• Published 8th Nov 2015
  • 1,751 Views, 26 Comments

Tacos y Quesadillas - Tennis Match Fan

Sonata Dusk discovers a deep, dark secret about her boyfriend while they're on a date.

  • ...

Me gusta!

"Are you sure you can't tell me where we're going?" Dusk Shine asked.

"It's a surprise!" Sonata assured her boyfriend as she tried to supress her giggles. "But you're going to love it!"

Sonata smoothed the skirt of her sundress. She had been leading Dusk down the streets of Canterlot City for the past few minutes. They were on a date, technically, but so far Dusk had been left in the dark about Sonata's plans. If she had still been an evil siren, those plans might have been nefarious in nature. Tonight, though, her objectives were completely the opposite of nefarious (whatever that was, Sonata didn't know or care about the exact terminology.)

"Sonata, when are gonna be there?" Dusk asked again. "I get, um, kinda paranoid at night."

Sonata giggled. "You have me! No one would attack a cute guy and his adorable girlfriend!" Dusk laughed, and Sonata joined in. When they turned the corner, Sonata gasped in delight.

"Oh my gosh! We're here, Dusky!" Sonata squealed ecstatically. Dusk stared at the restaurant Sonata had picked out.

"'Mexi-horse,'" he read, staring at the neon red logo. "Sonata, you didn't tell me we were going to a Mexican restaurant."

"I didn't have to tell you!" Sonata giggled, gripping Dusk's hand tightly. "It's just so obvious! I love spicy foods, remember?" She took another moment to absorb every detail of the amazing restauraunt.

Buy tacos, get half off on quesadillas, a sign on the window read. Sonata blinked.

"Okay, let's go in!" she declared.

Sonata and Dusk walked inside. Instantly they were greeted by Spanish music and the smell of Mexican food.

"Tacos," Sonata breathed, inhaling the scents of fresh tortillas and guacamole. "So much tacos!"

"Many," Dusk corrected her grammar, smiling nervously. "Many tacos."

"Even better!" Sonata and Dusk walked up to the lady hostess.

"Table for two, please!" Sonata chirped, squeezing Dusk's hand in excitement.

"Of course. We have one available, if you'll just follow me." The lady smiled warmly and led the couple to a table next to the window. After informing them about the waiter and whatnot, she left, leaving Sonata and Dusk by themselves.

"This is so awesome," Sonata sighed.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice here," Dusk agreed, looking around.

"When are the chips gonna be here?" Sonata wondered. Dusk smirked.

"You're always impatient, Sonata," he commented.

As if on cue, the chips arrived.

"Awesome! Thanks!" After the waiter left, Sonata began shoving chips into her mouth.

"Try some, Dusky!" she exclaimed, bits of chip flying from her mouth. Sonata paid no mind as she continued to chomp messily. Dusk grabbed some chips, too.

"Hey, Sonata, why do you like Mexican food so much?" he asked curiously.

"I dunno," Sonata responded as she ate some more. "Maybe it's because of the meat. In Equestria, I was an herbivore. Well, technically I fed non others' emotions, but I could still eat physical food. Here, I'm allowed to eat all this new food and not be a cannibal!" She beamed. Dusk blinked, obviously taken aback by her answer.

"Okay, I get it," he replied after a moment. They moved on to other topics of conversation, including sharks and various reptiles.

"So Elusive eventually decided he'd go to see the crocodiles with us, and he didn't regret it!" Dusk and Sonata laughed as the former finished his story about the zoo.

"Hey, Sonata, I have to go to the bathroom for a minute," Dusk said, standing up. "I'll be right back!"

"Okay!" Sonata waved as he walked away. "Have fun! No, wait, that came out wrong-"

"Excuse me, Miss. Are you ready to order?" The waiter suddenly appeared, staring at her expectantly. Sonata looked from him to Dusk's retreating figure, then back again. Sonata hesitated.

I'm sure he's good with whatever. Dusky won't mind me ordering for him.

"Yeah. Can I have an order of five tacos? And, uh some quesadillas!" she added. Dusk will love quesadillas! They're so cheesy!

After the waiter confirmed Sonata's order, he left. While she waited for Dusk to return, Sonata took out a pink sparkly pen and doodled on a napkin.

"Okay, I'm back." Dusk slid back into his seat a few minutes later. "What'd I miss?"

"Whadaya think?" Sonata showed him her napkin. Dusk studied her drawings of ponies chasing a flying taco. In the corner, she had drawn Nyan Cat watching the chaos.

