took a step back as she started to see stars. The spell wasn't strong, but she couldn't take many like that.

The idea of putting a full force field around herself crossed her mind, but she would be unable to attack back. If she was to save herself and her friends, she had to defeat him. Sadly, Blueblood appeared to have much more experience with direct magic duel then her. Celestia never trained her in the kind of magic duel where your opponent tries to kill you. She was used to civil duel, where two unicorns would cast more and more complex spells to find who the better magician is.

Once more he aimed at her and his horn glowed. Twilight readied her magical shield, not knowing what to expect, but at least she was sure to be able to protect herself from previous attack type. The bolt of magic he sent wasn't very fast, but after traveling half the distance, it blew in a thousand sharp shards of magic. The purple mare tried to react quickly by expanding her shield and while it blocked most of them, some managed to pass and dug deep in her left flank. She couldn't hold back a bark of pain. Giving a quick glance to her behind, she saw that the spell left a dozen small dots of blood on her cutie mark, as if someone repeatedly probed her with a needle. Her rear left leg was in pain and wouldn't react as quickly.

"Why?" She screamed, hoping to get an answer.

"Because!" He screamed back while casting another spell. This time, no bolt came and the moment Twilight wondered what the spell was, she noticed her hooves were now frozen on the floor. The moment she lower her head to melt that ice away, she felt a telekinesis field appear around her throat. She didn't try to dispel it, instead she grabbed with her own levitation a nearby rock and shot it as fast as he could toward her opponent.

The rock caught Blueblood by surprise and stunned him a moment long enough for Twilight to free herself. A red line of blood was visible on the side of his head. Twilight never wanted to hurt anypony, however she was running out of options and time. She was trying to come up with a solution, but train of thoughts were only finding dead-end.

He shocked his head to clear his mind. "You're weak," he said. "You missed another opportunity to attack me." Without waiting, he attacked again with chained bolt of magic. The attack was aggressive and Twilight was once again forced on the defensive. She summoned a second force field just in time to block a rock thrown at her. She took a step back, then another and another. She was forced to expand her force fields to block the rain of rocks and bolts coming from every direction.

Her next step put her in the corner of the room. She couldn't even remember how she ended up cornered like that. The deluge of attacks was continuing and her force fields were starting to show sign of weakness under the stress. She felt hurt, her body ached and she had no idea how to save her friends, let alone saving herself. She was about to give up when it happens. Similar to when someone closes the lights in a room, you only notice it was there the moment it's gone.

There was a small blue light in her mind, sometime with time she got used to and didn't notice while she was focused on something else. With it gone, its absence was like a small black void in the middle of herself. Her eyes went wide at the realization, her mental link with Azure was gone. They should have had more air than that in her protective shield. Or did they? Was the shield still up? It was supposed to hold longer! She couldn't think clearly, she couldn't even check if the spell was still functional as attacks continued to hammer her protections.

No! No! No no no no no no... No!

With tears in her eyes, something inside her broke. Something she didn't even know existed. The white explosion of pure magic that radiated from her dissolved her force fields as well as Blueblood's attacks and protections. The white stallion was pushed violently against the wall by the blast. When he managed to open his eyes, it was as if a miniature sun was radiating from within the purple mare. He tried to cast a spell, only to find his magic disturbed the moment it left his horn. He tried to cast the fastest magic bolt he could, but the missile dissolved in midair way before reaching its target.

For the first time, he found himself without options and he didn't like it at all.

Twilight was floating toward the middle of the roam, her brain locked on two tasks, stopping Blueblood and saving her friends. She couldn't think clearly as her mind was as white as the light that was filling the room.

He must not be able to cast spells was the closest she got to a coherent thought.

Just as her brain came up with that much information, the magic flow around her pulsed in response. Blueblood was almost back on his hooves when he felt something change. In front of his eyes, something long and white fell down on the floor. The moment he started to wonder what it was, he collapse on the floor, shaking violently.

Almost as if she was reading a checklist, Twilight came to the next item; saving her friends. Once again, the magic sent a wave outward. The rocks and the force field under them vanished, disintegrated, exposing two ponies. Rarity was wrapped around Azure, as if her body could protect the filly from the crushing weight of the now gone rocks. It took a moment for the white mare's eyes to adjust to the bright light that was filling the room.

Finding her friends safe and no more important item on her list, Twilight let out a breath of relief. It was also the moment the magic disappeared, letting her fall hard on the floor. But she had passed out long before touching the stone.

Rarity rushed to Twilight's body, but was beaten to it by Azure.

"Twilight!" the filly screamed but no answer came back. Fearing the worst, Azure hugged the purple mare.

Finally close enough, Rarity noticed her friend was still breathing. She carefully took Azure off Twilight with her telekinesis. "She's alright," she said softly. "But if you hug her like that, she won't be for long."

Turning around to face Rarity, Azure was crying. "You're sure?" She asked in tears. "You saw it too! She must have drained her life to win! It's... she's..."

Rarity hugged her. "There! Twilight is tougher than that," she explained, not really convinced herself. "She is still breathing, and if she is, it means there is still enough force in her," she said while giving the filly her best smile. Something moved in the corner of her sight.

Her smile disappeared as she scanned the darkness. Something white at the end of the room was moving, kicking. "You!" Rarity screamed while standing up. She walked in the direction of Blueblood, who was on his side, his legs kicking the air as if he was trying to stand up. She held her head low, ready to protect or to attack.

"Bastard!" she screamed. "Twilight might have been too good to end you, but I'm not as nice." While she thought she was prepared for anything, when she finally came close to him, the sight of Blueblood made her stop in her track.

The stallion was on his side, his legs taken by spasms. He was breathing erratically and his eyes were similar to a crazy animal, rolling in their sockets without conscious control. Rarity noticed his horn was missing, a trickle of blood dripping through his mane, forming a pool under his head. She had heard what damage to a unicorn's horn could do; the top of the list being a neural shock but she wasn't expecting something like that.

Azure had come beside Rarity while her focus was on the stallion. Noticing the filly, she turned around. "Azure, please, can you stay with Twilight?" She asked with a firm tone. Azure nodded, understanding it wasn't time to argue. She walked back to the middle of the room and sat down beside Twilight, not leaving Rarity from her sight.

After a moment, Blueblood stopped kicking. For some reason, Rarity was sure he was trying to say something, but couldn't as if he had lost control over his body. After all he did, she was ready to kill him, but seeing him like that, helpless and defenseless, she couldn't do it.

She cursed under her breath, happy that Azure wasn't close enough to hear it. Why her generosity had to kick in the worst moment? That monster didn't deserve it. She sat down her sight locked on him, unsure what to do next.

"T... tss... Tat..." Blueblood said, as if he was trying his voice for the first time. Rarity had to admit he did sound weird, but she was no expert on horn damage. For all she knew, it could be a side effect she never heard of.

Blueblood closed his mouth, as if he was exasperated by his vocal cords. He closed his eyes and after an eternity of trying out, with a voice more suited to a foal than a stallion, managed a soft "Thanks."