• Published 10th Jul 2015
  • 1,675 Views, 19 Comments

Chaotic Marks - Lord Despair

Cold.....so very cold I don't remember much from before I found myself amongst the snow but what I do remember is an name.......one single name, I think it's my name but seems meaningless to me now especially I don't know where I am.

  • ...

who are you part 3 unedited

Sombra's Halls
The Creature's PoV

''so........this is the being you discover in the snow Faust '' said the dark unicorn with a curious gleam in his green eyes, '' Interesting''

I gulp heavily at the sight of the new ponies, there was a slight nagging in the back of my mind that should make myself scarce as fast as I could least there will be more guards chasing me but that the moment I knew that to be a foolish idea. By the crowns on their heads I knew I was along royalty if they were anything like the royals I knew one wrong move or misspoken word I'll be a dead man... was i still even a man? this form told me little of what i had become and if I wanted to know what and where exactly am I then my best bid is to stay with the ponies. Then again I really don’t what to go back into the snow .. which is the worse fate freezing to death or become the plaything of these creatures? A hard and unfair choice but that is the way of the world is it not.

I looked over the one that called Faust....a white mare with red hair I recognized her she was the first face I seen since falling into the snow. Did she saved me? does she know me?

''Quite half brother this is he.'' she said her hoof gesturing towards me. ''as you can he for yourselves what he is not even mention in the royal bestiary''

So there goes that hope not even they know what I am, please don't let there be a crackpot with a big needle with thing for blood.....cause if there is I'm really jump out of the closest window. Needles *shivers* nevertheless I must learn more about my body but how?

'' Knight-commander Cherry Pie tell your ponies to return to their post immediately'' said the larger....whatever he's suppose to be a winged unicorn? pegacorn? Alicorn? good as any I guess, with a bow from Cherry who happens to taste like actual cherries the dog- I mean ponies gallop out the room leave me with the royals and still angry Cherry Pie. at seeing how quickly the guard followed his order The dark Alicorn smiles just a bit before looking at me closely as if trying to study me....buddy I don't do study dates so get that out of your horsey head, ''creature if thy can speak then speak if not well... what say dear wife? the royal zoo may have some use for 'em?''

'' As long a lady such as I and Faust can't see it then do what you will or simple kill it I hold no love for beast'' said the white mare with royal purple hair with a bored look about her. Hmm I wonder what is the relationship between her and the others.

Talk about being cold hearted I only been here for what a hour and already I'm love so much ''Ah but aren't we all mere animals where it counts'' I replied with a slight bow of my head not show them respect no I'm more interested in seeing what else had changed... huh why I didn't noticed my voice had changed? oh right I was too busy running for my life.

''Ah so you do speak'' said the dark Unicorn smirking at the black Alicorns' wife while purple yes that I'm going to her just huffs '' I believe that introductions are in order I'm King Sombra warden of the north and lord of these halls.''

''and what great halls they are King Sombra'' I replied with another dip of my head... it appears that my neck is double jointed meaning if I wanted to I could very kiss my own ass without bending my back... the first moment I get alone I going to test out my body further to see what it could really do to please my inner scientist. plus it might even save my life at some point.

The dark Alicorn then spoke distracting me from my thoughts and mental testing '' I am High King Cronus the Alicorn of War and this my lady wife High Queen Galaxia of Equestria.''

''We'll meet.... I think I having the feeling that your queen finds me distasteful'' I said not liking the way purple was looking at me.''

''I wouldn't worry about her Mother hates everypony'' said the red maned mare causing her mother to glare at her incredulously'' I'm sure you remember me creature, I was the one to pull you free from the name snow... I am Princess Faust of Equestria''

'' Thank you Princess Faust you save my life'' I said with this time a true dip of my head of respect despite I lost my memory and have no idea of what I had become, I had an appreciation for beauty or at least I think so, yes in fact I do I have an appreciation for beautiful things.

''Creature'' said Purple with a sneer her eyes full of disgust for me though it was understandable given the way I look ''my daughter had her piece now bego-

''Oh please, excuse me, I don't mean to alarm and surely, I mean you no physical harm '' I interrupted Purple but I didn't say those words they came out on their own as if the had a will of their own and the whispers return the maddening whispers tell me of the name they gave me Discord and they told me a secret a all so lovely secret my purpose at hearing it, I felt a little of the man I once was vanish like he nevered exist...did he exist? Do I exist who is or rather was real and which is fake? It didn’t really matter in the end I supposed but it did matter in a way yet...the question is how it matter?'' I am Discord the God of Chaos and The Spirit of Disharmony''

Author's Note:

the final part of Who are you

Comments ( 12 )

Well, Galaxia done fuck up now. Maybe?

7470125 Well shit. Nice one Galaxia, you bitch.

please keep this going this is a really interesting concept I haven't found any other story like this except the one where discord is Naruto!

7470142 I'll try Discord is very difficult to write for

7470142 what was that storys name?

I'm liking the story so far but just one problem, you need to improve your punctuation, your story needs a few more periods and dobble the amount of commas

7658997 thanks for letting me know

and what story was that lol

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