• Published 23rd Jun 2016
  • 225 Views, 1 Comments

Sailors of the Blue - Orion 141

Pip is a navy officer mixed into a gang of pirates. A group searching for their redemption thought means of violence, and if Pip is lucky, he'll escape with his head.

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In the Navy!

The Royal Navy, a fleet made up of ships ranging from gunboats armed with 10 iron cannons all the way up to the newest addition, the Annihilator Dreadnought armed with over 20 powerful turrets, the pride of the navy. The navy also had over 565,200 men serving on roughly 16,000 ships, more than enough to overwhelm any land army for a short while. With all this behind it, each of those 565,200 men were still men, and men were once boys. Luckly for Pip, he's already done being a boy.

He stood on the quarterdeck of the Maiden with it's captain, one Salt Wheat from Cloudsdale. He wasn't Salt's first mate, but he trusted him as close as Mainmast. Mainmast was a tall tower-like stallion from Pony Port, a small port town on the ice coast. He was currently whittling away on of the many sticks he had brought with him on the trip.

"Pip, why did a land-pup like you join the Royal Navy, surely there was better pay back in, what was the name? Prancy Town?" Asked Mainmast has he eyed the stick, or what was left of it before his tossed it overboard. Mainmast was the First mate of the Maiden, he was also the tallest and by far the best built of the entire navy. He towered over most of the crew at nearly 3 meters tall. His uniform however was always sharp and never in disarray. His saber was also always scratching on a wet stone, being honed sharp enough to shave a spider's ass.

"I fell in love with the wrong mare, she didn't return my feelings, either out of fear or she just didn't like me. Either way, I left in shame." Replied Pip as he wrote down a few names on his clipboard, his left hand clenching the wheel of the Maiden.

"Shame? Colt, listen here. There ain't no shame in loving a pretty mare. Take pride in who you love. You ain't got a thousand years to think, just act while you can." Gruffed the captain as he took the wheel from Pip.

Salt was a pale stallion, his jacket was issued by the navy but it held an aura of personality to it. It was a deep blue as per royal standard but the sleeves were replace with a pair of armoured gauntlets. His chest was clad in a thick breast plate and the royal crest was adorn on the middle.

His face was hard and his eyes were endless. He was clean shaven and his hair was chopped down to a thin fuzz. He was the image of military perfection, and he was Pip's captain.

"Sir, yes sir." Was the quartermaster's only reply as he walked down the stairs to the gundeck. Salt looked out to sea and adjusted his grip on the Maiden's wheel. A storm was brewing to the west.

Pip closed the door behind him as he enter the map room, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he was talking to the captain. He removed his coat and tossed it onto his chair beside the captain's. Charts and maps were strewn about the walls, various daggers and wires were pinned to islands and landmasses, making forts, ports, and even a few wrecks. Before Pip could even sit down and write a letter to the Captain's board, the door opened and walked in Maple.

Maple was the day's helm's men and Pip's closest friend aboard the Maiden. He was a well built stallion but not imposing like Mainmast. His skin was a light tan, eyes a deep green and his hair golden. His locks were a bit longer than the navy allowed, but one cared to enforce that rule with anyone. He held up a pair of bottles in his right hand has he closed the door with his left.

"Brandy?" Was all he asked before tossing one Pip's way. He cracked the seal on his and walked over to the Port side map. "We sailing to Port Royale anytime soon?"

"Not unless you turn pirate." Replied Pip as he took a swig of the brandy.

"Hmm, damn. I hear good things about that place." Maple just shook his head and took another swig.

"All I hear is murder and thieving." Replied Pip as he placed the bottle down on the table.

"Good point, still. I'd love to see her, just once. To smell the air, walk the street, sample the products." Pip smiled at the last bit. They've been at sea for a few weeks now, and moral is shifting, the captain will soon need to make port and let the boys run loose for a bit.

"One day, except you'll have the whole navy at your back and a sword in your hand."

"And maybe even a few bullets in my chest at that point."

"That's if they pisswads can even shoot straight. Bloody drunks, bloody pirates."

"You're one to talk."

"Oh please, I can handle my drink."

"It's not about handling it, it's about drinking it."

"What you saying?"

"You already done, I've still got a bit more to go."

"You keep yapping!"

"So have you sir, just saying. You'd make a great pirate." Before Pip could retort, the door burst open and Archer was standing in the doorway out of breath.

"Pip, sir we have a problem down in the crew quarters sir!" Without even thinking, Pip jumped to his feet and followed Archer down to the crew quarter. Maple just chuckled and took a final swig of his brandy, looking one last time at the skull and crossbones marked on the map, and walked out. Pip jumped down the crew port and rushed through a crowd of sailors. He pushed his way past the group and yelled:

"What going on here!" His voice was harsh and rattled the wooden beams. In front of him were five men, the five richest men on the ship who were willing to give it all away if it meant a chance at more. "Hazard..." The room was dimly lit by golden light from the many candles surrounding the men.

"Aye sir, we got ourselves a small pot here, 35 reales. The role is a 9. You know the rules air. Win this and it's your's." Replied a salty looking crewmen by the name of Striker. Pip smiled and pulled out a small leather hardbox he had clipped to his belt.

"You want to play with fire Striker? Okay, I wager my diamond crest for those 35 reales." Striker just smiled and shook his head.

"So sorry sir, as much as I' love a brand new shiny, I have a different wager in mind." He glanced over to Rocky, and pegasus from Cloudsdale and veteran fighter.

"You lose, you are crowned Princess for tonight's session." Pip clenched the pendant in his hand, dropping in back into the box and pulling out a pair of onyx dice. He stuck his hand out and awaited a cup.

He tossed the dice into the cup and shock it up. Pip took a seat in the middle of the divided men. He locked eyes with Striker, smiling as he slammed the up into floor. He slowly pulled the cup awave from the floor, just stopping short of revealing the dice. Striker's grey eyes were locked on the cup.

"If it's a five and a four, you'll be princess." Pip quipped at Striker, who glanced up at him, then nodded, Pip smiled and pulled away the cup. The dice were both exactly what Pip called. A four was on Striker's side and a five on Pip's. Silence reigned.

"Cheater!" Boomed Striker as he lunged forward at Pip. The four other men grabbed him for he could even get close enough. They pulled Striker down who just sat there fuming.

"You know, that was a 1 in 6 chance to even land on a 9. But to land on five and four? I don’t even know." Was all Pip said before picking up the dice, and tossing them back onto the deck. A pair of snake eyes stared Striker down. "I am not cheater. Princess." With that the crew howled and grabbed Strike, carrying him to the back of the deck and towards the chest containing the costume. "Enjoy yourself your majesty!" Yelled Pip as he collect his earning in the leather belt box.

He returned to the map room and tossed the belt box on his workplace, it's contents spilling. He pulled the pendant from the pile of coin. It's silver still as shiny as the day he bought it. It was originally a gift for the love of his life, but she turned out to be a different sort. He kept it and has tried to get rid of it fairly for years now. Betting it and winning more and more with it. He never had the heart to toss it overboard, some small part of him told him it was best to loss it to another who could give it to another than the bottom of the ocean.

"Pip, get up here." The captain's voice had a way of cutting through the wood and allowing Pip to hear him perfectly. Pulling on his coat, he marched out the door and headed for the wheel. Whatever the captain had in store, it wasn't able to wait until morning it seemed.