• Published 24th May 2012
  • 1,468 Views, 7 Comments

A Second Chance - LightShadow

A oneshot staring Chrysalis.

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Past memories

The Everfree Forest, a wide expanse of trees that reaches out across Equestria. No magic ever happens in the forest, save for the few times when it was needed, and it has become a hive for monsters of many sizes. Lush green trees block out the sunlight to the earth below, covering the ground in darkness. Vines hang from the trees low enough to strangle anypony unlucky enough to run into them. Mushrooms litter the ground forming fairy rings on the hard earth. Large toadstools gave off light as fireflies flew around them. Rotting leaves and branches lay on the ground and forgotten pathways litter the landscape. Tree roots spike up from the ground to trip any passing pony. Timberwolves and chimeras dominate the woodlands, eating any meat that comes to close to them. Yes, the Everfree is a very scary place and very few ponies ever go near it, except for one lonely soul.

A figure as black as the night sky walks the lonely raods of the Everfree, her green cat-like eyes are parted by a long thin strand of her deep blue mane which flows down the side of her head like a coat of silk. A slick wetness runs down her face, and her fangs are slightly hidden by a frown of somepony lost in thought. Her tattered insect like wings are folded across her back; Indeed, just like the rest of her body, it too is littered with holes, from the crooked horn that rests on her forehead, to the lower portion of her legs. Though the holes aren't from injury, and they don't seem to bug her in the slightest as she walks on with her head hung low. Chrysalis, queen of the changlings weeps over her losses, for she has lost her hive and her powers. Hunger, loneliness and grief haunt her mind. Slowly she remembers some sad details from her past.


When she was a nymph freashly hatched out of her egg, she dreamed of bringing her people glory. She was an excitable and cheerful young nymph, and made many friends within the hive. One of her friends was a young prince named Kit, the two were the best of friends and spent many days exploring the nooks and cranies of the hive. In her teens she fell in love with him, but it was never ment to be because she wasn't royalty. Kit suggested that she go to the academy to rise through the ranks to get to the top.

Chrysalis joined the academy so that one day she would be reunited with her love interest Kit. She learned the ways of the hive and quickly rose through the ranks through hard work and determination. This quickly got the attention of Kit who made her a general of the changling army, where she earned the right to wed him and became a queen. Now charged with taking care of the hive, she starts to wonder if she could bring the hive more. So far the food supply is good and there is no need to invade other lands. They gathered food by kidnapping other ponies to feed off of their love, sometimes the occasional changling takes on their form to live with the ponies of Littleton Village.

Littleton Village, was a small town just on the outskirts of the hive. Though the changlings tend to terrorise them, they don't seem to care as they always have had numbers on their side. They sometimes leave those who are about to die or are sick out in the streets to give them up to the hive in worship. The town folks consider the changlings gods that provide them with rain for the crops, and good weather when they need it.

As the days went by the hive grew and the food supply was starting to drop, the village was starting to disappear due to the fact that they over hunted the villagers. Her subjects hungry and desperate for food start to fight amongst themselves. This became the changling revalution which ended up with the hive splitting into two groups. One group wanted to find peace with the villagers to ensure that the food supply never dwindles again, while the other wanted to keep to the tradition of kidnapping and trickery. Chrysalis was soon forced to intervene, which started a ten year civil war in the hive.

Chrysalis snapped back out of her thoughts. That war was what made her cold-hearted to others in the first place. She continued on her way as the forest became darker and slowly went back into thought.


The war was brutal and bloody and many changlings lost their lives. Chrysalis couldn't stand the sight of her subjects fighting like this and slowly went into a state of deep depression. Her husband Kit comforted her in her time of need, but the love that they had for each other wouldn't last.

Kit was soon called out into the battle-field and lost his life during the attack. Chrysalis was hit hard, she lost the love of her life and soon she locked herself away in her chambers for five long depressing years. The war may have ended with Kits death, but Chrysalis still wanted revenge, when she finally came out of her chambers, Chrysalis gathered up the ones responsible for kits death and slaughtered them. With her revenge finished, Chrysalis resumed her job as queen.


Back in reality, Chrysalis stopped to wipe a tear from her eye. She still missed Kit even though she got over his death. The pain of losing a loved one always hurts long after they are gone. She remembered how her subjects tried to get her out of her chambers, and lead the hive once more. That day she killed off half the hive, and it marked the time when she herself had changed into the tyrant she was a while ago.

