• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 6,539 Views, 82 Comments

Hellsing: The Rise of Seras Victoria - Kaliann25

Fluttershy is in grave danger, but a lucky encounter with a monster from the pits of hell will save her life and much more. Now as the new master of vampire Seras Victoria, everything will change for the shy pony

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Arc 1: Master of the Monster (Part 3; UNEDITED)

(Part 3)

At the next day Fluttershy was awoken by insistent knocks on her door. Still half sleep and a little annoyed (she really needed to rest after what happened), Fluttershy slowly walked to see what was going on. When she walked downstairs, she sighed. In the middle of her living room was an enormous coffin.

“So it wasn’t a dream” she mumbled examining the coffin, until the knocks keep insisting. “I’m coming! I’m coming”

Fluttershy opened the door, her five six friends were waiting for her.

“Ehem… good morning? What brings you here so early girls?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Good afternoon darling” corrected Rarity checking fi Fluttershy didn’t have fever. “Are you alright Fluttershy? You’ve always being a morning pony”

Fluttershy shook her head.

“Rarity, it has to be a mistake. It can’t be that late… remember that my pets always wake me at sunrise for their breakfast. They couldn’t let me sleep too late, not with all the things I have to do for them and…”

Pinkie Pie bounced inside the cottage checking all the birdhouses and nests Fluttershy had.

“Fluttershy, it seems that your little animals are sick or something because I don’t see anyone” said the pink pony examining a den. “Oh, sorry, they’re here but… it seems something happened Fluttershy, they’re all trembling in a corner. Why do you think they're that scared?”

Fluttershy gasped and moved Pinkie to examine the den herself. It was true, the mice family that lived in there were desperately trying to hide from something… a predator perhaps? Suddenly Angel jumped to Fluttershy’s head and trembling like the rest of the animals, he pointed to the coffin. Fluttershy gasped again, but at least the mystery was solved.
Unfortunately Angel’s gesture called everypony’s attention.

“Fluttershy, what’s this thing?” Asked Applejack kicking the coffin. “It’s kinda’ weird”

“Yeah, what’s inside?” Asked Rainbow opening the cover ignoring Fluttershy’s weak attempt to stop her.

A bunch of bats escaped horrified, squealing and flying all over the place. Fluttershy’s pets got even more scared, but at least now Fluttershy had an idea to distract their friends faking annoyance:

“Rainbow Dash! You scared them! Now it’ll take all morning to get them inside”

Rarity shook her head confused.

“Ehem…Fluttershy dear, why do you keeps those things in a box that looks like an oversized coffin?”

Fluttershy blushed and lowered her eyes.

“Yesterday I found them on the Everfree Forest after something scared them destroying their home; a cave on the deeps of the forest. I felt sorry for them so I brought them here, thanks Celestia I found that wooden box to move them here since they are nocturnal. A bear friend of mine helped to carry the box”

Twilight nodded.

“Okay… that sounds reasonable. What kind of bats are they?” Asked the purple alicorn staring to one of them who was looking at her with his red eyes. “I’ve never met this kind before”

Fluttershy scratched her head.

“I don’t know, probably an unknown specie from the Everfree Forest”

Twilight nodded, suddenly remembering why were they all there.

“And speaking about the Everfree Forest, yesterday I felt a very dark presence coming from there, but I thought it was only my imagination… until a letter from Pirncess Celestia confirmed my suspicion and commanded us to go check there. As guardians of Harmony, it’s our job to investigate what’s going on”
Fluttershy gulped, she had a very good idea about what (or who) Twilight detected.

“Okay… just give me some time to take care of my pets and catch the bats, okay? Fifteen minutes?”

“We can help you with the bats” suggested Pinkie chasing one of them happily.

“No! Don’t you see they’re afraid of you? They trust me but they don’t know you yet! It’ll be faster if you let me do this by myself”

And because it was only reasonable, they agreed to wait for Fluttershy outside. Once they left, Fluttershy sighed relieved while the bats took the pony form of Seras Victoria.

“That bat thing was very clever” congratulated Fluttershy.

Seras bowed and smiled.

“My instructions are that I have to keep hidden. And this is just a basic ability of my kind”

Fluttershy sighed again.

“Okay, okay… Seras, I know I told you that you can stay here but I was thinking it would be better if you move to the basement…” she said apologizing quickly. “I know it’s not your fault but you’re scaring my animals and they can’t live terrorized forever. It’s no good for their health”

Seras bowed to Fluttershy with a warm smile.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, in fact, I would be much more comfortable for me on the basement since sunlight doesn’t get there”

And like nothing, she took the enormous coffin and went downstairs. Fluttershy nodded trying to calm down a little while her animals finally decided to leave their refuges now that the predator was gone. What a morning!
But at the end Fluttershy managed to do her chores really quick and join her friends who were waiting for her at her garden.