"It looks great, Sonata!" Dusk smiled. Sonata beamed.

"For realzies?" she asked. When Dusk nodded, she continued, "Thanks! I can't wait to eat my tacos! I ordered five of them!"

"Wait, you ordered already? Without me?" Dusk asked. Sonata looked over at him. He was looking nervous, like, more nervous than usual.

It is at this point I begin to notice Dusk is acting strange, she narrated in her head.

"Yeah. Is that alright with you?" she asked aloud.

"What did you-" Dusk stopped and seemed to think better of what he was going to asked. "Never mind."

Sonata nodded. She grabbed a napkin and began scribbling again.

The mood is shifting, she scrawled. What once was a nice date has turned into a murder regular mystery. And this detective is going to figure it out.

"What are you writing, Sonata?" Dusk asked.

Sonata jumped in her seat.

"Who's writing? I'm not writing!" she giggled. "I'm certainly not detailing every thought I am having onto a napkin!" Sonata smiled widely. Cover not blown.

"Oh, okay then." Dusk took a sip of his water. Sonata watched him, narrowing her eyes intently. The subject's gaze is unfocused, darting around and observing the ceiling. Ha! As if the ceiling is cuter than me!

Sonata dumped more chips into her mouth. Dusk's focus returned to her and her noisy chewing.

"Sonata, I don't think that's healthy," he commented. "I know the Heimlich maneuver, so if you start choking I've got you covered. But still. Eating chips like that isn't a good idea."

"If you say so!" Sonata chomped. She wiped stray chip bits off her mouth.

"So Dusky, anything on your mind?" Sonata pried. She leaned over the table, awaiting an answer.

"Sonata, you're acting kind of weird," Dusk commented. His purple eyes were darting around, obviously nervous.

Completely avoiding the topic, Sonata thought.

"You didn't answer my question!" she responded, more impatient than ever. "Is there anything bothering you?"

"To be honest, Sonata," Dusk began.

He's finally cracking! Sonata thought triumphantly.

"What did you-"

"Oh my gosh, Sonata!"

Sonata cringed when a familiar voice reached her ears. Drat, I was so close! She turned around and faked a large smile.

"Hey, Swan Song!" Sonata responded through gritted teeth. Her enthusiastic lab partner walked right up to their table, completely oblivious.

"How's it going, Sonata?" she asked, adjusting her blue sunhat. "We haven't seen much of each other since school got out!"

"Um, yeah. Sorry about that." Sonata's grin stretched wider. "How's your summer been going?"

"Oh, it's been good!" Swan Song giggled. "I've been going to a lot of parties lately. Hey, you should come too! And your boyfriend! I'll invite you both!"

"Sounds fun." Dusk nodded at Sonata.

"Yeah!" Sonata agreed, momentarily forgetting her annoyance. "A party sounds fun!"

"Okie dokie!" Swan Song pushed back a lock of her pink hair. "I'm just gonna be on the other side of the restaurant with some of my upper class friends. Maybe we can talk later!"

"Sure thing." Sonata smiled.

"See you later," Dusk said, waving. Swan Song left to sit down.

Now I can finish- Sonata stopped short. What was I going to finish again?

"So, Sonata, how are Adagio and Aria doing?" Dusk asked with a smile.

Oh right! Sonata remembered. Something suspicious is going on!

"Never mind them," Sonata replied, batting her eyes. "You were about to tell me what was bothering you!"

"Oh, right." On went Dusk's nervous expression. Sonata leaned in once more.

"I was just wondering what you ordered for me," he blurted out.

"Huh?" Sonata blinked. "I wasn't expecting that!"

"Don't take it the wrong way, Sonata, I just, er, don't like surprises," he responded, running a hand through his indigo hair.

"Okay." Sonata leaned back in her seat. "I'll tell you. I got myself five tacos and I got you a quesadilla!" Sonata clapped her hands in delight. "Ohmigosh, the order's here!"

Sonata beamed as the waiter arrived with two plates balanced on a larger silver platter.

"I'll have the tacos, please," she directed him.

"Here you go!" The waiter set down both dishes in front of their respective consumers. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Of course! Thanks!" Sonata beamed. The waiter nodded back and left to serve another customer.

Sonata abruptly turned to look at Dusk. She was about to speak, but stopped. Dusk was staring in absolute horror at the quesadillas.

"Dusk?" Sonata asked curiously. "Ready to eat?"

Dusk's head snapped up in an instant. His expression morphed into something that could be defined as relaxed.