She stopped suddenly when she heard the sound of growl like snores coming from behind a bush. Not wanting to wake whatever creature was sleeping, Chrysalis slowly crept away. She made sure not to make any noise, and soon once she was at a safe distance she continued her long and lonely walk.


A funeral was held for Kit soon after he died. His death marked an age of peace within the hive, even thoug half the changlings were kiled off by Chrysalis. She was still saddened by his death, and she started to look for other ways to find happiness. Ranging from attacking villages and sex, she even started to collect gold and other treasures. But no matter what she did, Chrysalis couldn't find the happiness she felt when her husband Kit was still alive, his death still haunted her.

The hive quickly grew at a fast pace and the food supplies were becoming dangerously low once more. The village had grown to fear her, and they moved onto different pastures in the hopes of living happier lives. It was then Chrysalis decided to expand her territory throughout Equestria in the search for food, which started the pony changling wars in the south. For eleven long years the two races fought, with Chrysalis emerging as the victor at the battle at Old Trottingham castle, which ended with the death of king Charles the third. His doughter princess Mi Amore Cadenza managed to escape with the help of her caretakers and her love Shining Armor. Chrysalis not wanting the royal bloodline to continue sent some of her own guards after them. They lost the princess near the Everfree, which led to the discovery of Canterlot and Ponyville.


It was starting to rain now and Chrysalis was busy going through her past. A drop of rain snapped her out of her thoughts and soon she had to find cover or risk dying of hypothermia. As she ran through the mud she heard thunder in the background. A tree fell down with a crash, making her panic. Chrysalis was relieved to find a cave, and she went inside and was soon resting on the cold hard rock of the cave. She lit a campfire and went back to her own thoughts once more.


The next few weeks were hectic, as Chrysalis had to deal with the fact that the princess had escaped and also that the food supply was still low. She was relieved however when a scout came to her stating that he found a land overflowing with love. Chrysalis was overjoyed and she had her armies prepare for invasion. In the next few weeks her armies were prepared for war. Chrysalis was so overconfidant that she had sent a message to the leaders of the land, Princess Celestia and her sister Luna, in the hopes of making them panic and thus easier to invade. She even learned that Princess Cadenza, now called Candace had found true love in the captain of the royal guard Shining Armor. This then gave Chrysalis a new plan of attack.

Chrysalis saw an opportunity to sneak into the Castle without notice and quickly kidnapped the princess and disguised herself as Candace. She was wrapping Shining Armor around her hooves as her subjects got into position for the invasion. It wasn't supposed to be however as she soon was found out and defeated by not only the elements of harmony, but princess Candace as well. The resulting blast of magic had scattered the hive and drained her of her magic. Now she is a shadow forever walking in sadness, doomed to be alone forever.


That was her life so far. Chrysalis felt bad for the decisions she made. She soon started to question her own existence. Did she make the right choices in the past? Should she have chosen a path of peace instead of war?

Chrysalis didn't know what to do now and soon she fell asleep.

Her dreams were as dark as always, depicting all those she hurt in the past. It scared her to think about it right now.

It was dark all around her, the ghosts of her victims were floating around her screaming in agony. She ran through the abyss in the hopes of losing them. A large figure resembling a rotting corpse appeared in front of her and swallowed her whole.


She woke up in a cold sweat and soon started on her way again. She wished she could go back in time and fix the past mistakes she made. Chrysalis was sad, lonely and hungry. She wanted food, but above all else she wanted companionship and love. She wanted a second chance and she was determined to get it at all costs.

The sound of ponies hit her ears and her heart did a flip. Maybe this was her chance to make peace with herself and start a new life. She ran towards the sound and soon came upon a small village that was hidden in the forest. It wasn't any village though, it was a tribe of zebras and they were busy going about their own business. She looked in awe at the village, never before has she seen a zebra let alone a tribe of them. She stepped out of the bushes silently and started to walk to the middle of the village.

The villagers however had other plans. They soon noticed the strange creature trotting into their village and soon they surrounded her.

Chrysalis was frightened, she didn't know what was going to happen to her and soon she was cowaring on the ground. The zebras however called the chief over to see this strange sight. A well built stallion walked over to her and lifted her head up. He stared at her for what seemed like hours until he let her go and signaled for the tribe to get food and water.