“You took less than I expected, good” said Twligith. “Now let’s move, if it’s possible I want to solve this before the night”

And thanking (for this time) for Twilight’s OCD, Fluttershy could join them without having to answer many questions. ‘I hope that Discord can be here soon’ thought the shy Pegasus before getting into the forest with her friends.
At the beginning the group didn’t see anything, but then Rainbow Dash noticed the first victim.

“What the hay happened to that hydra?!”

Everypony ran where Rainbow indicated them, gasping in horror. Before them, an enormous six-headed hydra lied dead, completely dried without a single drop of blood in her system; looking at the ponies with a horrified expression.

“I wasn’t expecting this” mumbled Twilight. “We’re dealing with a very dangerous predator; only an Ursa or a Leo… or well, basically only a Zodiac Beast could do something like this, but is really uncommon for them to attack just like that”

“A’ don’t know Twi, if you ask me A’ think we have something bigger than a Zodiac thing in hooves” said Applejack pointing forward.

Twilight approached shrieking in horror when she saw the other victims, who were two Zodiac beasts: a Cancer and a Capricornio; and like the hydra they seemed to be drained of all blood. What kind of monster could do that? Because the worst part was that there wasn’t any signs of fight on the scene, apparently the giant Zodiacs were an easy pray for the unknown creature.
Fluttershy shivered in silence, praying for her friends to never find the cave were she was attacked by the Diamond Dogs.

“This can’t be” said Twilight. “What kind of monster could do such thing?”

“Okay girls, I highly recommend get back home and return here with… I don’t know, an army perhaps!” Said a very unnerved Rarity.

“No, we have to know what’s going on here!” Said Applejack. “As long as this creature is still out there, the town is in grave danger!”

“It looks like a vampire” said Rainbow Dash examining a small mark on one of the the hydra’s necks; that was pony-sized.

“Don’t be ridiculous Rianbow Dash!” Complained Applejack. “Vampire bats only drink fruit juices, not blood”

“But the method is almost the same, this thing bit it’s victims and extract all the juice; or the blood in this case” said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie began to look all over the place, but didn’t find anything. If the situation keep like that, Fluttershy would face difficulties very soon so she decided to… lie. At least for the moment, until she find a way to introduce Seras to her friends.

“Ehem, girls, this is not what you think”

They all turned to Fluttershy.

“What do you mean Fluttershy?” Said Applejack, worried. “Do you realize that a strange creature who drinks blood from giant predators its outside? Maybe A’m an ignorant about magic and dark stuff, but A’m damn sure that whatever Twilight felt is the responsible for this!”

Fluttershy shook her head, at least she could use the fact that she knew the Everfree Forest better than her friends to her favor.

“Girls, you don’t understand! This creatures is not strange at all! Deeper into the forest, there is a predator who do this to its victims; it’s only natural. There’s nothing unusual here except that the creature approached too much to Ponyville”

That helped, but only a little. Like Fluttershy thought, her friends trusted in her deep knowledge about animals.

“Okay, so this predator is part of the Everfree forest; I can accept that, but still we have to act carefully, the dark influence I felt was what pushed the monster this far from its home. Now that we know that this thing is a natural predator we can relax a little; but we still have to locate the dark presence I felt”

The rest agreed relieved, and went back to Ponyville. Luckily for the yellow Pegasus, soon enough she was free to get back home where Discord was already waiting for her.

“My dear Fluttershy! Is so wonderful to see you!” Said the draconequus hugging his friend. “You’re as beautiful as always”

Fluttershy returned the hug, truly happy to see Discord there.

“Discord! Thank Celestia you came! I really needed to see you!”

He shrugged smiling, truly pleased that Fluttershy thought about him in a time of need.

“You said it was urgent so here I am, Fluttershy. Now tell me, what can I do for you, my friend?”

She slowly separated from Discord’s hug and approached to the house in silence. At first Discord seemed confused but suddenly he teleport in front of Fluttershy in a protective attitude.


“Stay behind me, Fluttershy! Run! There’s a very dark presence in here. I don’t know how to describe it but…”

Fluttershy gulped and gently moved Discord’s paw and entered to the house.

“That’s what I’m trying to say you, Discord. Ehem, Seras, can you come here please?”

Discord trembled when he felt the dark presence coming upstairs, revealing the slim figure of Seras Victoria who looked at Discord with her bright red eyes.

“What is this thing?” Asked Discord breathing heavily. It was the first time he saw an undead; and it was terrifying.

“I can ask the same to you” said Seras calmly. “It seems like the Master have interesting friends”

“The Master?” Asked Discord turning to Fluttershy. “What’s going on here, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy offered a cup of tea to her friend.

“It’s a long story, you better sit down Discord”

And then she told the whole story: how the Diamond Dogs were chasing her, and accidentally ended awakening the vampire. Once she finished, Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, can I be honest with you Fluttershy?”