"Oh yeah, Sonata." He took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Sonata paused to stare at him. Dusk wasn't telling the truth, she could tell.

Maybe his food is poisoned, she thought. Maybe that's why he doesn't want to eat it.

"Is your food poisoned?" she asked.

"No, Sonata. It's not." Dusk looked at his plate. "Um, to tell the truth... I don't like quesadillas. I hate them, actually."

"Oh." Sonata blinked, and the puzzle pieces clicked together in her mind. That makes so much sense!

"Dusk, I'm sorry," she apologized. "I didn't know!"

"It's alright, Sonata," Dusk responded, flashing his girlfriend a reassuring smile.

"So, uh, do you want to try it? You might like it!" she offered. Dusk visibly shivered.

"I've tried them before, to be honest. They're just so cheesy."

"Oh. That sucks, you're missing out on a lot! But if you don't like them, you don't have to eat them."

Sonata looked down at her plate. Her tacos were still steaming. The fresh meat, leafy lettuce, grated cheese and ripe tomato pieces looked absolutely delicious.

"We'll trade, Dusky!" Sonata clapped her hands in delight. "I don't mind quesadillas, and you don't mind tacos- right?"

"Well, no- I mean, I don't mind tacos! But Sonata, you really don't have to do that just for me!" Dusk responded, startled.

"Yes, I do! You're my cute boyfriend, and your food comes before my food!" As she spoke, Sonata slid four of her five tacos onto Dusk's plate, and took the quesadilla for herself.

"Besides," Sonata continued, "I still have one taco left for my enjoyment!"

"What did I do to get an amazing girlfriend like you?" Dusk laughed before he picked up one of the tacos.

"You just taught me about friendship and I subsequently fell in love with you," Sonata answered breezily.

Then she shoved her quesadilla and taco into her mouth.

Author's Note:

Dusk needed to use the Heimlich Maneuver after all! :trollestia:

Comments ( 26 )

After nearly choking to death on the quesadilla, Sonata realized how right her boyfriend was, and subsequently vowed never to eat another one ever again :rainbowlaugh:

The fact that the taco she ate also had something to do with her near-death experience was very quickly forgotten :derpytongue2:

6205664 In the sequel, Aria tries to trick them both into eating quesadillas :pinkiecrazy:

6205910 :pinkiecrazy: because Aria is awesome like that! :rainbowdetermined2:

A thing of beauty!

(And I'm making tacos tonight!)

6208099 Thanks! :pinkiehappy: And awesome! (Because you read this story or because you already planned to?)

I must admit I already had them planned. Basically, I'm running 24 hours late on Taco Tuesday.

6208130 :rainbowlaugh: Okay. By the way, I added unpublished EG fics to my user page.

gratted cheese

Another cute, pointless oneshot! :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

6208280 Thanks for pointing that out! :raritywink::pinkiehappy:

And my first Sonata Dusk X Dusk Shine Fimfic reading is done. I'm gonna need to read more fimfics of these cute couples. Good job on the fimfic Tennis Match Fan, I liked how Adorable they both were in this fimfic.

Aww... This was so cute! Just one of those stories that leaves you in a good mood for the rest of the day, ya know?

6613826 Thank you! :yay: I hope you see the several other DuskDusk fics on here! :rainbowkiss:

6614183 Thanks! :rainbowkiss: I'm glad it had that affect!

6614431 No problem! I'm glad it did too!!! XD

Drat it, now I'm craving tacos. But not quesadillas.

6615458 :moustache: Tonight's taco night in my family. Why Monday and not Tuesday, I haven't a clue. :rainbowlaugh:

6617917 Lucky. There's no set taco night in my household, but if I'm lucky nowadays, I can get it close to Tuesday.

Oh, how I miss my Sonata-encouraged-meme-related bliss.

6618432 :rainbowkiss: Ask for a taco night tomorrow!

6618717 Ah, but the only way to get tacos nowadays is to go to Taco Bell, and that requires a bit of effort now, and sadly, laziness is a big thing in my family. And homemade tacos are out of the question, as we lack the materials.

6618822 Jump into the EG universe and ask Sonata for help That sucks. :applejackconfused: I hope you get to have some tacos soon!

6618899 I shall.

...and honestly? I sorta wish I could share some tacos with Sonata. And maybe a hug.

6618915 That would be so cute! :rainbowkiss: You'd have to get past Dusk first. :trollestia:

6621615 Well yes, but all I ask for are platonic hugs.

6622002 :moustache: He won't think that.

Nice work.

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