Chrysalis was confused, she thought that these creatures were going to kill her, and now they are nursing her back to health. She was brought over to a small hut where the villagers wrapped bandages over the holes in her legs and presented her with food and drink. Chrysalis didn't know what to say, she was both touched and shocked at the same time. Has she found her second chance? It looks like it to her, soon she fell asleep on the floor.

A few weeks had went by since that day, and Chrysalis has been accepted into the tribe. Her tribe mates help her get used to the way things work, from herb gathering to potion making. She was also taught how to defend herself against the many dangers of the forest. He teacher Little Spoon never left her side.

To Chrysalis it felt like she was a nymph all over again, having to be tought how to do this and how to do that. But she prevailed, and soon she was as good as the chief when it came to potion making.

The chief was a well built stallion, that was easily twice her size. He had a thin body but strong legs, which made him both the fastest and the strongest in the entire tribe. His name was Thunder Foot, a well deserving name at that too as he can buck anypony halfway across the forest if they anger him. Chrysalis was fascinated by him and couldn't help but develop a small crush on Thunder Foot.

Chrysalis soon became the village doctor, as her remedies and potions help with all sorts of problems. From aches and pains to stomach cramps, she was even rumored to be able to make a love charm for those that ask. Chrysalis loved the attention, not only did it give her power it also made her feel wanted and special. She loved that feeling and soon she had a permanent residence there.

She never really had the curage to tell Thunder Foot how she felt about him, but soon that was all about to change. One day she was out gathering herbs with Thunder Foot when they were attacked by a pack of timberwolves. Thunder Foot lashed out and fought them off. Hoof and claw met each other in battle as blood rained down to the ground. Soon Thunder Foot had successfully fought off the wolves but he was seriously injured during the fight. Not wanting to see the man who took her in and made her one of his own, Chrysalis picked him up and carried him back to the village and into her hut.

As she bandaged up his leg and cleaned his wounds, Thunder Foot said something to her thet made her heart flip. Thunder Foot had a crush on her but never had the guts to say it to her.

Chrysalis was overjoyed, she too told him that she had a crush on him and soon the two kissed and locked lips. A dance was held by the fire pit in their honor, and soon the two were wed. Chrysalis has finally found her second chance.


Comments ( 7 )

First :P

Also, I am doing requests for oneshots. Just PM me and I will try what I can.

What happened to all the corrections I made? :rainbowhuh:

Anyway, it's good that you're actually trying to improve. This story was far from perfect, but at least you're trying. There isn't much I can say here that I didn't already say in your blog before you released it, especially since you're using a mostly unedited version with all the errors I pointed out and sent you corrections for still present. Regardless, I'm glad you're open to story ideas; I think writing any idea that people throw at you would be a fun and much-needed exercise in expanding your ability.

Technical issues aside, I think your next story needs dialogue. Of all the mistakes present here, that one bothers me the most for some reason; you seemed afraid to even try it, despite your story heading places where it would have been considered a necessity, but that won't get you anywhere. Try and fail, and repeat that until you quit failing.

Keep writing! Best of luck. :twilightsmile:

Edit: Okay, I take back some of what I just said, but only some. Upon a more arduous examination, you did change a few things I suggested, but not the majority of it. I'm glad you took my advice on those few things, anyway.

643263 Thanks. :D
It took me three days of writing and three days of editing to make this.

Bro you should make this a series.

It's either "C-a-d-a-n-c-e" or "C-a-d-e-n-c-e", not "Candace" (pay attention to the position of the "n"). Fix it.:facehoof:

Second paragraph- 'raods' instead of roads. Changelings spelt wrong throughout. Check your spelling on the whole, there are a few errors throughout the story.

Has a tendency, for example in the first paragraph, to switch tenses when you should stick to one.

Some points are not ponified as they should be in these fan fictions.

Sentence structure and length needs to be shifted slightly for the morpheme/meaning to become clear.

Overall, it's a great plot line but that's all it seems to be. This, at the minute, appears more as a quick plan of what is going to happen rather than the actual story itself. It would be great if this could perhaps be lengthened into a full story, going chapter by chapter because it does actually have the potential o be a great long fan fiction. A little tweaking and some more meat adding to it and you'll have the makings of a wonderful story. :twilightsmile:

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