The yellow Pegasus smiled.

“Of course Discord!

He took a deep breath and…


Fluttershy gulped.

“Bu… bu… but Discord, you’re acting like my friends when I tried to reform you, you’re not giving a single chance to Seras”

Discord moved his head disapprovingly.

“But I’m not an undead!”

Seras stared at him.

“Ey, weirdo, do you think I asked to become this?”

Discord shivered when the thing began to approach him.

“Long time ago, when I was still alive, I suddenly transformed into this horrible being. I only knew that give up meant dying, so I allowed my first Master to transform me; not knowing what it truly meant. And believe me: to quit to my humanity was the hardest I’ve ever done”

“But I… I’m really concerned about Fluttershy, alright? Sorry but I can’t allow you to hurt her, I must tell Celestia. Maybe she can do something about you”

“DISCORD PLEASE DON’T!” Shouted Fluttershy flying to her friend. “She deserves a chance, just like you! Wasn’t horrible to be trapped into stone for a thousand years? If you tell her about Seras something similar could happen to her!”

“She’s an abomination!” Exclaimed Discord.

“I know” said Seras. “But sadly not even your beloved Princess of the Sun have power over my pointless existence. Not even me, I belong to Fluttershy now and if she decides to believe in me, I’ll stay at her side”

Discord was truly uncomfortable with the situation; he knew he had to do something about Seras but he was terrified of her and also didn’t want to hurt Fluttershy.
At the end the shy Pegasus approached gently to him.

“Discord, I called you because I need to find a way for the others to accept Seras. You were on her situation, remember? Without anypony else who trusts you except for me?”

Discord sighed looking at Fluttershy’s eyes.

“The thing is, Fluttershy, that we’re talking about a monster of darkness. You see… well, forget it. Tell me Seras, why Fluttershy? Anypony who resurrect you would become your Master or what?”

Seras scratched her head.

“It’s interesting when you think about it, you see, Fluttershy have some vampiric blood inside her (even if it’s a fruit vampire) so that’s why her blood resurrected me so easily. But most important: she remembers me my past self”

“You mean before you turned into an undead?” inquired Discord.

Seras nodded.

“Even after I turned, I fought with everything against it; trying to preserve my essence, but after live disgrace after disgrace… I reached a breaking point. My Kindness died the day the man I loved was killed, making me realize how alone I really was”

Fluttershy, touched by the revelation, hugged Seras to comfort her; and finally looked to Discord.

“You see? She isn’t bad!”

Seras nodded.

“And that’s why I’ll serve Fluttershy no matter what, to fight the battles she can’t in order to protect her pure heart and never let her true self die”

Discord gave up, lying on the couch; and realized for the first time that Fluttershy’s pets went to hide feeling the danger. He couldn’t blame them, considering what kind of creature Seras was.

“I just hope you know what you’re doing Fluttershy. But I could feel better if Seras can prove me how loyal she really is”

“Discord!” Fluttershy complained. “That won’t be necessary!”

“No, it is a great idea” said Seras. “And it could help me to hide better from those beings of Light, your Princesses I mean”

Discord raised an eyebrow while Seras bowed to Fluttershy.

“My first Master taught me about a dark ritual that ties my powers to your will. If I don’t have your permission, I can’t use my powers”

Fluttershy moved backwards a little scared, but Discord approached interested.

“But Seras! You don’t have to do this!” Said Fluttershy.

Seras looked at Discord.

“That would help you to understand I mean no harm, to you and the others”

“You’re crazy, you know?” Said Discord, but nodded in agreement.

At the end, Fluttershy agreed, but only because it was the only way she could prove others that Seras was a good persona after all. Besides everypony’s safety was compromised and this seemed less extreme that terminate Seras.

“Okay, let’s do this!” Said Fluttershy.

Seras put her dark energy hoof on the floor, making appear a red circle of light with a pentagram on the middle, ornamented with several unknown symbols. Seras’s shadow covered the whole house; with lots of red eyes surrounding the three persons on it.

“Fluttershy, I need you to drop some blood on the center” asked Seras.

Fluttershy gulped but still she trusted Seras; so she took a knife to make a small cut her hoof (Discord frowned to this) and dropped the blood where Seras indicated. Four white ponyshoes covered with the same ancient symbols of the center appeared on Seras’ hooves.

“Go ahead Fluttershy, I need you to say ‘activating Restriction Seals zero, one, two and three”

Fluttershy gulped and said:

“Activating Restriction Seals zero, one, two and three”

A red glow covered Seras, while her aura weakened suddenly. The vampire bowed to her Master.

“It’s done, from now on you just have to say ‘deactivate restriction seals three, two, one… etc…’ but seriously, don’t release the Level Zero unless it’s absolutely necessary. But now my powers are completely under your control”

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say while Discord raised an eyebrow, he simply didn’t understand.